use of org.apache.phoenix.parse.JoinTableNode.JoinType in project phoenix by apache.
the class QueryCompiler method compileJoinQuery.
* Call compileJoinQuery() for join queries recursively down to the leaf JoinTable nodes.
* This matches the input JoinTable node against patterns in the following order:
* 1. A (leaf JoinTable node, which can be a named table reference or a subquery of any kind.)
* Returns the compilation result of a single table scan or of an independent subquery.
* 2. Matching either of (when hint USE_SORT_MERGE_JOIN not specified):
* 2) A LEFT/INNER JOIN B (LEFT/INNER JOIN C)+, if hint NO_STAR_JOIN not specified
* where A can be a named table reference or a flat subquery, and B, C, ... can be a named
* table reference, a sub-join or a subquery of any kind.
* Returns a HashJoinPlan{scan: A, hash: B, C, ...}.
* 3. Matching pattern:
* A RIGHT/INNER JOIN B (when hint USE_SORT_MERGE_JOIN not specified)
* where B can be a named table reference or a flat subquery, and A can be a named table
* reference, a sub-join or a subquery of any kind.
* Returns a HashJoinPlan{scan: B, hash: A}.
* "(A LEFT/RIGHT/INNER/FULL JOIN B) RIGHT/INNER JOIN C" here, which means the left part in the
* parenthesis is considered a sub-join.
* viewed as a sub-join.
* 4. All the rest that do not qualify for previous patterns or conditions, including FULL joins.
* Returns a SortMergeJoinPlan, the sorting part of which is pushed down to the JoinTable nodes
* of both sides as order-by clauses.
* NOTE that SEMI or ANTI joins are treated the same way as LEFT joins in JoinTable pattern matching.
* If no join algorithm hint is provided, according to the above compilation process, a join query
* plan can probably consist of both HashJoinPlan and SortMergeJoinPlan which may enclose each other.
* TODO 1) Use table statistics to guide the choice of join plans.
* 2) Make it possible to hint a certain join algorithm for a specific join step.
protected QueryPlan compileJoinQuery(StatementContext context, List<Object> binds, JoinTable joinTable, boolean asSubquery, boolean projectPKColumns, List<OrderByNode> orderBy) throws SQLException {
byte[] emptyByteArray = new byte[0];
List<JoinSpec> joinSpecs = joinTable.getJoinSpecs();
if (joinSpecs.isEmpty()) {
Table table = joinTable.getTable();
SelectStatement subquery = table.getAsSubquery(orderBy);
if (!table.isSubselect()) {
PTable projectedTable = table.createProjectedTable(!projectPKColumns, context);
TupleProjector projector = new TupleProjector(projectedTable);
TupleProjector.serializeProjectorIntoScan(context.getScan(), projector);
context.setResolver(FromCompiler.getResolverForProjectedTable(projectedTable, context.getConnection(), subquery.getUdfParseNodes()));
return compileSingleFlatQuery(context, subquery, binds, asSubquery, !asSubquery, null, projectPKColumns ? projector : null, true);
QueryPlan plan = compileSubquery(subquery, false);
PTable projectedTable = table.createProjectedTable(plan.getProjector());
context.setResolver(FromCompiler.getResolverForProjectedTable(projectedTable, context.getConnection(), subquery.getUdfParseNodes()));
return new TupleProjectionPlan(plan, new TupleProjector(plan.getProjector()), table.compilePostFilterExpression(context));
boolean[] starJoinVector;
if (!this.useSortMergeJoin && (starJoinVector = joinTable.getStarJoinVector()) != null) {
Table table = joinTable.getTable();
PTable initialProjectedTable;
TableRef tableRef;
SelectStatement query;
TupleProjector tupleProjector;
if (!table.isSubselect()) {
initialProjectedTable = table.createProjectedTable(!projectPKColumns, context);
tableRef = table.getTableRef();
query = joinTable.getAsSingleSubquery(table.getAsSubquery(orderBy), asSubquery);
