use of org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.SchemaIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class RestSchemaRegistryClient method createRecordSchema.
private RecordSchema createRecordSchema(final JsonNode schemaNode) throws SchemaNotFoundException {
final String subject = schemaNode.get(SUBJECT_FIELD_NAME).asText();
final int version = schemaNode.get(VERSION_FIELD_NAME).asInt();
final int id = schemaNode.get(ID_FIELD_NAME).asInt();
final String schemaText = schemaNode.get(SCHEMA_TEXT_FIELD_NAME).asText();
try {
final Schema avroSchema = new Schema.Parser().parse(schemaText);
final SchemaIdentifier schemaId = SchemaIdentifier.builder().name(subject).id(Long.valueOf(id)).version(version).build();
final RecordSchema recordSchema = AvroTypeUtil.createSchema(avroSchema, schemaText, schemaId);
return recordSchema;
} catch (final SchemaParseException spe) {
throw new SchemaNotFoundException("Obtained Schema with id " + id + " and name " + subject + " from Confluent Schema Registry but the Schema Text that was returned is not a valid Avro Schema");
use of org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.SchemaIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class ValidateRecord method getValidationSchema.
protected RecordSchema getValidationSchema(final ProcessContext context, final FlowFile flowFile, final RecordReader reader) throws MalformedRecordException, IOException, SchemaNotFoundException {
final String schemaAccessStrategy = context.getProperty(SCHEMA_ACCESS_STRATEGY).getValue();
if (schemaAccessStrategy.equals(READER_SCHEMA.getValue())) {
return reader.getSchema();
} else if (schemaAccessStrategy.equals(SCHEMA_NAME_PROPERTY.getValue())) {
final SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry = context.getProperty(SCHEMA_REGISTRY).asControllerService(SchemaRegistry.class);
final String schemaName = context.getProperty(SCHEMA_NAME).evaluateAttributeExpressions(flowFile).getValue();
final SchemaIdentifier schemaIdentifier = SchemaIdentifier.builder().name(schemaName).build();
return schemaRegistry.retrieveSchema(schemaIdentifier);
} else if (schemaAccessStrategy.equals(SCHEMA_TEXT_PROPERTY.getValue())) {
final String schemaText = context.getProperty(SCHEMA_TEXT).evaluateAttributeExpressions(flowFile).getValue();
final Parser parser = new Schema.Parser();
final Schema avroSchema = parser.parse(schemaText);
return AvroTypeUtil.createSchema(avroSchema);
} else {
throw new ProcessException("Invalid Schema Access Strategy: " + schemaAccessStrategy);
use of org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.SchemaIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class ConfluentSchemaRegistryStrategy method getSchema.
public RecordSchema getSchema(final Map<String, String> variables, final InputStream contentStream, final RecordSchema readSchema) throws SchemaNotFoundException, IOException {
final byte[] buffer = new byte[5];
try {
StreamUtils.fillBuffer(contentStream, buffer);
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new SchemaNotFoundException("Could not read first 5 bytes from stream", ioe);
// This encoding follows the pattern that is provided for serializing data by the Confluent Schema Registry serializer
// as it is provided at:
// The format consists of the first byte always being 0, to indicate a 'magic byte' followed by 4 bytes
// representing the schema id.
final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer);
final int magicByte = bb.get();
if (magicByte != 0) {
throw new SchemaNotFoundException("Schema Encoding appears to be of an incompatible version. " + "Expected stream to begin with a Magic Byte of 0 but first byte was " + magicByte);
final int schemaId = bb.getInt();
final SchemaIdentifier schemaIdentifier = SchemaIdentifier.builder().id(Long.valueOf(schemaId)).version(1).build();
return schemaRegistry.retrieveSchema(schemaIdentifier);
use of org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.SchemaIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class ConfluentSchemaRegistryWriter method validateSchema.
public void validateSchema(RecordSchema schema) throws SchemaNotFoundException {
final SchemaIdentifier identifier = schema.getIdentifier();
final OptionalLong identifierOption = identifier.getIdentifier();
if (!identifierOption.isPresent()) {
throw new SchemaNotFoundException("Cannot write Confluent Schema Registry Reference because the Schema Identifier is not known");
final OptionalInt versionOption = identifier.getVersion();
if (!versionOption.isPresent()) {
throw new SchemaNotFoundException("Cannot write Confluent Schema Registry Reference because the Schema Version is not known");
use of org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.SchemaIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class ConfluentSchemaRegistryWriter method writeHeader.
public void writeHeader(final RecordSchema schema, final OutputStream out) throws IOException {
final SchemaIdentifier identifier = schema.getIdentifier();
final Long id = identifier.getIdentifier().getAsLong();
// This encoding follows the pattern that is provided for serializing data by the Confluent Schema Registry serializer
// as it is provided at:
// The format consists of the first byte always being 0, to indicate a 'magic byte' followed by 4 bytes
// representing the schema id.
final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(5);
bb.put((byte) 0);