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Example 1 with FormulaError

use of in project poi by apache.

the class HSSFCell method setCellErrorValue.

     * set a error value for the cell
     * @param errorCode the error value to set this cell to.  For formulas we'll set the
     *        precalculated value , for errors we'll set
     *        its value. For other types we will change the cell to an error
     *        cell and set its value.
     *        For error code byte, see {@link FormulaError}.
     * @deprecated 3.15 beta 2. Use {@link #setCellErrorValue(FormulaError)} instead.
public void setCellErrorValue(byte errorCode) {
    FormulaError error = FormulaError.forInt(errorCode);
Also used : FormulaError(

Example 2 with FormulaError

use of in project poi by apache.

the class SheetDataWriter method writeCell.

public void writeCell(int columnIndex, Cell cell) throws IOException {
    if (cell == null) {
    String ref = new CellReference(_rownum, columnIndex).formatAsString();
    _out.write("<c r=\"" + ref + "\"");
    CellStyle cellStyle = cell.getCellStyle();
    if (cellStyle.getIndex() != 0) {
        // need to convert the short to unsigned short as the indexes can be up to 64k
        // ideally we would use int for this index, but that would need changes to some more 
        // APIs
        _out.write(" s=\"" + (cellStyle.getIndex() & 0xffff) + "\"");
    CellType cellType = cell.getCellTypeEnum();
    switch(cellType) {
        case BLANK:
        case FORMULA:
                switch(cell.getCachedFormulaResultTypeEnum()) {
                    case NUMERIC:
                        double nval = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        if (!Double.isNaN(nval)) {
                            _out.write("<v>" + nval + "</v>");
        case STRING:
                if (_sharedStringSource != null) {
                    XSSFRichTextString rt = new XSSFRichTextString(cell.getStringCellValue());
                    int sRef = _sharedStringSource.addEntry(rt.getCTRst());
                    _out.write(" t=\"" + STCellType.S + "\">");
                } else {
                    _out.write(" t=\"inlineStr\">");
                    if (hasLeadingTrailingSpaces(cell.getStringCellValue())) {
                        _out.write(" xml:space=\"preserve\"");
        case NUMERIC:
                _out.write(" t=\"n\">");
                _out.write("<v>" + cell.getNumericCellValue() + "</v>");
        case BOOLEAN:
                _out.write(" t=\"b\">");
                _out.write("<v>" + (cell.getBooleanCellValue() ? "1" : "0") + "</v>");
        case ERROR:
                FormulaError error = FormulaError.forInt(cell.getErrorCellValue());
                _out.write(" t=\"e\">");
                _out.write("<v>" + error.getString() + "</v>");
                throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid cell type: " + cellType);
Also used : XSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRichTextString) FormulaError( CellType( STCellType(org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.STCellType) XSSFRichTextString(org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRichTextString) CellStyle( CellReference(

Example 3 with FormulaError

use of in project poi by apache.

the class ErrorEval method valueOf.

     * Translates an Excel internal error code into the corresponding POI ErrorEval instance
     * @param errorCode An error code listed in {@link FormulaError}
     * @throws RuntimeException If an unknown errorCode is specified
public static ErrorEval valueOf(int errorCode) {
    FormulaError error = FormulaError.forInt(errorCode);
    ErrorEval eval = evals.get(error);
    if (eval != null) {
        return eval;
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled error type for code " + errorCode);
Also used : FormulaError(

Example 4 with FormulaError

use of in project poi by apache.

the class TestXSSFSheet method testCopyMultipleRows.