tupleProjector = new TupleProjector(initialProjectedTable);
} else {
SelectStatement subquery = table.getAsSubquery(orderBy);
QueryPlan plan = compileSubquery(subquery, false);
initialProjectedTable = table.createProjectedTable(plan.getProjector());
tableRef = plan.getTableRef();
query = joinTable.getAsSingleSubquery((SelectStatement) plan.getStatement(), asSubquery);
tupleProjector = new TupleProjector(plan.getProjector());
PTable projectedTable = initialProjectedTable;
int count = joinSpecs.size();
ImmutableBytesPtr[] joinIds = new ImmutableBytesPtr[count];
List<Expression>[] joinExpressions = new List[count];
JoinType[] joinTypes = new JoinType[count];
PTable[] tables = new PTable[count];
int[] fieldPositions = new int[count];
StatementContext[] subContexts = new StatementContext[count];
QueryPlan[] subPlans = new QueryPlan[count];
HashSubPlan[] hashPlans = new HashSubPlan[count];
fieldPositions[0] = projectedTable.getColumns().size() - projectedTable.getPKColumns().size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
JoinSpec joinSpec = joinSpecs.get(i);
Scan subScan = ScanUtil.newScan(originalScan);
subContexts[i] = new StatementContext(statement, context.getResolver(), subScan, new SequenceManager(statement));
subPlans[i] = compileJoinQuery(subContexts[i], binds, joinSpec.getJoinTable(), true, true, null);
boolean hasPostReference = joinSpec.getJoinTable().hasPostReference();
if (hasPostReference) {
tables[i] = subContexts[i].getResolver().getTables().get(0).getTable();
projectedTable = JoinCompiler.joinProjectedTables(projectedTable, tables[i], joinSpec.getType());
} else {
tables[i] = null;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
JoinSpec joinSpec = joinSpecs.get(i);
context.setResolver(FromCompiler.getResolverForProjectedTable(projectedTable, context.getConnection(), query.getUdfParseNodes()));
// place-holder
joinIds[i] = new ImmutableBytesPtr(emptyByteArray);
Pair<List<Expression>, List<Expression>> joinConditions = joinSpec.compileJoinConditions(context, subContexts[i], true);
joinExpressions[i] = joinConditions.getFirst();
List<Expression> hashExpressions = joinConditions.getSecond();
Pair<Expression, Expression> keyRangeExpressions = new Pair<Expression, Expression>(null, null);
boolean optimized = getKeyExpressionCombinations(keyRangeExpressions, context, joinTable.getStatement(), tableRef, joinSpec.getType(), joinExpressions[i], hashExpressions);
Expression keyRangeLhsExpression = keyRangeExpressions.getFirst();
Expression keyRangeRhsExpression = keyRangeExpressions.getSecond();
joinTypes[i] = joinSpec.getType();
if (i < count - 1) {
fieldPositions[i + 1] = fieldPositions[i] + (tables[i] == null ? 0 : (tables[i].getColumns().size() - tables[i].getPKColumns().size()));
hashPlans[i] = new HashSubPlan(i, subPlans[i], optimized ? null : hashExpressions, joinSpec.isSingleValueOnly(), keyRangeLhsExpression, keyRangeRhsExpression);
TupleProjector.serializeProjectorIntoScan(context.getScan(), tupleProjector);
QueryPlan plan = compileSingleFlatQuery(context, query, binds, asSubquery, !asSubquery && joinTable.isAllLeftJoin(), null, !table.isSubselect() && projectPKColumns ? tupleProjector : null, true);
Expression postJoinFilterExpression = joinTable.compilePostFilterExpression(context, table);
Integer limit = null;
Integer offset = null;
if (!query.isAggregate() && !query.isDistinct() && query.getOrderBy().isEmpty()) {
limit = plan.getLimit();
offset = plan.getOffset();
HashJoinInfo joinInfo = new HashJoinInfo(projectedTable, joinIds, joinExpressions, joinTypes, starJoinVector, tables, fieldPositions, postJoinFilterExpression, QueryUtil.getOffsetLimit(limit, offset));
return HashJoinPlan.create(joinTable.getStatement(), plan, joinInfo, hashPlans);
