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Example 1 with HSSFRichTextString

use of org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString in project poi by apache.

the class InCellLists method multiLevelNumberedListInCell.

     * Insert a multi-level list into a cell.
     * @param workbook A reference to the HSSFWorkbook that 'contains' the
     *                 cell.
     * @param multiLevelListItems An ArrayList whose elements contain instances
     *                            of the MultiLevelListItem class. Each element
     *                            encapsulates the text for the high level item
     *                            along with an ArrayList. Each element of this
     *                            ArrayList encapsulates the text for a lower
     *                            level item.
     * @param cell An instance of the HSSFCell class that encapsulates a
     *             reference to the spreadsheet cell into which the list
     *             will be written.
     * @param highLevelStartingValue A primitive int containing the number
     *                               for the first high level item in the list.
     * @param highLevelIncrement A primitive int containing the value that
     *                           should be used to calculate the number of
     *                           subsequent high level item.
     * @param lowLevelStartingValue A primitive int will containing the number
     *                              for the first low level item associated
     *                              with a high level item.
     * @param lowLevelIncrement A primitive int containing the value that
     *                          should be used to calculate the number of
     *                          subsequent low level item.
public void multiLevelNumberedListInCell(HSSFWorkbook workbook, ArrayList<MultiLevelListItem> multiLevelListItems, HSSFCell cell, int highLevelStartingValue, int highLevelIncrement, int lowLevelStartingValue, int lowLevelIncrement) {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    int highLevelItemNumber = highLevelStartingValue;
    // Note that again, an HSSFCellStye object is required and that
    // it's wrap text property should be set to 'true'
    HSSFCellStyle wrapStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
    // Step through the ArrayList of MultilLevelListItem instances.
    for (MultiLevelListItem multiLevelListItem : multiLevelListItems) {
        // For each element in the ArrayList, get the text for the high
        // level list item......
        buffer.append(". ");
        // and then an ArrayList whose elements encapsulate the text
        // for the lower level list items.
        ArrayList<String> lowerLevelItems = multiLevelListItem.getLowerLevelItems();
        if (!(lowerLevelItems == null) && !(lowerLevelItems.isEmpty())) {
            int lowLevelItemNumber = lowLevelStartingValue;
            for (String item : lowerLevelItems) {
                buffer.append(" ");
                lowLevelItemNumber += lowLevelIncrement;
        highLevelItemNumber += highLevelIncrement;
    // The StringBuffer's contents are the source for the contents
    // of the cell.
    cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(buffer.toString().trim()));
Also used : HSSFCellStyle(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle) HSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString) HSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString)

Example 2 with HSSFRichTextString

use of org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString in project poi by apache.

the class InCellLists method multiLevelBulletedListInCell.

     * Insert a bulleted multi-level list into a cell.
     * @param workbook A reference to the HSSFWorkbook that 'contains' the
     *                 cell.
     * @param multiLevelListItems An ArrayList whose elements contain instances
     *                            of the MultiLevelListItem class. Each element
     *                            encapsulates the text for the high level item
     *                            along with an ArrayList. Each element of this
     *                            ArrayList encapsulates the text for a lower
     *                            level item.
     * @param cell An instance of the HSSFCell class that encapsulates a
     *             reference to the spreadsheet cell into which the list
     *             will be written.
public void multiLevelBulletedListInCell(HSSFWorkbook workbook, ArrayList<MultiLevelListItem> multiLevelListItems, HSSFCell cell) {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    // Note that again, an HSSFCellStye object is required and that
    // it's wrap text property should be set to 'true'
    HSSFCellStyle wrapStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
    // Step through the ArrayList of MultilLevelListItem instances.
    for (MultiLevelListItem multiLevelListItem : multiLevelListItems) {
        // For each element in the ArrayList, get the text for the high
        // level list item......
        buffer.append(" ");
        // and then an ArrayList whose elements encapsulate the text
        // for the lower level list items.
        ArrayList<String> lowerLevelItems = multiLevelListItem.getLowerLevelItems();
        if (!(lowerLevelItems == null) && !(lowerLevelItems.isEmpty())) {
            for (String item : lowerLevelItems) {
                buffer.append(" ");
    // The StringBuffer's contents are the source for the contents
    // of the cell.
    cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(buffer.toString().trim()));
Also used : HSSFCellStyle(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle) HSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString) HSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString)

Example 3 with HSSFRichTextString

use of org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString in project poi by apache.

the class InCellLists method multiLevelListInCell.

