Search in sources :

Example 1 with MapItem

use of org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapItem in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class OwcXmlIO method findItem.

private static MapItem findItem(MapLayers parent, String name) {
    for (MapItem mi : parent.getComponents()) {
        if (mi.getIdentifier().equals(name)) {
            return mi;
    // does not exist, create it
    final MapLayers np = MapBuilder.createItem();
    return np;
Also used : MapItem(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapItem) MapLayers(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapLayers)

Example 2 with MapItem

use of org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapItem in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class OwcXmlIO method readEntry.

private static MapItem readEntry(final EntryType entry) throws JAXBException, FactoryException, DataStoreException {
    final List<Object> entryContent = entry.getAuthorOrCategoryOrContent();
    String layerName = "";
    String layerTitle = "";
    String layerAbstract = "";
    boolean visible = true;
    boolean selectable = true;
    double layerOpacity = 1.0;
    MapItem mapItem = null;
    MutableStyle baseStyle = null;
    MutableStyle selectionStyle = null;
    final List<MapItem> children = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Object o : entryContent) {
        QName name = null;
        if (o instanceof JAXBElement) {
            final JAXBElement jax = (JAXBElement) o;
            name = jax.getName();
            o = jax.getValue();
            if (GEOTK_FACTORY._Visible_QNAME.equals(name)) {
                visible = (Boolean) o;
            } else if (GEOTK_FACTORY._Selectable_QNAME.equals(name)) {
                selectable = (Boolean) o;
            } else if (GEOTK_FACTORY._Opacity_QNAME.equals(name)) {
                layerOpacity = (Double) o;
        if (o instanceof OfferingType) {
            final OfferingType offering = (OfferingType) o;
            for (OwcExtension ext : getExtensions()) {
                if (ext.getCode().equals(offering.getCode())) {
                    mapItem = ext.createLayer(offering);
            // search for styles
            baseStyle = readStyle(offering, true);
            selectionStyle = readStyle(offering, false);
        } else if (o instanceof ContentType) {
            // decode children
            final ContentType content = (ContentType) o;
            final List<Object> contentContent = content.getContent();
            for (Object co : contentContent) {
                if (co instanceof JAXBElement) {
                    co = ((JAXBElement) o).getValue();
                if (co instanceof EntryType) {
                    children.add(readEntry((EntryType) co));
        } else if (o instanceof IdType) {
            final IdType idType = (IdType) o;
            final String value = idType.getValue();
            layerName = value;
        } else if (o instanceof TextType) {
            final TextType tt = (TextType) o;
            if (ATOM_FACTORY._EntryTypeTitle_QNAME.equals(name)) {
                if (!tt.getContent().isEmpty()) {
                    layerTitle = (String) tt.getContent().get(0);
            } else if (ATOM_FACTORY._EntryTypeSummary_QNAME.equals(name)) {
                if (!tt.getContent().isEmpty()) {
                    layerAbstract = (String) tt.getContent().get(0);
    if (mapItem == null) {
        mapItem = MapBuilder.createItem();
    } else if (mapItem instanceof MapLayer) {
        if (baseStyle != null) {
            ((MapLayer) mapItem).setStyle(baseStyle);
        ((MapLayer) mapItem).setOpacity(layerOpacity);
    if (mapItem instanceof MapLayers) {
        ((MapLayers) mapItem).getComponents().addAll(children);
    } else if (!children.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("MapLayer can not have children layers.");
    return mapItem;
Also used : ContentType(org.geotoolkit.owc.xml.v10.ContentType) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) MapLayer(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapLayer) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JAXBElement(javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement) IdType(org.w3._2005.atom.IdType) TextType(org.w3._2005.atom.TextType) OfferingType(org.geotoolkit.owc.xml.v10.OfferingType) EntryType(org.w3._2005.atom.EntryType) MutableStyle( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MapItem(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapItem) MapLayers(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapLayers)

Example 3 with MapItem

use of org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapItem in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class OwcXmlIO method write.

