use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class GetQueryReport method getReport.
* Get a report that indicates how many biniding sets have been emitted for
* a query that is being managed by the fluo application.
* @param fluo - The connection to Fluo that will be used to fetch the metadata. (not null)
* @param queryId - The ID of the query to fetch. (not null)
* @return A report that was built for the query.
* @throws UnsupportedQueryException
public QueryReport getReport(final FluoClient fluo, final String queryId) throws UnsupportedQueryException {
final QueryReport.Builder reportBuilder = QueryReport.builder();
try (Snapshot sx = fluo.newSnapshot()) {
final FluoQuery fluoQuery = metadataDao.readFluoQuery(sx, queryId);
// Query results.
BigInteger count = countBindingSets(sx, queryId, FluoQueryColumns.QUERY_BINDING_SET);
reportBuilder.setCount(queryId, count);
// Filter results.
for (final FilterMetadata filter : fluoQuery.getFilterMetadata()) {
final String filterId = filter.getNodeId();
count = countBindingSets(sx, filterId, FluoQueryColumns.FILTER_BINDING_SET);
reportBuilder.setCount(filterId, count);
// Join results.
for (final JoinMetadata join : fluoQuery.getJoinMetadata()) {
final String joinId = join.getNodeId();
count = countBindingSets(sx, joinId, FluoQueryColumns.JOIN_BINDING_SET);
reportBuilder.setCount(joinId, count);
// Statement Pattern results.
for (final StatementPatternMetadata statementPattern : fluoQuery.getStatementPatternMetadata()) {
final String patternId = statementPattern.getNodeId();
count = countBindingSets(sx, patternId, FluoQueryColumns.STATEMENT_PATTERN_BINDING_SET);
reportBuilder.setCount(patternId, count);
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class JoinBatchBindingSetUpdater method processBatch.
* Processes {@link JoinBatchInformation}. Updates the BindingSets
* associated with the specified nodeId. The BindingSets are processed in
* batch fashion, where the number of results is indicated by
* {@link JoinBatchInformation#getBatchSize()}. BindingSets are either
* Added, Deleted, or Updated according to
* {@link JoinBatchInformation#getTask()}. In the event that the number of
* entries that need to be updated exceeds the batch size, the row of the
* first unprocessed BindingSets is used to create a new JoinBatch job to
* process the remaining BindingSets.
* @throws Exception
public void processBatch(final TransactionBase tx, final Bytes row, final BatchInformation batch) throws Exception {
super.processBatch(tx, row, batch);
final String nodeId = BatchRowKeyUtil.getNodeId(row);
Preconditions.checkArgument(batch instanceof JoinBatchInformation);
final JoinBatchInformation joinBatch = (JoinBatchInformation) batch;
final Task task = joinBatch.getTask();
// Figure out which join algorithm we are going to use.
final IterativeJoin joinAlgorithm;
switch(joinBatch.getJoinType()) {
joinAlgorithm = new NaturalJoin();
joinAlgorithm = new LeftOuterJoin();
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported JoinType: " + joinBatch.getJoinType());
final Set<VisibilityBindingSet> bsSet = new HashSet<>();
final Optional<RowColumn> rowCol = fillSiblingBatch(tx, joinBatch, bsSet);
// Iterates over the resulting BindingSets from the join.
final Iterator<VisibilityBindingSet> newJoinResults;
final VisibilityBindingSet bs = joinBatch.getBs();
if (joinBatch.getSide() == Side.LEFT) {
newJoinResults = joinAlgorithm.newLeftResult(bs, bsSet.iterator());
} else {
newJoinResults = joinAlgorithm.newRightResult(bsSet.iterator(), bs);
// Read join metadata, create new join BindingSets and insert them into the Fluo table.
final JoinMetadata joinMetadata = CACHE.readJoinMetadata(tx, nodeId);
final VariableOrder joinVarOrder = joinMetadata.getVariableOrder();
while (newJoinResults.hasNext()) {
final VisibilityBindingSet newJoinResult =;
// create BindingSet value
final Bytes bsBytes = BS_SERDE.serialize(newJoinResult);
// make rowId
Bytes rowKey = BindingHashShardingFunction.addShard(nodeId, joinVarOrder, newJoinResult);
final Column col = FluoQueryColumns.JOIN_BINDING_SET;
processTask(tx, task, rowKey, col, bsBytes);
// update the span and register updated batch job
if (rowCol.isPresent()) {
final Span newSpan = getNewSpan(rowCol.get(), joinBatch.getSpan());
BatchInformationDAO.addBatch(tx, nodeId, joinBatch);
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class JoinObserver method parseObservation.
public Observation parseObservation(final TransactionBase tx, final Bytes row) throws Exception {
// Read the Join metadata.
final String joinNodeId = BindingSetRow.makeFromShardedRow(Bytes.of(JOIN_PREFIX), row).getNodeId();
final JoinMetadata joinMetadata = queryDao.readJoinMetadata(tx, joinNodeId);
// Read the Visibility Binding Set from the value.
final Bytes valueBytes = tx.get(row, FluoQueryColumns.JOIN_BINDING_SET);
final VisibilityBindingSet joinBindingSet = BS_SERDE.deserialize(valueBytes);
// Figure out which node needs to handle the new metadata.
final String parentNodeId = joinMetadata.getParentNodeId();
return new Observation(joinNodeId, joinBindingSet, parentNodeId);
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class QueryReportRenderer method render.
* Pretty render a {@link QueryReport}.
* @param queryReport - The report that will be rendered. (not null)
* @return A pretty render of the report.
