use of org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFEvaluationWorkbook in project poi by apache.
the class TestFormulaParser method testMacroFunction.
public void testMacroFunction() throws IOException {
// testNames.xls contains a VB function called 'myFunc'
final String testFile = "testNames.xls";
HSSFWorkbook wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(testFile);
try {
HSSFEvaluationWorkbook book = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb);
//Expected ptg stack: [NamePtg(myFunc), StringPtg(arg), (additional operands go here...), FunctionPtg(myFunc)]
Ptg[] ptg = FormulaParser.parse("myFunc(\"arg\")", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
assertEquals(3, ptg.length);
// the name gets encoded as the first operand on the stack
NamePtg tname = (NamePtg) ptg[0];
assertEquals("myFunc", tname.toFormulaString(book));
// the function's arguments are pushed onto the stack from left-to-right as OperandPtgs
StringPtg arg = (StringPtg) ptg[1];
assertEquals("arg", arg.getValue());
// The external FunctionPtg is the last Ptg added to the stack
// During formula evaluation, this Ptg pops off the the appropriate number of
// arguments (getNumberOfOperands()) and pushes the result on the stack
AbstractFunctionPtg tfunc = (AbstractFunctionPtg) ptg[2];
// confirm formula parsing is case-insensitive
FormulaParser.parse("mYfUnC(\"arg\")", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
// confirm formula parsing doesn't care about argument count or type
// this should only throw an error when evaluating the formula.
FormulaParser.parse("myFunc()", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
FormulaParser.parse("myFunc(\"arg\", 0, TRUE)", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
// A completely unknown formula name (not saved in workbook) should still be parseable and renderable
// but will throw an NotImplementedFunctionException or return a #NAME? error value if evaluated.
FormulaParser.parse("yourFunc(\"arg\")", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
// Verify that myFunc and yourFunc were successfully added to Workbook names
HSSFWorkbook wb2 = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
try {
// HSSFWorkbook/EXCEL97-specific side-effects user-defined function names must be added to Workbook's defined names in order to be saved.
assertEqualsIgnoreCase("myFunc", wb2.getName("myFunc").getNameName());
assertEqualsIgnoreCase("yourFunc", wb2.getName("yourFunc").getNameName());
// Manually check to make sure file isn't corrupted
// TODO: develop a process for occasionally manually reviewing workbooks
// to verify workbooks are not corrupted
final File fileIn = HSSFTestDataSamples.getSampleFile(testFile);
final File reSavedFile = new File(fileIn.getParentFile(), fileIn.getName().replace(".xls", "-saved.xls"));
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(reSavedFile);
} finally {
} finally {
use of org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFEvaluationWorkbook in project poi by apache.
the class TestAreaReference method testDiscontinousReference.
public void testDiscontinousReference() throws Exception {
InputStream is = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleFileStream("44167.xls");
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(is);
InternalWorkbook workbook = TestHSSFWorkbook.getInternalWorkbook(wb);
HSSFEvaluationWorkbook eb = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb);
assertEquals(1, wb.getNumberOfNames());
String sheetName = "Tabelle1";
String rawRefA = "$C$10:$C$14";
String rawRefB = "$C$16:$C$18";
String refA = sheetName + "!" + rawRefA;
String refB = sheetName + "!" + rawRefB;
String ref = refA + "," + refB;
// Check the low level record
NameRecord nr = workbook.getNameRecord(0);
assertEquals("test", nr.getNameText());
Ptg[] def = nr.getNameDefinition();
assertEquals(4, def.length);
MemFuncPtg ptgA = (MemFuncPtg) def[0];
Area3DPtg ptgB = (Area3DPtg) def[1];
Area3DPtg ptgC = (Area3DPtg) def[2];
UnionPtg ptgD = (UnionPtg) def[3];
assertEquals("", ptgA.toFormulaString());
assertEquals(refA, ptgB.toFormulaString(eb));
assertEquals(refB, ptgC.toFormulaString(eb));
assertEquals(",", ptgD.toFormulaString());
assertEquals(ref, HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(wb, nr.getNameDefinition()));
// Check the high level definition
int idx = wb.getNameIndex("test");
assertEquals(0, idx);
HSSFName aNamedCell = wb.getNameAt(idx);
// Should have 2 references
assertEquals(ref, aNamedCell.getRefersToFormula());
// Check the parsing of the reference into cells
AreaReference[] arefs = AreaReference.generateContiguous(aNamedCell.getRefersToFormula());
assertEquals(2, arefs.length);
assertEquals(refA, arefs[0].formatAsString());
assertEquals(refB, arefs[1].formatAsString());
for (AreaReference ar : arefs) {
confirmResolveCellRef(wb, ar.getFirstCell());
confirmResolveCellRef(wb, ar.getLastCell());
use of org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFEvaluationWorkbook in project poi by apache.
the class TestDec2Bin method createContext.
private OperationEvaluationContext createContext() {
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
Row row = sheet.createRow(0);
Cell cell = row.createCell(0);
cell = row.createCell(1);
cell = row.createCell(2);
cell = row.createCell(3);
HSSFEvaluationWorkbook workbook = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb);
WorkbookEvaluator workbookEvaluator = new WorkbookEvaluator(workbook, new IStabilityClassifier() {
public boolean isCellFinal(int sheetIndex, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
return true;
}, null);
OperationEvaluationContext ctx = new OperationEvaluationContext(workbookEvaluator, workbook, 0, 0, 0, null);
return ctx;
use of org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFEvaluationWorkbook in project poi by apache.
the class TestBin2Dec method createContext.
private OperationEvaluationContext createContext() {
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFEvaluationWorkbook workbook = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb);
WorkbookEvaluator workbookEvaluator = new WorkbookEvaluator(workbook, new IStabilityClassifier() {
public boolean isCellFinal(int sheetIndex, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
return true;
}, null);
OperationEvaluationContext ctx = new OperationEvaluationContext(workbookEvaluator, workbook, 0, 0, 0, null);
return ctx;
use of org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFEvaluationWorkbook in project poi by apache.
the class TestHex2Dec method createContext.
private OperationEvaluationContext createContext() {
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFEvaluationWorkbook workbook = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb);
WorkbookEvaluator workbookEvaluator = new WorkbookEvaluator(workbook, new IStabilityClassifier() {
public boolean isCellFinal(int sheetIndex, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
return true;
}, null);
OperationEvaluationContext ctx = new OperationEvaluationContext(workbookEvaluator, workbook, 0, 0, 0, null);
return ctx;