private static FeedType write(final MapLayers context) throws FactoryException {
    final FeedType feed = ATOM_FACTORY.createFeedType();
    final LinkType link = ATOM_FACTORY.createLinkType();
    link.setTitle(context.getIdentifier() == null ? "" : context.getIdentifier());
    final TextType title = ATOM_FACTORY.createTextType();
    title.getContent().add(context.getIdentifier() == null ? "" : context.getIdentifier());
    final Envelope aoi = context.getAreaOfInterest();
    if (aoi != null) {
        final String ogc = IdentifiedObjects.lookupURN(aoi.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), null);
        final WhereType where = GEORSS_FACTORY.createWhereType();
        final DirectPositionType lowerCorner = new DirectPositionType(aoi.getLowerCorner());
        final DirectPositionType upperCorner = new DirectPositionType(aoi.getUpperCorner());
        final EnvelopeType envelopeType = new EnvelopeType(null, lowerCorner, upperCorner, ogc);
    for (final MapItem mapItem : context.getComponents()) {
        toEntry(null, mapItem, feed.getAuthorOrCategoryOrContributor());
    return feed;
Also used : WhereType(org.geotoolkit.georss.xml.v100.WhereType) FeedType(org.w3._2005.atom.FeedType) EnvelopeType(org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.v311.EnvelopeType) DirectPositionType(org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.v311.DirectPositionType) LinkType(org.w3._2005.atom.LinkType) Envelope(org.opengis.geometry.Envelope) MapItem(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapItem) TextType(org.w3._2005.atom.TextType)

Example 4 with MapItem

use of org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapItem in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class J2DLegendUtilities method estimateNoTemplate.

 * Estimate the size (pixels) needed to render the given {@link MapItem} legend
 * without using any rendering hint (see {@link LegendTemplate}).
 * @param source the map item to paint legend for.
 * @param toSet the dimension used to store estimation result.
private static void estimateNoTemplate(MapItem source, Dimension toSet) {
    if (source instanceof MapLayers) {
        final MapLayers mc = (MapLayers) source;
        for (MapItem childItem : mc.getComponents()) {
            if (childItem instanceof MapLayer) {
                final MapLayer ml = (MapLayer) childItem;
                final Dimension preferred = new Dimension(0, 0);
                DefaultGlyphService.glyphPreferredSize(ml.getStyle(), preferred, ml);
                if (preferred != null) {
                    if (preferred.width > toSet.width) {
                        toSet.width = preferred.width;
                    toSet.height += preferred.height;
            } else {
                estimateNoTemplate(childItem, toSet);
Also used : MapLayer(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapLayer) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) MapItem(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapItem) MapLayers(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapLayers)

Example 5 with MapItem

use of org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapItem in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class J2DLegendUtilities method paintWithTemplate.

