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Example 1 with QmfConsoleData

use of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.QmfConsoleData in project qpid by apache.

the class QpidServer method doPost.

 * Called by the Web Server to allow a Server to handle a POST request.
 * <pre>
 * POST: &lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt;/qpid/connection/&lt;name&gt;/object/&lt;ObjectId&gt;
 *      HTTP body: {"_method_name":&lt;method&gt;,"_arguments":&lt;inArgs&gt;}
 *      &lt;method&gt;: A string containing the QMF2 method name e.g. "getLogLevel", "setLogLevel", "create", "delete".
 *      &lt;inArgs&gt;: A JSON string containing the method arguments e.g. {"level":"debug+:Broker"} for setLogLevel.
 *      HTTP response: A JSON string containing the response e.g. {"level":"notice+"} for getLogLevel (may be empty).
 *      This method invokes the QMF2 method &lt;method&gt; with arguments &lt;inArgs&gt; on the object &lt;ObjectId&gt;
 * </pre>
 * @param tx the HttpTransaction containing the request from the client and used to send the response.
public void doPost(final HttpTransaction tx) throws IOException {
    String path = tx.getRequestURI();
    if (path.startsWith("/qpid/connection/")) {
        path = path.substring(17);
        String user = tx.getPrincipal();
        String connectionName = path;
        int i = path.indexOf("/");
        if (// Can use > rather than >= as we've already tested for "/qpid/connection/" above.
        i > 0) {
            connectionName = user + "." + path.substring(0, i);
            path = path.substring(i + 1);
            // Find the Connection with the name extracted from the URI.
            ConnectionProxy connection = _connections.get(connectionName);
            if (connection == null) {
      "QpidServer.doPost path: {} Connection not found.", tx.getRequestURI());
                tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "text/plain", "404 Not Found.");
            } else if (!connection.isConnected()) {
                tx.sendResponse(HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, "text/plain", "500 Broker Disconnected.");
            } else {
                // If we get this far we should have found a Qpid Connection so retrieve the QMF2 Console Object.
                Console console = connection.getConsole();
                if (path.startsWith("object/")) {
                    path = path.substring(7);
                    // The ObjectId has been passed in the URI create an ObjectId and retrieve the Agent Name.
                    ObjectId oid = new ObjectId(path);
                    String agentName = oid.getAgentName();
                    // The qpidd ManagementAgent doesn't populate AgentName, if it's empty assume it's the broker.
                    agentName = agentName.equals("") ? "broker" : agentName;
                    // Find the Agent we got the QmfData from.
                    Agent agent = console.getAgent(agentName);
                    if (agent == null) {
              "QpidServer.doPost path: {} Agent: {} not found.", tx.getRequestURI(), agentName);
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "text/plain", "404 Not Found.");
                    } else {
                        // If we get this far we can create the Object and invoke the method.
                        // We can create a QmfConsoleData with nothing but an ObjectId and the agent.
                        QmfConsoleData object = new QmfConsoleData(Collections.EMPTY_MAP, agent);
                        String request = tx.getRequestString();
              "QpidServer.doPost path: {} body: {}", tx.getRequestURI(), request);
                        // System.out.println(request);
                        String method = "";
                        try {
                            Map<String, Object> reqMap = JSON.toMap(request);
                            method = (String) reqMap.get("_method_name");
                            Object arguments = reqMap.get("_arguments");
                            Map args = (arguments instanceof Map) ? (Map) arguments : null;
                            // System.out.println("method: " + method + ", args: " + args);
                            // Parse the args if present into a QmfData (needed by invokeMethod).
                            QmfData inArgs = (args == null) ? new QmfData() : new QmfData(args);
                            // Invoke the specified method on the QmfConsoleData we've created.
                            MethodResult results = null;
                  "invokeMethod: {}", request);
                            results = object.invokeMethod(method, inArgs);
                            tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(results));
                        } catch (QmfException qmfe) {
                  "QpidServer.doPost() caught Exception {}", qmfe.getMessage());
                            tx.sendResponse(HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, "text/plain", "invokeMethod(" + method + ") -> " + qmfe.getMessage());
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                  "QpidServer.doPost() caught Exception {}", e.getMessage());
                            tx.sendResponse(HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, "text/plain", "500 " + e.getMessage());
                } else {
                    tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "text/plain", "404 Not Found.");
        } else {
            tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "text/plain", "404 Not Found.");
    } else {
        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "text/plain", "404 Not Found.");
Also used : Agent(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.Agent) QmfData(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfData) ObjectId(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.ObjectId) QmfException(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfException) IOException( Console(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.Console) QmfConsoleData(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.QmfConsoleData) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) MethodResult(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.MethodResult) QmfException(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfException)

