use of in project samza by apache.
the class TestBlobStoreUtil method testPutDirFailsIfAnySubDirFileUploadFails.
public void testPutDirFailsIfAnySubDirFileUploadFails() throws IOException, TimeoutException, InterruptedException {
BlobStoreManager blobStoreManager = mock(BlobStoreManager.class);
// File, dir and recursive dir added, retained and removed in local
String local = "[a/1, b/2]";
String remote = "[]";
// Set up environment
Path localSnapshotDir = BlobStoreTestUtil.createLocalDir(local);
String basePath = localSnapshotDir.toAbsolutePath().toString();
DirIndex remoteSnapshotDir = BlobStoreTestUtil.createDirIndex(remote);
SnapshotMetadata snapshotMetadata = new SnapshotMetadata(checkpointId, jobName, jobId, taskName, storeName);
DirDiff dirDiff = DirDiffUtil.getDirDiff(localSnapshotDir.toFile(), remoteSnapshotDir, (localFile, remoteFile) -> localFile.getName().equals(remoteFile.getFileName()));
// Set up mocks
SamzaException exception = new SamzaException("Error uploading file");
CompletableFuture<String> failedFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
when(blobStoreManager.put(any(InputStream.class), any(Metadata.class))).thenAnswer((Answer<CompletableFuture<String>>) invocation -> {
Metadata metadata = invocation.getArgumentAt(1, Metadata.class);
String path = metadata.getPayloadPath();
if (path.endsWith("1")) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("a1BlobId");
} else {
return failedFuture;
// Execute
BlobStoreUtil blobStoreUtil = new BlobStoreUtil(blobStoreManager, EXECUTOR, null, null);
CompletionStage<DirIndex> dirIndexFuture = blobStoreUtil.putDir(dirDiff, snapshotMetadata);
try {
// should be already complete. if not, future composition in putDir is broken.
dirIndexFuture.toCompletableFuture().get(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
// Assert that the result future fails and that the cause is propagated correctly
assertEquals(exception, cause);
fail("DirIndex future should have been completed with an exception");
use of in project samza by apache.
the class TestDirDiffUtilMisc method testGetDirDiffWhenIsSameFileReturnsFalseForSameFileName.
* Test the case when a file has been modified locally. I.e., when isSameFile returns false for a local file with
* the same name as the remote file. The file should be marked for both deletion and addition.
public void testGetDirDiffWhenIsSameFileReturnsFalseForSameFileName() throws IOException {
String local = "[a]";
String remote = "[a]";
String expectedAdded = "[a]";
String expectedRetained = "[]";
String expectedRemoved = "[a]";
Path localSnapshotDir = BlobStoreTestUtil.createLocalDir(local);
String basePath = localSnapshotDir.toAbsolutePath().toString();
DirIndex remoteSnapshotDir = BlobStoreTestUtil.createDirIndex(remote);
// Execute
DirDiff dirDiff = DirDiffUtil.getDirDiff(localSnapshotDir.toFile(), remoteSnapshotDir, (localFile, remoteFile) -> false);
SortedSet<String> allAdded = new TreeSet<>();
SortedSet<String> allRemoved = new TreeSet<>();
SortedSet<String> allRetained = new TreeSet<>();
BlobStoreTestUtil.getAllAddedInDiff(basePath, dirDiff, allAdded);
BlobStoreTestUtil.getAllRemovedInDiff("", dirDiff, allRemoved);
BlobStoreTestUtil.getAllRetainedInDiff("", dirDiff, allRetained);
// Assert
SortedSet<String> expectedAddedFiles = BlobStoreTestUtil.getExpected(expectedAdded);
SortedSet<String> expectedRetainedFiles = BlobStoreTestUtil.getExpected(expectedRetained);
SortedSet<String> expectedRemovedFiles = BlobStoreTestUtil.getExpected(expectedRemoved);
assertEquals(expectedAddedFiles, allAdded);
assertEquals(expectedRetainedFiles, allRetained);
assertEquals(expectedRemovedFiles, allRemoved);
use of in project samza by apache.
the class BlobStoreUtil method putDir.
* Recursively upload all new files and upload or update contents of all subdirs in the {@link DirDiff} and return a
* Future containing the {@link DirIndex} associated with the directory.
* @param dirDiff diff for the contents of this directory
* @return A future with the {@link DirIndex} if the upload completed successfully.
