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Example 1 with MutationMetric

use of org.apache.phoenix.monitoring.MutationMetricQueue.MutationMetric in project phoenix by apache.

the class MutationState method send.

private void send(Iterator<TableRef> tableRefIterator) throws SQLException {
    int i = 0;
    long[] serverTimeStamps = null;
    boolean sendAll = false;
    if (tableRefIterator == null) {
        serverTimeStamps = validateAll();
        tableRefIterator = mutations.keySet().iterator();
        sendAll = true;
    Map<ImmutableBytesPtr, RowMutationState> valuesMap;
    List<TableRef> txTableRefs = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(mutations.size());
    Map<TableInfo, List<Mutation>> physicalTableMutationMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
    // add tracing for this operation
    try (TraceScope trace = Tracing.startNewSpan(connection, "Committing mutations to tables")) {
        Span span = trace.getSpan();
        ImmutableBytesWritable indexMetaDataPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
        boolean isTransactional;
        while (tableRefIterator.hasNext()) {
            // at this point we are going through mutations for each table
            final TableRef tableRef =;
            valuesMap = mutations.get(tableRef);
            if (valuesMap == null || valuesMap.isEmpty()) {
            // Validate as we go if transactional since we can undo if a problem occurs (which is unlikely)
            long serverTimestamp = serverTimeStamps == null ? validate(tableRef, valuesMap) : serverTimeStamps[i++];
            final PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
            Iterator<Pair<PName, List<Mutation>>> mutationsIterator = addRowMutations(tableRef, valuesMap, serverTimestamp, false, sendAll);
            // build map from physical table to mutation list
            boolean isDataTable = true;
            while (mutationsIterator.hasNext()) {
                Pair<PName, List<Mutation>> pair =;
                PName hTableName = pair.getFirst();
                List<Mutation> mutationList = pair.getSecond();
                TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(isDataTable, hTableName, tableRef);
                List<Mutation> oldMutationList = physicalTableMutationMap.put(tableInfo, mutationList);
                if (oldMutationList != null)
                    mutationList.addAll(0, oldMutationList);
                isDataTable = false;
            // committed in the event of a failure.
            if (table.isTransactional()) {
                if (txMutations.isEmpty()) {
                    txMutations = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(mutations.size());
                // Keep all mutations we've encountered until a commit or rollback.
                // This is not ideal, but there's not good way to get the values back
                // in the event that we need to replay the commit.
                // Copy TableRef so we have the original PTable and know when the
                // indexes have changed.
                joinMutationState(new TableRef(tableRef), valuesMap, txMutations);
        long serverTimestamp = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
        Iterator<Entry<TableInfo, List<Mutation>>> mutationsIterator = physicalTableMutationMap.entrySet().iterator();
        while (mutationsIterator.hasNext()) {
            Entry<TableInfo, List<Mutation>> pair =;
            TableInfo tableInfo = pair.getKey();
            byte[] htableName = tableInfo.getHTableName().getBytes();
            List<Mutation> mutationList = pair.getValue();
            //create a span per target table
            //TODO maybe we can be smarter about the table name to string here?
            Span child = Tracing.child(span, "Writing mutation batch for table: " + Bytes.toString(htableName));
            int retryCount = 0;
            boolean shouldRetry = false;
            do {
                TableRef origTableRef = tableInfo.getOrigTableRef();
                PTable table = origTableRef.getTable();
                table.getIndexMaintainers(indexMetaDataPtr, connection);
                final ServerCache cache = tableInfo.isDataTable() ? setMetaDataOnMutations(origTableRef, mutationList, indexMetaDataPtr) : null;
                // If we haven't retried yet, retry for this case only, as it's possible that
                // a split will occur after we send the index metadata cache to all known
                // region servers.
                shouldRetry = cache != null;
                SQLException sqlE = null;
                HTableInterface hTable = connection.getQueryServices().getTable(htableName);
                try {
                    if (table.isTransactional()) {
                        // Track tables to which we've sent uncommitted data
                        // rollback
                        if (!table.getIndexes().isEmpty()) {
                            hTable = new MetaDataAwareHTable(hTable, origTableRef);
                        TransactionAwareHTable txnAware = TransactionUtil.getTransactionAwareHTable(hTable, table.isImmutableRows());
                        // during a commit), as we don't need conflict detection for these.
                        if (tableInfo.isDataTable()) {
                            // Even for immutable, we need to do this so that an abort has the state
                            // necessary to generate the rows to delete.
                        } else {
                        hTable = txnAware;
