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Example 1 with StyleDescription

use of org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.StyleDescription in project poi by apache.

the class HWPFLister method dumpStyles.

private void dumpStyles() {
    if (_doc instanceof HWPFOldDocument) {
        System.out.println("Word 95 not supported so far");
    HWPFDocument hwpfDocument = (HWPFDocument) _doc;
    for (int s = 0; s < hwpfDocument.getStyleSheet().numStyles(); s++) {
        StyleDescription styleDescription = hwpfDocument.getStyleSheet().getStyleDescription(s);
        if (styleDescription == null)
        System.out.println("=== Style #" + s + " '" + styleDescription.getName() + "' ===");
        if (styleDescription.getPAPX() != null)
            dumpSprms(new SprmIterator(styleDescription.getPAPX(), 2), "Style's PAP SPRM: ");
        if (styleDescription.getCHPX() != null)
            dumpSprms(new SprmIterator(styleDescription.getCHPX(), 0), "Style's CHP SPRM: ");
Also used : HWPFDocument(org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument) HWPFOldDocument(org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFOldDocument) SprmIterator(org.apache.poi.hwpf.sprm.SprmIterator) StyleDescription(org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.StyleDescription)

Example 2 with StyleDescription

use of org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.StyleDescription in project tika by apache.

the class WordExtractor method handleParagraph.

private int handleParagraph(Paragraph p, int parentTableLevel, Range r, HWPFDocument document, FieldsDocumentPart docPart, PicturesSource pictures, PicturesTable pictureTable, ListManager listManager, XHTMLContentHandler xhtml) throws SAXException, IOException, TikaException {
    //  into nested tables, so currently we don't
    if (p.isInTable() && p.getTableLevel() > parentTableLevel && parentTableLevel == 0) {
        Table t = r.getTable(p);
        for (int rn = 0; rn < t.numRows(); rn++) {
            TableRow row = t.getRow(rn);
            for (int cn = 0; cn < row.numCells(); cn++) {
                TableCell cell = row.getCell(cn);
                for (int pn = 0; pn < cell.numParagraphs(); pn++) {
                    Paragraph cellP = cell.getParagraph(pn);
                    handleParagraph(cellP, p.getTableLevel(), cell, document, docPart, pictures, pictureTable, listManager, xhtml);
        return (t.numParagraphs() - 1);
    String text = p.text();
    if (text.replaceAll("[\\r\\n\\s]+", "").isEmpty()) {
        // Skip empty paragraphs
        return 0;
    TagAndStyle tas;
    String numbering = null;
    if (document.getStyleSheet().numStyles() > p.getStyleIndex()) {
        StyleDescription style = document.getStyleSheet().getStyleDescription(p.getStyleIndex());
        if (style != null && style.getName() != null && style.getName().length() > 0) {
            if (p.isInList()) {
                numbering = listManager.getFormattedNumber(p);
            tas = buildParagraphTagAndStyle(style.getName(), (parentTableLevel > 0));
        } else {
            tas = new TagAndStyle("p", null);
    } else {
        tas = new TagAndStyle("p", null);
    if (tas.getStyleClass() != null) {
        xhtml.startElement(tas.getTag(), "class", tas.getStyleClass());
    } else {
    if (numbering != null) {
    for (int j = 0; j < p.numCharacterRuns(); j++) {
        CharacterRun cr = p.getCharacterRun(j);
        // FIELD_BEGIN_MARK:
        if (cr.text().getBytes(UTF_8)[0] == 0x13) {
            Field field = document.getFields().getFieldByStartOffset(docPart, cr.getStartOffset());
            // 56 is a document link
            if (field != null && (field.getType() == 58 || field.getType() == 56)) {
                // Embedded Object: add a <div
                // class="embedded" id="_X"/> so consumer can see where
                // in the main text each embedded document
                // occurred:
                String id = "_unknown_id";
                //this can return null (TIKA-1956)
                CharacterRun mscr = field.getMarkSeparatorCharacterRun(r);
                if (mscr != null) {
                    id = "_" + mscr.getPicOffset();
                AttributesImpl attributes = new AttributesImpl();
                attributes.addAttribute("", "class", "class", "CDATA", "embedded");
                attributes.addAttribute("", "id", "id", "CDATA", id);
                xhtml.startElement("div", attributes);
        if (cr.text().equals("")) {
            j += handleSpecialCharacterRuns(p, j, tas.isHeading(), pictures, xhtml);
        } else if (cr.text().startsWith("")) {
            // Floating Picture(s)
            for (int pn = 0; pn < cr.text().length(); pn++) {
                // Assume they're in the order from the unclaimed list...
                Picture picture = pictures.nextUnclaimed();
                // Output
                handlePictureCharacterRun(cr, picture, pictures, xhtml);
        } else if (pictureTable.hasPicture(cr)) {
            // Inline Picture
            Picture picture = pictures.getFor(cr);
            handlePictureCharacterRun(cr, picture, pictures, xhtml);
        } else {
            handleCharacterRun(cr, tas.isHeading(), xhtml);
    // Close any still open style tags
    if (curStrikeThrough) {
        curStrikeThrough = false;
    if (curItalic) {
        curItalic = false;
    if (curBold) {
        curBold = false;
    return 0;
Also used : Field(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Field) PicturesTable(org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PicturesTable) SavedByTable(org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.SavedByTable) Table(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Table) TableCell(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.TableCell) AttributesImpl(org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl) Picture(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Picture) TableRow(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.TableRow) CharacterRun(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.CharacterRun) StyleDescription(org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.StyleDescription) Paragraph(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Paragraph)


StyleDescription (org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.StyleDescription)2 HWPFDocument (org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument)1 HWPFOldDocument (org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFOldDocument)1 PicturesTable (org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PicturesTable)1 SavedByTable (org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.SavedByTable)1 SprmIterator (org.apache.poi.hwpf.sprm.SprmIterator)1 CharacterRun (org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.CharacterRun)1 Field (org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Field)1 Paragraph (org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Paragraph)1 Picture (org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Picture)1 Table (org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Table)1 TableCell (org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.TableCell)1 TableRow (org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.TableRow)1 AttributesImpl (org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl)1