use of org.apache.samza.system.SystemStream in project samza by apache.
the class TestInMemorySystemProducer method testPartition.
* Test keys of type byte[] goes to the same partition if they have the same contents.
public void testPartition() {
doAnswer(new Answer<Void>() {
int partitionOfFirstMessage = -1;
int partitionOfSecondMessage = -2;
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
SystemStreamPartition ssp = invocation.getArgumentAt(0, SystemStreamPartition.class);
if (partitionOfFirstMessage == -1) {
partitionOfFirstMessage = ssp.getPartition().getPartitionId();
} else {
partitionOfSecondMessage = ssp.getPartition().getPartitionId();
Assert.assertEquals(partitionOfFirstMessage, partitionOfSecondMessage);
testFinished = true;
return null;
}).when(inMemoryManager).put(any(), any(), any());
byte[] key1 = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 };
byte[] key2 = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 };
SystemStream systemStream = new SystemStream("TestSystem", "TestStream");
OutgoingMessageEnvelope outgoingMessageEnvelope1 = new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(systemStream, key1, null);
OutgoingMessageEnvelope outgoingMessageEnvelope2 = new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(systemStream, key2, null);
inMemorySystemProducer.send("TestSource", outgoingMessageEnvelope1);
inMemorySystemProducer.send("TestSource", outgoingMessageEnvelope2);
use of org.apache.samza.system.SystemStream in project samza by apache.
the class SSPGrouperProxy method getSystemStreamToPartitionCount.
* Computes a mapping from system stream to partition count using the provided {@param taskToSSPAssignment}.
* @param taskToSSPAssignment the {@link TaskName} to {@link SystemStreamPartition}'s assignment of the job.
* @return a mapping from {@link SystemStream} to the number of partitions of the stream.
private Map<SystemStream, Integer> getSystemStreamToPartitionCount(Map<TaskName, List<SystemStreamPartition>> taskToSSPAssignment) {
Map<SystemStream, Integer> systemStreamToPartitionCount = new HashMap<>();
taskToSSPAssignment.forEach((taskName, systemStreamPartitions) -> {
systemStreamPartitions.forEach(systemStreamPartition -> {
SystemStream systemStream = systemStreamPartition.getSystemStream();
systemStreamToPartitionCount.put(systemStream, systemStreamToPartitionCount.getOrDefault(systemStream, 0) + 1);
return systemStreamToPartitionCount;
use of org.apache.samza.system.SystemStream in project samza by apache.
the class TransactionalStateTaskRestoreManager method getStoreActions.
* Marks each persistent but non-logged store for deletion.
* For each logged store, based on the current, checkpointed and local changelog offsets,
* 1. decides which directories (current and checkpoints) to delete for persistent stores.
* 2. decides which directories (checkpoints) to retain for persistent stores.
* 3. decides which stores (persistent or not) need to be restored, and the beginning and end offsets for the restore.
* When this method returns, in StoreActions,
* 1. all persistent store current directories will be present in storeDirsToDelete
* 2. each persistent store checkpoint directory will be present in either storeDirToRetain or storeDirsToDelete.
* 3. there will be at most one storeDirToRetain per persistent store, which will be a checkpoint directory.
* 4. any stores (persistent or not) that need to be restored from changelogs will be present in
* storesToRestore with appropriate offsets.