JoinSpec lastJoinSpec = joinSpecs.get(joinSpecs.size() - 1);
JoinType type = lastJoinSpec.getType();
if (!this.useSortMergeJoin && (type == JoinType.Right || type == JoinType.Inner) && lastJoinSpec.getJoinTable().getJoinSpecs().isEmpty() && lastJoinSpec.getJoinTable().getTable().isFlat()) {
JoinTable rhsJoinTable = lastJoinSpec.getJoinTable();
Table rhsTable = rhsJoinTable.getTable();
JoinTable lhsJoin = joinTable.getSubJoinTableWithoutPostFilters();
Scan subScan = ScanUtil.newScan(originalScan);
StatementContext lhsCtx = new StatementContext(statement, context.getResolver(), subScan, new SequenceManager(statement));
QueryPlan lhsPlan = compileJoinQuery(lhsCtx, binds, lhsJoin, true, true, null);
PTable rhsProjTable;
TableRef rhsTableRef;
SelectStatement rhs;
TupleProjector tupleProjector;
if (!rhsTable.isSubselect()) {
rhsProjTable = rhsTable.createProjectedTable(!projectPKColumns, context);
rhsTableRef = rhsTable.getTableRef();
rhs = rhsJoinTable.getAsSingleSubquery(rhsTable.getAsSubquery(orderBy), asSubquery);
tupleProjector = new TupleProjector(rhsProjTable);
} else {
SelectStatement subquery = rhsTable.getAsSubquery(orderBy);
QueryPlan plan = compileSubquery(subquery, false);
rhsProjTable = rhsTable.createProjectedTable(plan.getProjector());
rhsTableRef = plan.getTableRef();
rhs = rhsJoinTable.getAsSingleSubquery((SelectStatement) plan.getStatement(), asSubquery);
tupleProjector = new TupleProjector(plan.getProjector());
context.setResolver(FromCompiler.getResolverForProjectedTable(rhsProjTable, context.getConnection(), rhs.getUdfParseNodes()));
ImmutableBytesPtr[] joinIds = new ImmutableBytesPtr[] { new ImmutableBytesPtr(emptyByteArray) };
Pair<List<Expression>, List<Expression>> joinConditions = lastJoinSpec.compileJoinConditions(lhsCtx, context, true);
List<Expression> joinExpressions = joinConditions.getSecond();
List<Expression> hashExpressions = joinConditions.getFirst();
boolean needsMerge = lhsJoin.hasPostReference();
PTable lhsTable = needsMerge ? lhsCtx.getResolver().getTables().get(0).getTable() : null;
int fieldPosition = needsMerge ? rhsProjTable.getColumns().size() - rhsProjTable.getPKColumns().size() : 0;
PTable projectedTable = needsMerge ? JoinCompiler.joinProjectedTables(rhsProjTable, lhsTable, type == JoinType.Right ? JoinType.Left : type) : rhsProjTable;
TupleProjector.serializeProjectorIntoScan(context.getScan(), tupleProjector);
context.setResolver(FromCompiler.getResolverForProjectedTable(projectedTable, context.getConnection(), rhs.getUdfParseNodes()));
QueryPlan rhsPlan = compileSingleFlatQuery(context, rhs, binds, asSubquery, !asSubquery && type == JoinType.Right, null, !rhsTable.isSubselect() && projectPKColumns ? tupleProjector : null, true);
Expression postJoinFilterExpression = joinTable.compilePostFilterExpression(context, rhsTable);
Integer limit = null;
Integer offset = null;
if (!rhs.isAggregate() && !rhs.isDistinct() && rhs.getOrderBy().isEmpty()) {
limit = rhsPlan.getLimit();
offset = rhsPlan.getOffset();
HashJoinInfo joinInfo = new HashJoinInfo(projectedTable, joinIds, new List[] { joinExpressions }, new JoinType[] { type == JoinType.Right ? JoinType.Left : type }, new boolean[] { true }, new PTable[] { lhsTable }, new int[] { fieldPosition }, postJoinFilterExpression, QueryUtil.getOffsetLimit(limit, offset));
Pair<Expression, Expression> keyRangeExpressions = new Pair<Expression, Expression>(null, null);
getKeyExpressionCombinations(keyRangeExpressions, context, joinTable.getStatement(), rhsTableRef, type, joinExpressions, hashExpressions);
return HashJoinPlan.create(joinTable.getStatement(), rhsPlan, joinInfo, new HashSubPlan[] { new HashSubPlan(0, lhsPlan, hashExpressions, false, keyRangeExpressions.getFirst(), keyRangeExpressions.getSecond()) });
