use of in project poi by apache.
the class TestXSSFRow method testCopyRowOverwritesExistingRow.
public void testCopyRowOverwritesExistingRow() throws IOException {
final XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
final XSSFSheet sheet1 = workbook.createSheet("Sheet1");
final Sheet sheet2 = workbook.createSheet("Sheet2");
final Row srcRow = sheet1.createRow(0);
final XSSFRow destRow = sheet1.createRow(1);
final Row observerRow = sheet1.createRow(2);
final Row externObserverRow = sheet2.createRow(0);
//A2 -> 5.0
// B2 -> A1 -> "hello"
// A3 -> A2 -> 5.0
// B3 -> B2 -> A1 -> "hello"
//Sheet2!A1 -> Sheet1!A2 -> 5.0
// overwrite existing destRow with row-copy of srcRow
destRow.copyRowFrom(srcRow, new CellCopyPolicy());
// copyRowFrom should update existing destRow, rather than creating a new row and reassigning the destRow pointer
// to the new row (and allow the old row to be garbage collected)
// this is mostly so existing references to rows that are overwritten are updated
// rather than allowing users to continue updating rows that are no longer part of the sheet
assertSame("existing references to srcRow are still valid", srcRow, sheet1.getRow(0));
assertSame("existing references to destRow are still valid", destRow, sheet1.getRow(1));
assertSame("existing references to observerRow are still valid", observerRow, sheet1.getRow(2));
assertSame("existing references to externObserverRow are still valid", externObserverRow, sheet2.getRow(0));
// Make sure copyRowFrom actually copied row (this is tested elsewhere)
assertEquals(CellType.STRING, destRow.getCell(0).getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals("hello", destRow.getCell(0).getStringCellValue());
// We don't want #REF! errors if we copy a row that contains cells that are referred to by other cells outside of copied region
assertEquals("references to overwritten cells are unmodified", "A2", observerRow.getCell(0).getCellFormula());
assertEquals("references to overwritten cells are unmodified", "B2", observerRow.getCell(1).getCellFormula());
assertEquals("references to overwritten cells are unmodified", "Sheet1!A2", externObserverRow.getCell(0).getCellFormula());
use of in project poi by apache.
the class TestXSSFRow method testCopyRowFromExternalSheet.
public void testCopyRowFromExternalSheet() throws IOException {
final XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
final Sheet srcSheet = workbook.createSheet("src");
final XSSFSheet destSheet = workbook.createSheet("dest");
final Row srcRow = srcSheet.createRow(0);
int col = 0;
//Test 2D and 3D Ref Ptgs (Pxg for OOXML Workbooks)
//Test 2D and 3D Ref Ptgs with absolute row
//Test 2D and 3D Area Ptgs (Pxg for OOXML Workbooks)
final XSSFRow destRow = destSheet.createRow(1);
destRow.copyRowFrom(srcRow, new CellCopyPolicy());
//Test 2D and 3D Ref Ptgs (Pxg for OOXML Workbooks)
col = 0;
Cell cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("RefPtg", "B6", cell.getCellFormula());
cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("Ref3DPtg", "src!B6", cell.getCellFormula());
cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("Ref3DPtg", "dest!B6", cell.getCellFormula());
cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("Ref3DPtg", "other!B6", cell.getCellFormula());
//Test 2D and 3D Ref Ptgs with absolute row (Ptg row number shouldn't change)
cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("RefPtg", "B$5", cell.getCellFormula());
cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("Ref3DPtg", "src!B$5", cell.getCellFormula());
cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("Ref3DPtg", "dest!B$5", cell.getCellFormula());
cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("Ref3DPtg", "other!B$5", cell.getCellFormula());
//Test 2D and 3D Area Ptgs (Pxg for OOXML Workbooks)
// Note: absolute row changes from last cell to first cell in order
// to maintain topLeft:bottomRight order
cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("Area2DPtg", "SUM(B$5:D6)", cell.getCellFormula());
cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("Area3DPtg", "SUM(src!B$5:D6)", cell.getCellFormula());
cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("Area3DPtg", "SUM(dest!B$5:D6)", cell.getCellFormula());
cell = destRow.getCell(col++);
assertEquals("Area3DPtg", "SUM(other!B$5:D6)", cell.getCellFormula());
use of in project poi by apache.
the class TestXSSFSheet method testCopyOneRow.