protected void testCopyMultipleRows(String copyRowsTestWorkbook) throws IOException {
    final double FLOAT_PRECISION = 1e-9;
    final XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(copyRowsTestWorkbook);
    final XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
    final CellCopyPolicy defaultCopyPolicy = new CellCopyPolicy();
    sheet.copyRows(0, 3, 8, defaultCopyPolicy);
    @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Row srcHeaderRow = sheet.getRow(0);
    final Row srcRow1 = sheet.getRow(1);
    final Row srcRow2 = sheet.getRow(2);
    final Row srcRow3 = sheet.getRow(3);
    final Row destHeaderRow = sheet.getRow(8);
    final Row destRow1 = sheet.getRow(9);
    final Row destRow2 = sheet.getRow(10);
    final Row destRow3 = sheet.getRow(11);
    int col = 0;
    Cell cell;
    // Header row should be copied
    // Data rows
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("Source row ->", cell.getStringCellValue());
    // Style
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Style] B10 cell value", "Red", cell.getStringCellValue());
    assertEquals("[Style] B10 cell style", CellUtil.getCell(srcRow1, 1).getCellStyle(), cell.getCellStyle());
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Style] B11 cell value", "Blue", cell.getStringCellValue());
    assertEquals("[Style] B11 cell style", CellUtil.getCell(srcRow2, 1).getCellStyle(), cell.getCellStyle());
    // Blank
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Blank] C10 cell type", CellType.BLANK, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Blank] C11 cell type", CellType.BLANK, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    // Error
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Error] D10 cell type", CellType.ERROR, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    FormulaError error = FormulaError.forInt(cell.getErrorCellValue());
    //FIXME: XSSFCell and HSSFCell expose different interfaces. getErrorCellString would be helpful here
    assertEquals("[Error] D10 cell value", FormulaError.NA, error);
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Error] D11 cell type", CellType.ERROR, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    error = FormulaError.forInt(cell.getErrorCellValue());
    //FIXME: XSSFCell and HSSFCell expose different interfaces. getErrorCellString would be helpful here
    assertEquals("[Error] D11 cell value", FormulaError.NAME, error);
    // Date
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Date] E10 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    Date date = LocaleUtil.getLocaleCalendar(2000, Calendar.JANUARY, 1).getTime();
    assertEquals("[Date] E10 cell value", date, cell.getDateCellValue());
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Date] E11 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    date = LocaleUtil.getLocaleCalendar(2000, Calendar.JANUARY, 2).getTime();
    assertEquals("[Date] E11 cell value", date, cell.getDateCellValue());
    // Boolean
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Boolean] F10 cell type", CellType.BOOLEAN, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Boolean] F10 cell value", true, cell.getBooleanCellValue());
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Boolean] F11 cell type", CellType.BOOLEAN, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Boolean] F11 cell value", false, cell.getBooleanCellValue());
    // String
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[String] G10 cell type", CellType.STRING, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[String] G10 cell value", "Hello", cell.getStringCellValue());
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[String] G11 cell type", CellType.STRING, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[String] G11 cell value", "World", cell.getStringCellValue());
    // Int
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Int] H10 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Int] H10 cell value", 15, (int) cell.getNumericCellValue());
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Int] H11 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Int] H11 cell value", 42, (int) cell.getNumericCellValue());
    // Float
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Float] I10 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Float] I10 cell value", 12.5, cell.getNumericCellValue(), FLOAT_PRECISION);
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Float] I11 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Float] I11 cell value", 5.5, cell.getNumericCellValue(), FLOAT_PRECISION);
    // Cell Formula
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula] J10 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula] J10 cell formula", "5+2", cell.getCellFormula());
