use of org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.ServiceUnitId in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class ModularLoadManagerImpl method shouldAntiAffinityNamespaceUnload.
public boolean shouldAntiAffinityNamespaceUnload(String namespace, String bundle, String currentBroker) {
try {
Optional<Policies> nsPolicies = pulsar.getConfigurationCache().policiesCache().get(path(POLICIES, namespace));
if (!nsPolicies.isPresent() || StringUtils.isBlank(nsPolicies.get().antiAffinityGroup)) {
return true;
synchronized (brokerCandidateCache) {
ServiceUnitId serviceUnit = pulsar.getNamespaceService().getNamespaceBundleFactory().getBundle(namespace, bundle);
LoadManagerShared.applyNamespacePolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, getAvailableBrokers(), brokerTopicLoadingPredicate);
return LoadManagerShared.shouldAntiAffinityNamespaceUnload(namespace, bundle, currentBroker, pulsar, brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange, brokerCandidateCache);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Failed to check anti-affinity namespace ownership for {}/{}/{}, {}", namespace, bundle, currentBroker, e.getMessage());
return true;
use of org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.ServiceUnitId in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class SimpleLoadManagerImpl method getAvailableBrokers.
private Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> getAvailableBrokers(ServiceUnitId serviceUnitId) throws Exception {
Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> availableBrokers = sortedRankings.get();
if (availableBrokers.isEmpty()) {
// Create a map with all available brokers with no load information
Set<String> activeBrokers = availableActiveBrokers.get(LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT);
List<String> brokersToShuffle = new ArrayList<>(activeBrokers);
activeBrokers = new HashSet<>(brokersToShuffle);
availableBrokers = Maps.newTreeMap();
for (String broker : activeBrokers) {
ResourceUnit resourceUnit = new SimpleResourceUnit(String.format("http://%s", broker), new PulsarResourceDescription());
availableBrokers.computeIfAbsent(0L, key -> Sets.newTreeSet()).add(resourceUnit);
}"Choosing at random from broker list: [{}]", availableBrokers.values());
return availableBrokers;
use of org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.ServiceUnitId in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class SimpleLoadManagerImpl method findBrokerForPlacement.
* Assign owner for specified ServiceUnit from the given candidates, following the the principles: 1) Optimum
* distribution: fill up one broker till its load reaches optimum level (defined by underload threshold) before pull
* another idle broker in; 2) Even distribution: once all brokers' load are above optimum level, maintain all
* brokers to have even load; 3) Set the underload threshold to small value (like 1) for pure even distribution, and
* high value (like 80) for pure optimum distribution;
* Strategy to select broker: 1) The first choice is the least loaded broker which is underload but not idle; 2) The
* second choice is idle broker (if there is any); 3) Othewise simply select the least loaded broker if it is NOT
* overloaded; 4) If all brokers are overloaded, select the broker with maximum available capacity (considering
* brokers could have different hardware configuration, this usually means to select the broker with more hardware
* resource);
* Broker's load level: 1) Load ranking (triggered by LoadReport update) estimate the load level according to the
* resourse usage and namespace bundles already loaded by each broker; 2) When leader broker decide the owner for a
* new namespace bundle, it may take time for the real owner to actually load the bundle and refresh LoadReport,
* leader broker will store the bundle in a list called preAllocatedBundles, and the quota of all
* preAllocatedBundles in preAllocatedQuotas, and re-estimate the broker's load level by putting the
* preAllocatedQuota into calculation; 3) Everything (preAllocatedBundles and preAllocatedQuotas) will get reset in
* load ranking.
