use of in project plc4x by apache.
the class Plc4xSourceTask method start.
public void start(Map<String, String> props) {
AbstractConfig config = new AbstractConfig(CONFIG_DEF, props);
String connectionName = config.getString(Constants.CONNECTION_NAME_CONFIG);
String plc4xConnectionString = config.getString(Constants.CONNECTION_STRING_CONFIG);
pollReturnInterval = config.getInt(Constants.KAFKA_POLL_RETURN_CONFIG);
Integer bufferSize = config.getInt(Constants.BUFFER_SIZE_CONFIG);
Map<String, String> topics = new HashMap<>();
// Create a buffer with a capacity of BUFFER_SIZE_CONFIG elements which schedules access in a fair way.
buffer = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(bufferSize, true);
ScraperConfigurationTriggeredImplBuilder builder = new ScraperConfigurationTriggeredImplBuilder();
builder.addSource(connectionName, plc4xConnectionString);
List<String> jobConfigs = config.getList(Constants.QUERIES_CONFIG);
for (String jobConfig : jobConfigs) {
String[] jobConfigSegments = jobConfig.split("\\|");
if (jobConfigSegments.length < 4) {
log.warn("Error in job configuration '{}'. " + "The configuration expects at least 4 segments: " + "{job-name}|{topic}|{rate}(|{field-alias}#{field-address})+", jobConfig);
String jobName = jobConfigSegments[0];
String topic = jobConfigSegments[1];
Integer rate = Integer.valueOf(jobConfigSegments[2]);
JobConfigurationTriggeredImplBuilder jobBuilder = builder.job(jobName, String.format("(SCHEDULED,%s)", rate)).source(connectionName);
for (int i = 3; i < jobConfigSegments.length; i++) {
String[] fieldSegments = jobConfigSegments[i].split("#");
if (fieldSegments.length != 2) {
log.warn("Error in job configuration '{}'. " + "The field segment expects a format {field-alias}#{field-address}, but got '%s'", jobName, jobConfigSegments[i]);
String fieldAlias = fieldSegments[0];
String fieldAddress = fieldSegments[1];
jobBuilder.field(fieldAlias, fieldAddress);
topics.put(jobName, topic);
ScraperConfigurationTriggeredImpl scraperConfig =;
try {
PlcDriverManager plcDriverManager = new PooledPlcDriverManager();
TriggerCollector triggerCollector = new TriggerCollectorImpl(plcDriverManager);
scraper = new TriggeredScraperImpl(scraperConfig, (jobName, sourceName, results) -> {
try {
Long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
Map<String, String> sourcePartition = new HashMap<>();
sourcePartition.put("sourceName", sourceName);
sourcePartition.put("jobName", jobName);
Map<String, Long> sourceOffset = Collections.singletonMap("offset", timestamp);
String topic = topics.get(jobName);
// Prepare the key structure.
Struct key = new Struct(KEY_SCHEMA).put(Constants.SOURCE_NAME_FIELD, sourceName).put(Constants.JOB_NAME_FIELD, jobName);
// Build the Schema for the result struct.
SchemaBuilder fieldSchemaBuilder = SchemaBuilder.struct().name("org.apache.plc4x.kafka.schema.Field");
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> result : results.entrySet()) {
// Get field-name and -value from the results.
String fieldName = result.getKey();
Object fieldValue = result.getValue();
// Get the schema for the given value type.
Schema valueSchema = getSchema(fieldValue);
// Add the schema description for the current field.
fieldSchemaBuilder.field(fieldName, valueSchema);
Schema fieldSchema =;
Schema recordSchema = SchemaBuilder.struct().name("org.apache.plc4x.kafka.schema.JobResult").doc("PLC Job result. This contains all of the received PLCValues as well as a recieved timestamp").field(Constants.FIELDS_CONFIG, fieldSchema).field(Constants.TIMESTAMP_CONFIG, Schema.INT64_SCHEMA).field(Constants.EXPIRES_CONFIG, Schema.OPTIONAL_INT64_SCHEMA).build();
// Build the struct itself.
Struct fieldStruct = new Struct(fieldSchema);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> result : results.entrySet()) {
// Get field-name and -value from the results.
String fieldName = result.getKey();
Object fieldValue = result.getValue();
if (fieldSchema.field(fieldName).schema().type() == Schema.Type.ARRAY) {
fieldStruct.put(fieldName, ((List) fieldValue).stream().map(p -> ((PlcValue) p).getObject()).collect(Collectors.toList()));
} else {
fieldStruct.put(fieldName, fieldValue);
Struct recordStruct = new Struct(recordSchema).put(Constants.FIELDS_CONFIG, fieldStruct).put(Constants.TIMESTAMP_CONFIG, timestamp);
// Prepare the source-record element.
SourceRecord sourceRecord = new SourceRecord(sourcePartition, sourceOffset, topic, KEY_SCHEMA, key, recordSchema, recordStruct);
// Add the new source-record to the buffer.
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error while parsing returned values", e);
}, triggerCollector);
} catch (ScraperException e) {
log.error("Error starting the scraper", e);