use of org.apache.ratis.examples.arithmetic.expression.Variable in project incubator-ratis by apache.
the class TestArithmetic method runTestPythagorean.
public static void runTestPythagorean(RaftClient client, int start, int count) throws IOException {
Preconditions.assertTrue(count > 0, () -> "count = " + count + " <= 0");
Preconditions.assertTrue(start >= 2, () -> "start = " + start + " < 2");
final Variable a = new Variable("a");
final Variable b = new Variable("b");
final Variable c = new Variable("c");
final Expression pythagorean = SQRT.apply(ADD.apply(SQUARE.apply(a), SQUARE.apply(b)));
final int end = start + 2 * count;
for (int n = (start & 1) == 0 ? start + 1 : start; n < end; n += 2) {
int n2 = n * n;
int half_n2 = n2 / 2;
assign(client, a, n);
assign(client, b, half_n2);
assign(client, c, pythagorean, (double) half_n2 + 1);
assignNull(client, a);
assignNull(client, b);
assignNull(client, c);
use of org.apache.ratis.examples.arithmetic.expression.Variable in project incubator-ratis by apache.
the class TestArithmetic method runGaussLegendre.
void runGaussLegendre(RaftClient client) throws IOException {
defineVariable(client, "a0", 1);
defineVariable(client, "b0", DIV.apply(1, SQRT.apply(2)));
defineVariable(client, "t0", DIV.apply(1, 4));
defineVariable(client, "p0", 1);
double previous = 0;
boolean converged = false;
for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
final int i_1 = i - 1;
final Variable a0 = new Variable("a" + i_1);
final Variable b0 = new Variable("b" + i_1);
final Variable t0 = new Variable("t" + i_1);
final Variable p0 = new Variable("p" + i_1);
final Variable a1 = defineVariable(client, "a" + i, DIV.apply(ADD.apply(a0, b0), 2));
final Variable b1 = defineVariable(client, "b" + i, SQRT.apply(MULT.apply(a0, b0)));
final Variable t1 = defineVariable(client, "t" + i, SUBTRACT.apply(t0, MULT.apply(p0, SQUARE.apply(SUBTRACT.apply(a0, a1)))));
final Variable p1 = defineVariable(client, "p" + i, MULT.apply(2, p0));
final Variable pi_i = new Variable("pi_" + i);
final Expression e = assign(client, pi_i, DIV.apply(SQUARE.apply(a1), t0));
final double pi = e.evaluate(null);
if (converged) {
Assert.assertTrue(pi == previous);
} else if (pi == previous) {
converged = true;
}"{} = {}, converged? {}", pi_i, pi, converged);
previous = pi;
use of org.apache.ratis.examples.arithmetic.expression.Variable in project incubator-ratis by apache.
the class TestArithmetic method defineVariable.
static Variable defineVariable(RaftClient client, String name, double value) throws IOException {
final Variable x = new Variable(name);
assign(client, x, value);
return x;
use of org.apache.ratis.examples.arithmetic.expression.Variable in project incubator-ratis by apache.
the class Get method operation.
protected void operation(RaftClient client) throws IOException {
RaftClientReply getValue = client.sendReadOnly(Expression.Utils.toMessage(new Variable(name)));
Expression response = Expression.Utils.bytes2Expression(getValue.getMessage().getContent().toByteArray(), 0);
System.out.println(String.format("%s=%s", name, (DoubleValue) response).toString());
use of org.apache.ratis.examples.arithmetic.expression.Variable in project incubator-ratis by apache.
the class TestArithmetic method defineVariable.
static Variable defineVariable(RaftClient client, String name, Expression e) throws IOException {
final Variable x = new Variable(name);
assign(client, x, e, null);
return x;