                    long numMutations = mutationList.size();
                    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    child.addTimelineAnnotation("Attempt " + retryCount);
                    List<List<Mutation>> mutationBatchList = getMutationBatchList(batchSize, batchSizeBytes, mutationList);
                    for (List<Mutation> mutationBatch : mutationBatchList) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("Sent batch of " + numMutations + " for " + Bytes.toString(htableName));
                    shouldRetry = false;
                    long mutationCommitTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
                    long mutationSizeBytes = calculateMutationSize(mutationList);
                    MutationMetric mutationsMetric = new MutationMetric(numMutations, mutationSizeBytes, mutationCommitTime);
                    mutationMetricQueue.addMetricsForTable(Bytes.toString(htableName), mutationsMetric);
                    if (tableInfo.isDataTable()) {
                        numRows -= numMutations;
                    // Remove batches as we process them
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    serverTimestamp = ServerUtil.parseServerTimestamp(e);
                    SQLException inferredE = ServerUtil.parseServerExceptionOrNull(e);
                    if (inferredE != null) {
                        if (shouldRetry && retryCount == 0 && inferredE.getErrorCode() == SQLExceptionCode.INDEX_METADATA_NOT_FOUND.getErrorCode()) {
                            // Swallow this exception once, as it's possible that we split after sending the index metadata
                            // and one of the region servers doesn't have it. This will cause it to have it the next go around.
                            // If it fails again, we don't retry.
                            String msg = "Swallowing exception and retrying after clearing meta cache on connection. " + inferredE;
                            logger.warn(LogUtil.addCustomAnnotations(msg, connection));
                            // add a new child span as this one failed
                            child = Tracing.child(span, "Failed batch, attempting retry");
                        e = inferredE;
                    // Throw to client an exception that indicates the statements that
                    // were not committed successfully.
                    sqlE = new CommitException(e, getUncommittedStatementIndexes(), serverTimestamp);
                } finally {
                    try {
                        if (cache != null)
                    } finally {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            if (sqlE != null) {
                            } else {
                                sqlE = ServerUtil.parseServerException(e);
                        if (sqlE != null) {
                            throw sqlE;
            } while (shouldRetry && retryCount++ < 1);
Also used : ServerCache(org.apache.phoenix.cache.ServerCacheClient.ServerCache) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) MutationMetric(org.apache.phoenix.monitoring.MutationMetricQueue.MutationMetric) HTableInterface(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTableInterface) Span(org.apache.htrace.Span) PTable(org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) List(java.util.List) Pair(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair) TransactionAwareHTable(org.apache.tephra.hbase.TransactionAwareHTable) ImmutableBytesWritable( ImmutableBytesPtr(org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.util.ImmutableBytesPtr) TraceScope(org.apache.htrace.TraceScope) IOException( TransactionFailureException(org.apache.tephra.TransactionFailureException) IllegalDataException(org.apache.phoenix.schema.IllegalDataException) TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) TransactionConflictException(org.apache.tephra.TransactionConflictException) TableNotFoundException(org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableNotFoundException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) IOException( PName(org.apache.phoenix.schema.PName) Mutation(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation) PTableRef(org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTableRef) TableRef(org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef)


IOException ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 List (java.util.List)1 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)1 TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)1 HTableInterface (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTableInterface)1 Mutation (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation)1 ImmutableBytesWritable ( Pair (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair)1 Span (org.apache.htrace.Span)1 TraceScope (org.apache.htrace.TraceScope)1 ServerCache (org.apache.phoenix.cache.ServerCacheClient.ServerCache)1 ImmutableBytesPtr (org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.util.ImmutableBytesPtr)1 MutationMetric (org.apache.phoenix.monitoring.MutationMetricQueue.MutationMetric)1 IllegalDataException (org.apache.phoenix.schema.IllegalDataException)1 PName (org.apache.phoenix.schema.PName)1 PTable (org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable)1 PTableRef (org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTableRef)1 TableNotFoundException (org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableNotFoundException)1 TableRef (org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef)1