use of org.apache.openejb.jee.VariableMapping$JAXB.writeVariableMapping in project tomee by apache.
the class JavaXmlTypeMapping$JAXB method _read.
public static final JavaXmlTypeMapping _read(final XoXMLStreamReader reader, RuntimeContext context) throws Exception {
// Check for xsi:nil
if (reader.isXsiNil()) {
return null;
if (context == null) {
context = new RuntimeContext();
final JavaXmlTypeMapping javaXmlTypeMapping = new JavaXmlTypeMapping();
context.beforeUnmarshal(javaXmlTypeMapping, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
List<VariableMapping> variableMapping = null;
// Check xsi:type
final QName xsiType = reader.getXsiType();
if (xsiType != null) {
if (("java-xml-type-mappingType" != xsiType.getLocalPart()) || ("" != xsiType.getNamespaceURI())) {
return context.unexpectedXsiType(reader, JavaXmlTypeMapping.class);
// Read attributes
for (final Attribute attribute : reader.getAttributes()) {
if (("id" == attribute.getLocalName()) && (("" == attribute.getNamespace()) || (attribute.getNamespace() == null))) {
final String id = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(attribute.getValue());
context.addXmlId(reader, id, javaXmlTypeMapping); = id;
} else if (XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI != attribute.getNamespace()) {
context.unexpectedAttribute(attribute, new QName("", "id"));
// Read elements
for (final XoXMLStreamReader elementReader : reader.getChildElements()) {
if (("java-type" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: javaType
final String javaTypeRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String javaType;
try {
javaType = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(javaTypeRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
javaXmlTypeMapping.javaType = javaType;
} else if (("root-type-qname" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: rootTypeQname
final QName rootTypeQname = elementReader.getElementAsQName();
javaXmlTypeMapping.rootTypeQname = rootTypeQname;
} else if (("anonymous-type-qname" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: anonymousTypeQname
final String anonymousTypeQnameRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String anonymousTypeQname;
try {
anonymousTypeQname = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(anonymousTypeQnameRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
javaXmlTypeMapping.anonymousTypeQname = anonymousTypeQname;
} else if (("qname-scope" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: qnameScope
final String qnameScopeRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String qnameScope;
try {
qnameScope = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(qnameScopeRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
javaXmlTypeMapping.qnameScope = qnameScope;
} else if (("variable-mapping" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: variableMapping
final VariableMapping variableMappingItem = readVariableMapping(elementReader, context);
if (variableMapping == null) {
variableMapping = javaXmlTypeMapping.variableMapping;
if (variableMapping != null) {
} else {
variableMapping = new ArrayList<VariableMapping>();
} else {
context.unexpectedElement(elementReader, new QName("", "java-type"), new QName("", "root-type-qname"), new QName("", "anonymous-type-qname"), new QName("", "qname-scope"), new QName("", "variable-mapping"));
if (variableMapping != null) {
javaXmlTypeMapping.variableMapping = variableMapping;
context.afterUnmarshal(javaXmlTypeMapping, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
return javaXmlTypeMapping;
use of org.apache.openejb.jee.VariableMapping$JAXB.writeVariableMapping in project tomee by apache.
the class JavaXmlTypeMapping$JAXB method _write.
public static final void _write(final XoXMLStreamWriter writer, final JavaXmlTypeMapping javaXmlTypeMapping, RuntimeContext context) throws Exception {
if (javaXmlTypeMapping == null) {
if (context == null) {
context = new RuntimeContext();
final String prefix = writer.getUniquePrefix("");
if (JavaXmlTypeMapping.class != javaXmlTypeMapping.getClass()) {
context.unexpectedSubclass(writer, javaXmlTypeMapping, JavaXmlTypeMapping.class);
context.beforeMarshal(javaXmlTypeMapping, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
final String idRaw =;
if (idRaw != null) {
String id = null;
try {
id = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(idRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(javaXmlTypeMapping, "id", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
writer.writeAttribute("", "", "id", id);
// ELEMENT: javaType
final String javaTypeRaw = javaXmlTypeMapping.javaType;
String javaType = null;
try {
javaType = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(javaTypeRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(javaXmlTypeMapping, "javaType", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
if (javaType != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "java-type", "");
} else {
context.unexpectedNullValue(javaXmlTypeMapping, "javaType");
// ELEMENT: rootTypeQname
final QName rootTypeQname = javaXmlTypeMapping.rootTypeQname;
if (rootTypeQname != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "root-type-qname", "");
// ELEMENT: anonymousTypeQname
final String anonymousTypeQnameRaw = javaXmlTypeMapping.anonymousTypeQname;
String anonymousTypeQname = null;
try {
anonymousTypeQname = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(anonymousTypeQnameRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(javaXmlTypeMapping, "anonymousTypeQname", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
if (anonymousTypeQname != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "anonymous-type-qname", "");
// ELEMENT: qnameScope
final String qnameScopeRaw = javaXmlTypeMapping.qnameScope;
String qnameScope = null;
try {
qnameScope = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(qnameScopeRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(javaXmlTypeMapping, "qnameScope", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
if (qnameScope != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "qname-scope", "");
} else {
context.unexpectedNullValue(javaXmlTypeMapping, "qnameScope");
// ELEMENT: variableMapping
final List<VariableMapping> variableMapping = javaXmlTypeMapping.variableMapping;
if (variableMapping != null) {
for (final VariableMapping variableMappingItem : variableMapping) {
if (variableMappingItem != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "variable-mapping", "");
writeVariableMapping(writer, variableMappingItem, context);
context.afterMarshal(javaXmlTypeMapping, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
use of org.apache.openejb.jee.VariableMapping$JAXB.writeVariableMapping in project tomee by apache.