Example 2 with QmfConsoleData

use of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.QmfConsoleData in project qpid by apache.

the class QpidServer method doGet.

 * Called by the Web Server to allow a Server to handle a GET request.
 * The HTTP GET URL structure for the REST API is specified above in the overall class documentation.
 * @param tx the HttpTransaction containing the request from the client and used to send the response.
public void doGet(final HttpTransaction tx) throws IOException {
    String path = tx.getRequestURI();
    if (path.startsWith("/qpid/connection/")) {
        path = path.substring(17);
        // Using the principal lets different users use the default connection.
        String user = tx.getPrincipal();
        if (path.length() == 0) {
            // handle "/qpid/connection/" request with unspecified connection (returns list of available connections).
            tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(_connections.getAll(user)));
        } else {
            // if path.length() > 0 we're dealing with a specified Connection so extract the name and look it up.
            String connectionName = path;
            int i = path.indexOf("/");
            if (// Can use > rather than >= as we've already tested for "/qpid/connection/" above.
            i > 0) {
                connectionName = path.substring(0, i);
                path = path.substring(i + 1);
            } else {
                path = "";
            connectionName = user + "." + connectionName;
            // attempts to connect to a broker specified in the QpidRestAPI config (or default
            if (connectionName.equals(user + ".default")) {
                ConnectionProxy defaultConnection = _connections.get(connectionName);
                if (defaultConnection == null) {
                    defaultConnection = _connections.create(connectionName, _defaultBroker, "", false);
                    // Wait a maximum of 1000ms for the underlying Qpid Connection to become available. If we
                    // don't do this the first call using the default will return 404 Not Found.
            // Find the Connection with the name extracted from the URI.
            ConnectionProxy connection = _connections.get(connectionName);
            if (connection == null) {
                tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "text/plain", "404 Not Found.");
            } else if (!connection.isConnected()) {
                tx.sendResponse(HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, "text/plain", "500 Broker Disconnected.");
            } else {
                if (path.length() == 0) {
                    // handle request for information about a specified Console
                    tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", connection.toString());
                } else {
                    // In this block we are dealing with resources associated with a specified connectionName.
                    // path describes the resources specifically related to "/qpid/connection/<connectionName>"
                    Console console = connection.getConsole();
                    if (path.startsWith("console/objects/")) {
                        // Get information about specified objects.
                        path = path.substring(16);
                        sendGetObjectsResponse(tx, console, path);
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/objects") && path.length() == 15) {
                        // If objects is unspecified treat as a synonym for classes.
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(console.getClasses()));
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/address/")) {
                        // Get the Console AMQP Address
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(console.getAddress()));
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/address") && path.length() == 15) {
                        // Get the Console AMQP Address
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(console.getAddress()));
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/workItemCount/")) {
                        // Returns the count of pending WorkItems that can be retrieved.
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "text/plain", "" + console.getWorkitemCount());
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/workItemCount") && path.length() == 21) {
                        // Returns the count of pending WorkItems that can be retrieved.
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "text/plain", "" + console.getWorkitemCount());
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/nextWorkItem/")) {
                        // Obtains the next pending work item, or null if none available.
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(console.getNextWorkitem()));
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/nextWorkItem") && path.length() == 20) {
                        // Obtains the next pending work item, or null if none available.
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(console.getNextWorkitem()));
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/agents") && path.length() == 14) {
                        // Get information about all available Agents.
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(console.getAgents()));
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/agent/")) {
                        // Get information about a specified Agent.
                        Agent agent = console.getAgent(path.substring(14));
                        if (agent == null) {
                            tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "text/plain", "404 Not Found.");
                        } else {
                            tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(agent));
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/agent") && path.length() == 13) {
                        // If agent is unspecified treat as a synonym for agents.
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(console.getAgents()));
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/classes/")) {
                        // Get information about the classes for a specified Agent
                        // Get Agent name
                        path = path.substring(16);
                        // TODO handle getClasses() for specified Agent
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "text/plain", "501 getClasses() for specified Agent not yet implemented.");
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/classes") && path.length() == 15) {
                        // Get information about all the classes for all Agents
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(console.getClasses()));
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/packages/")) {
                        // Get information about the packages for a specified Agent
                        // Get Agent name
                        path = path.substring(17);
                        // TODO handle getPackages() for specified Agent.
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "text/plain", "501 getPackages() for specified Agent not yet implemented.");
                    } else if (path.startsWith("object/")) {
                         * This is the REST implementation of getObjects(oid) it is also the equivalent of
                         * the QmfConsoleData refresh() method where an object can update its state.
                         * N.B. that the ManagementAgent on the broker appears not to set the timestamp properties
                         * in the response to this call, which means that they get set to current time in the
                         * QmfConsoleData, this is OK for _update_ts but not for _create_ts and _delete_ts
                         * users of this call should be aware of that in their own code.
                        path = path.substring(7);
                        // The ObjectId has been passed in the URI, create a real ObjectId
                        ObjectId oid = new ObjectId(path);
                        List<QmfConsoleData> objects = console.getObjects(oid);
                        if (objects.size() == 0) {
                            tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "text/plain", "404 Not Found.");
                        } else {
                            // Not that in a departure from the QMF2 API this returns the QmfConsoleData object
                            // rather than a list of size one. Perhaps the APIs should be completely consistent
                            // but this response seems more convenient.
                            tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(objects.get(0)));
                    } else if (path.startsWith("console/packages") && path.length() == 16) {
                        // Get information about all the packages for all Agents
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(console.getPackages()));
                    } else {
                        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "text/plain", "404 Not Found.");
    } else if (path.startsWith("/qpid/connection")) {
        // handle "/qpid/connection" request with unspecified connection (returns list of available connections).
        // Using the principal lets different users use the default connection.
        String user = tx.getPrincipal();
        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_OK, "application/json", JSON.fromObject(_connections.getAll(user)));
    } else {
        tx.sendResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "text/plain", "404 Not Found.");
Also used : Agent(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.Agent) ObjectId(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.ObjectId) Console(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.Console) List(java.util.List)

