use of org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor in project poi by apache.
the class ThemesTable method inheritFromThemeAsRequired.
* If the colour is based on a theme, then inherit
* information (currently just colours) from it as
* required.
public void inheritFromThemeAsRequired(XSSFColor color) {
if (color == null) {
// Nothing for us to do
if (!color.getCTColor().isSetTheme()) {
// No theme set, nothing to do
// Get the theme colour
XSSFColor themeColor = getThemeColor(color.getTheme());
// Set the raw colour, not the adjusted one
// Do a raw set, no adjusting at the XSSFColor layer either
// All done
use of org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor in project poi by apache.
the class ThemesTable method getThemeColor.
* Convert a theme "index" (as used by fonts etc) into a color.
* @param idx A theme "index"
* @return The mapped XSSFColor, or null if not mapped.
public XSSFColor getThemeColor(int idx) {
// Theme color references are NOT positional indices into the color scheme,
// i.e. these keys are NOT the same as the order in which theme colors appear
// in theme1.xml. They are keys to a mapped color.
CTColorScheme colorScheme = theme.getTheme().getThemeElements().getClrScheme();
CTColor ctColor;
switch(ThemeElement.byId(idx)) {
case LT1:
ctColor = colorScheme.getLt1();
case DK1:
ctColor = colorScheme.getDk1();
case LT2:
ctColor = colorScheme.getLt2();
case DK2:
ctColor = colorScheme.getDk2();
case ACCENT1:
ctColor = colorScheme.getAccent1();
case ACCENT2:
ctColor = colorScheme.getAccent2();
case ACCENT3:
ctColor = colorScheme.getAccent3();
case ACCENT4:
ctColor = colorScheme.getAccent4();
case ACCENT5:
ctColor = colorScheme.getAccent5();
case ACCENT6:
ctColor = colorScheme.getAccent6();
case HLINK:
ctColor = colorScheme.getHlink();
ctColor = colorScheme.getFolHlink();
return null;
byte[] rgb = null;
if (ctColor.isSetSrgbClr()) {
// Color is a regular one
rgb = ctColor.getSrgbClr().getVal();
} else if (ctColor.isSetSysClr()) {
// Color is a tint of white or black
rgb = ctColor.getSysClr().getLastClr();
} else {
return null;
return new XSSFColor(rgb, colorMap);
use of org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor in project poi by apache.
the class TestThemesTable method testThemesTableColors.
public void testThemesTableColors() throws Exception {
// Load our two test workbooks
XSSFWorkbook simple = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(testFileSimple);
XSSFWorkbook complex = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(testFileComplex);
// Save and re-load them, to check for stability across that
XSSFWorkbook simpleRS = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(simple);
XSSFWorkbook complexRS = XSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(complex);
// Fetch fresh copies to test with
simple = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(testFileSimple);
complex = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(testFileComplex);
// Files and descriptions
Map<String, XSSFWorkbook> workbooks = new LinkedHashMap<String, XSSFWorkbook>();
workbooks.put(testFileSimple, simple);
workbooks.put("Re-Saved_" + testFileSimple, simpleRS);
workbooks.put(testFileComplex, complex);
workbooks.put("Re-Saved_" + testFileComplex, complexRS);
// Sanity check
assertEquals(rgbExpected.length, rgbExpected.length);
// For offline testing
boolean createFiles = false;
// for the theme-applied cells in Column A are correct
for (String whatWorkbook : workbooks.keySet()) {
XSSFWorkbook workbook = workbooks.get(whatWorkbook);
XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
int startRN = 0;
if (whatWorkbook.endsWith(testFileComplex))
for (int rn = startRN; rn < rgbExpected.length + startRN; rn++) {
XSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(rn);
assertNotNull("Missing row " + rn + " in " + whatWorkbook, row);
String ref = (new CellReference(rn, 0)).formatAsString();
XSSFCell cell = row.getCell(0);
assertNotNull("Missing cell " + ref + " in " + whatWorkbook, cell);
int expectedThemeIdx = rn - startRN;
ThemeElement themeElem = ThemeElement.byId(expectedThemeIdx);
assertEquals("Wrong theme at " + ref + " in " + whatWorkbook,, cell.getStringCellValue());
// Fonts are theme-based in their colours
XSSFFont font = cell.getCellStyle().getFont();
CTColor ctColor = font.getCTFont().getColorArray(0);
assertEquals(true, ctColor.isSetTheme());
assertEquals(themeElem.idx, ctColor.getTheme());
// Get the colour, via the theme
XSSFColor color = font.getXSSFColor();
// Theme colours aren't tinted
assertEquals(false, color.hasTint());
// Check the RGB part (no tint)
assertEquals("Wrong theme colour " + + " on " + whatWorkbook, rgbExpected[expectedThemeIdx], Hex.encodeHexString(color.getRGB()));
long themeIdx = font.getCTFont().getColorArray(0).getTheme();
assertEquals("Wrong theme index " + expectedThemeIdx + " on " + whatWorkbook, expectedThemeIdx, themeIdx);
if (createFiles) {
XSSFCellStyle cs = row.getSheet().getWorkbook().createCellStyle();
if (createFiles) {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("Generated_" + whatWorkbook);
use of org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor in project poi by apache.
the class TestThemesTable method themedAndNonThemedColours.
