use of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfException in project qpid by apache.
the class QpidQueueStats method onEvent.
* Main Event handler. Checks if the WorkItem is a SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem, if it is it stores the object
* in a Map and uses this to maintain state so we can record deltas such as enqueue and dequeue rates.
* <p>
* The AgentHeartbeatWorkItem is used to periodically compare the elapsed time against the Subscription duration
* so that we can refresh the Subscription (or create a new one if necessary) in order to continue receiving
* queue Management Object data from the broker.
* <p>
* When the AgentRestartedWorkItem is received we clear the state to remove any stale queue Management Objects.
* @param wi a QMF2 WorkItem object
public void onEvent(final WorkItem wi) {
if (wi instanceof AgentHeartbeatWorkItem && _subscriptionId != null) {
long elapsed = (long) Math.round((System.currentTimeMillis() - _startTime) / 1000.0f);
if (elapsed > _subscriptionDuration) {
try {
_startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
} catch (QmfException qmfe) {
System.err.println("QmfException " + qmfe.getMessage() + " caught in QpidQueueStats onEvent");
} else if (wi instanceof AgentRestartedWorkItem) {
} else if (wi instanceof SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem) {
SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem item = (SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem) wi;
SubscribeIndication indication = item.getSubscribeIndication();
String correlationId = indication.getConsoleHandle();
if (correlationId.equals("queueStatsHandle")) {
// If it is (and it should be!!) then it's our queue object Subscription
List<QmfConsoleData> data = indication.getData();
for (QmfConsoleData record : data) {
ObjectId id = record.getObjectId();
if (record.isDeleted()) {
// If the object was deleted by the Agent we remove it from out Map
} else {
if (_objects.containsKey(id)) {
// If the object is already in the Map it's likely to be a statistics push from the broker.
Stats stats = _objects.get(id);
String name = stats.getName();
boolean matches = false;
for (Pattern x : _filter) {
// Check the queue name against the regexes in the filter List (if any)
Matcher m = x.matcher(name);
if (m.find()) {
matches = true;
if (_filter.isEmpty() || matches) {
// If there's no filter enabled or the filter matches the queue name we display statistics.
QmfConsoleData lastSample = stats.getData();
float deltaTime = record.getUpdateTime() - lastSample.getUpdateTime();
if (deltaTime > 1000000000.0f) {
float deltaEnqueues = record.getLongValue("msgTotalEnqueues") - lastSample.getLongValue("msgTotalEnqueues");
float deltaDequeues = record.getLongValue("msgTotalDequeues") - lastSample.getLongValue("msgTotalDequeues");
long msgDepth = record.getLongValue("msgDepth");
float enqueueRate = deltaEnqueues / (deltaTime / 1000000000.0f);
float dequeueRate = deltaDequeues / (deltaTime / 1000000000.0f);
System.out.printf("%-46s%10.2f%11d%13.2f%13.2f\n", name, deltaTime / 1000000000, msgDepth, enqueueRate, dequeueRate);
} else {
// If the object isn't in the Map it's likely to be a properties push from the broker.
if (!record.hasValue("name")) {
// This probably won't happen, but if it does we refresh the object to get its full state.
try {
} catch (QmfException qmfe) {
String queueName = record.getStringValue("name");
_objects.put(id, new Stats(queueName, record));
use of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfException in project qpid by apache.
the class Agent method removeConnection.
// end of setConnection()
* Remove the AMQP connection from the Agent. Un-does the setConnection() operation.
* @param conn a javax.jms.Connection.
public final void removeConnection(final Connection conn) throws QmfException {
if (conn != _connection) {
throw new QmfException("Attempt to delete unknown connection");
try {
} catch (JMSException jmse) {
throw new QmfException("Failed to remove connection, caught JMSException " + jmse.getMessage());
_connection = null;
use of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfException in project qpid by apache.
the class Agent method addObject.
* Passes a reference to an instance of a managed QMF object to the Agent.
* <p>
* The object's name must uniquely identify this object among all objects known to this Agent.
* <p>
* This method creates an ObjectId for the QmfAgentData being added, it does this by first checking
* the schema.
