use of org.apache.phoenix.monitoring.TaskExecutionMetricsHolder in project phoenix by apache.
the class SerialIterators method submitWork.
protected void submitWork(final List<List<Scan>> nestedScans, List<List<Pair<Scan, Future<PeekingResultIterator>>>> nestedFutures, final Queue<PeekingResultIterator> allIterators, int estFlattenedSize, boolean isReverse, final ParallelScanGrouper scanGrouper) {
ExecutorService executor = context.getConnection().getQueryServices().getExecutor();
final String tableName = tableRef.getTable().getPhysicalName().getString();
final TaskExecutionMetricsHolder taskMetrics = new TaskExecutionMetricsHolder(context.getReadMetricsQueue(), tableName);
final PhoenixConnection conn = context.getConnection();
final long renewLeaseThreshold = conn.getQueryServices().getRenewLeaseThresholdMilliSeconds();
int expectedListSize = nestedScans.size() * 10;
List<Scan> flattenedScans = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(expectedListSize);
for (List<Scan> list : nestedScans) {
if (!flattenedScans.isEmpty()) {
if (isReverse) {
flattenedScans = Lists.reverse(flattenedScans);
final List<Scan> finalScans = flattenedScans;
Future<PeekingResultIterator> future = executor.submit(Tracing.wrap(new JobCallable<PeekingResultIterator>() {
public PeekingResultIterator call() throws Exception {
PeekingResultIterator itr = new SerialIterator(finalScans, tableName, renewLeaseThreshold, offset, caches);
return itr;
* Defines the grouping for round robin behavior. All threads spawned to process
* this scan will be grouped together and time sliced with other simultaneously
* executing parallel scans.
public Object getJobId() {
return SerialIterators.this;
public TaskExecutionMetricsHolder getTaskExecutionMetric() {
return taskMetrics;
}, "Serial scanner for table: " + tableRef.getTable().getPhysicalName().getString()));
// Add our singleton Future which will execute serially
nestedFutures.add(Collections.singletonList(new Pair<Scan, Future<PeekingResultIterator>>(flattenedScans.get(0), future)));
use of org.apache.phoenix.monitoring.TaskExecutionMetricsHolder in project phoenix by apache.
the class ParallelIterators method submitWork.
protected void submitWork(final List<List<Scan>> nestedScans, List<List<Pair<Scan, Future<PeekingResultIterator>>>> nestedFutures, final Queue<PeekingResultIterator> allIterators, int estFlattenedSize, final boolean isReverse, ParallelScanGrouper scanGrouper) throws SQLException {
// Pre-populate nestedFutures lists so that we can shuffle the scans
// and add the future to the right nested list. By shuffling the scans
// we get better utilization of the cluster since our thread executor
// will spray the scans across machines as opposed to targeting a
// single one since the scans are in row key order.
ExecutorService executor = context.getConnection().getQueryServices().getExecutor();
List<ScanLocator> scanLocations = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(estFlattenedSize);
for (int i = 0; i < nestedScans.size(); i++) {
List<Scan> scans = nestedScans.get(i);
int numScans = scans.size();
List<Pair<Scan, Future<PeekingResultIterator>>> futures = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(numScans);
for (int j = 0; j < numScans; j++) {
Scan scan = nestedScans.get(i).get(j);
scanLocations.add(new ScanLocator(scan, i, j, j == 0, (j == numScans - 1)));
// placeholder
// Shuffle so that we start execution across many machines
// before we fill up the thread pool
ReadMetricQueue readMetrics = context.getReadMetricsQueue();
final String physicalTableName = tableRef.getTable().getPhysicalName().getString();
int numScans = scanLocations.size();
final long renewLeaseThreshold = context.getConnection().getQueryServices().getRenewLeaseThresholdMilliSeconds();
boolean isRequestMetricsEnabled = readMetrics.isRequestMetricsEnabled();
for (final ScanLocator scanLocation : scanLocations) {
final Scan scan = scanLocation.getScan();
final ScanMetricsHolder scanMetricsHolder = ScanMetricsHolder.getInstance(readMetrics, physicalTableName, scan, isRequestMetricsEnabled);
final TaskExecutionMetricsHolder taskMetrics = new TaskExecutionMetricsHolder(readMetrics, physicalTableName);
final TableResultIterator tableResultItr = context.getConnection().getTableResultIteratorFactory().newIterator(mutationState, tableRef, scan, scanMetricsHolder, renewLeaseThreshold, plan, scanGrouper, caches);
Future<PeekingResultIterator> future = executor.submit(Tracing.wrap(new JobCallable<PeekingResultIterator>() {
public PeekingResultIterator call() throws Exception {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(LogUtil.addCustomAnnotations("Id: " + scanId + ", Time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms, Scan: " + scan, ScanUtil.getCustomAnnotations(scan)));
PeekingResultIterator iterator = iteratorFactory.newIterator(context, tableResultItr, scan, physicalTableName, ParallelIterators.this.plan);
if (initFirstScanOnly) {
if ((!isReverse && scanLocation.isFirstScan()) || (isReverse && scanLocation.isLastScan())) {
// Fill the scanner's cache. This helps reduce latency since we are parallelizing the I/O needed.
} else {
return iterator;
* Defines the grouping for round robin behavior. All threads spawned to process
* this scan will be grouped together and time sliced with other simultaneously
* executing parallel scans.
public Object getJobId() {
return ParallelIterators.this;
public TaskExecutionMetricsHolder getTaskExecutionMetric() {
return taskMetrics;
}, "Parallel scanner for table: " + tableRef.getTable().getPhysicalName().getString()));
// Add our future in the right place so that we can concatenate the
// results of the inner futures versus merge sorting across all of them.
nestedFutures.get(scanLocation.getOuterListIndex()).set(scanLocation.getInnerListIndex(), new Pair<Scan, Future<PeekingResultIterator>>(scan, future));