use of org.apache.poi.hssf.record.NameRecord in project poi by apache.
the class TestAreaReference method testDiscontinousReference.
public void testDiscontinousReference() throws Exception {
InputStream is = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleFileStream("44167.xls");
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(is);
InternalWorkbook workbook = TestHSSFWorkbook.getInternalWorkbook(wb);
HSSFEvaluationWorkbook eb = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb);
assertEquals(1, wb.getNumberOfNames());
String sheetName = "Tabelle1";
String rawRefA = "$C$10:$C$14";
String rawRefB = "$C$16:$C$18";
String refA = sheetName + "!" + rawRefA;
String refB = sheetName + "!" + rawRefB;
String ref = refA + "," + refB;
// Check the low level record
NameRecord nr = workbook.getNameRecord(0);
assertEquals("test", nr.getNameText());
Ptg[] def = nr.getNameDefinition();
assertEquals(4, def.length);
MemFuncPtg ptgA = (MemFuncPtg) def[0];
Area3DPtg ptgB = (Area3DPtg) def[1];
Area3DPtg ptgC = (Area3DPtg) def[2];
UnionPtg ptgD = (UnionPtg) def[3];
assertEquals("", ptgA.toFormulaString());
assertEquals(refA, ptgB.toFormulaString(eb));
assertEquals(refB, ptgC.toFormulaString(eb));
assertEquals(",", ptgD.toFormulaString());
assertEquals(ref, HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(wb, nr.getNameDefinition()));
// Check the high level definition
int idx = wb.getNameIndex("test");
assertEquals(0, idx);
HSSFName aNamedCell = wb.getNameAt(idx);
// Should have 2 references
assertEquals(ref, aNamedCell.getRefersToFormula());
// Check the parsing of the reference into cells
AreaReference[] arefs = AreaReference.generateContiguous(aNamedCell.getRefersToFormula());
assertEquals(2, arefs.length);
assertEquals(refA, arefs[0].formatAsString());
assertEquals(refB, arefs[1].formatAsString());
for (AreaReference ar : arefs) {
confirmResolveCellRef(wb, ar.getFirstCell());
confirmResolveCellRef(wb, ar.getLastCell());
use of org.apache.poi.hssf.record.NameRecord in project poi by apache.
the class TestSanityChecker method testCheckRecordOrder.
public void testCheckRecordOrder() {
final SanityChecker c = new SanityChecker();
List<Record> records = new ArrayList<Record>();
records.add(new BOFRecord());
CheckRecord[] check = { new CheckRecord(BOFRecord.class, '1'), new CheckRecord(InterfaceHdrRecord.class, '0'), new CheckRecord(BoundSheetRecord.class, 'M'), new CheckRecord(NameRecord.class, '*'), new CheckRecord(EOFRecord.class, '1') };
// check pass
c.checkRecordOrder(records, check);
records.add(2, createBoundSheetRec());
c.checkRecordOrder(records, check);
// optional record missing
c.checkRecordOrder(records, check);
records.add(3, new NameRecord());
// optional multiple record occurs more than one time
records.add(3, new NameRecord());
c.checkRecordOrder(records, check);
// check fail
confirmBadRecordOrder(check, new Record[] { new BOFRecord(), createBoundSheetRec(), INTERFACEHDR, EOFRecord.instance });
confirmBadRecordOrder(check, new Record[] { new BOFRecord(), INTERFACEHDR, createBoundSheetRec(), INTERFACEHDR, EOFRecord.instance });
confirmBadRecordOrder(check, new Record[] { new BOFRecord(), createBoundSheetRec(), new NameRecord(), EOFRecord.instance, new NameRecord() });
confirmBadRecordOrder(check, new Record[] { INTERFACEHDR, createBoundSheetRec(), EOFRecord.instance });
confirmBadRecordOrder(check, new Record[] { new BOFRecord(), INTERFACEHDR, EOFRecord.instance });
confirmBadRecordOrder(check, new Record[] { INTERFACEHDR, createBoundSheetRec(), new BOFRecord(), EOFRecord.instance });
confirmBadRecordOrder(check, new Record[] { new BOFRecord(), createBoundSheetRec(), INTERFACEHDR, EOFRecord.instance });
use of org.apache.poi.hssf.record.NameRecord in project poi by apache.
the class TestHSSFSheet method autoFilter.
public void autoFilter() throws IOException {
HSSFWorkbook wb1 = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sh = wb1.createSheet();
InternalWorkbook iwb = wb1.getWorkbook();
InternalSheet ish = sh.getSheet();
assertNull(iwb.getSpecificBuiltinRecord(NameRecord.BUILTIN_FILTER_DB, 1));
CellRangeAddress range = CellRangeAddress.valueOf("A1:B10");
NameRecord name = iwb.getSpecificBuiltinRecord(NameRecord.BUILTIN_FILTER_DB, 1);
// The built-in name for auto-filter must consist of a single Area3d Ptg.
