use of org.apache.poi.EncryptedDocumentException in project poi by apache.
the class BinaryRC4Encryptor method confirmPassword.
public void confirmPassword(String password, byte[] keySpec, byte[] keySalt, byte[] verifier, byte[] verifierSalt, byte[] integritySalt) {
BinaryRC4EncryptionVerifier ver = (BinaryRC4EncryptionVerifier) getEncryptionInfo().getVerifier();
SecretKey skey = BinaryRC4Decryptor.generateSecretKey(password, ver);
try {
Cipher cipher = BinaryRC4Decryptor.initCipherForBlock(null, 0, getEncryptionInfo(), skey, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE);
byte[] encryptedVerifier = new byte[16];
cipher.update(verifier, 0, 16, encryptedVerifier);
HashAlgorithm hashAlgo = ver.getHashAlgorithm();
MessageDigest hashAlg = CryptoFunctions.getMessageDigest(hashAlgo);
byte[] calcVerifierHash = hashAlg.digest(verifier);
byte[] encryptedVerifierHash = cipher.doFinal(calcVerifierHash);
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new EncryptedDocumentException("Password confirmation failed", e);
use of org.apache.poi.EncryptedDocumentException in project poi by apache.
the class CryptoFunctions method getCipher.
* Initialize a new cipher object with the given cipher properties
* If the given algorithm is not implemented in the JCE, it will try to load it from the bouncy castle
* provider.
* @param key the secrect key
* @param cipherAlgorithm the cipher algorithm
* @param chain the chaining mode
* @param vec the initialization vector (IV), can be null
* @param cipherMode Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE or Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE
* @param padding the padding (null = NOPADDING, ANSIX923Padding, PKCS5Padding, PKCS7Padding, ISO10126Padding, ...)
* @return the requested cipher
* @throws GeneralSecurityException
* @throws EncryptedDocumentException if the initialization failed or if an algorithm was specified,
* which depends on a missing bouncy castle provider
public static Cipher getCipher(Key key, CipherAlgorithm cipherAlgorithm, ChainingMode chain, byte[] vec, int cipherMode, String padding) {
int keySizeInBytes = key.getEncoded().length;
if (padding == null)
padding = "NoPadding";
try {
// Ensure the JCE policies files allow for this sized key
if (Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength(cipherAlgorithm.jceId) < keySizeInBytes * 8) {
throw new EncryptedDocumentException("Export Restrictions in place - please install JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files");
Cipher cipher;
if (cipherAlgorithm == CipherAlgorithm.rc4) {
cipher = Cipher.getInstance(cipherAlgorithm.jceId);
} else if (cipherAlgorithm.needsBouncyCastle) {
cipher = Cipher.getInstance(cipherAlgorithm.jceId + "/" + chain.jceId + "/" + padding, "BC");
} else {
cipher = Cipher.getInstance(cipherAlgorithm.jceId + "/" + chain.jceId + "/" + padding);
if (vec == null) {
cipher.init(cipherMode, key);
} else {
AlgorithmParameterSpec aps;
if (cipherAlgorithm == CipherAlgorithm.rc2) {
aps = new RC2ParameterSpec(key.getEncoded().length * 8, vec);
} else {
aps = new IvParameterSpec(vec);
cipher.init(cipherMode, key, aps);
return cipher;
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new EncryptedDocumentException(e);
use of org.apache.poi.EncryptedDocumentException in project poi by apache.
the class HSSFWorkbook method encryptBytes.
protected void encryptBytes(byte[] buf) {
int initialOffset = 0;
FilePassRecord fpr = null;
for (Record r : workbook.getRecords()) {
initialOffset += r.getRecordSize();
if (r instanceof FilePassRecord) {
fpr = (FilePassRecord) r;
if (fpr == null) {
LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream plain = new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0);
LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream leos = new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(buf, 0);
Encryptor enc = fpr.getEncryptionInfo().getEncryptor();
byte[] tmp = new byte[1024];
try {
ChunkedCipherOutputStream os = enc.getDataStream(leos, initialOffset);
int totalBytes = 0;
while (totalBytes < buf.length) {, 0, 4);
final int sid = LittleEndian.getUShort(tmp, 0);
final int len = LittleEndian.getUShort(tmp, 2);
boolean isPlain = Biff8DecryptingStream.isNeverEncryptedRecord(sid);
os.setNextRecordSize(len, isPlain);
os.writePlain(tmp, 0, 4);
if (sid == BoundSheetRecord.sid) {
// special case for the field_1_position_of_BOF (=lbPlyPos) field of
// the BoundSheet8 record which must be unencrypted
byte[] bsrBuf = new byte[len];
os.writePlain(bsrBuf, 0, 4);
os.write(bsrBuf, 4, len - 4);
} else {
int todo = len;
while (todo > 0) {
int nextLen = Math.min(todo, tmp.length);
plain.readFully(tmp, 0, nextLen);
if (isPlain) {
os.writePlain(tmp, 0, nextLen);
} else {
os.write(tmp, 0, nextLen);
todo -= nextLen;
totalBytes += 4 + len;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new EncryptedDocumentException(e);