use of org.apache.poi.EncryptedDocumentException in project poi by apache.
the class FilePassRecord method serialize.
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
byte[] data = new byte[1024];
LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream bos = new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(data, 0);
switch(encryptionInfo.getEncryptionMode()) {
case xor:
((XOREncryptionHeader) encryptionInfo.getHeader()).write(bos);
((XOREncryptionVerifier) encryptionInfo.getVerifier()).write(bos);
case binaryRC4:
((BinaryRC4EncryptionHeader) encryptionInfo.getHeader()).write(bos);
((BinaryRC4EncryptionVerifier) encryptionInfo.getVerifier()).write(bos);
case cryptoAPI:
((CryptoAPIEncryptionHeader) encryptionInfo.getHeader()).write(bos);
((CryptoAPIEncryptionVerifier) encryptionInfo.getVerifier()).write(bos);
throw new EncryptedDocumentException("not supported");
out.write(data, 0, bos.getWriteIndex());
use of org.apache.poi.EncryptedDocumentException in project poi by apache.
the class StandardDecryptor method verifyPassword.
public boolean verifyPassword(String password) {
EncryptionVerifier ver = getEncryptionInfo().getVerifier();
SecretKey skey = generateSecretKey(password, ver, getKeySizeInBytes());
Cipher cipher = getCipher(skey);
try {
byte[] encryptedVerifier = ver.getEncryptedVerifier();
byte[] verifier = cipher.doFinal(encryptedVerifier);
MessageDigest sha1 = CryptoFunctions.getMessageDigest(ver.getHashAlgorithm());
byte[] calcVerifierHash = sha1.digest(verifier);
byte[] encryptedVerifierHash = ver.getEncryptedVerifierHash();
byte[] decryptedVerifierHash = cipher.doFinal(encryptedVerifierHash);
// see Password Verification (Standard Encryption)
// ... The number of bytes used by the encrypted Verifier hash MUST be 32 ...
// TODO: check and trim/pad the hashes to 32
byte[] verifierHash = Arrays.copyOf(decryptedVerifierHash, calcVerifierHash.length);
if (Arrays.equals(calcVerifierHash, verifierHash)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new EncryptedDocumentException(e);
use of org.apache.poi.EncryptedDocumentException in project poi by apache.
the class CryptoAPIDocumentInputStream method read.
public synchronized int read() {
int ch =;
if (ch == -1) {
return -1;
oneByte[0] = (byte) ch;
try {
cipher.update(oneByte, 0, 1, oneByte);
} catch (ShortBufferException e) {
throw new EncryptedDocumentException(e);
return oneByte[0];
use of org.apache.poi.EncryptedDocumentException in project poi by apache.
the class SlideShowFactory method createSlideShow.
protected static SlideShow<?, ?> createSlideShow(String factoryClass, Object[] args) throws IOException, EncryptedDocumentException {
try {
Class<?> clazz = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(factoryClass);
Class<?>[] argsClz = new Class<?>[args.length];
int i = 0;
for (Object o : args) {
Class<?> c = o.getClass();
if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
c = boolean.class;
} else if (InputStream.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
c = InputStream.class;
argsClz[i++] = c;
Method m = clazz.getMethod("createSlideShow", argsClz);
return (SlideShow<?, ?>) m.invoke(null, args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
Throwable t = e.getCause();
if (t instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) t;
} else if (t instanceof EncryptedDocumentException) {
throw (EncryptedDocumentException) t;
} else if (t instanceof OldFileFormatException) {
throw (OldFileFormatException) t;
} else {
throw new IOException(t);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e);
use of org.apache.poi.EncryptedDocumentException in project poi by apache.
the class AgileEncryptor method confirmPassword.
public void confirmPassword(String password, byte[] keySpec, byte[] keySalt, byte[] verifier, byte[] verifierSalt, byte[] integritySalt) {
AgileEncryptionVerifier ver = (AgileEncryptionVerifier) getEncryptionInfo().getVerifier();
AgileEncryptionHeader header = (AgileEncryptionHeader) getEncryptionInfo().getHeader();
int blockSize = header.getBlockSize();
pwHash = hashPassword(password, ver.getHashAlgorithm(), verifierSalt, ver.getSpinCount());
* encryptedVerifierHashInput: This attribute MUST be generated by using the following steps:
* 1. Generate a random array of bytes with the number of bytes used specified by the saltSize
* attribute.
* 2. Generate an encryption key as specified in section by using the user-supplied password,
* the binary byte array used to create the saltValue attribute, and a blockKey byte array
* consisting of the following bytes: 0xfe, 0xa7, 0xd2, 0x76, 0x3b, 0x4b, 0x9e, and 0x79.
* 3. Encrypt the random array of bytes generated in step 1 by using the binary form of the saltValue
* attribute as an initialization vector as specified in section If the array of bytes is not an
* integral multiple of blockSize bytes, pad the array with 0x00 to the next integral multiple of
* blockSize bytes.
