use of org.apache.rya.streams.api.RyaStreamsClient in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class RyaStreamsCommands method configureRyaStreams.
@CliCommand(value = STREAMS_CONFIGURE_CMD, help = "Connect a Rya Streams subsystem to a Rya Instance.")
public String configureRyaStreams(@CliOption(key = { "kafkaHostname" }, mandatory = true, help = "The hostname of the Kafka Broker.") final String kafkaHostname, @CliOption(key = { "kafkaPort" }, mandatory = true, help = "The port of the Kafka Broker.") final int kafkaPort) {
// If this instance was connected to a different Rya Streams subsystem, then close that client.
final Optional<RyaStreamsClient> oldClient = state.getShellState().getRyaStreamsCommands();
if (oldClient.isPresent()) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
System.err.print("Warning: Could not close the old Rya Streams Client.");
// Update the Rya Details for the connected Rya Instance.
final String ryaInstance = state.getShellState().getRyaInstanceName().get();
final RyaClient ryaClient = state.getShellState().getConnectedCommands().get();
try {
final RyaStreamsDetails streamsDetails = new RyaStreamsDetails(kafkaHostname, kafkaPort);
ryaClient.getSetRyaStreamsConfiguration().setRyaStreamsConfiguration(ryaInstance, streamsDetails);
} catch (final RyaClientException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not update the Rya instance's Rya Details to include the new " + "information. This command failed to complete.", e);
// Connect a Rya Streams Client and set it in the shared state.
final RyaStreamsClient newClient = KafkaRyaStreamsClientFactory.make(ryaInstance, kafkaHostname, kafkaPort);
// Return a message that indicates the operation was successful.
if (oldClient.isPresent()) {
return "The Rya Streams subsystem that this Rya instance uses has been changed. Any queries that were " + "maintained by the previous subsystem will need to be migrated to the new one.";
} else {
return "The Rya Instance has been updated to use the provided Rya Streams subsystem. " + "Rya Streams commands are now avaiable while connected to this instance.";
use of org.apache.rya.streams.api.RyaStreamsClient in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class SharedShellStateTest method connectedToRyaStreams.
public void connectedToRyaStreams() {
// Create a shell state.
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
// Connect to Accumulo.
final AccumuloConnectionDetails connectionDetails = mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class);
final RyaClient connectedCommands = mock(RyaClient.class);
state.connectedToAccumulo(connectionDetails, connectedCommands);
// Connect to an Instance.
// Connect to Rya Streams for the instance.
final RyaStreamsClient streamsClient = mock(RyaStreamsClient.class);
// Verify the state.
assertEquals(streamsClient, state.getShellState().getRyaStreamsCommands().get());
use of org.apache.rya.streams.api.RyaStreamsClient in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class RyaStreamsCommandsTest method startQuery_alreadyRunning.
public void startQuery_alreadyRunning() throws Exception {
// Mock the object that performs the rya streams operation.
final RyaStreamsClient mockClient = mock(RyaStreamsClient.class);
final StartQuery startQuery = mock(StartQuery.class);
final GetQuery getQuery = mock(GetQuery.class);
// Mock a shell state and connect it to a Rya instance.
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mock(RyaClient.class));
// Report the query as running.
final UUID queryId = UUID.randomUUID();
when(getQuery.getQuery(eq(queryId))).thenReturn(java.util.Optional.of(new StreamsQuery(queryId, "sparql", true, false)));
// Execute the command.
final RyaStreamsCommands commands = new RyaStreamsCommands(state, mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(ConsolePrinter.class));
final String message = commands.startQuery(queryId.toString());
// Verify the interactor was not invoked.
verify(startQuery, never()).start(queryId);
// Verify a message is printed to the user.
final String expected = "That query is already running.";
assertEquals(expected, message);
use of org.apache.rya.streams.api.RyaStreamsClient in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class RyaStreamsCommandsTest method addQuery_insertConstructQuery.
public void addQuery_insertConstructQuery() throws Exception {
// Mock the object that performs the rya streams operation.
final RyaStreamsClient mockClient = mock(RyaStreamsClient.class);
final AddQuery addQuery = mock(AddQuery.class);
final String sparql = "PREFIX vCard: <> " + "PREFIX foaf: <> " + "CONSTRUCT { " + "?X vCard:FN ?name . " + "?X vCard:URL ?url . " + "?X vCard:TITLE ?title . " + "} " + "FROM <> " + "WHERE { " + "OPTIONAL { ?X foaf:name ?name . FILTER isLiteral(?name) . } " + "OPTIONAL { ?X foaf:homepage ?url . FILTER isURI(?url) . } " + "OPTIONAL { ?X foaf:title ?title . FILTER isLiteral(?title) . } " + "}";
final StreamsQuery addedQuery = new StreamsQuery(UUID.randomUUID(), sparql, true, true);
when(addQuery.addQuery(eq(sparql), eq(false), eq(true))).thenReturn(addedQuery);
// Mock a SPARQL prompt that a user entered a query through.
final SparqlPrompt prompt = mock(SparqlPrompt.class);
// Mock a shell state and connect it to a Rya instance.
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mock(RyaClient.class));
// Execute the command.
final RyaStreamsCommands commands = new RyaStreamsCommands(state, prompt, mock(ConsolePrinter.class));
final String message = commands.addQuery(true, true);
// Verify the interactor was invoked with the provided input.
verify(addQuery).addQuery(sparql, false, true);
// Verify a message is printed to the user.
final String expected = "The added query's ID is " + addedQuery.getQueryId();
assertEquals(expected, message);
use of org.apache.rya.streams.api.RyaStreamsClient in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class RyaStreamsCommandsTest method stopQuery.
public void stopQuery() throws Exception {
// Mock the object that performs the rya streams operation.
final RyaStreamsClient mockClient = mock(RyaStreamsClient.class);
final StopQuery stopQuery = mock(StopQuery.class);
final GetQuery getQuery = mock(GetQuery.class);
// Mock a shell state and connect it to a Rya instance.
final SharedShellState state = new SharedShellState();
state.connectedToAccumulo(mock(AccumuloConnectionDetails.class), mock(RyaClient.class));
// Report the query as running.
final UUID queryId = UUID.randomUUID();
when(getQuery.getQuery(eq(queryId))).thenReturn(java.util.Optional.of(new StreamsQuery(queryId, "sparql", true, false)));
// Execute the command.
final RyaStreamsCommands commands = new RyaStreamsCommands(state, mock(SparqlPrompt.class), mock(ConsolePrinter.class));
final String message = commands.stopQuery(queryId.toString());
// Verify the interactor was invoked with the provided parameters.
// Verify a message is printed to the user.
final String expected = "The query will no longer be processed by the Rya Streams subsystem.";
assertEquals(expected, message);