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Example 1 with IndexingExpr

use of org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingExpr in project incubator-rya by apache.

the class EventQueryNode method toString.

public String toString() {
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("Geo Pattern: " + geoPattern.toString());
    sb.append("\n--Geo Filters--\n");
    for (final IndexingExpr filter : geoFilters) {
    sb.append("Temporal Pattern: " + temporalPattern.toString());
    sb.append("\n--Temporal Filters--\n");
    for (final IndexingExpr filter : temporalFilters) {
    return sb.toString();
Also used : IndexingExpr(org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingExpr)

Example 2 with IndexingExpr

use of org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingExpr in project incubator-rya by apache.

the class EventQueryNode2IT method constructor_differentSubjects.

@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
public void constructor_differentSubjects() throws Exception {
    final Var geoSubj = new Var("point");
    final Var geoPred = new Var("-const-", ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance().createURI(""));
    final Var geoObj = new Var("wkt");
    final StatementPattern geoSP = new StatementPattern(geoSubj, geoPred, geoObj);
    final Var timeSubj = new Var("time");
    final Var timePred = new Var("-const-", ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance().createURI("-const-"));
    final Var timeObj = new Var("time");
    final StatementPattern timeSP = new StatementPattern(timeSubj, timePred, timeObj);
    // This will fail.
    new EventQueryNode.EventQueryNodeBuilder().setStorage(mock(EventStorage.class)).setGeoPattern(geoSP).setTemporalPattern(timeSP).setGeoFilters(new ArrayList<IndexingExpr>()).setTemporalFilters(new ArrayList<IndexingExpr>()).setUsedFilters(new ArrayList<>()).build();
Also used : StatementPattern(org.openrdf.query.algebra.StatementPattern) Var(org.openrdf.query.algebra.Var) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MongoEventStorage(org.apache.rya.indexing.geotemporal.mongo.MongoEventStorage) EventStorage( IndexingExpr(org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingExpr) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with IndexingExpr

use of org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingExpr in project incubator-rya by apache.

the class GeoTemporalMongoDBStorageStrategyTest method equalsInstantAfterInterval_onlyOneGeo.

public void equalsInstantAfterInterval_onlyOneGeo() throws Exception {
    final String query = "PREFIX geo: <>" + "PREFIX geof: <>" + "SELECT ?point ?wkt " + "WHERE { " + "  ?point geo:asWKT ?wkt . " + "  FILTER(geof:sfWithin(?wkt, \"POLYGON((-3 -2, -3 2, 1 2, 1 -2, -3 -2))\"^^geo:wktLiteral)) " + "}";
    final List<IndexingExpr> geoFilters = new ArrayList<>();
    final List<StatementPattern> sps = getSps(query);
    final List<FunctionCall> filters = getFilters(query);
    for (final FunctionCall filter : filters) {
        // should only be one.
        final Var objVar = IndexingFunctionRegistry.getResultVarFromFunctionCall(new URIImpl(filter.getURI()), filter.getArgs());
        final IndexingExpr expr = new IndexingExpr(new URIImpl(filter.getURI()), sps.get(0), extractArguments(objVar.getName(), filter));
    final List<IndexingExpr> temporalFilters = new ArrayList<>();
    final DBObject actual = adapter.getFilterQuery(geoFilters, temporalFilters);
    final String expectedString = "{ " + "\"location\" : { " + "\"$geoWithin\" : { " + "\"$geometry\" : { " + "\"coordinates\" : [ [ [ -3.0 , -2.0] , [ -3.0 , 2.0] , [ 1.0 , 2.0] , [ 1.0 , -2.0] , [ -3.0 , -2.0]]] , " + "\"type\" : \"Polygon\"" + "}" + "}" + "}" + "}";
    final DBObject expected = (DBObject) JSON.parse(expectedString);
    assertEqualMongo(expected, actual);
Also used : StatementPattern(org.openrdf.query.algebra.StatementPattern) Var(org.openrdf.query.algebra.Var) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIImpl(org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl) FunctionCall(org.openrdf.query.algebra.FunctionCall) DBObject(com.mongodb.DBObject) IndexingExpr(org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingExpr) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with IndexingExpr

use of org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingExpr in project incubator-rya by apache.

the class GeoTemporalMongoDBStorageStrategyTest method equalsInstantAfterInterval_onlyGeos.