* @throws Exception Indicates the SPARQL could not be rendered for some reason.
public String render(final QueryReport queryReport) throws Exception {
final Report.Builder builder = Report.builder();
final FluoQuery metadata = queryReport.getFluoQuery();
QueryMetadata queryMetadata = metadata.getQueryMetadata();
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem(""));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("QUERY NODE"));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Node ID", queryMetadata.getNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Variable Order", queryMetadata.getVariableOrder().toString()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("SPARQL", queryMetadata.getSparql()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Child Node ID", queryMetadata.getChildNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Count", "" + queryReport.getCount(queryMetadata.getNodeId())));
if (metadata.getQueryType() == QueryType.CONSTRUCT) {
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem(""));
final ConstructQueryMetadata constructMetadata = metadata.getConstructQueryMetadata().get();
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("CONSTRUCT QUERY NODE"));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Node ID", constructMetadata.getNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Variable Order", constructMetadata.getVariableOrder().toString()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Parent Node ID", constructMetadata.getParentNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Child Node ID", constructMetadata.getChildNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Construct Graph", constructMetadata.getConstructGraph().toString()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Count", "" + queryReport.getCount(constructMetadata.getNodeId())));
for (ProjectionMetadata projectionMetadata : metadata.getProjectionMetadata()) {
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem(""));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("PROJECTION NODE"));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Node ID", projectionMetadata.getNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Variable Order", projectionMetadata.getVariableOrder().toString()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Parent Node ID", projectionMetadata.getParentNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Child Node ID", projectionMetadata.getChildNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Count", "" + queryReport.getCount(projectionMetadata.getNodeId())));
for (final FilterMetadata filterMetadata : metadata.getFilterMetadata()) {
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem(""));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("FILTER NODE"));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Node ID", filterMetadata.getNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Variable Order", filterMetadata.getVariableOrder().toString()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Filter SPARQL", prettyFormatSparql(filterMetadata.getFilterSparql())));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Parent Node ID", filterMetadata.getParentNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Child Node ID", filterMetadata.getChildNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Count", "" + queryReport.getCount(filterMetadata.getNodeId())));
for (final JoinMetadata joinMetadata : metadata.getJoinMetadata()) {
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem(""));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("JOIN NODE"));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Node ID", joinMetadata.getNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Variable Order", joinMetadata.getVariableOrder().toString()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Parent Node ID", joinMetadata.getParentNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Left Child Node ID", joinMetadata.getLeftChildNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Right Child Node ID", joinMetadata.getRightChildNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Count", "" + queryReport.getCount(joinMetadata.getNodeId())));
for (final StatementPatternMetadata spMetadata : metadata.getStatementPatternMetadata()) {
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem(""));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("STATEMENT PATTERN NODE"));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Node ID", spMetadata.getNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Variable Order", spMetadata.getVariableOrder().toString()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Statement Pattern", spMetadata.getStatementPattern()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Parent Node ID", spMetadata.getParentNodeId()));
builder.appendItem(new ReportItem("Count", "" + queryReport.getCount(spMetadata.getNodeId())));
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class BindingSetUpdater method process.
public final void process(final TransactionBase tx, final Bytes row, final Column col) {
final Observation observation;
try {
observation = parseObservation(tx, row);
} catch (final Exception e) {
log.error("Unable to parse an Observation from a Row and Column pair, so this notification will be skipped. " + "Row: " + row + " Column: " + col, e);
final String observedNodeId = observation.getObservedNodeId();
final VisibilityBindingSet observedBindingSet = observation.getObservedBindingSet();
final String parentNodeId = observation.getParentId();
// Figure out which node needs to handle the new metadata.
final NodeType parentNodeType = NodeType.fromNodeId(parentNodeId).get();
switch(parentNodeType) {
case QUERY:
final QueryMetadata parentQuery = queryDao.readQueryMetadata(tx, parentNodeId);
try {
queryUpdater.updateQueryResults(tx, observedBindingSet, parentQuery);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not process a Query node.", e);
final ProjectionMetadata projectionQuery = queryDao.readProjectionMetadata(tx, parentNodeId);
try {
projectionUpdater.updateProjectionResults(tx, observedBindingSet, projectionQuery);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not process a Query node.", e);
final ConstructQueryMetadata constructQuery = queryDao.readConstructQueryMetadata(tx, parentNodeId);
try {
constructUpdater.updateConstructQueryResults(tx, observedBindingSet, constructQuery);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not process a Query node.", e);
case FILTER:
final FilterMetadata parentFilter = queryDao.readFilterMetadata(tx, parentNodeId);
try {
filterUpdater.updateFilterResults(tx, observedBindingSet, parentFilter);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not process a Filter node.", e);
case JOIN:
final JoinMetadata parentJoin = queryDao.readJoinMetadata(tx, parentNodeId);
try {
joinUpdater.updateJoinResults(tx, observedNodeId, observedBindingSet, parentJoin);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not process a Join node.", e);
final PeriodicQueryMetadata parentPeriodicQuery = queryDao.readPeriodicQueryMetadata(tx, parentNodeId);
try {
periodicQueryUpdater.updatePeriodicBinResults(tx, observedBindingSet, parentPeriodicQuery);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not process PeriodicBin node.", e);
final AggregationMetadata parentAggregation = queryDao.readAggregationMetadata(tx, parentNodeId);
try {
aggregationUpdater.updateAggregateResults(tx, observedBindingSet, parentAggregation);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not process an Aggregation node.", e);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parent node's NodeType must be of type Aggregation, Projection, ConstructQuery, Filter, Join, PeriodicBin or Query, but was " + parentNodeType);