Search in sources :

Example 1 with SResult

use of org.apache.sdap.mudrod.ssearch.structure.SResult in project incubator-sdap-mudrod by apache.

the class Ranker method getVariance.

 * Method of calculating variance value
 * @param attribute  the attribute name that need to be calculated on
 * @param resultList an array list of result
 * @return variance value
private double getVariance(String attribute, List<SResult> resultList) {
    double mean = getMean(attribute, resultList);
    double temp = 0.0;
    double val;
    for (SResult a : resultList) {
        val = (Double) SResult.get(a, attribute);
        temp += (mean - val) * (mean - val);
    return getNDForm(temp / resultList.size());
Also used : SResult(org.apache.sdap.mudrod.ssearch.structure.SResult)

Example 2 with SResult

use of org.apache.sdap.mudrod.ssearch.structure.SResult in project incubator-sdap-mudrod by apache.

the class Searcher method searchByQuery.

 * Main method of semantic search
 * @param index          index name in Elasticsearch
 * @param type           type name in Elasticsearch
 * @param query          regular query string
 * @param queryOperator query mode- query, or, and
 * @param rankOption a keyword used to dertermine the ElasticSearch SortOrder
 * @return a list of search result
public List<SResult> searchByQuery(String index, String type, String query, String queryOperator, String rankOption) {
    boolean exists = es.getClient().admin().indices().prepareExists(index).execute().actionGet().isExists();
    if (!exists) {
        return new ArrayList<>();
    SortOrder order = null;
    String sortFiled = "";
    switch(rankOption) {
        case "Rank-AllTimePopularity":
            sortFiled = "Dataset-AllTimePopularity";
            order = SortOrder.DESC;
        case "Rank-MonthlyPopularity":
            sortFiled = "Dataset-MonthlyPopularity";
            order = SortOrder.DESC;
        case "Rank-UserPopularity":
            sortFiled = "Dataset-UserPopularity";
            order = SortOrder.DESC;
        case "Rank-LongName-Full":
            sortFiled = "Dataset-LongName.raw";
            order = SortOrder.ASC;
        case "Rank-ShortName-Full":
            sortFiled = "Dataset-ShortName.raw";
            order = SortOrder.ASC;
        case "Rank-GridSpatialResolution":
            sortFiled = "Dataset-GridSpatialResolution";
            order = SortOrder.DESC;
        case "Rank-SatelliteSpatialResolution":
            sortFiled = "Dataset-SatelliteSpatialResolution";
            order = SortOrder.DESC;
        case "Rank-StartTimeLong-Long":
            sortFiled = "DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong-Long";
            order = SortOrder.ASC;
        case "Rank-StopTimeLong-Long":
            sortFiled = "DatasetCoverage-StopTimeLong-Long";
            order = SortOrder.DESC;
            sortFiled = "Dataset-ShortName.raw";
            order = SortOrder.ASC;
    Dispatcher dp = new Dispatcher(this.getConfig(), this.getES(), null);
    BoolQueryBuilder qb = dp.createSemQuery(query, 1.0, queryOperator);
    List<SResult> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
    SearchRequestBuilder builder = es.getClient().prepareSearch(index).setTypes(type).setQuery(qb).addSort(sortFiled, order).setSize(500).setTrackScores(true);
    SearchResponse response = builder.execute().actionGet();
    for (SearchHit hit : response.getHits().getHits()) {
        Map<String, Object> result = hit.getSource();
        Double relevance = Double.valueOf(NDForm.format(hit.getScore()));
        String shortName = (String) result.get("Dataset-ShortName");
        String longName = (String) result.get("Dataset-LongName");
        ArrayList<String> topicList = (ArrayList<String>) result.get("DatasetParameter-Variable");
        String topic = "";
        if (null != topicList) {
            topic = String.join(", ", topicList);
        String content = (String) result.get("Dataset-Description");
        if (!"".equals(content)) {
            int maxLength = (content.length() < MAX_CHAR) ? content.length() : MAX_CHAR;
            content = content.trim().substring(0, maxLength - 1) + "...";
        ArrayList<String> longdate = (ArrayList<String>) result.get("DatasetCitation-ReleaseDateLong");
        Date date = new Date(Long.valueOf(longdate.get(0)));
        SimpleDateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
        String dateText = df2.format(date);
        // start date
        Long start = (Long) result.get("DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong-Long");
        Date startDate = new Date(start);
        String startDateTxt = df2.format(startDate);
        // end date
        String end = (String) result.get("Dataset-DatasetCoverage-StopTimeLong");
        String endDateTxt = "";
        if ("".equals(end)) {
            endDateTxt = "Present";
        } else {
            Date endDate = new Date(Long.valueOf(end));
            endDateTxt = df2.format(endDate);
        String processingLevel = (String) result.get("Dataset-ProcessingLevel");
        Double proNum = getProLevelNum(processingLevel);
        Double userPop = getPop(((Integer) result.get("Dataset-UserPopularity")).doubleValue());
        Double allPop = getPop(((Integer) result.get("Dataset-AllTimePopularity")).doubleValue());
        Double monthPop = getPop(((Integer) result.get("Dataset-MonthlyPopularity")).doubleValue());
        List<String> sensors = (List<String>) result.get("DatasetSource-Sensor-ShortName");
        SResult re = new SResult(shortName, longName, topic, content, dateText);
        SResult.set(re, "term", relevance);
        SResult.set(re, "releaseDate", Long.valueOf(longdate.get(0)).doubleValue());
        SResult.set(re, "processingLevel", processingLevel);
        SResult.set(re, "processingL", proNum);
        SResult.set(re, "userPop", userPop);
        SResult.set(re, "allPop", allPop);
        SResult.set(re, "monthPop", monthPop);
        SResult.set(re, "startDate", startDateTxt);
        SResult.set(re, "endDate", endDateTxt);
        SResult.set(re, "sensors", String.join(", ", sensors));
        QueryBuilder queryLabelSearch = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("query", query)).must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("dataID", shortName));
        SearchResponse labelRes = es.getClient().prepareSearch(index).setTypes("trainingranking").setQuery(queryLabelSearch).setSize(5).execute().actionGet();
        String labelString = null;
        for (SearchHit label : labelRes.getHits().getHits()) {
            Map<String, Object> labelItem = label.getSource();
            labelString = (String) labelItem.get("label");
        SResult.set(re, "label", labelString);
    return resultList;
Also used : SearchRequestBuilder( SearchHit( SResult(org.apache.sdap.mudrod.ssearch.structure.SResult) SortOrder( QueryBuilder(org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder) BoolQueryBuilder(org.elasticsearch.index.query.BoolQueryBuilder) SearchResponse( BoolQueryBuilder(org.elasticsearch.index.query.BoolQueryBuilder) JsonObject( SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat)