protected void testCopyOneRow(String copyRowsTestWorkbook) throws IOException {
final double FLOAT_PRECISION = 1e-9;
final XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(copyRowsTestWorkbook);
final XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
final CellCopyPolicy defaultCopyPolicy = new CellCopyPolicy();
sheet.copyRows(1, 1, 6, defaultCopyPolicy);
final Row srcRow = sheet.getRow(1);
final Row destRow = sheet.getRow(6);
int col = 0;
Cell cell;
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("Source row ->", cell.getStringCellValue());
// Style
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("[Style] B7 cell value", "Red", cell.getStringCellValue());
assertEquals("[Style] B7 cell style", CellUtil.getCell(srcRow, 1).getCellStyle(), cell.getCellStyle());
// Blank
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("[Blank] C7 cell type", CellType.BLANK, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
// Error
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("[Error] D7 cell type", CellType.ERROR, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
final FormulaError error = FormulaError.forInt(cell.getErrorCellValue());
//FIXME: XSSFCell and HSSFCell expose different interfaces. getErrorCellString would be helpful here
assertEquals("[Error] D7 cell value", FormulaError.NA, error);
// Date
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("[Date] E7 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
final Date date = LocaleUtil.getLocaleCalendar(2000, Calendar.JANUARY, 1).getTime();
assertEquals("[Date] E7 cell value", date, cell.getDateCellValue());
// Boolean
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("[Boolean] F7 cell type", CellType.BOOLEAN, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals("[Boolean] F7 cell value", true, cell.getBooleanCellValue());
// String
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("[String] G7 cell type", CellType.STRING, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals("[String] G7 cell value", "Hello", cell.getStringCellValue());
// Int
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("[Int] H7 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals("[Int] H7 cell value", 15, (int) cell.getNumericCellValue());
// Float
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("[Float] I7 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals("[Float] I7 cell value", 12.5, cell.getNumericCellValue(), FLOAT_PRECISION);
// Cell Formula
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("J7", new CellReference(cell).formatAsString());
assertEquals("[Cell Formula] J7 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals("[Cell Formula] J7 cell formula", "5+2", cell.getCellFormula());
System.out.println("Cell formula evaluation currently unsupported");
// Cell Formula with Reference
// Formula row references should be adjusted by destRowNum-srcRowNum
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("K7", new CellReference(cell).formatAsString());
assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference] K7 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference] K7 cell formula", "J7+H$2", cell.getCellFormula());
// Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows] L7 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows] L7 cell formula", "G7&\" \"&G8", cell.getCellFormula());
// Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Area Reference] M7 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Area Reference] M7 cell formula", "SUM(H7:I8)", cell.getCellFormula());
// Array Formula
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
System.out.println("Array formulas currently unsupported");
// FIXME: Array Formula set with Sheet.setArrayFormula() instead of cell.setFormula()
assertEquals("[Array Formula] N7 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals("[Array Formula] N7 cell formula", "{SUM(H7:J7*{1,2,3})}", cell.getCellFormula());
// Data Format
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
assertEquals("[Data Format] O7 cell type;", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
assertEquals("[Data Format] O7 cell value", 100.20, cell.getNumericCellValue(), FLOAT_PRECISION);
//FIXME: currently fails
final String moneyFormat = "\"$\"#,##0.00_);[Red]\\(\"$\"#,##0.00\\)";
assertEquals("[Data Format] O7 data format", moneyFormat, cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormatString());
// Merged
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col);
assertEquals("[Merged] P7:Q7 cell value", "Merged cells", cell.getStringCellValue());
assertTrue("[Merged] P7:Q7 merged region", sheet.getMergedRegions().contains(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("P7:Q7")));
// Merged across multiple rows
// Microsoft Excel 2013 does not copy a merged region unless all rows of
// the source merged region are selected
// POI's behavior should match this behavior
col += 2;
cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col);
// Note: this behavior deviates from Microsoft Excel,
// which will not overwrite a cell in destination row if merged region extends beyond the copied row.
// The Excel way would require:
//assertEquals("[Merged across multiple rows] R7:S8 merged region", "Should NOT be overwritten", cell.getStringCellValue());
//assertFalse("[Merged across multiple rows] R7:S8 merged region",
// sheet.getMergedRegions().contains(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("R7:S8")));
// As currently implemented, cell value is copied but merged region is not copied
assertEquals("[Merged across multiple rows] R7:S8 cell value", "Merged cells across multiple rows", cell.getStringCellValue());
assertFalse("[Merged across multiple rows] R7:S7 merged region (one row)", //shouldn't do 1-row merge
assertFalse("[Merged across multiple rows] R7:S8 merged region", //shouldn't do 2-row merge
// Make sure other rows are blank (off-by-one errors)
use of in project poi by apache.
the class XSSFSheet method copyRows.
* copyRows rows from srcRows to this sheet starting at destStartRow
* Additionally copies merged regions that are completely defined in these
* rows (ie. merged 2 cells on a row to be shifted).