JoinTable lhsJoin = joinTable.getSubJoinTableWithoutPostFilters();
JoinTable rhsJoin = lastJoinSpec.getJoinTable();
if (type == JoinType.Right) {
JoinTable temp = lhsJoin;
lhsJoin = rhsJoin;
rhsJoin = temp;
List<EqualParseNode> joinConditionNodes = lastJoinSpec.getOnConditions();
List<OrderByNode> lhsOrderBy = Lists.<OrderByNode>newArrayListWithExpectedSize(joinConditionNodes.size());
List<OrderByNode> rhsOrderBy = Lists.<OrderByNode>newArrayListWithExpectedSize(joinConditionNodes.size());
for (EqualParseNode condition : joinConditionNodes) {
lhsOrderBy.add(NODE_FACTORY.orderBy(type == JoinType.Right ? condition.getRHS() : condition.getLHS(), false, true));
rhsOrderBy.add(NODE_FACTORY.orderBy(type == JoinType.Right ? condition.getLHS() : condition.getRHS(), false, true));
Scan lhsScan = ScanUtil.newScan(originalScan);
StatementContext lhsCtx = new StatementContext(statement, context.getResolver(), lhsScan, new SequenceManager(statement));
boolean preserveRowkey = !projectPKColumns && type != JoinType.Full;
QueryPlan lhsPlan = compileJoinQuery(lhsCtx, binds, lhsJoin, true, !preserveRowkey, lhsOrderBy);
PTable lhsProjTable = lhsCtx.getResolver().getTables().get(0).getTable();
boolean isInRowKeyOrder = preserveRowkey && lhsPlan.getOrderBy().getOrderByExpressions().isEmpty();
Scan rhsScan = ScanUtil.newScan(originalScan);
StatementContext rhsCtx = new StatementContext(statement, context.getResolver(), rhsScan, new SequenceManager(statement));
QueryPlan rhsPlan = compileJoinQuery(rhsCtx, binds, rhsJoin, true, true, rhsOrderBy);
PTable rhsProjTable = rhsCtx.getResolver().getTables().get(0).getTable();
Pair<List<Expression>, List<Expression>> joinConditions = lastJoinSpec.compileJoinConditions(type == JoinType.Right ? rhsCtx : lhsCtx, type == JoinType.Right ? lhsCtx : rhsCtx, false);
List<Expression> lhsKeyExpressions = type == JoinType.Right ? joinConditions.getSecond() : joinConditions.getFirst();
List<Expression> rhsKeyExpressions = type == JoinType.Right ? joinConditions.getFirst() : joinConditions.getSecond();
boolean needsMerge = rhsJoin.hasPostReference();
int fieldPosition = needsMerge ? lhsProjTable.getColumns().size() - lhsProjTable.getPKColumns().size() : 0;
PTable projectedTable = needsMerge ? JoinCompiler.joinProjectedTables(lhsProjTable, rhsProjTable, type == JoinType.Right ? JoinType.Left : type) : lhsProjTable;
ColumnResolver resolver = FromCompiler.getResolverForProjectedTable(projectedTable, context.getConnection(), joinTable.getStatement().getUdfParseNodes());
TableRef tableRef = resolver.getTables().get(0);
StatementContext subCtx = new StatementContext(statement, resolver, ScanUtil.newScan(originalScan), new SequenceManager(statement));
QueryPlan innerPlan = new SortMergeJoinPlan(subCtx, joinTable.getStatement(), tableRef, type == JoinType.Right ? JoinType.Left : type, lhsPlan, rhsPlan, lhsKeyExpressions, rhsKeyExpressions, projectedTable, lhsProjTable, needsMerge ? rhsProjTable : null, fieldPosition, lastJoinSpec.isSingleValueOnly());
TableNode from = NODE_FACTORY.namedTable(tableRef.getTableAlias(), NODE_FACTORY.table(tableRef.getTable().getSchemaName().getString(), tableRef.getTable().getTableName().getString()));
ParseNode where = joinTable.getPostFiltersCombined();
SelectStatement select = asSubquery ?, joinTable.getStatement().getHint(), false, Collections.<AliasedNode>emptyList(), where, null, null, orderBy, null, null, 0, false, joinTable.getStatement().hasSequence(), Collections.<SelectStatement>emptyList(), joinTable.getStatement().getUdfParseNodes()) :, from, where);
return compileSingleFlatQuery(context, select, binds, asSubquery, false, innerPlan, null, isInRowKeyOrder);
use of org.apache.phoenix.parse.JoinTableNode.JoinType in project phoenix by apache.
