use of org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixPreparedStatement in project phoenix by apache.
the class TestUtil method getGuidePostsList.
public static Collection<GuidePostsInfo> getGuidePostsList(Connection conn, String tableName, String pkCol, byte[] lowerRange, byte[] upperRange, String whereClauseSuffix) throws SQLException {
String whereClauseStart = (lowerRange == null && upperRange == null ? "" : " WHERE " + ((lowerRange != null ? (pkCol + " >= ? " + (upperRange != null ? " AND " : "")) : "") + (upperRange != null ? (pkCol + " < ?") : "")));
String whereClause = whereClauseSuffix == null ? whereClauseStart : whereClauseStart.length() == 0 ? (" WHERE " + whereClauseSuffix) : (" AND " + whereClauseSuffix);
String query = "SELECT /*+ NO_INDEX */ COUNT(*) FROM " + tableName + whereClause;
PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query).unwrap(PhoenixPreparedStatement.class);
if (lowerRange != null) {
pstmt.setBytes(1, lowerRange);
if (upperRange != null) {
pstmt.setBytes(lowerRange != null ? 2 : 1, upperRange);
TableRef tableRef = pstmt.getQueryPlan().getTableRef();
PhoenixConnection pconn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
GuidePostsInfo info = pconn.getQueryServices().getTableStats(new GuidePostsKey(table.getName().getBytes(), SchemaUtil.getEmptyColumnFamily(table)));
return Collections.singletonList(info);
use of org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixPreparedStatement in project phoenix by apache.
the class WhereCompilerTest method testPaddedRowKeyFilter.
public void testPaddedRowKeyFilter() throws SQLException {
String keyPrefix = "fo";
String query = "select * from atable where entity_id=?";
List<Object> binds = Arrays.<Object>asList(keyPrefix);
PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = newPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
bindParams(pstmt, binds);
QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();
Scan scan = plan.getContext().getScan();
assertEquals(0, scan.getStartRow().length);
assertEquals(0, scan.getStopRow().length);
use of org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixPreparedStatement in project phoenix by apache.
the class WhereCompilerTest method testAndFilter.
public void testAndFilter() throws SQLException {
String tenantId = "000000000000001";
String query = "select * from atable where organization_id=? and a_integer=0 and a_string='foo'";
List<Object> binds = Arrays.<Object>asList(tenantId);
PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = newPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
bindParams(pstmt, binds);
QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();
Scan scan = plan.getContext().getScan();
Filter filter = scan.getFilter();
assertEquals(multiEncodedKVFilter(and(constantComparison(CompareOp.EQUAL, A_INTEGER, 0), constantComparison(CompareOp.EQUAL, A_STRING, "foo")), TWO_BYTE_QUALIFIERS), filter);
use of org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixPreparedStatement in project phoenix by apache.
the class WhereCompilerTest method testAndPKAndNotPK.
public void testAndPKAndNotPK() throws SQLException {
String query = "select * from bugTable where ID = 'i2' and company = 'c3'";
PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
pconn.createStatement().execute("create table bugTable(ID varchar primary key,company varchar)");
PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = newPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();
Scan scan = plan.getContext().getScan();
Filter filter = scan.getFilter();
PColumn column = plan.getTableRef().getTable().getColumnForColumnName("COMPANY");
assertEquals(singleKVFilter(constantComparison(CompareOp.EQUAL, new KeyValueColumnExpression(column), "c3")), filter);
use of org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixPreparedStatement in project phoenix by apache.
the class WhereCompilerTest method testScanCaching_CustomFetchSizeOnStatement.
public void testScanCaching_CustomFetchSizeOnStatement() throws SQLException {
String query = "select * from atable where a_integer=0";
PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = newPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
final int FETCH_SIZE = 25;
QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();
Scan scan = plan.getContext().getScan();
assertEquals(FETCH_SIZE, pstmt.getFetchSize());
assertEquals(FETCH_SIZE, scan.getCaching());