* Ensure that, for a file with themes, we can correctly
* read both the themed and non-themed colours back.
* Column A = Theme Foreground
* Column B = Theme Foreground
* Column C = Explicit Colour Foreground
* Column E = Explicit Colour Background, Black Foreground
* Column G = Conditional Formatting Backgrounds
* Note - Grey Row has an odd way of doing the styling...
public void themedAndNonThemedColours() {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(testFileComplex);
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFCellStyle style;
XSSFColor color;
XSSFCell cell;
String[] names = { "White", "Black", "Grey", "Dark Blue", "Blue", "Red", "Green" };
String[] explicitFHexes = { "FFFFFFFF", "FF000000", "FFC0C0C0", "FF002060", "FF0070C0", "FFFF0000", "FF00B050" };
String[] explicitBHexes = { "FFFFFFFF", "FF000000", "FFC0C0C0", "FF002060", "FF0000FF", "FFFF0000", "FF00FF00" };
assertEquals(7, names.length);
// Check the non-CF colours in Columns A, B, C and E
for (int rn = 1; rn < 8; rn++) {
int idx = rn - 1;
XSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(rn);
assertNotNull("Missing row " + rn, row);
// Theme cells come first
XSSFCell themeCell = row.getCell(0);
ThemeElement themeElem = ThemeElement.byId(idx);
assertCellContents(, themeCell);
// Sanity check names
assertCellContents(names[idx], row.getCell(1));
assertCellContents(names[idx], row.getCell(2));
assertCellContents(names[idx], row.getCell(4));
// Check the colours
// A: Theme Based, Foreground
style = themeCell.getCellStyle();
color = style.getFont().getXSSFColor();
assertEquals(true, color.isThemed());
assertEquals(idx, color.getTheme());
assertEquals(rgbExpected[idx], Hex.encodeHexString(color.getRGB()));
// B: Theme Based, Foreground
cell = row.getCell(1);
style = cell.getCellStyle();
color = style.getFont().getXSSFColor();
assertEquals(true, color.isThemed());
if (idx != 2) {
assertEquals(idx, color.getTheme());
assertEquals(rgbExpected[idx], Hex.encodeHexString(color.getRGB()));
} else {
assertEquals(1, color.getTheme());
assertEquals(0.50, color.getTint(), 0.001);
// C: Explicit, Foreground
cell = row.getCell(2);
style = cell.getCellStyle();
color = style.getFont().getXSSFColor();
assertEquals(false, color.isThemed());
assertEquals(explicitFHexes[idx], color.getARGBHex());
// E: Explicit Background, Foreground all Black
cell = row.getCell(4);
style = cell.getCellStyle();
color = style.getFont().getXSSFColor();
assertEquals(true, color.isThemed());
assertEquals("FF000000", color.getARGBHex());
color = style.getFillForegroundXSSFColor();
assertEquals(false, color.isThemed());
assertEquals(explicitBHexes[idx], color.getARGBHex());
color = style.getFillBackgroundColorColor();
assertEquals(false, color.isThemed());
assertEquals(null, color.getARGBHex());
// Check the CF colours
use of org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor in project poi by apache.
the class TestXSSFCellFill method testColorFromTheme.
public void testColorFromTheme() throws IOException {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("styles.xlsx");
XSSFCell cellWithThemeColor = wb.getSheetAt(0).getRow(10).getCell(0);
//color RGB will be extracted from theme
XSSFColor foregroundColor = cellWithThemeColor.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundXSSFColor();
byte[] rgb = foregroundColor.getRGB();
byte[] rgbWithTint = foregroundColor.getRGBWithTint();
// Dk2
assertEquals(rgb[0], 31);
assertEquals(rgb[1], 73);
assertEquals(rgb[2], 125);
// Dk2, lighter 40% (tint is about 0.39998)
// 31 * (1.0 - 0.39998) + (255 - 255 * (1.0 - 0.39998)) = 120.59552 => 120 (byte)
// 73 * (1.0 - 0.39998) + (255 - 255 * (1.0 - 0.39998)) = 145.79636 => -111 (byte)
// 125 * (1.0 - 0.39998) + (255 - 255 * (1.0 - 0.39998)) = 176.99740 => -80 (byte)
assertEquals(rgbWithTint[0], 120);
assertEquals(rgbWithTint[1], -111);
assertEquals(rgbWithTint[2], -80);