the class HashJoinRegionScanner method processResults.
private void processResults(List<Cell> result, boolean hasBatchLimit) throws IOException {
if (result.isEmpty())
Tuple tuple = useQualifierAsListIndex ? new PositionBasedResultTuple(result) : new ResultTuple(Result.create(result));
// always returns true.
if (joinInfo.forceProjection()) {
tuple = projector.projectResults(tuple, useNewValueColumnQualifier);
// TODO: fix below and Scanner.nextRaw() methods as well.
if (hasBatchLimit)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot support join operations in scans with limit");
int count = joinInfo.getJoinIds().length;
boolean cont = true;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (!(joinInfo.earlyEvaluation()[i]) || hashCaches[i] == null)
ImmutableBytesPtr key = TupleUtil.getConcatenatedValue(tuple, joinInfo.getJoinExpressions()[i]);
tempTuples[i] = hashCaches[i].get(key);
JoinType type = joinInfo.getJoinTypes()[i];
if (((type == JoinType.Inner || type == JoinType.Semi) && tempTuples[i] == null) || (type == JoinType.Anti && tempTuples[i] != null)) {
cont = false;
if (cont) {
if (projector == null) {
int dup = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
dup *= (tempTuples[i] == null ? 1 : tempTuples[i].size());
for (int i = 0; i < dup; i++) {
} else {
KeyValueSchema schema = joinInfo.getJoinedSchema();
if (!joinInfo.forceProjection()) {
// backward compatibility
tuple = projector.projectResults(tuple, useNewValueColumnQualifier);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
boolean earlyEvaluation = joinInfo.earlyEvaluation()[i];
JoinType type = joinInfo.getJoinTypes()[i];
if (earlyEvaluation && (type == JoinType.Semi || type == JoinType.Anti))
int j = resultQueue.size();
while (j-- > 0) {
Tuple lhs = resultQueue.poll();
if (!earlyEvaluation) {
ImmutableBytesPtr key = TupleUtil.getConcatenatedValue(lhs, joinInfo.getJoinExpressions()[i]);
tempTuples[i] = hashCaches[i].get(key);
if (tempTuples[i] == null) {
if (type == JoinType.Inner || type == JoinType.Semi) {
} else if (type == JoinType.Anti) {
if (tempTuples[i] == null) {
Tuple joined = tempSrcBitSet[i] == ValueBitSet.EMPTY_VALUE_BITSET ? lhs : TupleProjector.mergeProjectedValue((ProjectedValueTuple) lhs, schema, tempDestBitSet, null, joinInfo.getSchemas()[i], tempSrcBitSet[i], joinInfo.getFieldPositions()[i], useNewValueColumnQualifier);
for (Tuple t : tempTuples[i]) {
Tuple joined = tempSrcBitSet[i] == ValueBitSet.EMPTY_VALUE_BITSET ? lhs : TupleProjector.mergeProjectedValue((ProjectedValueTuple) lhs, schema, tempDestBitSet, t, joinInfo.getSchemas()[i], tempSrcBitSet[i], joinInfo.getFieldPositions()[i], useNewValueColumnQualifier);
// apply post-join filter
Expression postFilter = joinInfo.getPostJoinFilterExpression();
if (postFilter != null) {
for (Iterator<Tuple> iter = resultQueue.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Tuple t =;
ImmutableBytesPtr tempPtr = new ImmutableBytesPtr();
try {
if (!postFilter.evaluate(t, tempPtr)) {
} catch (IllegalDataException e) {
Boolean b = (Boolean) postFilter.getDataType().toObject(tempPtr);
if (!b.booleanValue()) {
use of org.apache.phoenix.parse.JoinTableNode.JoinType in project phoenix by apache.