Example 3 with QmfConsoleData

use of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.QmfConsoleData in project qpid by apache.

the class JSON method fromQmfData.

 * Serialise a QmfData Object to JSON. If the Object is a QmfConsoleData we serialise the ObjectId as a String
 * which is the same encoding used for the various "ref" properies in fromObject().
 * @param data the QmfData that we wish to serialise to JSON.
 * @return the JSON String encoding.
public static final String fromQmfData(final QmfData data) {
    String consoleDataInfo = "";
    if (data instanceof QmfConsoleData) {
        QmfConsoleData consoleData = (QmfConsoleData) data;
        SchemaClassId sid = consoleData.getSchemaClassId();
        long[] ts = consoleData.getTimestamps();
        String objectId = "\"_object_id\":\"" + consoleData.getObjectId().toString() + "\",";
        String schemaId = "\"_schema_id\":{" + "\"_package_name\":\"" + sid.getPackageName() + "\",\"_class_name\":\"" + sid.getClassName() + "\",\"_type\":\"" + sid.getType() + "\",\"_hash\":\"" + sid.getHashString() + "\"},";
        String timestamps = "\"_update_ts\":" + ts[0] + "," + "\"_create_ts\":" + ts[1] + "," + "\"_delete_ts\":" + ts[2] + ",";
        consoleDataInfo = objectId + schemaId + timestamps;
    return "{" + consoleDataInfo + encodeMapContents(data.mapEncode()) + "}";
Also used : QmfConsoleData(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.QmfConsoleData) SchemaClassId(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.SchemaClassId)