the class HeavyweightTypeInfoBuilder method mapFields.
* Map the (nested) fields of a XML Schema Type to Java Beans properties or public fields of the specified Java Class.
* @param javaClass the java class to map
* @param xmlTypeInfo the xml schema for the type
* @param javaXmlTypeMapping the java to xml type mapping metadata
* @param typeInfo the JaxRpcTypeInfo for this type
* @throws OpenEJBException if the XML Schema Type can not be mapped to the Java Class
private void mapFields(Class javaClass, XmlTypeInfo xmlTypeInfo, JavaXmlTypeMapping javaXmlTypeMapping, JaxRpcTypeInfo typeInfo) throws OpenEJBException {
// Skip arrays since they can't define a variable-mapping element
if (!javaClass.isArray()) {
// if there is a variable-mapping, log a warning
if (!javaXmlTypeMapping.getVariableMapping().isEmpty()) {
log.warn("Ignoring variable-mapping defined for class " + javaClass + " which is an array.");
// Index Java bean properties by name
Map<String, Class> properties = new HashMap<String, Class>();
try {
PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = Introspector.getBeanInfo(javaClass).getPropertyDescriptors();
for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors) {
properties.put(propertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType());
} catch (IntrospectionException e) {
throw new OpenEJBException("Class " + javaClass + " is not a valid javabean", e);
for (VariableMapping variableMapping : javaXmlTypeMapping.getVariableMapping()) {
String fieldName = variableMapping.getJavaVariableName();
if (variableMapping.getXmlAttributeName() != null) {
JaxRpcFieldInfo fieldInfo = new JaxRpcFieldInfo(); = fieldName;
// verify that the property exists on the java class
Class javaType = properties.get(fieldName);
if (javaType == null) {
throw new OpenEJBException("field name " + fieldName + " not found in " + properties);
String attributeLocalName = variableMapping.getXmlAttributeName();
QName xmlName = new QName("", attributeLocalName);
fieldInfo.xmlName = xmlName;
fieldInfo.xmlType = xmlTypeInfo.attributes.get(attributeLocalName);
if (fieldInfo.xmlType == null) {
throw new OpenEJBException("attribute " + xmlName + " not found in schema " + xmlTypeInfo.qname);
} else {
JaxRpcFieldInfo fieldInfo = new JaxRpcFieldInfo();
fieldInfo.isElement = true; = fieldName;
// verify that the property exists on the java class or there is a public field
Class javaType = properties.get(fieldName);
if (javaType == null) {
//see if it is a public field
try {
Field field = javaClass.getField(fieldName);
javaType = field.getType();
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new OpenEJBException("field name " + fieldName + " not found in " + properties, e);
QName xmlName = new QName("", variableMapping.getXmlElementName());
XmlElementInfo nestedElement = xmlTypeInfo.elements.get(xmlName);
if (nestedElement == null) {
String ns = xmlTypeInfo.qname.getNamespaceURI();
xmlName = new QName(ns, variableMapping.getXmlElementName());
nestedElement = xmlTypeInfo.elements.get(xmlName);
if (nestedElement == null) {
throw new OpenEJBException("element " + xmlName + " not found in schema " + xmlTypeInfo.qname);
fieldInfo.isNillable = nestedElement.nillable || hasEncoded;
fieldInfo.xmlName = xmlName;
// xml type
if (nestedElement.xmlType != null) {
fieldInfo.xmlType = nestedElement.xmlType;
} else {
QName anonymousName;
if (xmlTypeInfo.anonymous) {
anonymousName = new QName(xmlTypeInfo.qname.getNamespaceURI(), xmlTypeInfo.qname.getLocalPart() + ">" + nestedElement.qname.getLocalPart());
} else {
anonymousName = new QName(xmlTypeInfo.qname.getNamespaceURI(), ">" + xmlTypeInfo.qname.getLocalPart() + ">" + nestedElement.qname.getLocalPart());
fieldInfo.xmlType = anonymousName;
if (javaType.isArray()) {
fieldInfo.minOccurs = nestedElement.minOccurs;
fieldInfo.maxOccurs = nestedElement.maxOccurs;