use of org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.MessageString in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class StringToList method exec.
public boolean exec(MethodContext methodContext) throws MiniLangException {
String valueStr = stringFse.expandString(methodContext.getEnvMap());
List<? extends Object> argList = argListFma.get(methodContext.getEnvMap());
if (argList != null) {
try {
valueStr = MessageFormat.format(valueStr, argList.toArray());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new MiniLangRuntimeException("Exception thrown while formatting the string attribute: " + e.getMessage(), this);
Object value;
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.messageFieldName)) {
value = new MessageString(valueStr, this.messageFieldName, true);
} else {
value = valueStr;
List<Object> toList = listFma.get(methodContext.getEnvMap());
if (toList == null) {
toList = new LinkedList<Object>();
listFma.put(methodContext.getEnvMap(), toList);
return true;