Example 4 with QmfConsoleData

use of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.QmfConsoleData in project qpid by apache.

the class QmfConsoleData method initialise.

 * Sets the state of the QmfConsoleData, used as an assignment operator.
 * @param m the Map used to initialise the QmfConsoleData
public void initialise(final Map m) {
    Map<String, Object> values = (Map<String, Object>) m.get("_values");
    _values = (values == null) ? m : values;
    Map<String, String> subtypes = (Map<String, String>) m.get("_subtypes");
    _subtypes = subtypes;
    setSchemaClassId(new SchemaClassId((Map) m.get("_schema_id")));
    setObjectId(new ObjectId((Map) m.get("_object_id")));
    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000000l;
    _updateTimestamp = m.containsKey("_update_ts") ? getLong(m.get("_update_ts")) : currentTime;
    _createTimestamp = m.containsKey("_create_ts") ? getLong(m.get("_create_ts")) : currentTime;
    _deleteTimestamp = m.containsKey("_delete_ts") ? getLong(m.get("_delete_ts")) : currentTime;
Also used : ObjectId(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.ObjectId) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SchemaClassId(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.SchemaClassId)

Example 5 with QmfConsoleData

use of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.QmfConsoleData in project qpid by apache.

the class Console method onMessage.

 * MessageListener for QMF2 Agent Events, Hearbeats and Asynchronous data indications
 * @param message the JMS Message passed to the listener
public void onMessage(Message message) {
    try {
        String agentName = QmfData.getString(message.getObjectProperty("qmf.agent"));
        String content = QmfData.getString(message.getObjectProperty("qmf.content"));
        String opcode = QmfData.getString(message.getObjectProperty("qmf.opcode"));
        if (opcode.equals("_agent_heartbeat_indication") || opcode.equals("_agent_locate_response")) {
            // This block handles Agent lifecycle information (discover, register, delete)
            if (_agents.containsKey(agentName)) {
                // This block handles Agents that have previously been registered
                Agent agent = _agents.get(agentName);
                long originalEpoch = agent.getEpoch();
                // If we already know about an Agent we simply update the Agent's state using initialise()
                // If the Epoch has changed it means the Agent has been restarted so we send a notification
                if (agent.getEpoch() != originalEpoch) {
                    // Clear cache to force a lookup
                    List<SchemaClassId> classes = getClasses(agent);
                    // Discover the schema for this Agent and cache it
                    getSchema(classes, agent);
          "Agent {} has been restarted", agentName);
                    if (_discoverAgents && (_agentQuery == null || _agentQuery.evaluate(agent))) {
                        _eventListener.onEvent(new AgentRestartedWorkItem(agent));
                } else {
                    // Otherwise just send a heartbeat notification
          "Agent {} heartbeat", agent.getName());
                    if (_discoverAgents && (_agentQuery == null || _agentQuery.evaluate(agent))) {
                        _eventListener.onEvent(new AgentHeartbeatWorkItem(agent));
            } else {
                // This block handles Agents that haven't already been registered
                Agent agent = new Agent(AMQPMessage.getMap(message), this);
                List<SchemaClassId> classes = getClasses(agent);
                // Discover the schema for this Agent and cache it
                getSchema(classes, agent);
                _agents.put(agentName, agent);
      "Adding Agent {}", agentName);
                // the Agent more "user friendly" than using the full Agent name.
                if (agent.getVendor().equals("") && agent.getProduct().equals("qpidd")) {
          "Recording {} as _brokerAgentName", agentName);
                    _brokerAgentName = agentName;
                // wait for the broker Agent to become available.
                if (_brokerAgentName != null) {
                    synchronized (this) {
                        _agentAvailable = true;
                if (_discoverAgents && (_agentQuery == null || _agentQuery.evaluate(agent))) {
                    _eventListener.onEvent(new AgentAddedWorkItem(agent));
            // The broker Agent sends periodic heartbeats and that Agent should *always* be available given
            // a running broker, so we should get here every "--mgmt-pub-interval" seconds or so, so it's
