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Example 1 with SynchronizedByteCountingOutputStream

use of in project nifi by apache.

the class FileSystemRepository method create.

public ContentClaim create(final boolean lossTolerant) throws IOException {
    ResourceClaim resourceClaim;
    final long resourceOffset;
    final ClaimLengthPair pair = writableClaimQueue.poll();
    if (pair == null) {
        final long currentIndex = index.incrementAndGet();
        String containerName = null;
        boolean waitRequired = true;
        ContainerState containerState = null;
        for (long containerIndex = currentIndex; containerIndex < currentIndex + containers.size(); containerIndex++) {
            final long modulatedContainerIndex = containerIndex % containers.size();
            containerName = containerNames.get((int) modulatedContainerIndex);
            containerState = containerStateMap.get(containerName);
            if (!containerState.isWaitRequired()) {
                waitRequired = false;
        if (waitRequired) {
        final long modulatedSectionIndex = currentIndex % SECTIONS_PER_CONTAINER;
        final String section = String.valueOf(modulatedSectionIndex);
        final String claimId = System.currentTimeMillis() + "-" + currentIndex;
        resourceClaim = resourceClaimManager.newResourceClaim(containerName, section, claimId, lossTolerant, true);
        resourceOffset = 0L;
        LOG.debug("Creating new Resource Claim {}", resourceClaim);
        // we always append because there may be another ContentClaim using the same resource claim.
        // However, we know that we will never write to the same claim from two different threads
        // at the same time because we will call create() to get the claim before we write to it,
        // and when we call create(), it will remove it from the Queue, which means that no other
        // thread will get the same Claim until we've finished writing to it.
        final File file = getPath(resourceClaim).toFile();
        ByteCountingOutputStream claimStream = new SynchronizedByteCountingOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file, true), file.length());
        writableClaimStreams.put(resourceClaim, claimStream);
        incrementClaimantCount(resourceClaim, true);
    } else {
        resourceClaim = pair.getClaim();
        resourceOffset = pair.getLength();
        LOG.debug("Reusing Resource Claim {}", resourceClaim);
        incrementClaimantCount(resourceClaim, false);
    final StandardContentClaim scc = new StandardContentClaim(resourceClaim, resourceOffset);
    return scc;
Also used : StandardContentClaim(org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.claim.StandardContentClaim) SynchronizedByteCountingOutputStream( FileOutputStream( ResourceClaim(org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.claim.ResourceClaim) SynchronizedByteCountingOutputStream( ByteCountingOutputStream( File(


File ( FileOutputStream ( ResourceClaim (org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.claim.ResourceClaim)1 StandardContentClaim (org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.claim.StandardContentClaim)1 ByteCountingOutputStream ( SynchronizedByteCountingOutputStream (