private synchronized ResourceUnit findBrokerForPlacement(Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> candidates, ServiceUnitId serviceUnit) {
long underloadThreshold = this.getLoadBalancerBrokerUnderloadedThresholdPercentage();
long overloadThreshold = this.getLoadBalancerBrokerOverloadedThresholdPercentage();
ResourceQuota defaultQuota = pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().getDefaultQuota();
double minLoadPercentage = 101.0;
long maxAvailability = -1;
ResourceUnit idleRU = null;
ResourceUnit maxAvailableRU = null;
ResourceUnit randomRU = null;
ResourceUnit selectedRU = null;
ResourceUnitRanking selectedRanking = null;
String serviceUnitId = serviceUnit.toString();
// If the ranking is expected to be in the range [0,100] (which is the case for LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LLS),
// the ranks are bounded. Otherwise (as is the case in LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LEAST_MSG, the ranks are simply
// the total message rate which is in the range [0,Infinity) so they are unbounded. The
// "boundedness" affects how two ranks are compared to see which one is better
boolean unboundedRanks = getLoadBalancerPlacementStrategy().equals(LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LEAST_MSG);
long randomBrokerIndex = (candidates.size() > 0) ? (this.brokerRotationCursor % candidates.size()) : 0;
// find the least loaded & not-idle broker
for (Map.Entry<Long, ResourceUnit> candidateOwner : candidates.entries()) {
ResourceUnit candidate = candidateOwner.getValue();
// skip broker which is not ranked. this should never happen except in unit test
if (!resourceUnitRankings.containsKey(candidate)) {
String resourceUnitId = candidate.getResourceId();
ResourceUnitRanking ranking = resourceUnitRankings.get(candidate);
// check if this ServiceUnit is already loaded
if (ranking.isServiceUnitLoaded(serviceUnitId)) {
ranking.removeLoadedServiceUnit(serviceUnitId, this.getResourceQuota(serviceUnitId));
// record a random broker
if (randomBrokerIndex < 0 && randomRU == null) {
randomRU = candidate;
// check the available capacity
double loadPercentage = ranking.getEstimatedLoadPercentage();
double availablePercentage = Math.max(0, (100 - loadPercentage) / 100);
long availability = (long) (ranking.estimateMaxCapacity(defaultQuota) * availablePercentage);
if (availability > maxAvailability) {
maxAvailability = availability;
maxAvailableRU = candidate;
// check the load percentage
if (ranking.isIdle()) {
if (idleRU == null) {
idleRU = candidate;
} else {
if (selectedRU == null) {
selectedRU = candidate;
selectedRanking = ranking;
minLoadPercentage = loadPercentage;
} else {
if ((unboundedRanks ? ranking.compareMessageRateTo(selectedRanking) : ranking.compareTo(selectedRanking)) < 0) {
minLoadPercentage = loadPercentage;
selectedRU = candidate;
selectedRanking = ranking;
if ((minLoadPercentage > underloadThreshold && idleRU != null) || selectedRU == null) {
// assigned to idle broker is the least loaded broker already have optimum load (which means NOT
// underloaded), or all brokers are idle
selectedRU = idleRU;
} else if (minLoadPercentage >= 100.0 && randomRU != null && !unboundedRanks) {
// all brokers are full, assign to a random one
selectedRU = randomRU;
} else if (minLoadPercentage > overloadThreshold && !unboundedRanks) {
// assign to the broker with maximum available capacity if all brokers are overloaded
selectedRU = maxAvailableRU;
// re-calculate load level for selected broker
if (selectedRU != null) {
this.brokerRotationCursor = (this.brokerRotationCursor + 1) % 1000000;
ResourceUnitRanking ranking = resourceUnitRankings.get(selectedRU);
String loadPercentageDesc = ranking.getEstimatedLoadPercentageString();"Assign {} to {} with ({}).", serviceUnitId, selectedRU.getResourceId(), loadPercentageDesc);
if (!ranking.isServiceUnitPreAllocated(serviceUnitId)) {
final String namespaceName = LoadManagerShared.getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(serviceUnitId);
final String bundleRange = LoadManagerShared.getBundleRangeFromBundleName(serviceUnitId);
ResourceQuota quota = this.getResourceQuota(serviceUnitId);
// Add preallocated bundle range so incoming bundles from the same namespace are not assigned to the
// same broker.
brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange.computeIfAbsent(selectedRU.getResourceId().replace("http://", ""), k -> new HashMap<>()).computeIfAbsent(namespaceName, k -> new HashSet<>()).add(bundleRange);
ranking.addPreAllocatedServiceUnit(serviceUnitId, quota);
resourceUnitRankings.put(selectedRU, ranking);
return selectedRU;
use of org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.ServiceUnitId in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class ModularLoadManagerImpl method selectBrokerForAssignment.
* As the leader broker, find a suitable broker for the assignment of the given bundle.
* @param serviceUnit
* ServiceUnitId for the bundle.
* @return The name of the selected broker, as it appears on ZooKeeper.
public Optional<String> selectBrokerForAssignment(final ServiceUnitId serviceUnit) {
// Use brokerCandidateCache as a lock to reduce synchronization.
synchronized (brokerCandidateCache) {
final String bundle = serviceUnit.toString();
if (preallocatedBundleToBroker.containsKey(bundle)) {
// If the given bundle is already in preallocated, return the selected broker.