* <p>
* If an associated schema exists we look for the set of property names that have been
* specified as idNames. If idNames exists we look for their values within the object and use that
* to create the objectName. If we can't create a sensible name we use a randomUUID.
* @param object the QmfAgentData object to be added
public void addObject(final QmfAgentData object) throws QmfException {
// There are some cases where a QmfAgentData Object might have already set its ObjectId, for example where
// it may need to have a "well known" ObjectId. This is the case with the Java Broker Management Agent
// where tools such as qpid-config might have made assumptions about its ObjectId rather than doing "discovery".
ObjectId addr = object.getObjectId();
if (addr == null) {
SchemaClassId classId = object.getSchemaClassId();
SchemaClass schema = _schemaCache.get(classId);
// Try to create an objectName using the property names that have been specified as idNames in the schema
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
// Initialise idNames as an empty array as we want to check if a key has been used to construct the name.
String[] idNames = {};
if (schema != null && schema instanceof SchemaObjectClass) {
idNames = ((SchemaObjectClass) schema).getIdNames();
for (String property : idNames) {
String objectName = buf.toString();
// exchange has name == "")
if (objectName.length() == 0 && idNames.length == 0)
objectName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Finish up the name by incorporating package and class names
objectName = classId.getPackageName() + ":" + classId.getClassName() + ":" + objectName;
// Now we've got a good name for the object we create its ObjectId and add that to the object
addr = new ObjectId(_name, objectName, _epoch);
QmfAgentData foundObject = _objectIndex.get(addr);
if (foundObject != null) {
// If a duplicate object has actually been Deleted we can reuse the address.
if (!foundObject.isDeleted()) {
throw new QmfException("Duplicate QmfAgentData Address");
_objectIndex.put(addr, object);
// Does the new object match any Subscriptions? If so add a reference to the matching Subscription and publish.
for (Subscription subscription : _subscriptions.values()) {
QmfQuery query = subscription.getQuery();
if (query.getObjectId() != null) {
if (query.getObjectId().equals(addr)) {
object.addSubscription(subscription.getSubscriptionId(), subscription);
} else if (query.evaluate(object)) {
object.addSubscription(subscription.getSubscriptionId(), subscription);
use of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfException in project qpid by apache.
the class Console method cancelSubscription.
// end of refreshSubscription()
* Terminates the given subscription.
* @param subscriptionId the ID of the subscription to be cancelled
public void cancelSubscription(final String subscriptionId) throws QmfException {
if (subscriptionId == null) {
throw new QmfException("Called cancelSubscription() with null subscriptionId");
SubscriptionManager subscription = _subscriptionById.get(subscriptionId);
if (subscription == null) {
throw new QmfException("Called cancelSubscription() with invalid subscriptionId");
String consoleHandle = subscription.getConsoleHandle();
Agent agent = subscription.getAgent();
if (!agent.isActive()) {
throw new QmfException("Called cancelSubscription() with inactive agent");
String agentName = agent.getName();
try {
MapMessage request = _syncSession.createMapMessage();
request.setStringProperty("", "qmf2");
request.setStringProperty("method", "request");
request.setStringProperty("qmf.opcode", "_subscribe_cancel_indication");
request.setStringProperty("qpid.subject", agentName);
request.setObject("_subscription_id", subscriptionId);
synchronized (this) {
if (!_subscriptionEmulationEnabled || !agentName.equals(_brokerAgentName)) {
} catch (JMSException jmse) {"JMSException {} caught in cancelSubscription()", jmse.getMessage());
use of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfException in project qpid by apache.
the class Console method removeConnection.
* Remove the AMQP connection from the console. Un-does the addConnection() operation, and releases
* any Agents associated with the connection. All blocking methods are unblocked and given a failure
* status. All outstanding asynchronous operations are cancelled without producing WorkItems.
* @param conn a javax.jms.Connection
public void removeConnection(final Connection conn) throws QmfException {
if (conn != _connection) {
throw new QmfException("Attempt to delete unknown connection");
try {
// Should we close() the connection here or just stop() it ???
} catch (JMSException jmse) {
throw new QmfException("Failed to remove connection, caught JMSException " + jmse.getMessage());
_connection = null;