use of org.apache.sis.coverage.SampleDimension in project sis by apache.
the class GridCoverageBuilder method setValues.
* Sets a two-dimensional slice of sample values as a Java2D data buffer.
* The {@linkplain DataBuffer#getNumBanks() number of banks} will be the number of bands in the image.
* If {@linkplain #setRanges(SampleDimension...) sample dimensions are specified}, then the number of
* bands must be equal to the number of sample dimensions.
* @param data the data buffer to be wrapped in a {@code GridCoverage}. Can not be {@code null}.
* @param size the image size in pixels, or {@code null} if unspecified. If null, then the image
* size will be taken from the {@linkplain GridGeometry#getExtent() grid extent}.
* @return {@code this} for method invocation chaining.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code width} or {@code height} is negative or equals to zero.
public GridCoverageBuilder setValues(final DataBuffer data, Dimension size) {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("data", data);
if (size != null) {
size = new Dimension(size);
ArgumentChecks.ensureStrictlyPositive("width", size.width);
ArgumentChecks.ensureStrictlyPositive("height", size.height);
this.size = size;
buffer = data;
image = null;
raster = null;
return this;
use of org.apache.sis.coverage.SampleDimension in project sis by apache.
the class ConvertedGridCoverage method getBandType.
* Returns the data type for range of values of given sample dimensions.
* This data type applies to each band, not to a packed sample model
* (e.g. we assume no packing of 4 byte values in a single 32-bits integer).
* @param targets the sample dimensions for which to get the data type.
* @param converted whether the image will hold converted or packed values.
* @param source if the type can not be determined, coverage from which to inherit the type as a fallback.
* @return the data type (never null).
* @see GridCoverage#getBandType()
static DataType getBandType(final List<SampleDimension> targets, final boolean converted, final GridCoverage source) {
NumberRange<?> union = null;
boolean allowsNaN = false;
for (final SampleDimension dimension : targets) {
final Optional<NumberRange<?>> c = dimension.getSampleRange();
if (c.isPresent()) {
final NumberRange<?> range = c.get();
if (union == null) {
union = range;
} else {
* We do not want unit conversions for this union, because the union is used
* only for determining a data type having the capacity to store the values.
* The physical meaning of those values is not relevant here.
if (union instanceof MeasurementRange<?>) {
union = new NumberRange<>(union);
union = union.unionAny(range);
if (!allowsNaN)
allowsNaN = dimension.allowsNaN();
if (union == null) {
return source.getBandType();
DataType type = DataType.forRange(union, !converted);
if (allowsNaN) {
type = type.toFloat();
return type;
use of org.apache.sis.coverage.SampleDimension in project sis by apache.
the class ColorizerTest method testSampleDimension.
* Tests the creation of an index color model using {@link Colorizer#Colorizer(Function)}
* and an initialization with a {@link SampleDimension}.
* @throws TransformException if a sample value can not be converted.
public void testSampleDimension() throws TransformException {
final SampleDimension sd = new SampleDimension.Builder().addQualitative("No data", Float.NaN).addQuantitative("Low temperature", -5, 24, Units.CELSIUS).addQuantitative("Hot temperature", 25, 40, Units.CELSIUS).addQualitative("Error", MathFunctions.toNanFloat(3)).setName("Temperature").build();
final Colorizer colorizer = new Colorizer(Colorizer.GRAYSCALE);
assertTrue("initialize", colorizer.initialize(sd));
// Must be first.
final IndexColorModel cm = (IndexColorModel) colorizer.compactColorModel(1, 0);
* Test conversion of a few sample values to packed values.
final MathTransform1D tr = colorizer.getSampleToIndexValues();
assertFalse("isIdentity", tr.isIdentity());
assertEquals(0, tr.transform(Float.NaN), STRICT);
assertEquals(1, tr.transform(MathFunctions.toNanFloat(3)), STRICT);
assertEquals(2, tr.transform(-5), 1E-14);
assertEquals(255, tr.transform(40), 1E-14);
* Verifies a few values from the color map. We test about 1/16 of values.