static StoreActions getStoreActions(TaskModel taskModel, Map<String, StorageEngine> storeEngines, Map<String, SystemStream> storeChangelogs, Map<String, KafkaStateCheckpointMarker> kafkaStateCheckpointMarkers, CheckpointId checkpointId, Map<SystemStreamPartition, SystemStreamPartitionMetadata> currentChangelogOffsets, SystemAdmins systemAdmins, StorageManagerUtil storageManagerUtil, File loggedStoreBaseDirectory, File nonLoggedStoreBaseDirectory, Config config, Clock clock) {
TaskName taskName = taskModel.getTaskName();
TaskMode taskMode = taskModel.getTaskMode();
Map<String, File> storeDirToRetain = new HashMap<>();
ListMultimap<String, File> storeDirsToDelete = ArrayListMultimap.create();
Map<String, RestoreOffsets> storesToRestore = new HashMap<>();
storeEngines.forEach((storeName, storageEngine) -> {
// do nothing if store is non persistent and not logged (e.g. in memory cache only)
if (!storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isPersistedToDisk() && !storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isLoggedStore()) {
// persistent but non-logged stores are always deleted
if (storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isPersistedToDisk() && !storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isLoggedStore()) {
File currentDir = storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreDir(nonLoggedStoreBaseDirectory, storeName, taskName, taskMode);"Marking current directory: {} for store: {} in task: {} for deletion since it is not a logged store.", currentDir, storeName, taskName);
storeDirsToDelete.put(storeName, currentDir);
// persistent but non-logged stores should not have checkpoint dirs
// get the oldest and newest current changelog SSP offsets as well as the checkpointed changelog SSP offset
SystemStream changelog = storeChangelogs.get(storeName);
SystemStreamPartition changelogSSP = new SystemStreamPartition(changelog, taskModel.getChangelogPartition());
SystemAdmin admin = systemAdmins.getSystemAdmin(changelogSSP.getSystem());
SystemStreamPartitionMetadata changelogSSPMetadata = currentChangelogOffsets.get(changelogSSP);
String oldestOffset = changelogSSPMetadata.getOldestOffset();
String newestOffset = changelogSSPMetadata.getNewestOffset();
// can be null if no message, or message has null offset
String checkpointedOffset = null;
if (kafkaStateCheckpointMarkers.containsKey(storeName) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(kafkaStateCheckpointMarkers.get(storeName).getChangelogOffset())) {
checkpointedOffset = kafkaStateCheckpointMarkers.get(storeName).getChangelogOffset();
long timeSinceLastCheckpointInMs = checkpointId == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : System.currentTimeMillis() - checkpointId.getMillis();
// if the config is set, delete current and checkpoint dirs, restore from oldest offset to checkpointed
if (storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isPersistedToDisk() && new StorageConfig(config).cleanLoggedStoreDirsOnStart(storeName)) {
File currentDir = storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreDir(loggedStoreBaseDirectory, storeName, taskName, taskMode);"Marking current directory: {} for store: {} in task: {} for deletion due to clean.on.container.start config.", currentDir, storeName, taskName);
storeDirsToDelete.put(storeName, currentDir);
storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreCheckpointDirs(loggedStoreBaseDirectory, storeName, taskName, taskMode).forEach(checkpointDir -> {"Marking checkpoint directory: {} for store: {} in task: {} for deletion due to clean.on.container.start config.", checkpointDir, storeName, taskName);
storeDirsToDelete.put(storeName, checkpointDir);
});"Marking restore offsets for store: {} in task: {} to {}, {} ", storeName, taskName, oldestOffset, checkpointedOffset);
storesToRestore.put(storeName, new RestoreOffsets(oldestOffset, checkpointedOffset));
Optional<File> currentDirOptional;
Optional<List<File>> checkpointDirsOptional;
if (!storageEngine.getStoreProperties().isPersistedToDisk()) {
currentDirOptional = Optional.empty();
checkpointDirsOptional = Optional.empty();
} else {
currentDirOptional = Optional.of(storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreDir(loggedStoreBaseDirectory, storeName, taskName, taskMode));
checkpointDirsOptional = Optional.of(storageManagerUtil.getTaskStoreCheckpointDirs(loggedStoreBaseDirectory, storeName, taskName, taskMode));
}"For store: {} in task: {} got current dir: {}, checkpoint dirs: {}, checkpointed changelog offset: {}", storeName, taskName, currentDirOptional, checkpointDirsOptional, checkpointedOffset);
currentDirOptional.ifPresent(currentDir -> {"Marking current directory: {} for store: {} in task: {} for deletion.", currentDir, storeName, taskName);
storeDirsToDelete.put(storeName, currentDir);
if (checkpointedOffset == null && oldestOffset != null) {
// this can mean that either this is the initial migration for this feature and there are no previously
// checkpointed changelog offsets, or that this is a new store or changelog topic after the initial migration.
