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Example 1 with CellFormat

use of in project poi by apache.

the class ToHtml method printSheetContent.

private void printSheetContent(Sheet sheet) {
    Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();
    while (rows.hasNext()) {
        Row row =;
        out.format("  <tr>%n");
        out.format("    <td class=%s>%d</td>%n", ROW_HEAD_CLASS, row.getRowNum() + 1);
        for (int i = firstColumn; i < endColumn; i++) {
            String content = "&nbsp;";
            String attrs = "";
            CellStyle style = null;
            if (i >= row.getFirstCellNum() && i < row.getLastCellNum()) {
                Cell cell = row.getCell(i);
                if (cell != null) {
                    style = cell.getCellStyle();
                    attrs = tagStyle(cell, style);
                    //Set the value that is rendered for the cell
                    //also applies the format
                    CellFormat cf = CellFormat.getInstance(style.getDataFormatString());
                    CellFormatResult result = cf.apply(cell);
                    content = result.text;
                    if (content.equals("")) {
                        content = "&nbsp;";
            out.format("    <td class=%s %s>%s</td>%n", styleName(style), attrs, content);
        out.format("  </tr>%n");
Also used : CellFormat( CellFormatResult( Row( CellStyle( Cell(

Example 2 with CellFormat

use of in project poi by apache.

the class DataFormatter method getFormat.

private Format getFormat(double cellValue, int formatIndex, String formatStrIn) {
    //      // Might be better to separate out the n p and z formats, falling back to p when n and z are not set.
    //      // That however would require other code to be re factored.
    //      String[] formatBits = formatStrIn.split(";");
    //      int i = cellValue > 0.0 ? 0 : cellValue < 0.0 ? 1 : 2; 
    //      String formatStr = (i < formatBits.length) ? formatBits[i] : formatBits[0];
    String formatStr = formatStrIn;
    // TODO Going forward, we should really merge the logic between the two classes
    if (formatStr.contains(";") && (formatStr.indexOf(';') != formatStr.lastIndexOf(';') || rangeConditionalPattern.matcher(formatStr).matches())) {
        try {
            // Ask CellFormat to get a formatter for it
            CellFormat cfmt = CellFormat.getInstance(formatStr);
            // CellFormat requires callers to identify date vs not, so do so
            Object cellValueO = Double.valueOf(cellValue);
            if (DateUtil.isADateFormat(formatIndex, formatStr) && // don't try to handle Date value 0, let a 3 or 4-part format take care of it 
            ((Double) cellValueO).doubleValue() != 0.0) {
                cellValueO = DateUtil.getJavaDate(cellValue);
            // Wrap and return (non-cachable - CellFormat does that)
            return new CellFormatResultWrapper(cfmt.apply(cellValueO));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.log(POILogger.WARN, "Formatting failed for format " + formatStr + ", falling back", e);
    // Excel's # with value 0 will output empty where Java will output 0. This hack removes the # from the format.
    if (emulateCSV && cellValue == 0.0 && formatStr.contains("#") && !formatStr.contains("0")) {
        formatStr = formatStr.replaceAll("#", "");
    // See if we already have it cached
    Format format = formats.get(formatStr);
    if (format != null) {
        return format;
    // Is it one of the special built in types, General or @?
    if ("General".equalsIgnoreCase(formatStr) || "@".equals(formatStr)) {
        return generalNumberFormat;
    // Build a formatter, and cache it
    format = createFormat(cellValue, formatIndex, formatStr);
    formats.put(formatStr, format);
    return format;
Also used : Format(java.text.Format) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat(java.text.DateFormat) DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) CellFormat( CellFormat(

Example 3 with CellFormat

use of in project poi by apache.

the class TestDataFormatter method setUpClass.

public static void setUpClass() {
    // some pre-checks to hunt for a problem in the Maven build
    // these checks ensure that the correct locale is set, so a failure here
    // usually indicates an invalid locale during test-execution
    assertFalse(DateUtil.isADateFormat(-1, "_-* #,##0.00_-;-* #,##0.00_-;_-* \"-\"??_-;_-@_-"));
    Locale ul = LocaleUtil.getUserLocale();
    assertTrue(Locale.ROOT.equals(ul) || Locale.getDefault().equals(ul));
    final String textValue = NumberToTextConverter.toText(1234.56);
    assertEquals(-1, textValue.indexOf('E'));
    Object cellValueO = Double.valueOf(1234.56);
    /*CellFormat cellFormat = new CellFormat("_-* #,##0.00_-;-* #,##0.00_-;_-* \"-\"??_-;_-@_-");
        CellFormatResult result = cellFormat.apply(cellValueO);
        assertEquals("    1,234.56 ", result.text);*/
    CellFormat cfmt = CellFormat.getInstance("_-* #,##0.00_-;-* #,##0.00_-;_-* \"-\"??_-;_-@_-");
    CellFormatResult result = cfmt.apply(cellValueO);
    assertEquals("This failure can indicate that the wrong locale is used during test-execution, ensure you run with english/US via -Duser.language=en", "    1,234.56 ", result.text);
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) CellFormat( CellFormatResult( BeforeClass(org.junit.BeforeClass) SuppressForbidden(org.apache.poi.util.SuppressForbidden)


CellFormat ( CellFormatResult ( DateFormat (java.text.DateFormat)1 DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)1 Format (java.text.Format)1 SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)1 Locale (java.util.Locale)1 Cell ( CellStyle ( Row ( SuppressForbidden (org.apache.poi.util.SuppressForbidden)1 BeforeClass (org.junit.BeforeClass)1