            // a good place to periodically check for the expiry of any other Agents.
        if (!_agents.containsKey(agentName)) {
  "Ignoring Event from unregistered Agent {}", agentName);
        Agent agent = _agents.get(agentName);
        if (!agent.eventsEnabled()) {
  "{} has disabled Event reception, ignoring Event", agentName);
        // If we get to here the Agent from whence the Event came should be registered and should
        // have Event reception enabled, so we should be able to send events to the EventListener
        Handle handle = new Handle(message.getJMSCorrelationID());
        if (opcode.equals("_method_response") || opcode.equals("_exception")) {
            if (AMQPMessage.isAMQPMap(message)) {
                _eventListener.onEvent(new MethodResponseWorkItem(handle, new MethodResult(AMQPMessage.getMap(message))));
            } else {
      "onMessage() Received Method Response message in incorrect format");
        // refresh() call on QmfConsoleData so the number of results in the returned list *should* be one.
        if (opcode.equals("_query_response") && content.equals("_data")) {
            if (AMQPMessage.isAMQPList(message)) {
                List<Map> list = AMQPMessage.getList(message);
                for (Map m : list) {
                    _eventListener.onEvent(new ObjectUpdateWorkItem(handle, new QmfConsoleData(m, agent)));
            } else {
      "onMessage() Received Query Response message in incorrect format");
        // This block handles responses to createSubscription and refreshSubscription
        if (opcode.equals("_subscribe_response")) {
            if (AMQPMessage.isAMQPMap(message)) {
                String correlationId = message.getJMSCorrelationID();
                SubscribeParams params = new SubscribeParams(correlationId, AMQPMessage.getMap(message));
                String subscriptionId = params.getSubscriptionId();
                if (subscriptionId != null && correlationId != null) {
                    SubscriptionManager subscription = _subscriptionById.get(subscriptionId);
                    if (subscription == null) {
                        // This is a createSubscription response so the correlationId should be the consoleHandle
                        subscription = _subscriptionByHandle.get(correlationId);
                        if (subscription != null) {
                            _subscriptionById.put(subscriptionId, subscription);
                            String replyHandle = subscription.getReplyHandle();
                            if (replyHandle == null) {
                            } else {
                                _eventListener.onEvent(new SubscribeResponseWorkItem(new Handle(replyHandle), params));
                    } else {
                        // This is a refreshSubscription response
                        _eventListener.onEvent(new SubscribeResponseWorkItem(handle, params));
            } else {
      "onMessage() Received Subscribe Response message in incorrect format");
        // Subscription Indication - in other words the asynchronous results of a Subscription
        if (opcode.equals("_data_indication") && content.equals("_data")) {
            if (AMQPMessage.isAMQPList(message)) {
                String consoleHandle = handle.getCorrelationId();
                if (consoleHandle != null && _subscriptionByHandle.containsKey(consoleHandle)) {
                    // If we have a valid consoleHandle the data has come from a "real" Subscription.
                    List<Map> list = AMQPMessage.getList(message);
                    List<QmfConsoleData> resultList = new ArrayList<QmfConsoleData>(list.size());
                    for (Map m : list) {
                        resultList.add(new QmfConsoleData(m, agent));
                    _eventListener.onEvent(new SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem(new SubscribeIndication(consoleHandle, resultList)));
                } else if (_subscriptionEmulationEnabled && agentName.equals(_brokerAgentName)) {
                    // If the data has come from is the broker Agent we emulate a Subscription on the Console
                    for (SubscriptionManager subscription : _subscriptionByHandle.values()) {
                        QmfQuery query = subscription.getQuery();
                        if (subscription.getAgent().getName().equals(_brokerAgentName) && query.getTarget() == QmfQueryTarget.OBJECT) {
                            // Only evaluate broker Agent subscriptions with QueryTarget == OBJECT on the Console.
                            long objectEpoch = 0;
                            consoleHandle = subscription.getConsoleHandle();
                            List<Map> list = AMQPMessage.getList(message);