return Optional.of(preallocatedBundleToBroker.get(bundle));
final BundleData data = loadData.getBundleData().computeIfAbsent(bundle, key -> getBundleDataOrDefault(bundle));
LoadManagerShared.applyNamespacePolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, getAvailableBrokers(), brokerTopicLoadingPredicate);
// filter brokers which owns topic higher than threshold
LoadManagerShared.filterBrokersWithLargeTopicCount(brokerCandidateCache, loadData, conf.getLoadBalancerBrokerMaxTopics());
// distribute namespaces to domain and brokers according to anti-affinity-group
LoadManagerShared.filterAntiAffinityGroupOwnedBrokers(pulsar, serviceUnit.toString(), brokerCandidateCache, brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange, brokerToFailureDomainMap);
// distribute bundles evenly to candidate-brokers
LoadManagerShared.removeMostServicingBrokersForNamespace(serviceUnit.toString(), brokerCandidateCache, brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange);"{} brokers being considered for assignment of {}", brokerCandidateCache.size(), bundle);
// Use the filter pipeline to finalize broker candidates.
try {
for (BrokerFilter filter : filterPipeline) {
filter.filter(brokerCandidateCache, data, loadData, conf);
} catch (BrokerFilterException x) {
// restore the list of brokers to the full set
LoadManagerShared.applyNamespacePolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, getAvailableBrokers(), brokerTopicLoadingPredicate);
if (brokerCandidateCache.isEmpty()) {
// restore the list of brokers to the full set
LoadManagerShared.applyNamespacePolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, getAvailableBrokers(), brokerTopicLoadingPredicate);
// Choose a broker among the potentially smaller filtered list, when possible
Optional<String> broker = placementStrategy.selectBroker(brokerCandidateCache, data, loadData, conf);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Selected broker {} from candidate brokers {}", broker, brokerCandidateCache);
if (!broker.isPresent()) {
// No brokers available
return broker;
final double overloadThreshold = conf.getLoadBalancerBrokerOverloadedThresholdPercentage() / 100.0;
final double maxUsage = loadData.getBrokerData().get(broker.get()).getLocalData().getMaxResourceUsage();
if (maxUsage > overloadThreshold) {
// All brokers that were in the filtered list were overloaded, so check if there is a better broker
LoadManagerShared.applyNamespacePolicies(serviceUnit, policies, brokerCandidateCache, getAvailableBrokers(), brokerTopicLoadingPredicate);
broker = placementStrategy.selectBroker(brokerCandidateCache, data, loadData, conf);
// Add new bundle to preallocated.
loadData.getBrokerData().get(broker.get()).getPreallocatedBundleData().put(bundle, data);
preallocatedBundleToBroker.put(bundle, broker.get());
final String namespaceName = LoadManagerShared.getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(bundle);
final String bundleRange = LoadManagerShared.getBundleRangeFromBundleName(bundle);
brokerToNamespaceToBundleRange.get(broker.get()).computeIfAbsent(namespaceName, k -> new HashSet<>()).add(bundleRange);
return broker;
use of org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.ServiceUnitId in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class AntiAffinityNamespaceGroupTest method testBrokerSelectionForAntiAffinityGroup.
* It verifies anti-affinity with failure domain enabled with 2 brokers.
* <pre>
* 1. Register brokers to domain: domain-1: broker1 & domain-2: broker2
* 2. Load-Manager receives a watch and updates brokerToDomain cache with new domain data
* 3. Create two namespace with anti-affinity
* 4. Load-manager selects broker for each namespace such that from different domains
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void testBrokerSelectionForAntiAffinityGroup() throws Exception {
final String broker1 = primaryHost;
final String broker2 = secondaryHost;
final String cluster = pulsar1.getConfiguration().getClusterName();
final String property = "prop";
final String namespace1 = property + "/" + cluster + "/ns1";
final String namespace2 = property + "/" + cluster + "/ns2";
final String namespaceAntiAffinityGroup = "group";
FailureDomain domain = new FailureDomain();
domain.brokers = Sets.newHashSet(broker1);
admin1.clusters().createFailureDomain(cluster, "domain1", domain);
domain.brokers = Sets.newHashSet(broker2);
admin1.clusters().createFailureDomain(cluster, "domain1", domain);, new PropertyAdmin(null, Sets.newHashSet(cluster)));
admin1.namespaces().setNamespaceAntiAffinityGroup(namespace1, namespaceAntiAffinityGroup);
admin1.namespaces().setNamespaceAntiAffinityGroup(namespace2, namespaceAntiAffinityGroup);
// validate strategically if brokerToDomainCache updated
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (!isLoadManagerUpdatedDomainCache(primaryLoadManager) || !isLoadManagerUpdatedDomainCache(secondaryLoadManager) || i != 4) {
ServiceUnitId serviceUnit = makeBundle(property, cluster, "ns1");
String selectedBroker1 = primaryLoadManager.selectBrokerForAssignment(serviceUnit).get();
serviceUnit = makeBundle(property, cluster, "ns2");
String selectedBroker2 = primaryLoadManager.selectBrokerForAssignment(serviceUnit).get();
assertNotEquals(selectedBroker1, selectedBroker2);