the class SubqueryRewriter method visitLeave.
public ParseNode visitLeave(ComparisonParseNode node, List<ParseNode> l) throws SQLException {
boolean isTopNode = topNode == node;
if (isTopNode) {
topNode = null;
ParseNode secondChild = l.get(1);
if (!(secondChild instanceof SubqueryParseNode)) {
return super.visitLeave(node, l);
SubqueryParseNode subqueryNode = (SubqueryParseNode) secondChild;
SelectStatement subquery = fixSubqueryStatement(subqueryNode.getSelectNode());
String rhsTableAlias = ParseNodeFactory.createTempAlias();
JoinConditionExtractor conditionExtractor = new JoinConditionExtractor(subquery, resolver, connection, rhsTableAlias);
ParseNode where = subquery.getWhere() == null ? null : subquery.getWhere().accept(conditionExtractor);
if (where == subquery.getWhere()) {
// non-correlated comparison subquery, add LIMIT 2, expectSingleRow = true
subquery =, NODE_FACTORY.limit(NODE_FACTORY.literal(2)));
subqueryNode = NODE_FACTORY.subquery(subquery, true);
l = Lists.newArrayList(l.get(0), subqueryNode);
node = NODE_FACTORY.comparison(node.getFilterOp(), l.get(0), l.get(1));
return super.visitLeave(node, l);
ParseNode rhsNode = null;
boolean isGroupby = !subquery.getGroupBy().isEmpty();
boolean isAggregate = subquery.isAggregate();
List<AliasedNode> aliasedNodes = subquery.getSelect();
if (aliasedNodes.size() == 1) {
rhsNode = aliasedNodes.get(0).getNode();
} else {
List<ParseNode> nodes = Lists.<ParseNode>newArrayListWithExpectedSize(aliasedNodes.size());
for (AliasedNode aliasedNode : aliasedNodes) {
rhsNode = NODE_FACTORY.rowValueConstructor(nodes);
List<AliasedNode> additionalSelectNodes = conditionExtractor.getAdditionalSelectNodes();
List<AliasedNode> selectNodes = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(additionalSelectNodes.size() + 1);
selectNodes.add(NODE_FACTORY.aliasedNode(ParseNodeFactory.createTempAlias(), rhsNode));
if (!isAggregate) {
subquery =, subquery.isDistinct(), selectNodes, where);
} else {
List<ParseNode> groupbyNodes = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(additionalSelectNodes.size() + subquery.getGroupBy().size());
for (AliasedNode aliasedNode : additionalSelectNodes) {
subquery =, subquery.isDistinct(), selectNodes, where, groupbyNodes, true);
ParseNode onNode = conditionExtractor.getJoinCondition();
TableNode rhsTable = NODE_FACTORY.derivedTable(rhsTableAlias, subquery);
JoinType joinType = isTopNode ? JoinType.Inner : JoinType.Left;
ParseNode ret = NODE_FACTORY.comparison(node.getFilterOp(), l.get(0), NODE_FACTORY.column(NODE_FACTORY.table(null, rhsTableAlias), selectNodes.get(0).getAlias(), null));
tableNode = NODE_FACTORY.join(joinType, tableNode, rhsTable, onNode, !isAggregate || isGroupby);
return ret;
use of org.apache.phoenix.parse.JoinTableNode.JoinType in project phoenix by apache.
the class SubqueryRewriter method visitLeave.