* The color map is a simple grayscale, except the two first colors which
* are transparent.
assertEquals("mapSize", 256, cm.getMapSize());
assertEquals("transparentPixel", 0, cm.getTransparentPixel());
final int[] expected = { 0, 0x00000000, 1, 0x00000000, 2, 0xFF000000, 16, 0xFF161616, 32, 0xFF2E2E2E, 48, 0xFF474747, 64, 0xFF5F5F5F, 80, 0xFF787878, 96, 0xFF909090, 112, 0xFFA9A9A9, 128, 0xFFC2C2C2, 144, 0xFFDADADA, 160, 0xFFF3F3F3, 176, 0xFF151515, 192, 0xFF444444, 208, 0xFF747474, 224, 0xFFA3A3A3, 240, 0xFFD3D3D3, 255, 0xFFFFFFFF };
for (int k = 0; k < expected.length; ) {
final int i = expected[k++];
final int e = expected[k++];
assertEquals(e, cm.getRGB(i));
use of org.apache.sis.coverage.SampleDimension in project sis by apache.
the class RecoloredImage method stretchColorRamp.
* Returns an image with the same sample values than the given image, but with its color ramp stretched
* between specified or inferred bounds. The mapping applied by this method is conceptually a linear
* transform applied on sample values before they are mapped to their colors.
* <p>Current implementation can stretch gray scale and {@linkplain IndexColorModel index color models}).
* If this method can not stretch the color ramp, for example because the given image is an RGB image,
* then the image is returned unchanged.</p>
* @param processor the processor to use for computing statistics if needed.
* @param source the image to recolor (can be {@code null}).
* @param modifiers modifiers for narrowing the range of values, or {@code null} if none.
* @return the image with color ramp stretched between the automatic bounds,
* or {@code image} unchanged if the operation can not be applied on the given image.
* @see ImageProcessor#stretchColorRamp(RenderedImage, Map)
static RenderedImage stretchColorRamp(final ImageProcessor processor, final RenderedImage source, final Map<String, ?> modifiers) {
* Images having more than one band (without any band marked as the single band to show) are probably
* RGB images. It would be possible to stretch the Red, Green and Blue bands separately, but current
* implementation don't do that because we do not have yet a clear use case.
final int visibleBand = ImageUtilities.getVisibleBand(source);
if (visibleBand < 0) {
return source;
* Main use case: color model is (probably) an IndexColorModel or ScaledColorModel instance,
* or something we can handle in the same way.
RenderedImage statsSource = source;
Statistics[] statsAllBands = null;
Statistics statistics = null;
Shape areaOfInterest = null;
Number[] nodataValues = null;
SampleDimension range = null;
double minimum = Double.NaN;
double maximum = Double.NaN;
double deviations = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
* Extract and validate parameter values.
* No calculation started at this stage.
if (modifiers != null) {
final Number minValue =, "minimum", Number.class);
final Number maxValue =, "maximum", Number.class);
if (minValue != null)
minimum = minValue.doubleValue();
if (maxValue != null)
maximum = maxValue.doubleValue();
if (minimum >= maximum) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IllegalRange_2, minValue, maxValue));
// For keeping `value` in local scope.
final Number value =, "multStdDev", Number.class);
if (value != null) {
deviations = value.doubleValue();
ArgumentChecks.ensureStrictlyPositive("multStdDev", deviations);
areaOfInterest =, "areaOfInterest", Shape.class);
Object value = modifiers.get("nodataValues");
if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof Number) {
nodataValues = new Number[] { (Number) value };
} else if (value instanceof Number[]) {
nodataValues = (Number[]) value;
} else {
throw illegalPropertyType(modifiers, "nodataValues", value);
value = modifiers.get("statistics");
if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof RenderedImage) {
statsSource = (RenderedImage) value;
} else if (value instanceof Statistics) {
statistics = (Statistics) value;
} else if (value instanceof Statistics[]) {
statsAllBands = (Statistics[]) value;
} else {
throw illegalPropertyType(modifiers, "statistics", value);
value = modifiers.get("sampleDimensions");
if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof List<?>) {
final List<?> ranges = (List<?>) value;
if (visibleBand < ranges.size()) {
value = ranges.get(visibleBand);
if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof SampleDimension) {
range = (SampleDimension) value;
} else {
throw illegalPropertyType(modifiers, "sampleDimensions", value);
* If minimum and maximum values were not explicitly specified, compute them from statistics.