Ptg[] ptg = name.getNameDefinition();
assertEquals("The built-in name for auto-filter must consist of a single Area3d Ptg", 1, ptg.length);
assertTrue("The built-in name for auto-filter must consist of a single Area3d Ptg", ptg[0] instanceof Area3DPtg);
Area3DPtg aref = (Area3DPtg) ptg[0];
assertEquals(range.getFirstColumn(), aref.getFirstColumn());
assertEquals(range.getFirstRow(), aref.getFirstRow());
assertEquals(range.getLastColumn(), aref.getLastColumn());
assertEquals(range.getLastRow(), aref.getLastRow());
// verify AutoFilterInfoRecord
AutoFilterInfoRecord afilter = (AutoFilterInfoRecord) ish.findFirstRecordBySid(AutoFilterInfoRecord.sid);
//filter covers two columns
assertEquals(2, afilter.getNumEntries());
HSSFPatriarch dr = sh.getDrawingPatriarch();
HSSFSimpleShape comboBoxShape = (HSSFSimpleShape) dr.getChildren().get(0);
assertEquals(comboBoxShape.getShapeType(), HSSFSimpleShape.OBJECT_TYPE_COMBO_BOX);
// ObjRecord will appear after serializetion
HSSFWorkbook wb2 = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb1);
sh = wb2.getSheetAt(0);
ish = sh.getSheet();
ObjRecord objRecord = (ObjRecord) ish.findFirstRecordBySid(ObjRecord.sid);
List<SubRecord> subRecords = objRecord.getSubRecords();
assertEquals(3, subRecords.size());
assertTrue(subRecords.get(0) instanceof CommonObjectDataSubRecord);
// must be present, see Bug 51481
assertTrue(subRecords.get(1) instanceof FtCblsSubRecord);
assertTrue(subRecords.get(2) instanceof LbsDataSubRecord);
use of org.apache.poi.hssf.record.NameRecord in project poi by apache.
the class TestHSSFWorkbook method findBuiltInNameRecord.
* Test to make sure that NameRecord.getSheetNumber() is interpreted as a
* 1-based sheet tab index (not a 1-based extern sheet index)
public void findBuiltInNameRecord() throws IOException {
// testRRaC has multiple (3) built-in name records
// The second print titles name record has getSheetNumber()==4
HSSFWorkbook wb1 = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("testRRaC.xls");
NameRecord nr;
assertEquals(3, wb1.getWorkbook().getNumNames());
nr = wb1.getWorkbook().getNameRecord(2);
// TODO - render full row and full column refs properly
// 1:1
assertEquals("Sheet2!$A$1:$IV$1", HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(wb1, nr.getNameDefinition()));
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (e.getMessage().equals("Builtin (7) already exists for sheet (4)")) {
// there was a problem in the code which locates the existing print titles name record
fail("Identified bug 45720b");
throw e;
HSSFWorkbook wb2 = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb1);
assertEquals(3, wb2.getWorkbook().getNumNames());
nr = wb2.getWorkbook().getNameRecord(2);
// E:F,9:12
assertEquals("Sheet2!E:F,Sheet2!$A$9:$IV$12", HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(wb2, nr.getNameDefinition()));
use of org.apache.poi.hssf.record.NameRecord in project poi by apache.
the class TestHSSFFormulaEvaluator method testDefinedNameWithComplexFlag_bug47048.
* When evaluating defined names, POI has to decide whether it is capable. Currently
* (May2009) POI only supports simple cell and area refs.<br/>
* The sample spreadsheet (bugzilla attachment 23508) had a name flagged as 'complex'
* which contained a simple area ref. It is not clear what the 'complex' flag is used
* for but POI should look elsewhere to decide whether it can evaluate the name.
public void testDefinedNameWithComplexFlag_bug47048() throws IOException {
// Mock up a spreadsheet to match the critical details of the sample
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Input");
HSSFName definedName = wb.createName();
// Set up some data and the formula
HSSFRow row17 = sheet.createRow(16);
HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
HSSFCell cellA1 = row.createCell(0);
// Set the complex flag - POI doesn't usually manipulate this flag
NameRecord nameRec = TestHSSFName.getNameRecord(definedName);
// 0x10 -> complex
nameRec.setOptionFlag((short) 0x10);
HSSFFormulaEvaluator hsf = new HSSFFormulaEvaluator(wb);
CellValue value;
try {
value = hsf.evaluate(cellA1);
assertEquals(CellType.NUMERIC, value.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals(5.33, value.getNumberValue(), 0.0);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (e.getMessage().equals("Don't now how to evalate name 'Is_Multicar_Vehicle'")) {
fail("Identified bug 47048a");
throw e;
} finally {