Example 3 with SResult

use of org.apache.sdap.mudrod.ssearch.structure.SResult in project incubator-sdap-mudrod by apache.

the class Searcher method ssearch.

 * Method of semantic search to generate JSON string
 * @param index          index name in Elasticsearch
 * @param type           type name in Elasticsearch
 * @param query          regular query string
 * @param queryOperator query mode- query, or, and
 * @param rankOption a keyword used to dertermine the ElasticSearch SortOrder
 * @param rr             selected ranking method
 * @return search results
public String ssearch(String index, String type, String query, String queryOperator, String rankOption, Ranker rr) {
    List<SResult> li = searchByQuery(index, type, query, queryOperator, rankOption);
    if ("Rank-SVM".equals(rankOption)) {
        li = rr.rank(li);
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    List<JsonObject> fileList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (SResult aLi : li) {
        JsonObject file = new JsonObject();
        file.addProperty("Short Name", (String) SResult.get(aLi, "shortName"));
        file.addProperty("Long Name", (String) SResult.get(aLi, "longName"));
        file.addProperty("Topic", (String) SResult.get(aLi, "topic"));
        file.addProperty("Description", (String) SResult.get(aLi, "description"));
        file.addProperty("Release Date", (String) SResult.get(aLi, "relase_date"));
        file.addProperty("Start/End Date", (String) SResult.get(aLi, "startDate") + " - " + (String) SResult.get(aLi, "endDate"));
        file.addProperty("Processing Level", (String) SResult.get(aLi, "processingLevel"));
        file.addProperty("Sensor", (String) SResult.get(aLi, "sensors"));
    JsonElement fileListElement = gson.toJsonTree(fileList);
    JsonObject pDResults = new JsonObject();
    pDResults.add("PDResults", fileListElement);
    return pDResults.toString();
Also used : JsonElement( SResult(org.apache.sdap.mudrod.ssearch.structure.SResult) Gson( JsonObject(


SResult (org.apache.sdap.mudrod.ssearch.structure.SResult)3 JsonObject ( Gson ( JsonElement ( SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)1 SearchRequestBuilder ( SearchResponse ( BoolQueryBuilder (org.elasticsearch.index.query.BoolQueryBuilder)1 QueryBuilder (org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder)1 SearchHit ( SortOrder (