public CompletionStage<DirIndex> putDir(DirDiff dirDiff, SnapshotMetadata snapshotMetadata) {
// Upload all new files in the dir
List<File> filesToUpload = dirDiff.getFilesAdded();
List<CompletionStage<FileIndex>> fileFutures = -> putFile(file, snapshotMetadata)).collect(Collectors.toList());
CompletableFuture<Void> allFilesFuture = CompletableFuture.allOf(fileFutures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]));
List<CompletionStage<DirIndex>> subDirFutures = new ArrayList<>();
// recursively upload all new subdirs of this dir
for (DirDiff subDirAdded : dirDiff.getSubDirsAdded()) {
subDirFutures.add(putDir(subDirAdded, snapshotMetadata));
// recursively update contents of all subdirs that are retained but might have been modified
for (DirDiff subDirRetained : dirDiff.getSubDirsRetained()) {
subDirFutures.add(putDir(subDirRetained, snapshotMetadata));
CompletableFuture<Void> allDirBlobsFuture = CompletableFuture.allOf(subDirFutures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]));
return CompletableFuture.allOf(allDirBlobsFuture, allFilesFuture).thenApplyAsync(f -> {
LOG.trace("All file and dir uploads complete for task: {} store: {}", snapshotMetadata.getTaskName(), snapshotMetadata.getStoreName());
List<FileIndex> filesPresent = -> blob.toCompletableFuture().join()).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<DirIndex> subDirsPresent = -> subDir.toCompletableFuture().join()).collect(Collectors.toList());
LOG.debug("Uploaded diff for task: {} store: {} with statistics: {}", snapshotMetadata.getTaskName(), snapshotMetadata.getStoreName(), DirDiff.getStats(dirDiff));
LOG.trace("Returning new DirIndex for task: {} store: {}", snapshotMetadata.getTaskName(), snapshotMetadata.getStoreName());
return new DirIndex(dirDiff.getDirName(), filesPresent, dirDiff.getFilesRemoved(), subDirsPresent, dirDiff.getSubDirsRemoved());
}, executor);
use of in project samza by apache.
the class DirDiffUtil method getDiffForNewDir.
* Builds a {@link DirDiff} from a new local directory that is not already present in the remote snapshot.
* @param localSubDir File representing the local directory to create the new {@link DirDiff} for.
private static DirDiff getDiffForNewDir(File localSubDir) {
List<File> filesAdded = new ArrayList<>();
List<DirDiff> subDirsAdded = new ArrayList<>();
File[] files = localSubDir.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
for (File file : files) {
if (file.isFile()) {
LOG.debug("Adding file {} to local sub dir {}", file.getName(), localSubDir.getPath());
} else {
LOG.debug("Adding sub dir {} to sub dir {}", file.getName(), localSubDir.getPath());
return new DirDiff(localSubDir.getName(), filesAdded, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), subDirsAdded, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList());
use of in project samza by apache.
the class TestBlobStoreUtil method testPutDir.
public // TODO HIGH shesharm test with empty (0 byte) files
void testPutDir() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
BlobStoreManager blobStoreManager = mock(BlobStoreManager.class);
// File, dir and recursive dir added, retained and removed in local
String local = "[a, c, z/1, y/1, p/m/1, q/n/1]";
String remote = "[a, b, z/1, x/1, p/m/1, p/m/2, r/o/1]";
String expectedAdded = "[c, y/1, q/n/1]";
String expectedRetained = "[a, z/1, p/m/1]";
String expectedRemoved = "[b, x/1, r/o/1, p/m/2]";
SortedSet<String> expectedAddedFiles = BlobStoreTestUtil.getExpected(expectedAdded);
SortedSet<String> expectedRetainedFiles = BlobStoreTestUtil.getExpected(expectedRetained);
SortedSet<String> expectedPresentFiles = new TreeSet<>(expectedAddedFiles);
SortedSet<String> expectedRemovedFiles = BlobStoreTestUtil.getExpected(expectedRemoved);
// Set up environment
Path localSnapshotDir = BlobStoreTestUtil.createLocalDir(local);
String basePath = localSnapshotDir.toAbsolutePath().toString();
DirIndex remoteSnapshotDir = BlobStoreTestUtil.createDirIndex(remote);
SnapshotMetadata snapshotMetadata = new SnapshotMetadata(checkpointId, jobName, jobId, taskName, storeName);
DirDiff dirDiff = DirDiffUtil.getDirDiff(localSnapshotDir.toFile(), remoteSnapshotDir, (localFile, remoteFile) -> localFile.getName().equals(remoteFile.getFileName()));
SortedSet<String> allUploaded = new TreeSet<>();
// Set up mocks
when(blobStoreManager.put(any(InputStream.class), any(Metadata.class))).thenAnswer((Answer<CompletableFuture<String>>) invocation -> {
Metadata metadata = invocation.getArgumentAt(1, Metadata.class);
String path = metadata.getPayloadPath();
allUploaded.add(path.substring(localSnapshotDir.toAbsolutePath().toString().length() + 1));
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(path);
// Execute
BlobStoreUtil blobStoreUtil = new BlobStoreUtil(blobStoreManager, EXECUTOR, null, null);
CompletionStage<DirIndex> dirIndexFuture = blobStoreUtil.putDir(dirDiff, snapshotMetadata);
DirIndex dirIndex = null;
try {
// should be already complete. if not, future composition in putDir is broken.
dirIndex = dirIndexFuture.toCompletableFuture().get(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
fail("Future returned from putDir should be already complete.");
SortedSet<String> allPresent = new TreeSet<>();
SortedSet<String> allRemoved = new TreeSet<>();
BlobStoreTestUtil.getAllPresentInIndex("", dirIndex, allPresent);
BlobStoreTestUtil.getAllRemovedInIndex("", dirIndex, allRemoved);
// Assert
assertEquals(expectedAddedFiles, allUploaded);
assertEquals(expectedPresentFiles, allPresent);
assertEquals(expectedRemovedFiles, allRemoved);