* If the range is not valid, then the image will be silently returned as-is.
if (Double.isNaN(minimum) || Double.isNaN(maximum)) {
if (statistics == null) {
if (statsAllBands == null) {
final DoubleUnaryOperator[] sampleFilters = new DoubleUnaryOperator[visibleBand + 1];
sampleFilters[visibleBand] = processor.filterNodataValues(nodataValues);
statsAllBands = processor.valueOfStatistics(statsSource, areaOfInterest, sampleFilters);
if (statsAllBands != null && visibleBand < statsAllBands.length) {
statistics = statsAllBands[visibleBand];
if (statistics != null) {
deviations *= statistics.standardDeviation(true);
final double mean = statistics.mean();
if (Double.isNaN(minimum))
minimum = Math.max(statistics.minimum(), mean - deviations);
if (Double.isNaN(maximum))
maximum = Math.min(statistics.maximum(), mean + deviations);
if (!(minimum < maximum)) {
// Use ! for catching NaN.
return source;
* Finished to collect information. Derive a new color model from the existing one.
final ColorModel cm;
if (source.getColorModel() instanceof IndexColorModel) {
* Get the range of indices of RGB values than can be used for interpolations.
* We want to exclude qualitative categories (no data, clouds, forests, etc.).
* In the vast majority of cases, we have at most one quantitative category.
* But if there is 2 or more, then we select the one having largest intersection
* with the [minimum … maximum] range.
final IndexColorModel icm = (IndexColorModel) source.getColorModel();
final int size = icm.getMapSize();
int validMin = 0;
// Inclusive.
int validMax = size - 1;
if (range != null) {
double span = 0;
for (final Category category : range.getCategories()) {
if (category.isQuantitative()) {
final NumberRange<?> r = category.getSampleRange();
final double min = Math.max(r.getMinDouble(true), 0);
final double max = Math.min(r.getMaxDouble(true), size - 1);
// Intersection.
final double s = Math.min(max, maximum) - Math.max(min, minimum);
if (s > span) {
validMin = (int) min;
validMax = (int) max;
span = s;
* Create a copy of RGB codes and replace values in the range of the quantitative category.
* Values for other categories (qualitative) are left unmodified.
final int start = Math.max((int) minimum, validMin);
// Inclusive.
final int end = Math.min((int) maximum, validMax);
final int[] ARGB = new int[size];
// Initialize to a copy of current colors.
// Part of quantitative category outside the new range.
Arrays.fill(ARGB, validMin, start, icm.getRGB(validMin));
Arrays.fill(ARGB, end + 1, validMax + 1, icm.getRGB(validMax));
final float scale = (float) ((validMax - validMin) / (maximum - minimum));
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
final float s = (i - start) * scale + validMin;
ARGB[i] = icm.getRGB(Math.round(s));
final SampleModel sm = source.getSampleModel();
cm = ColorModelFactory.createIndexColorModel(sm.getNumBands(), visibleBand, ARGB, icm.hasAlpha(), icm.getTransparentPixel());
} else {
* Wraps the given image with its colors ramp scaled between the given bounds. If the given image is
* already using a color ramp for the given range of values, then that image is returned unchanged.
final SampleModel sm = source.getSampleModel();
cm = ColorModelFactory.createGrayScale(sm.getDataType(), sm.getNumBands(), visibleBand, minimum, maximum);
return create(source, cm);
use of org.apache.sis.coverage.SampleDimension in project sis by apache.
the class CoverageStylingApp method createCategoryTable.
* Creates a table with arbitrary categories to show.
private static TableView<Category> createCategoryTable() {
final SampleDimension band = new SampleDimension.Builder().addQualitative("Background", 0).addQualitative("Cloud", 1).addQualitative("Land", 2).addQuantitative("Temperature", 5, 255, 0.15, -5, Units.CELSIUS).setName("Sea Surface Temperature").build();
final CoverageStyling styling = new CoverageStyling(null);
styling.setARGB(band.getCategories().get(1), new int[] { 0xFF607080 });
final TableView<Category> table = styling.createCategoryTable(Resources.forLocale(null), Vocabulary.getResources((Locale) null));
return table;