use of org.apache.samza.util.FileUtil in project samza by apache.
the class BlobStoreRestoreManager method restoreStores.
* Restores all eligible stores in the task.
static CompletableFuture<Void> restoreStores(String jobName, String jobId, TaskName taskName, Set<String> storesToRestore, Map<String, Pair<String, SnapshotIndex>> prevStoreSnapshotIndexes, File loggedBaseDir, StorageConfig storageConfig, BlobStoreRestoreManagerMetrics metrics, StorageManagerUtil storageManagerUtil, BlobStoreUtil blobStoreUtil, DirDiffUtil dirDiffUtil, ExecutorService executor) {
long restoreStartTime = System.nanoTime();
List<CompletionStage<Void>> restoreFutures = new ArrayList<>();
LOG.debug("Starting restore for task: {} stores: {}", taskName, storesToRestore);
storesToRestore.forEach(storeName -> {
if (!prevStoreSnapshotIndexes.containsKey(storeName)) {"No checkpointed snapshot index found for task: {} store: {}. Skipping restore.", taskName, storeName);
// blob store based backup and restore, both at the same time.
Pair<String, SnapshotIndex> scmAndSnapshotIndex = prevStoreSnapshotIndexes.get(storeName);
long storeRestoreStartTime = System.nanoTime();
SnapshotIndex snapshotIndex = scmAndSnapshotIndex.getRight();
DirIndex dirIndex = snapshotIndex.getDirIndex();
DirIndex.Stats stats = DirIndex.getStats(dirIndex);
CheckpointId checkpointId = snapshotIndex.getSnapshotMetadata().getCheckpointId();
File storeDir = storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreDir(loggedBaseDir, storeName, taskName, TaskMode.Active);
Path storeCheckpointDir = Paths.get(storageManagerUtil.getStoreCheckpointDir(storeDir, checkpointId));
LOG.trace("Got task: {} store: {} local store directory: {} and local store checkpoint directory: {}", taskName, storeName, storeDir, storeCheckpointDir);
// we always delete the store dir to preserve transactional state guarantees.
try {
LOG.debug("Deleting local store directory: {}. Will be restored from local store checkpoint directory " + "or remote snapshot.", storeDir);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SamzaException(String.format("Error deleting store directory: %s", storeDir), e);
boolean shouldRestore = shouldRestore(taskName.getTaskName(), storeName, dirIndex, storeCheckpointDir, storageConfig, dirDiffUtil);
if (shouldRestore) {
// restore the store from the remote blob store
// delete all store checkpoint directories. if we only delete the store directory and don't
// delete the checkpoint directories, the store size on disk will grow to 2x after restore
// until the first commit is completed and older checkpoint dirs are deleted. This is
// because the hard-linked checkpoint dir files will no longer be de-duped with the
// now-deleted main store directory contents and will take up additional space of their
// own during the restore.
deleteCheckpointDirs(taskName, storeName, loggedBaseDir, storageManagerUtil);
metrics.storePreRestoreNs.get(storeName).set(System.nanoTime() - storeRestoreStartTime);
enqueueRestore(jobName, jobId, taskName.toString(), storeName, storeDir, dirIndex, storeRestoreStartTime, restoreFutures, blobStoreUtil, dirDiffUtil, metrics, executor);
} else {
LOG.debug("Renaming store checkpoint directory: {} to store directory: {} since its contents are identical " + "to the remote snapshot.", storeCheckpointDir, storeDir);
// atomically rename the checkpoint dir to the store dir
new FileUtil().move(storeCheckpointDir.toFile(), storeDir);
// delete any other checkpoint dirs.
deleteCheckpointDirs(taskName, storeName, loggedBaseDir, storageManagerUtil);
// wait for all restores to finish
return FutureUtil.allOf(restoreFutures).whenComplete((res, ex) -> {"Restore completed for task: {} stores", taskName);
metrics.restoreNs.set(System.nanoTime() - restoreStartTime);
use of org.apache.samza.util.FileUtil in project samza by apache.
the class NonTransactionalStateTaskRestoreManager method cleanBaseDirsAndReadOffsetFiles.
* For each store for this task,
* a. Deletes the corresponding non-logged-store base dir.
* b. Deletes the logged-store-base-dir (depending on {@param cleanLoggedStoreDirs} value). See {@link #isLoggedStoreValid} for validation semantics.