public void equalsInstantAfterInterval_onlyGeos() throws Exception {
         * TODO: change filter functions for coverage
    final String query = "PREFIX geo: <>" + "PREFIX geof: <>" + "SELECT ?point ?wkt " + "WHERE { " + "  ?point geo:asWKT ?wkt . " + "  FILTER(geof:sfIntersects(?wkt, \"POLYGON((-3 -2, -3 2, 1 2, 1 -2, -3 -2))\"^^geo:wktLiteral)) " + "  FILTER(geof:sfEquals(?wkt, \"POLYGON((-4 -3, -4 3, 2 3, 2 -3, -4 -3))\"^^geo:wktLiteral)) " + "}";
    final List<IndexingExpr> geoFilters = new ArrayList<>();
    final List<StatementPattern> sps = getSps(query);
    final List<FunctionCall> filters = getFilters(query);
    for (final FunctionCall filter : filters) {
        final Var objVar = IndexingFunctionRegistry.getResultVarFromFunctionCall(new URIImpl(filter.getURI()), filter.getArgs());
        final IndexingExpr expr = new IndexingExpr(new URIImpl(filter.getURI()), sps.get(0), extractArguments(objVar.getName(), filter));
    final List<IndexingExpr> temporalFilters = new ArrayList<>();
    final DBObject actual = adapter.getFilterQuery(geoFilters, temporalFilters);
    final String expectedString = "{ " + "\"$and\" : [ { " + "\"location\" : {" + " \"coordinates\" : [ [ [ -4.0 , -3.0] , [ -4.0 , 3.0] , [ 2.0 , 3.0] , [ 2.0 , -3.0] , [ -4.0 , -3.0]]] ," + " \"type\" : \"Polygon\"" + "}" + "} , { " + "\"location\" : { " + "\"$geoIntersects\" : {" + " \"$geometry\" : {" + " \"coordinates\" : [ [ [ -3.0 , -2.0] , [ -3.0 , 2.0] , [ 1.0 , 2.0] , [ 1.0 , -2.0] , [ -3.0 , -2.0]]] ," + " \"type\" : \"Polygon\"" + "}" + "}" + "}" + "}]}";
    final DBObject expected = (DBObject) JSON.parse(expectedString);
    assertEqualMongo(expected, actual);
Also used : StatementPattern(org.openrdf.query.algebra.StatementPattern) Var(org.openrdf.query.algebra.Var) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIImpl(org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl) FunctionCall(org.openrdf.query.algebra.FunctionCall) DBObject(com.mongodb.DBObject) IndexingExpr(org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingExpr) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with IndexingExpr

use of org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingExpr in project incubator-rya by apache.

the class GeoTemporalMongoDBStorageStrategyTest method equalsInstantAfterInterval_GeoTemporalOneEach.

public void equalsInstantAfterInterval_GeoTemporalOneEach() throws Exception {
    final String query = "PREFIX time: <> \n" + "PREFIX tempo: <,2015:temporal#> \n" + "PREFIX geo: <>" + "PREFIX geof: <>" + "SELECT ?event ?time ?point ?wkt " + "WHERE { " + "  ?event time:atTime ?time . " + "  ?point geo:asWKT ?wkt . " + "  FILTER(geof:sfWithin(?wkt, \"POLYGON((-3 -2, -3 2, 1 2, 1 -2, -3 -2))\"^^geo:wktLiteral)) " + "  FILTER(tempo:after(?time, \"2015-12-30T12:00:00Z\")) " + "}";
    final List<IndexingExpr> geoFilters = new ArrayList<>();
    final List<IndexingExpr> temporalFilters = new ArrayList<>();
    final List<StatementPattern> sps = getSps(query);
    final List<FunctionCall> filters = getFilters(query);
    for (final FunctionCall filter : filters) {
        final URI filterURI = new URIImpl(filter.getURI());
        final Var objVar = IndexingFunctionRegistry.getResultVarFromFunctionCall(filterURI, filter.getArgs());
        final IndexingExpr expr = new IndexingExpr(filterURI, sps.get(0), extractArguments(objVar.getName(), filter));
        if (IndexingFunctionRegistry.getFunctionType(filterURI) == FUNCTION_TYPE.GEO) {
        } else {
    final DBObject actual = adapter.getFilterQuery(geoFilters, temporalFilters);
    final String expectedString = "{ " + "\"$and\" : [ { " + "\"location\" : { " + "\"$geoWithin\" : { " + "\"$geometry\" : { " + "\"coordinates\" : [ [ [ -3.0 , -2.0] , [ -3.0 , 2.0] , [ 1.0 , 2.0] , [ 1.0 , -2.0] , [ -3.0 , -2.0]]] , " + "\"type\" : \"Polygon\"" + "}" + "}" + "}" + "} , { " + "\"instant\" : { " + "\"$gt\" : { " + "\"$date\" : \"2015-12-30T12:00:00.000Z\"" + "}" + "}" + "}]" + "}";
    final DBObject expected = (DBObject) JSON.parse(expectedString);
    assertEqualMongo(expected, actual);
Also used : StatementPattern(org.openrdf.query.algebra.StatementPattern) Var(org.openrdf.query.algebra.Var) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIImpl(org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl) FunctionCall(org.openrdf.query.algebra.FunctionCall) URI(org.openrdf.model.URI) DBObject(com.mongodb.DBObject) IndexingExpr(org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingExpr) Test(org.junit.Test)


IndexingExpr (org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingExpr)15 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 Var (org.openrdf.query.algebra.Var)12 StatementPattern (org.openrdf.query.algebra.StatementPattern)11 Test (org.junit.Test)10 DBObject (com.mongodb.DBObject)9 URIImpl (org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl)9 FunctionCall (org.openrdf.query.algebra.FunctionCall)9 URI (org.openrdf.model.URI)4 MongoEventStorage (org.apache.rya.indexing.geotemporal.mongo.MongoEventStorage)2 EventStorage ( BasicDBObjectBuilder (com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder)1 MongoException (com.mongodb.MongoException)1 Collection (java.util.Collection)1 RyaURI (org.apache.rya.api.domain.RyaURI)1 IndexingFunctionRegistry (org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingFunctionRegistry)1 FUNCTION_TYPE (org.apache.rya.indexing.IndexingFunctionRegistry.FUNCTION_TYPE)1 DocumentConverterException ( GeoTemporalIndexException (org.apache.rya.indexing.geotemporal.GeoTemporalIndexException)1 Event (org.apache.rya.indexing.geotemporal.model.Event)1