public ParseNode visitLeave(ExistsParseNode node, List<ParseNode> l) throws SQLException {
boolean isTopNode = topNode == node;
if (isTopNode) {
topNode = null;
SubqueryParseNode subqueryNode = (SubqueryParseNode) l.get(0);
SelectStatement subquery = fixSubqueryStatement(subqueryNode.getSelectNode());
String rhsTableAlias = ParseNodeFactory.createTempAlias();
JoinConditionExtractor conditionExtractor = new JoinConditionExtractor(subquery, resolver, connection, rhsTableAlias);
ParseNode where = subquery.getWhere() == null ? null : subquery.getWhere().accept(conditionExtractor);
if (where == subquery.getWhere()) {
// non-correlated EXISTS subquery, add LIMIT 1
subquery =, NODE_FACTORY.limit(NODE_FACTORY.literal(1)));
subqueryNode = NODE_FACTORY.subquery(subquery, false);
node = NODE_FACTORY.exists(subqueryNode, node.isNegate());
return super.visitLeave(node, Collections.<ParseNode>singletonList(subqueryNode));
List<AliasedNode> additionalSelectNodes = conditionExtractor.getAdditionalSelectNodes();
List<AliasedNode> selectNodes = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(additionalSelectNodes.size() + 1);
selectNodes.add(NODE_FACTORY.aliasedNode(ParseNodeFactory.createTempAlias(), LiteralParseNode.ONE));
subquery =, true, selectNodes, where);
ParseNode onNode = conditionExtractor.getJoinCondition();
TableNode rhsTable = NODE_FACTORY.derivedTable(rhsTableAlias, subquery);
JoinType joinType = isTopNode ? (node.isNegate() ? JoinType.Anti : JoinType.Semi) : JoinType.Left;
ParseNode ret = isTopNode ? null : NODE_FACTORY.isNull(NODE_FACTORY.column(NODE_FACTORY.table(null, rhsTableAlias), selectNodes.get(0).getAlias(), null), !node.isNegate());
tableNode = NODE_FACTORY.join(joinType, tableNode, rhsTable, onNode, false);
return ret;
use of org.apache.phoenix.parse.JoinTableNode.JoinType in project phoenix by apache.
the class HashJoinInfo method deserializeHashJoinFromScan.
public static HashJoinInfo deserializeHashJoinFromScan(Scan scan) {
byte[] join = scan.getAttribute(HASH_JOIN);
if (join == null) {
return null;
ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(join);
try {
DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(stream);
KeyValueSchema joinedSchema = new KeyValueSchema();
int count = WritableUtils.readVInt(input);
ImmutableBytesPtr[] joinIds = new ImmutableBytesPtr[count];
List<Expression>[] joinExpressions = new List[count];
JoinType[] joinTypes = new JoinType[count];
boolean[] earlyEvaluation = new boolean[count];
KeyValueSchema[] schemas = new KeyValueSchema[count];
int[] fieldPositions = new int[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
joinIds[i] = new ImmutableBytesPtr();
int nExprs = WritableUtils.readVInt(input);
joinExpressions[i] = new ArrayList<Expression>(nExprs);
for (int j = 0; j < nExprs; j++) {
int expressionOrdinal = WritableUtils.readVInt(input);
Expression expression = ExpressionType.values()[expressionOrdinal].newInstance();
int type = WritableUtils.readVInt(input);
joinTypes[i] = JoinType.values()[type];
earlyEvaluation[i] = input.readBoolean();
schemas[i] = new KeyValueSchema();
fieldPositions[i] = WritableUtils.readVInt(input);
Expression postJoinFilterExpression = null;
int expressionOrdinal = WritableUtils.readVInt(input);
if (expressionOrdinal != -1) {
postJoinFilterExpression = ExpressionType.values()[expressionOrdinal].newInstance();
int limit = -1;
boolean forceProjection = false;
// both to be upgraded in lock step.
try {
limit = WritableUtils.readVInt(input);
forceProjection = input.readBoolean();
} catch (EOFException ignore) {
return new HashJoinInfo(joinedSchema, joinIds, joinExpressions, joinTypes, earlyEvaluation, schemas, fieldPositions, postJoinFilterExpression, limit >= 0 ? limit : null, forceProjection);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);