* c. If the logged-store-base-dir is valid, this method reads the offset file and stores each offset.
private void cleanBaseDirsAndReadOffsetFiles() {
LOG.debug("Cleaning base directories for stores.");
StorageConfig storageConfig = new StorageConfig(config);
FileUtil fileUtil = new FileUtil();
taskStores.forEach((storeName, storageEngine) -> {
if (!storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isLoggedStore()) {
File nonLoggedStorePartitionDir = storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreDir(nonLoggedStoreBaseDirectory, storeName, taskModel.getTaskName(), taskModel.getTaskMode());"Got non logged storage partition directory as " + nonLoggedStorePartitionDir.toPath().toString());
if (nonLoggedStorePartitionDir.exists()) {"Deleting non logged storage partition directory " + nonLoggedStorePartitionDir.toPath().toString());
} else {
File loggedStorePartitionDir = storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreDir(loggedStoreBaseDirectory, storeName, taskModel.getTaskName(), taskModel.getTaskMode());"Got logged storage partition directory as " + loggedStorePartitionDir.toPath().toString());
// Delete the logged store if it is not valid.
if (!isLoggedStoreValid(storeName, loggedStorePartitionDir) || storageConfig.cleanLoggedStoreDirsOnStart(storeName)) {"Deleting logged storage partition directory " + loggedStorePartitionDir.toPath().toString());
} else {
SystemStreamPartition changelogSSP = new SystemStreamPartition(storeChangelogs.get(storeName), taskModel.getChangelogPartition());
Map<SystemStreamPartition, String> offset = storageManagerUtil.readOffsetFile(loggedStorePartitionDir, Collections.singleton(changelogSSP), false);"Read offset {} for the store {} from logged storage partition directory {}", offset, storeName, loggedStorePartitionDir);
if (offset.containsKey(changelogSSP)) {
fileOffsets.put(changelogSSP, offset.get(changelogSSP));
use of org.apache.samza.util.FileUtil in project samza by apache.
the class TestBlobStoreUtil method testPutFileChecksumAndMetadata.
public void testPutFileChecksumAndMetadata() throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
// Setup
SnapshotMetadata snapshotMetadata = new SnapshotMetadata(checkpointId, jobName, jobId, taskName, storeName);
Path path = Files.createTempFile("samza-testPutFileChecksum-", ".tmp");
FileUtil fileUtil = new FileUtil();
fileUtil.writeToTextFile(path.toFile(), RandomStringUtils.random(1000), false);
long expectedChecksum = FileUtils.checksumCRC32(path.toFile());
BlobStoreManager blobStoreManager = mock(BlobStoreManager.class);
ArgumentCaptor<Metadata> argumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Metadata.class);
when(blobStoreManager.put(any(InputStream.class), argumentCaptor.capture())).thenAnswer((Answer<CompletionStage<String>>) invocation -> {
InputStream inputStream = invocation.getArgumentAt(0, InputStream.class);
IOUtils.copy(inputStream, NullOutputStream.NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM);
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("blobId");
BlobStoreUtil blobStoreUtil = new BlobStoreUtil(blobStoreManager, EXECUTOR, null, null);
CompletionStage<FileIndex> fileIndexFuture = blobStoreUtil.putFile(path.toFile(), snapshotMetadata);
FileIndex fileIndex = null;
try {
// should be already complete. if not, future composition in putFile is broken.
fileIndex = fileIndexFuture.toCompletableFuture().get(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
fail("Future returned from putFile should be already complete.");
// Assert
Metadata metadata = (Metadata) argumentCaptor.getValue();
assertEquals(path.toAbsolutePath().toString(), metadata.getPayloadPath());
assertEquals(path.toFile().length(), Long.valueOf(metadata.getPayloadSize()).longValue());
assertEquals(expectedChecksum, fileIndex.getChecksum());
use of org.apache.samza.util.FileUtil in project samza by apache.
the class TransactionalStateIntegrationTest method secondRun.
private void secondRun(String changelogTopic, List<String> expectedChangelogMessages, List<String> expectedInitialStoreContents, Map<String, String> overriddenConfigs) {
// clear the local store directory
if (!hostAffinity) {
new FileUtil().rm(new File(LOGGED_STORE_BASE_DIR));
// produce the second batch of input messages
List<String> inputMessages = Arrays.asList("4", "5", "5", ":shutdown");
inputMessages.forEach(m -> produceMessage(INPUT_TOPIC, 0, m, m));
// run the application
RunApplicationContext context = runApplication(new MyStatefulApplication(INPUT_SYSTEM, INPUT_TOPIC, Collections.singletonMap(STORE_NAME, changelogTopic)), "myApp", overriddenConfigs);
// wait for the application to finish
// consume and verify any additional changelog messages
List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> changelogRecords = consumeMessages(changelogTopic, expectedChangelogMessages.size());
List<String> changelogMessages =;
Assert.assertEquals(expectedChangelogMessages, changelogMessages);
// verify the store contents during startup (this is after changelog verification to ensure init has completed)
Assert.assertEquals(expectedInitialStoreContents, MyStatefulApplication.getInitialStoreContents().get(STORE_NAME));
use of org.apache.samza.util.FileUtil in project samza by apache.
the class TransactionalStateIntegrationTest method setUp.
public void setUp() {
// reset static state shared with task between each parameterized iteration
// always clear local store on startup
new FileUtil().rm(new File(LOGGED_STORE_BASE_DIR));