use of org.apache.samza.util.HighResolutionClock in project samza by apache.
the class BaseKeyValueStorageEngineFactory method getStorageEngine.
* Constructs a key-value StorageEngine and returns it to the caller
* @param storeName The name of the storage engine.
* @param storeDir The directory of the storage engine.
* @param keySerde The serializer to use for serializing keys when reading or writing to the store.
* @param msgSerde The serializer to use for serializing messages when reading or writing to the store.
* @param changelogCollector MessageCollector the storage engine uses to persist changes.
* @param registry MetricsRegistry to which to publish storage-engine specific metrics.
* @param changelogSSP Samza system stream partition from which to receive the changelog.
* @param containerContext Information about the container in which the task is executing.
public StorageEngine getStorageEngine(String storeName, File storeDir, Serde<K> keySerde, Serde<V> msgSerde, MessageCollector changelogCollector, MetricsRegistry registry, SystemStreamPartition changelogSSP, JobContext jobContext, ContainerContext containerContext, StoreMode storeMode) {
Config storageConfigSubset = jobContext.getConfig().subset("stores." + storeName + ".", true);
StorageConfig storageConfig = new StorageConfig(jobContext.getConfig());
Optional<String> storeFactory = storageConfig.getStorageFactoryClassName(storeName);
StoreProperties.StorePropertiesBuilder storePropertiesBuilder = new StoreProperties.StorePropertiesBuilder();
if (!storeFactory.isPresent() || StringUtils.isBlank(storeFactory.get())) {
throw new SamzaException(String.format("Store factory not defined for store %s. Cannot proceed with KV store creation!", storeName));
if (!storeFactory.get().equals(INMEMORY_KV_STORAGE_ENGINE_FACTORY)) {
// The store is durable iff it is backed by the task backup manager
List<String> storeBackupManagers = storageConfig.getStoreBackupFactories(storeName);
int batchSize = storageConfigSubset.getInt(WRITE_BATCH_SIZE, DEFAULT_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE);
int cacheSize = storageConfigSubset.getInt(OBJECT_CACHE_SIZE, Math.max(batchSize, DEFAULT_OBJECT_CACHE_SIZE));
if (cacheSize > 0 && cacheSize < batchSize) {
throw new SamzaException(String.format("cache.size for store %s cannot be less than batch.size as batched values reside in cache.", storeName));
if (keySerde == null) {
throw new SamzaException(String.format("Must define a key serde when using key value storage for store %s.", storeName));
if (msgSerde == null) {
throw new SamzaException(String.format("Must define a message serde when using key value storage for store %s.", storeName));
KeyValueStore<byte[], byte[]> rawStore = getKVStore(storeName, storeDir, registry, jobContext, containerContext, storeMode);
KeyValueStore<byte[], byte[]> maybeLoggedStore = buildMaybeLoggedStore(changelogSSP, storeName, registry, storePropertiesBuilder, rawStore, changelogCollector);
// this also applies serialization and caching layers
KeyValueStore<K, V> toBeAccessLoggedStore = buildStoreWithLargeMessageHandling(storeName, registry, maybeLoggedStore, storageConfig, cacheSize, batchSize, keySerde, msgSerde);
KeyValueStore<K, V> maybeAccessLoggedStore = buildMaybeAccessLoggedStore(storeName, toBeAccessLoggedStore, changelogCollector, changelogSSP, storageConfig, keySerde);
KeyValueStore<K, V> nullSafeStore = new NullSafeKeyValueStore<>(maybeAccessLoggedStore);
KeyValueStorageEngineMetrics keyValueStorageEngineMetrics = new KeyValueStorageEngineMetrics(storeName, registry);
HighResolutionClock clock = buildClock(jobContext.getConfig());
return new KeyValueStorageEngine<>(storeName, storeDir,, nullSafeStore, rawStore, changelogSSP, changelogCollector, keyValueStorageEngineMetrics, batchSize, ScalaJavaUtil.toScalaFunction(clock::nanoTime));