     * Insert a multi-level list into a cell.
     * @param workbook A reference to the HSSFWorkbook that 'contains' the
     *                 cell.
     * @param multiLevelListItems An ArrayList whose elements contain instances
     *                            of the MultiLevelListItem class. Each element
     *                            encapsulates the text for the high level item
     *                            along with an ArrayList. Each element of this
     *                            ArrayList encapsulates the text for a lower
     *                            level item.
     * @param cell An instance of the HSSFCell class that encapsulates a
     *             reference to the spreadsheet cell into which the list
     *             will be written.
public void multiLevelListInCell(HSSFWorkbook workbook, ArrayList<MultiLevelListItem> multiLevelListItems, HSSFCell cell) {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    // Note that again, an HSSFCellStye object is required and that
    // it's wrap text property should be set to 'true'
    HSSFCellStyle wrapStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
    // Step through the ArrayList of MultilLevelListItem instances.
    for (MultiLevelListItem multiLevelListItem : multiLevelListItems) {
        // For each element in the ArrayList, get the text for the high
        // level list item......
        // and then an ArrayList whose elements encapsulate the text
        // for the lower level list items.
        ArrayList<String> lowerLevelItems = multiLevelListItem.getLowerLevelItems();
        if (!(lowerLevelItems == null) && !(lowerLevelItems.isEmpty())) {
            for (String item : lowerLevelItems) {
    // The StringBuffer's contents are the source for the contents
    // of the cell.
    cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(buffer.toString().trim()));
Also used : HSSFCellStyle(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle) HSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString) HSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString)

Example 4 with HSSFRichTextString

use of org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString in project poi by apache.

the class InCellLists method bulletedListInCell.

     * Insert a bulleted list into a cell.
     * @param workbook A reference to the HSSFWorkbook that 'contains' the
     *                 cell.
     * @param listItems An ArrayList whose elements encapsulate the text for
     *                  the lists items.
     * @param cell An instance of the HSSFCell class that encapsulates a
     *             reference to the spreadsheet cell into which the list
     *             will be written.
public void bulletedListInCell(HSSFWorkbook workbook, ArrayList<String> listItems, HSSFCell cell) {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    // Note that again, an HSSFCellStye object is required and that
    // it's wrap text property should be set to 'true'
    HSSFCellStyle wrapStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
    // with one difference; the bullet character prefixed to the items text.
    for (String listItem : listItems) {
        buffer.append(InCellLists.BULLET_CHARACTER + " ");
    // The StringBuffer's contents are the source for the contents
    // of the cell.
    cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(buffer.toString().trim()));
Also used : HSSFCellStyle(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle) HSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString) HSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString)

Example 5 with HSSFRichTextString

use of org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString in project poi by apache.

the class InCellLists method bulletedItemInCell.

     * Inserts a single bulleted item into a cell.
     * @param workbook A reference to the HSSFWorkbook that 'contains' the
     *                 cell.
     * @param listItem An instance of the String class encapsulating the
     *                 items text.
     * @param cell An instance of the HSSFCell class that encapsulates a
     *             reference to the spreadsheet cell into which the list item
     *             will be written.
public void bulletedItemInCell(HSSFWorkbook workbook, String listItem, HSSFCell cell) {
    // A format String must be built to ensure that the contents of the
    // cell appear as a bulleted item.
    HSSFDataFormat format = workbook.createDataFormat();
    String formatString = InCellLists.BULLET_CHARACTER + " @";
    int formatIndex = format.getFormat(formatString);
    // Construct an HSSFCellStyle and set it's data formt to use the
    // object created above.
    HSSFCellStyle bulletStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
    bulletStyle.setDataFormat((short) formatIndex);
    // Set the cells contents and style.
    cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(listItem));
Also used : HSSFCellStyle(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle) HSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString) HSSFDataFormat(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDataFormat) HSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString)


HSSFRichTextString (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString)38 HSSFCellStyle (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle)17 HSSFCell (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell)16 HSSFRow (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow)9 HSSFSheet (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet)8 HSSFWorkbook (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook)7 HSSFClientAnchor (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFClientAnchor)5 HSSFFont (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont)5 HSSFPatriarch (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPatriarch)5 Test (org.junit.Test)5 HSSFSimpleShape (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSimpleShape)3 FileOutputStream ( BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)2 HSSFComment (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFComment)2 Region (org.apache.poi.hssf.util.Region)2 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)2 Text (org.w3c.dom.Text)2 ByteArrayInputStream ( FileNotFoundException ( IOException (