// if this is the first time migration, it might be desirable to retain existing data.
// if this is new store or topic, it is possible that the container previously died after writing some data to
// the changelog but before a commit, so it is desirable to delete the store, not restore anything and
// trim the changelog
// since we can't tell the difference b/w the two scenarios by just looking at the store and changelogs,
// we'll request users to indicate whether to retain existing data using a config flag. this flag should only
// be set during migrations, and turned off after the first successful commit of the new container (i.e. next
// deploy). for simplicity, we'll always delete the local store, and restore from changelog if necessary.
// the former scenario should not be common. the recommended way to opt-in to the transactional state feature
// is to first upgrade to the latest samza version but keep the transactional state restore config off.
// this will create the store checkpoint directories and write the changelog offset to the checkpoint, but
// will not use them during restore. once this is done (i.e. at least one commit after upgrade), the
// transactional state restore feature can be turned on on subsequent deploys. this code path exists as a
// fail-safe against clearing changelogs in case users do not follow upgrade instructions and enable the
// feature directly.
checkpointDirsOptional.ifPresent(checkpointDirs -> checkpointDirs.forEach(checkpointDir -> {"Marking checkpoint directory: {} for store: {} in task: {} for deletion since checkpointed " + "offset is null and oldest offset: {} is not.", checkpointDir, storeName, taskName, oldestOffset);
storeDirsToDelete.put(storeName, checkpointDir);
if (new TaskConfig(config).getTransactionalStateRetainExistingState()) {
// mark for restore from (oldest, newest) to recreate local state.
LOG.warn("Checkpointed offset for store: {} in task: {} is null. Since retain existing state is true, " + "local state will be fully restored from current changelog contents. " + "There is no transactional local state guarantee.", storeName, taskName);
storesToRestore.put(storeName, new RestoreOffsets(oldestOffset, newestOffset));
} else {
LOG.warn("Checkpointed offset for store: {} in task: {} is null. Since retain existing state is false, " + "any local state and changelog topic contents will be deleted.", storeName, taskName);
// mark for restore from (oldest, null) to trim entire changelog.
storesToRestore.put(storeName, new RestoreOffsets(oldestOffset, null));
} else if (// check if the checkpointed offset is out of range of current oldest and newest offsets
admin.offsetComparator(oldestOffset, checkpointedOffset) > 0 || admin.offsetComparator(checkpointedOffset, newestOffset) > 0) {
// checkpointed offset is out of range. this could mean that this is a TTL topic and the checkpointed
// offset was TTLd, or that the changelog topic was manually deleted and then recreated.
// we cannot guarantee transactional state for TTL stores, so delete everything and do a full restore
// for local store. if the topic was deleted and recreated, this will have the side effect of
// clearing the store as well.