 * Draw legend using given {@link LegendTemplate} as rendering hint. At the
 * end of the drawning, input {@link Graphics2D} origin is reset at the origin
 * it was when given as parameter.
 * @param item The map item to draw legend for.
 * @param g2d The graphic object to draw legend in.
 * @param bounds Drawing authorized rectangle.
 * @param template Rendering hints.
 * @param legendResults useless. Store drawn images for each coverage layer
 * @return The number of lines which have been drawn on y axis
private static int paintWithTemplate(final MapItem item, final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle bounds, final LegendTemplate template, final Map<GenericName, BufferedImage> legendResults) {
    final AffineTransform origin = g2d.getTransform();
    final FontMetrics layerFontMetric = g2d.getFontMetrics(template.getLayerFont());
    final FontMetrics ruleFontMetric = g2d.getFontMetrics(template.getRuleFont());
    final int ruleFontHeight = ruleFontMetric.getHeight();
    final float gapSize = template.getGapSize();
    final Dimension glyphSize = template.getGlyphSize();
    final Rectangle2D rectangle = new Rectangle2D.Float();
    float moveY = 0;
    final List<MapItem> layers = (item instanceof MapLayers) ? ((MapLayers) item).getComponents() : Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
    for (int l = 0, n = layers.size(); l < n; l++) {
        final MapItem currentItem = layers.get(l);
        // check if the given layer is visible, and if we should display invisible layers.
        if (template.displayOnlyVisibleLayers() && !isVisible(currentItem)) {
        // Check for current item title.
        if (template.isLayerVisible()) {
            if (l != 0) {
                moveY += gapSize;
            String title = "";
            final CharSequence titleTmp = currentItem.getTitle();
            if (titleTmp != null) {
                title = titleTmp.toString().replace("{}", "");
            if (title.isEmpty()) {
                title = currentItem.getIdentifier();
            if (title != null && !title.isEmpty()) {
                moveY += layerFontMetric.getLeading() + layerFontMetric.getAscent();
                Color layerFontColor = template.getLayerFontColor();
                if (layerFontColor != null) {
                    if (template.getLayerFontOpacity() != null) {
                        layerFontColor = new Color(layerFontColor.getRed(), layerFontColor.getGreen(), layerFontColor.getBlue(), template.getLayerFontOpacity());
                } else {
                    layerFontColor = Color.BLACK;
                g2d.drawString(title, 0, moveY);
                moveY += layerFontMetric.getDescent();
                moveY += gapSize;
        // If we're not on a leaf, try to display this node children.
        if (!(currentItem instanceof MapLayer)) {
            // Using doubles allows current position relative translation.
            final double nodeInset = template.getBackground().getBackgroundInsets().left;
            g2d.translate(nodeInset, moveY);
            final int itemDim = paintWithTemplate(currentItem, g2d, bounds, template, legendResults);
            g2d.translate(-nodeInset, -moveY);
            // Previous function reset graphic position at the top of drawn map item. We Add its size to vertical offset, so next item knows how much pixels it should jump.
            moveY += itemDim;
        final MapLayer layer = (MapLayer) layers.get(l);
        // default style defined on the WMS service for this layer
        wmscase: if (layer.getData() instanceof GridCoverageResource) {
            // Get the image from the ones previously stored, to not resend a get legend graphic request.
            BufferedImage image = null;
            try {
                image = legendResults.get(layer.getData().getIdentifier().get());
            } catch (DataStoreException ex) {
            // do nothing
            if (image == null) {
                break wmscase;
            if (l != 0) {
                moveY += gapSize;
            g2d.drawImage(image, null, 0, Math.round(moveY));
            moveY += image.getHeight();
        final Style style = layer.getStyle();
        if (style == null) {
        int numElement = 0;
        for (final FeatureTypeStyle fts : style.featureTypeStyles()) {
            for (final Rule rule : fts.rules()) {
                if (numElement != 0) {
                    moveY += gapSize;
                // calculate the rule text displacement with the glyph size
                final float stepRuleTitle;
                final float glyphHeight;
                final float glyphWidth;
                final Dimension preferred = DefaultGlyphService.glyphPreferredSize(rule, null, layer);
                if (glyphSize == null) {
                    // find the best size
                    glyphHeight = preferred.height;
                    glyphWidth = preferred.width;
                } else {
                    // Use the biggest size between preferred one and default one.
                    glyphHeight = Math.max(glyphSize.height, preferred.height);
                    glyphWidth = Math.max(glyphSize.width, preferred.width);
                if (glyphHeight > ruleFontHeight) {
                    stepRuleTitle = ruleFontMetric.getLeading() + ruleFontMetric.getAscent() + (glyphHeight - ruleFontHeight) / 2;
                } else {
                    stepRuleTitle = ruleFontMetric.getLeading() + ruleFontMetric.getAscent();
                rectangle.setRect(0, moveY, glyphWidth, glyphHeight);
                DefaultGlyphService.render(rule, rectangle, g2d, layer);
                String title = "";
                final Description description = rule.getDescription();
                if (description != null) {
                    final InternationalString titleTmp = description.getTitle();
                    if (titleTmp != null) {
                        title = titleTmp.toString();
                if (title.isEmpty()) {
                    moveY += glyphHeight;
                } else {
                    g2d.drawString(title, glyphWidth + GLYPH_SPACE, moveY + stepRuleTitle);
                    moveY += (glyphHeight > ruleFontHeight) ? glyphHeight : ruleFontHeight;
    return (int) moveY;
Also used : DataStoreException( Description( Color(java.awt.Color) MapLayer(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapLayer) Rectangle2D(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) FontMetrics(java.awt.FontMetrics) GridCoverageResource( AffineTransform(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform) FeatureTypeStyle( Style( FeatureTypeStyle( Rule( MapItem(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapItem) MapLayers(org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapLayers)


MapItem (org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapItem)10 MapLayers (org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapLayers)8 MapLayer (org.apache.sis.portrayal.MapLayer)6 TextType (org.w3._2005.atom.TextType)4 Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)3 EntryType (org.w3._2005.atom.EntryType)3 FontMetrics (java.awt.FontMetrics)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 JAXBElement (javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement)2 GridCoverageResource ( WhereType (org.geotoolkit.georss.xml.v100.WhereType)2 EnvelopeType (org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.v311.EnvelopeType)2 ContentType (org.geotoolkit.owc.xml.v10.ContentType)2 OfferingType (org.geotoolkit.owc.xml.v10.OfferingType)2 Description ( FeatureTypeStyle ( Rule ( Style ( InternationalString (org.opengis.util.InternationalString)2 IdType (org.w3._2005.atom.IdType)2