                            List<QmfConsoleData> resultList = new ArrayList<QmfConsoleData>(list.size());
                            for (Map m : list) {
                                // Evaluate the QmfConsoleData object against the query
                                QmfConsoleData object = new QmfConsoleData(m, agent);
                                if (query.evaluate(object)) {
                                    long epoch = object.getObjectId().getAgentEpoch();
                                    objectEpoch = (epoch > objectEpoch && !object.isDeleted()) ? epoch : objectEpoch;
                            if (resultList.size() > 0) {
                                // data from the restarted Agent (in case they need to reset any state).
                                if (objectEpoch > agent.getEpoch()) {
                                    // Clear cache to force a lookup
                                    List<SchemaClassId> classes = getClasses(agent);
                                    // Discover the schema for this Agent and cache it
                                    getSchema(classes, agent);
                          "Agent {} has been restarted", agentName);
                                    if (_discoverAgents && (_agentQuery == null || _agentQuery.evaluate(agent))) {
                                        _eventListener.onEvent(new AgentRestartedWorkItem(agent));
                                _eventListener.onEvent(new SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem(new SubscribeIndication(consoleHandle, resultList)));
            } else {
      "onMessage() Received Subscribe Indication message in incorrect format");
        // The results of an Event delivered from an Agent
        if (opcode.equals("_data_indication") && content.equals("_event")) {
            // There are differences in the type of message sent by Qpid 0.8 and 0.10 onwards.
            if (AMQPMessage.isAMQPMap(message)) {
                // 0.8 broker passes Events as amqp/map encoded as MapMessages (we convert into java.util.Map)
                _eventListener.onEvent(new EventReceivedWorkItem(agent, new QmfEvent(AMQPMessage.getMap(message))));
            } else if (AMQPMessage.isAMQPList(message)) {
                // 0.10 and above broker passes Events as amqp/list encoded as BytesMessage (needs decoding)
                // 0.20 encodes amqp/list in a MapMessage!!?? AMQPMessage hopefully abstracts this detail.
                List<Map> list = AMQPMessage.getList(message);
                for (Map m : list) {
                    _eventListener.onEvent(new EventReceivedWorkItem(agent, new QmfEvent(m)));
            } else {
      "onMessage() Received Event message in incorrect format");
    } catch (JMSException jmse) {"JMSException {} caught in onMessage()", jmse.getMessage());
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) QmfEvent(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfEvent) JMSException(javax.jms.JMSException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) SchemaClassId(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.SchemaClassId) Handle(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.Handle) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) QmfQuery(org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfQuery)


QmfConsoleData (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.QmfConsoleData)20 ObjectId (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.ObjectId)16 Map (java.util.Map)11 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 QmfException (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfException)5 Agent (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.Agent)5 Date (java.util.Date)4 QmfData (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfData)4 QmfEvent (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfEvent)4 SchemaClassId (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.SchemaClassId)4 AgentHeartbeatWorkItem (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.AgentHeartbeatWorkItem)4 MethodResult (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.MethodResult)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)3 EventReceivedWorkItem (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.EventReceivedWorkItem)3 MethodResponseWorkItem (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.MethodResponseWorkItem)3 ObjectUpdateWorkItem (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.ObjectUpdateWorkItem)3 SubscribeIndication (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.SubscribeIndication)3 SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem (org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem)3 IOException (