LOG.warn("Checkpointed offset: {} for store: {} in task: {} is out of range of oldest: {} or newest: {} offset." + "Deleting existing store and fully restoring from changelog topic from oldest to newest offset. If the topic " + "has time-based retention, there is no transactional local state guarantees. If the topic was changed," + "local state will be cleaned up and fully restored to match the new topic contents.", checkpointedOffset, storeName, taskName, oldestOffset, newestOffset);
checkpointDirsOptional.ifPresent(checkpointDirs -> checkpointDirs.forEach(checkpointDir -> storeDirsToDelete.put(storeName, checkpointDir)));
storesToRestore.put(storeName, new RestoreOffsets(oldestOffset, newestOffset));
} else {
// happy path. checkpointed offset is in range of current oldest and newest offsets
if (!checkpointDirsOptional.isPresent()) {
// non-persistent logged store"Did not find any checkpoint directories for logged (maybe non-persistent) store: {}. Local state " + "will be fully restored from current changelog contents.", storeName);
storesToRestore.put(storeName, new RestoreOffsets(oldestOffset, checkpointedOffset));
} else {
// persistent logged store
String targetOffset;
// check checkpoint time against if older, restore from checkpointed offset to newest
// with no trim. be conservative. allow 10% safety margin to avoid deletions when the downtime is close
// to
long minCompactionLagMs = new StorageConfig(config).getChangelogMinCompactionLagMs(storeName);
if (timeSinceLastCheckpointInMs > .9 * minCompactionLagMs) {
LOG.warn("Checkpointed offset for store: {} in task: {} is: {}. It is in range of oldest: {} and " + "newest: {} changelog offset. However, time since last checkpoint is: {}, which is greater than " + "0.9 * {} for the changelog topic. Since there is a chance that" + "the changelog topic has been compacted, restoring store to the end of the current changelog contents." + "There is no transactional local state guarantee.", storeName, taskName, checkpointedOffset, oldestOffset, newestOffset, timeSinceLastCheckpointInMs, minCompactionLagMs);
targetOffset = newestOffset;
} else {
targetOffset = checkpointedOffset;
// if there exists a valid store checkpoint directory with oldest offset <= local offset <= target offset,
// retain it and restore the delta. delete all other checkpoint directories for the store. if more than one such
// checkpoint directory exists, retain the one with the highest local offset and delete the rest.
boolean hasValidCheckpointDir = false;
for (File checkpointDir : checkpointDirsOptional.get()) {
if (storageManagerUtil.isLoggedStoreValid(storeName, checkpointDir, config, storeChangelogs, taskModel, clock, storeEngines)) {
String localOffset = storageManagerUtil.readOffsetFile(checkpointDir, Collections.singleton(changelogSSP), false).get(changelogSSP);"Read local offset: {} for store: {} checkpoint dir: {} in task: {}", localOffset, storeName, checkpointDir, taskName);
if (admin.offsetComparator(localOffset, oldestOffset) >= 0 && admin.offsetComparator(localOffset, targetOffset) <= 0 && (storesToRestore.get(storeName) == null || admin.offsetComparator(localOffset, storesToRestore.get(storeName).startingOffset) > 0)) {
hasValidCheckpointDir = true;"Temporarily marking checkpoint dir: {} for store: {} in task: {} for retention. " + "May be overridden later.", checkpointDir, storeName, taskName);
storeDirToRetain.put(storeName, checkpointDir);
// mark for restore even if local == checkpointed, so that the changelog gets trimmed."Temporarily marking store: {} in task: {} for restore from beginning offset: {} to " + "ending offset: {}. May be overridden later", storeName, taskName, localOffset, targetOffset);
storesToRestore.put(storeName, new RestoreOffsets(localOffset, targetOffset));
// delete all non-retained checkpoint directories
for (File checkpointDir : checkpointDirsOptional.get()) {
if (storeDirToRetain.get(storeName) == null || !storeDirToRetain.get(storeName).equals(checkpointDir)) {"Marking checkpoint directory: {} for store: {} in task: {} for deletion since it is not " + "marked for retention.", checkpointDir, storeName, taskName);
storeDirsToDelete.put(storeName, checkpointDir);
// if the store had not valid checkpoint dirs to retain, restore from changelog
if (!hasValidCheckpointDir) {
storesToRestore.put(storeName, new RestoreOffsets(oldestOffset, targetOffset));
});"Store directories to be retained in Task: {} are: {}", taskName, storeDirToRetain);"Store directories to be deleted in Task: {} are: {}", taskName, storeDirsToDelete);"Stores to be restored in Task: {} are: {}", taskName, storesToRestore);
return new StoreActions(storeDirToRetain, storeDirsToDelete, storesToRestore);
use of org.apache.samza.system.SystemStream in project samza by apache.