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula] J11 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula] J11 cell formula", "6+18", cell.getCellFormula());
    // Cell Formula with Reference
    // Formula row references should be adjusted by destRowNum-srcRowNum
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference] K10 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference] K10 cell formula", "J10+H$2", cell.getCellFormula());
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference] K11 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference] K11 cell formula", "J11+H$2", cell.getCellFormula());
    // Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows] L10 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows] L10 cell formula", "G10&\" \"&G11", cell.getCellFormula());
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows] L11 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows] L11 cell formula", "G11&\" \"&G12", cell.getCellFormula());
    // Cell Formula with Area Reference
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Area Reference] M10 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Area Reference] M10 cell formula", "SUM(H10:I11)", cell.getCellFormula());
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Area Reference] M11 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Area Reference] M11 cell formula", "SUM($H$3:I10)", //Also acceptable: SUM($H10:I$3), but this AreaReference isn't in ascending order
    // Array Formula
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    // System.out.println("Array formulas currently unsupported");
        // FIXME: Array Formula set with Sheet.setArrayFormula() instead of cell.setFormula()
        assertEquals("[Array Formula] N10 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
        assertEquals("[Array Formula] N10 cell formula", "{SUM(H10:J10*{1,2,3})}", cell.getCellFormula());
        cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
        // FIXME: Array Formula set with Sheet.setArrayFormula() instead of cell.setFormula() 
        assertEquals("[Array Formula] N11 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
        assertEquals("[Array Formula] N11 cell formula", "{SUM(H11:J11*{1,2,3})}", cell.getCellFormula());
    // Data Format
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Data Format] O10 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Data Format] O10 cell value", 100.20, cell.getNumericCellValue(), FLOAT_PRECISION);
    final String moneyFormat = "\"$\"#,##0.00_);[Red]\\(\"$\"#,##0.00\\)";
    assertEquals("[Data Format] O10 cell data format", moneyFormat, cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormatString());
    // Merged
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Merged] P10:Q10 cell value", "Merged cells", cell.getStringCellValue());
    assertTrue("[Merged] P10:Q10 merged region", sheet.getMergedRegions().contains(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("P10:Q10")));
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow2, col);
    assertEquals("[Merged] P11:Q11 cell value", "Merged cells", cell.getStringCellValue());
    assertTrue("[Merged] P11:Q11 merged region", sheet.getMergedRegions().contains(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("P11:Q11")));
    // Should Q10/Q11 be checked?
    // Merged across multiple rows
    // Microsoft Excel 2013 does not copy a merged region unless all rows of
    // the source merged region are selected
    // POI's behavior should match this behavior
    col += 2;
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow1, col);
    assertEquals("[Merged across multiple rows] R10:S11 cell value", "Merged cells across multiple rows", cell.getStringCellValue());
    assertTrue("[Merged across multiple rows] R10:S11 merged region", sheet.getMergedRegions().contains(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("R10:S11")));
    // Row 3 (zero-based) was empty, so Row 11 (zero-based) should be empty too.
    if (srcRow3 == null) {
        assertNull("Row 3 was empty, so Row 11 should be empty", destRow3);
    // Make sure other rows are blank (off-by-one errors)
    //one row above destHeaderRow
    assertNull("Off-by-one lower edge case", sheet.getRow(7));
    //one row below destRow3
    assertNull("Off-by-one upper edge case", sheet.getRow(12));
Also used : FormulaError( SXSSFWorkbook(org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook) CTRow(org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.CTRow) Row( CTCell(org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.CTCell) Cell( CellCopyPolicy( Date(java.util.Date)