* @param srcRows the rows to copy. Formulas will be offset by the difference
* in the row number of the first row in srcRows and destStartRow (even if srcRows
* are from a different sheet).
* @param destStartRow the row in this sheet to paste the first row of srcRows
* the remainder of srcRows will be pasted below destStartRow per the cell copy policy
* @param policy is the cell copy policy, which can be used to merge the source and destination
* when the source is blank, copy styles only, paste as value, etc
public void copyRows(List<? extends Row> srcRows, int destStartRow, CellCopyPolicy policy) {
if (srcRows == null || srcRows.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No rows to copy");
final Row srcStartRow = srcRows.get(0);
final Row srcEndRow = srcRows.get(srcRows.size() - 1);
if (srcStartRow == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("copyRows: First row cannot be null");
final int srcStartRowNum = srcStartRow.getRowNum();
final int srcEndRowNum = srcEndRow.getRowNum();
// check row numbers to make sure they are continuous and increasing (monotonic)
// and srcRows does not contain null rows
final int size = srcRows.size();
for (int index = 1; index < size; index++) {
final Row curRow = srcRows.get(index);
if (curRow == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("srcRows may not contain null rows. Found null row at index " + index + ".");
//} else if (curRow.getRowNum() != prevRow.getRowNum() + 1) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("srcRows must contain continuously increasing row numbers. " +
// "Got srcRows[" + (index-1) + "]=Row " + prevRow.getRowNum() + ", srcRows[" + index + "]=Row " + curRow.getRowNum() + ".");
// FIXME: assumes row objects belong to non-null sheets and sheets belong to non-null workbooks.
} else if (srcStartRow.getSheet().getWorkbook() != curRow.getSheet().getWorkbook()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("All rows in srcRows must belong to the same sheet in the same workbook." + "Expected all rows from same workbook (" + srcStartRow.getSheet().getWorkbook() + "). " + "Got srcRows[" + index + "] from different workbook (" + curRow.getSheet().getWorkbook() + ").");
} else if (srcStartRow.getSheet() != curRow.getSheet()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("All rows in srcRows must belong to the same sheet. " + "Expected all rows from " + srcStartRow.getSheet().getSheetName() + ". " + "Got srcRows[" + index + "] from " + curRow.getSheet().getSheetName());
// FIXME: is special behavior needed if srcRows and destRows belong to the same sheets and the regions overlap?
final CellCopyPolicy options = new CellCopyPolicy(policy);
// avoid O(N^2) performance scanning through all regions for each row
// merged regions will be copied after all the rows have been copied
// FIXME: if srcRows contains gaps or null values, clear out those rows that will be overwritten
// how will this work with merging (copy just values, leave cell styles in place?)
int r = destStartRow;
for (Row srcRow : srcRows) {
int destRowNum;
if (policy.isCondenseRows()) {
destRowNum = r++;
} else {
final int shift = (srcRow.getRowNum() - srcStartRowNum);
destRowNum = destStartRow + shift;
//removeRow(destRowNum); //this probably clears all external formula references to destRow, causing unwanted #REF! errors
final XSSFRow destRow = createRow(destRowNum);
destRow.copyRowFrom(srcRow, options);
// Copy merged regions that are contained within the copy region
if (policy.isCopyMergedRegions()) {
// FIXME: is this something that rowShifter could be doing?
final int shift = destStartRow - srcStartRowNum;
for (CellRangeAddress srcRegion : srcStartRow.getSheet().getMergedRegions()) {
if (srcStartRowNum <= srcRegion.getFirstRow() && srcRegion.getLastRow() <= srcEndRowNum) {
// srcRegion is fully inside the copied rows
final CellRangeAddress destRegion = srcRegion.copy();
destRegion.setFirstRow(destRegion.getFirstRow() + shift);
destRegion.setLastRow(destRegion.getLastRow() + shift);
use of in project poi by apache.
the class TestXSSFCell method testCopyCellFrom_CellCopyPolicy_formulaWithUnregisteredUDF.
public final void testCopyCellFrom_CellCopyPolicy_formulaWithUnregisteredUDF() {
srcCell.setCellFormula("MYFUNC2(123, $A5, Sheet1!$B7)");
// Copy formula verbatim (no shifting). This is okay because copyCellFrom is Internal.
// Users should use higher-level copying functions to row- or column-shift formulas.
final CellCopyPolicy policy = new CellCopyPolicy.Builder().cellFormula(true).build();
destCell.copyCellFrom(srcCell, policy);
assertEquals("MYFUNC2(123, $A5, Sheet1!$B7)", destCell.getCellFormula());