the class TransactionalStateTaskRestoreManager method getCheckpointId.
private CheckpointId getCheckpointId(Checkpoint checkpoint) {
if (checkpoint == null)
return null;
if (checkpoint instanceof CheckpointV1) {
for (Map.Entry<String, SystemStream> storeNameSystemStream : storeChangelogs.entrySet()) {
SystemStreamPartition storeChangelogSSP = new SystemStreamPartition(storeNameSystemStream.getValue(), taskModel.getChangelogPartition());
String checkpointMessage = checkpoint.getOffsets().get(storeChangelogSSP);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(checkpointMessage)) {
KafkaChangelogSSPOffset kafkaStateChanglogOffset = KafkaChangelogSSPOffset.fromString(checkpointMessage);
return kafkaStateChanglogOffset.getCheckpointId();
} else if (checkpoint instanceof CheckpointV2) {
return ((CheckpointV2) checkpoint).getCheckpointId();
} else {
throw new SamzaException("Unsupported checkpoint version: " + checkpoint.getVersion());
return null;
use of org.apache.samza.system.SystemStream in project samza by apache.
the class KafkaChangelogStateBackendFactory method getRestoreManager.
public TaskRestoreManager getRestoreManager(JobContext jobContext, ContainerContext containerContext, TaskModel taskModel, ExecutorService restoreExecutor, MetricsRegistry metricsRegistry, Set<String> storesToRestore, Config config, Clock clock, File loggedStoreBaseDir, File nonLoggedStoreBaseDir, KafkaChangelogRestoreParams kafkaChangelogRestoreParams) {
Map<String, SystemStream> storeChangelogs = new StorageConfig(config).getStoreChangelogs();
Set<SystemStreamPartition> changelogSSPs = storeChangelogs.values().stream().flatMap(ss -> containerContext.getContainerModel().getTasks().values().stream().map(tm -> new SystemStreamPartition(ss, tm.getChangelogPartition()))).collect(Collectors.toSet());
// filter out standby store-ssp pairs
Map<String, SystemStream> filteredStoreChangelogs = filterStandbySystemStreams(storeChangelogs, containerContext.getContainerModel());
SystemAdmins systemAdmins = new SystemAdmins(kafkaChangelogRestoreParams.getSystemAdmins());
if (new TaskConfig(config).getTransactionalStateRestoreEnabled()) {
return new TransactionalStateTaskRestoreManager(storesToRestore, jobContext, containerContext, taskModel, restoreExecutor, filteredStoreChangelogs, kafkaChangelogRestoreParams.getInMemoryStores(), kafkaChangelogRestoreParams.getStorageEngineFactories(), kafkaChangelogRestoreParams.getSerdes(), systemAdmins, kafkaChangelogRestoreParams.getStoreConsumers(), metricsRegistry, kafkaChangelogRestoreParams.getCollector(), getSspCache(systemAdmins, clock, changelogSSPs), loggedStoreBaseDir, nonLoggedStoreBaseDir, config, clock);
} else {
return new NonTransactionalStateTaskRestoreManager(storesToRestore, jobContext, containerContext, taskModel, restoreExecutor, filteredStoreChangelogs, kafkaChangelogRestoreParams.getInMemoryStores(), kafkaChangelogRestoreParams.getStorageEngineFactories(), kafkaChangelogRestoreParams.getSerdes(), systemAdmins, getStreamCache(systemAdmins, clock), kafkaChangelogRestoreParams.getStoreConsumers(), metricsRegistry, kafkaChangelogRestoreParams.getCollector(), jobContext.getJobModel().getMaxChangeLogStreamPartitions(), loggedStoreBaseDir, nonLoggedStoreBaseDir, config, clock);