Example 5 with FormulaError

use of in project poi by apache.

the class TestXSSFSheet method testCopyOneRow.

protected void testCopyOneRow(String copyRowsTestWorkbook) throws IOException {
    final double FLOAT_PRECISION = 1e-9;
    final XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(copyRowsTestWorkbook);
    final XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
    final CellCopyPolicy defaultCopyPolicy = new CellCopyPolicy();
    sheet.copyRows(1, 1, 6, defaultCopyPolicy);
    final Row srcRow = sheet.getRow(1);
    final Row destRow = sheet.getRow(6);
    int col = 0;
    Cell cell;
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("Source row ->", cell.getStringCellValue());
    // Style
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("[Style] B7 cell value", "Red", cell.getStringCellValue());
    assertEquals("[Style] B7 cell style", CellUtil.getCell(srcRow, 1).getCellStyle(), cell.getCellStyle());
    // Blank
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("[Blank] C7 cell type", CellType.BLANK, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    // Error
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("[Error] D7 cell type", CellType.ERROR, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    final FormulaError error = FormulaError.forInt(cell.getErrorCellValue());
    //FIXME: XSSFCell and HSSFCell expose different interfaces. getErrorCellString would be helpful here
    assertEquals("[Error] D7 cell value", FormulaError.NA, error);
    // Date
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("[Date] E7 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    final Date date = LocaleUtil.getLocaleCalendar(2000, Calendar.JANUARY, 1).getTime();
    assertEquals("[Date] E7 cell value", date, cell.getDateCellValue());
    // Boolean
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("[Boolean] F7 cell type", CellType.BOOLEAN, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Boolean] F7 cell value", true, cell.getBooleanCellValue());
    // String
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("[String] G7 cell type", CellType.STRING, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[String] G7 cell value", "Hello", cell.getStringCellValue());
    // Int
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("[Int] H7 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Int] H7 cell value", 15, (int) cell.getNumericCellValue());
    // Float
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("[Float] I7 cell type", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Float] I7 cell value", 12.5, cell.getNumericCellValue(), FLOAT_PRECISION);
    // Cell Formula
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("J7", new CellReference(cell).formatAsString());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula] J7 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula] J7 cell formula", "5+2", cell.getCellFormula());
    System.out.println("Cell formula evaluation currently unsupported");
    // Cell Formula with Reference
    // Formula row references should be adjusted by destRowNum-srcRowNum
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("K7", new CellReference(cell).formatAsString());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference] K7 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference] K7 cell formula", "J7+H$2", cell.getCellFormula());
    // Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows] L7 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows] L7 cell formula", "G7&\" \"&G8", cell.getCellFormula());
    // Cell Formula with Reference spanning multiple rows
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Area Reference] M7 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Cell Formula with Area Reference] M7 cell formula", "SUM(H7:I8)", cell.getCellFormula());
    // Array Formula
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    System.out.println("Array formulas currently unsupported");
    // FIXME: Array Formula set with Sheet.setArrayFormula() instead of cell.setFormula()
        assertEquals("[Array Formula] N7 cell type", CellType.FORMULA, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
        assertEquals("[Array Formula] N7 cell formula", "{SUM(H7:J7*{1,2,3})}", cell.getCellFormula());
    // Data Format
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col++);
    assertEquals("[Data Format] O7 cell type;", CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
    assertEquals("[Data Format] O7 cell value", 100.20, cell.getNumericCellValue(), FLOAT_PRECISION);
    //FIXME: currently fails
    final String moneyFormat = "\"$\"#,##0.00_);[Red]\\(\"$\"#,##0.00\\)";
    assertEquals("[Data Format] O7 data format", moneyFormat, cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormatString());
    // Merged
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col);
    assertEquals("[Merged] P7:Q7 cell value", "Merged cells", cell.getStringCellValue());
    assertTrue("[Merged] P7:Q7 merged region", sheet.getMergedRegions().contains(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("P7:Q7")));
    // Merged across multiple rows
    // Microsoft Excel 2013 does not copy a merged region unless all rows of
    // the source merged region are selected
    // POI's behavior should match this behavior
    col += 2;
    cell = CellUtil.getCell(destRow, col);
    // Note: this behavior deviates from Microsoft Excel,
    // which will not overwrite a cell in destination row if merged region extends beyond the copied row.
    // The Excel way would require:
    //assertEquals("[Merged across multiple rows] R7:S8 merged region", "Should NOT be overwritten", cell.getStringCellValue());
    //assertFalse("[Merged across multiple rows] R7:S8 merged region", 
    //        sheet.getMergedRegions().contains(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("R7:S8")));
    // As currently implemented, cell value is copied but merged region is not copied
    assertEquals("[Merged across multiple rows] R7:S8 cell value", "Merged cells across multiple rows", cell.getStringCellValue());
    assertFalse("[Merged across multiple rows] R7:S7 merged region (one row)", //shouldn't do 1-row merge
    assertFalse("[Merged across multiple rows] R7:S8 merged region", //shouldn't do 2-row merge
    // Make sure other rows are blank (off-by-one errors)
Also used : FormulaError( SXSSFWorkbook(org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook) CTRow(org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.CTRow) Row( CellReference( CTCell(org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.CTCell) Cell( CellCopyPolicy( Date(java.util.Date)


FormulaError ( Date (java.util.Date)2 Cell ( CellCopyPolicy ( Row ( CellReference ( SXSSFWorkbook (org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook)2 CTCell (org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.CTCell)2 CTRow (org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.CTRow)2 CellStyle ( CellType ( XSSFRichTextString (org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRichTextString)1 STCellType (org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.STCellType)1