* 4. Use base64 to encode the result of step 3.
byte[] encryptedVerifier = hashInput(ver, pwHash, kVerifierInputBlock, verifier, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE);
* encryptedVerifierHashValue: This attribute MUST be generated by using the following steps:
* 1. Obtain the hash value of the random array of bytes generated in step 1 of the steps for
* encryptedVerifierHashInput.
* 2. Generate an encryption key as specified in section by using the user-supplied password,
* the binary byte array used to create the saltValue attribute, and a blockKey byte array
* consisting of the following bytes: 0xd7, 0xaa, 0x0f, 0x6d, 0x30, 0x61, 0x34, and 0x4e.
* 3. Encrypt the hash value obtained in step 1 by using the binary form of the saltValue attribute as
* an initialization vector as specified in section If hashSize is not an integral multiple of
* blockSize bytes, pad the hash value with 0x00 to an integral multiple of blockSize bytes.
* 4. Use base64 to encode the result of step 3.
MessageDigest hashMD = getMessageDigest(ver.getHashAlgorithm());
byte[] hashedVerifier = hashMD.digest(verifier);
byte[] encryptedVerifierHash = hashInput(ver, pwHash, kHashedVerifierBlock, hashedVerifier, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE);
* encryptedKeyValue: This attribute MUST be generated by using the following steps:
* 1. Generate a random array of bytes that is the same size as specified by the
* Encryptor.KeyData.keyBits attribute of the parent element.
* 2. Generate an encryption key as specified in section, using the user-supplied password,
* the binary byte array used to create the saltValue attribute, and a blockKey byte array
* consisting of the following bytes: 0x14, 0x6e, 0x0b, 0xe7, 0xab, 0xac, 0xd0, and 0xd6.
* 3. Encrypt the random array of bytes generated in step 1 by using the binary form of the saltValue
* attribute as an initialization vector as specified in section If the array of bytes is not an
* integral multiple of blockSize bytes, pad the array with 0x00 to an integral multiple of
* blockSize bytes.
* 4. Use base64 to encode the result of step 3.
byte[] encryptedKey = hashInput(ver, pwHash, kCryptoKeyBlock, keySpec, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE);
SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(keySpec, header.getCipherAlgorithm().jceId);
* DataIntegrity Generation (Agile Encryption)
* The DataIntegrity element contained within an Encryption element MUST be generated by using
* the following steps:
* 1. Obtain the intermediate key by decrypting the encryptedKeyValue from a KeyEncryptor
* contained within the KeyEncryptors sequence. Use this key for encryption operations in the
* remaining steps of this section.
* 2. Generate a random array of bytes, known as Salt, of the same length as the value of the
* KeyData.hashSize attribute.
* 3. Encrypt the random array of bytes generated in step 2 by using the binary form of the
* KeyData.saltValue attribute and a blockKey byte array consisting of the following bytes:
* 0x5f, 0xb2, 0xad, 0x01, 0x0c, 0xb9, 0xe1, and 0xf6 used to form an initialization vector as
* specified in section If the array of bytes is not an integral multiple of blockSize
* bytes, pad the array with 0x00 to the next integral multiple of blockSize bytes.
* 4. Assign the encryptedHmacKey attribute to the base64-encoded form of the result of step 3.
* 5. Generate an HMAC, as specified in [RFC2104], of the encrypted form of the data (message),
* which the DataIntegrity element will verify by using the Salt generated in step 2 as the key.
* Note that the entire EncryptedPackage stream (1), including the StreamSize field, MUST be
* used as the message.
* 6. Encrypt the HMAC as in step 3 by using a blockKey byte array consisting of the following bytes:
* 0xa0, 0x67, 0x7f, 0x02, 0xb2, 0x2c, 0x84, and 0x33.
* 7. Assign the encryptedHmacValue attribute to the base64-encoded form of the result of step 6.
this.integritySalt = integritySalt.clone();
try {
byte[] vec = CryptoFunctions.generateIv(header.getHashAlgorithm(), header.getKeySalt(), kIntegrityKeyBlock, header.getBlockSize());
Cipher cipher = getCipher(secretKey, header.getCipherAlgorithm(), header.getChainingMode(), vec, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE);
byte[] hmacKey = getBlock0(this.integritySalt, getNextBlockSize(this.integritySalt.length, blockSize));
byte[] encryptedHmacKey = cipher.doFinal(hmacKey);
cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA");
for (AgileCertificateEntry ace : ver.getCertificates()) {
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, ace.x509.getPublicKey());
ace.encryptedKey = cipher.doFinal(getSecretKey().getEncoded());
Mac x509Hmac = CryptoFunctions.getMac(header.getHashAlgorithm());
ace.certVerifier = x509Hmac.doFinal(ace.x509.getEncoded());
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new EncryptedDocumentException(e);