use of in project sling by apache.
the class JDTCompiler method generateClass.
* Compile the servlet from .java file to .class file
protected void generateClass(String[] smap) throws FileNotFoundException, JasperException, Exception {
long t1 = 0;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
final String sourceFile = ctxt.getServletJavaFileName();
final String packageName = ctxt.getServletPackageName();
final String targetClassName = ((packageName.length() != 0) ? (packageName + ".") : "") + ctxt.getServletClassName();
final CompilationUnit unit = new CompilationUnitWithSource() {
* @see
public long getLastModified() {
return -1;
* @see
public String getMainClassName() {
return targetClassName;
* @see
public Reader getSource() throws IOException {
return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ctxt.getInputStream(sourceFile), ctxt.getOptions().getJavaEncoding()));
* @see
public String getFileName() {
return sourceFile;
final Options options = new Options();
options.put(Options.KEY_CLASS_LOADER_WRITER, ctxt.getRuntimeContext().getIOProvider().getClassLoaderWriter());
options.put(Options.KEY_GENERATE_DEBUG_INFO, ctxt.getOptions().getClassDebugInfo());
// Source JVM
if (ctxt.getOptions().getCompilerSourceVM() != null) {
options.put(Options.KEY_SOURCE_VERSION, ctxt.getOptions().getCompilerSourceVM());
} else {
// Default to 1.6
options.put(Options.KEY_SOURCE_VERSION, Options.VERSION_1_6);
// Target JVM
if (ctxt.getOptions().getCompilerTargetVM() != null) {
options.put(Options.KEY_TARGET_VERSION, ctxt.getOptions().getCompilerTargetVM());
} else {
// Default to 1.6
options.put(Options.KEY_TARGET_VERSION, Options.VERSION_1_6);
final ArrayList<JavacErrorDetail> problemList = new ArrayList<JavacErrorDetail>();
final CompilationResult result = this.ctxt.getRuntimeContext().getIOProvider().getJavaCompiler().compile(new CompilationUnit[] { unit }, options);
if (result.getErrors() != null) {
for (final CompilerMessage cm : result.getErrors()) {
final String name = cm.getFile();
try {
problemList.add(ErrorDispatcher.createJavacError(name, pageNodes, new StringBuffer(cm.getMessage()), cm.getLine(), ctxt));
} catch (JasperException e) {
log.error("Error visiting node", e);
if (!ctxt.keepGenerated()) {
if (!problemList.isEmpty()) {
JavacErrorDetail[] jeds = problemList.toArray(new JavacErrorDetail[0]);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.debug("Compiled " + ctxt.getServletJavaFileName() + " " + (t2 - t1) + "ms");
if (ctxt.isPrototypeMode()) {
// JSR45 Support
if (!this.options.isSmapSuppressed()) {
SmapUtil.installSmap(getCompilationContext(), smap);
use of in project sling by apache.
the class SightlyJavaCompilerServiceTest method getInstancePojoTest.
private void getInstancePojoTest(String className) throws Exception {
RenderContextImpl renderContext = Mockito.mock(RenderContextImpl.class);
JavaCompiler javaCompiler = Mockito.mock(JavaCompiler.class);
CompilationResult compilationResult = Mockito.mock(CompilationResult.class);
when(compilationResult.getErrors()).thenReturn(new ArrayList<CompilerMessage>());
when(javaCompiler.compile(Mockito.any(CompilationUnit[].class), Mockito.any(Options.class))).thenReturn(compilationResult);
when(classLoaderWriter.getClassLoader().loadClass(className)).thenAnswer(new Answer<Object>() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
return MockPojo.class;
Whitebox.setInternalState(compiler, "classLoaderWriter", classLoaderWriter);
Whitebox.setInternalState(compiler, "javaCompiler", javaCompiler);
Whitebox.setInternalState(compiler, "scriptingResourceResolverProvider", scriptingResourceResolverProvider);
Object obj = compiler.getResourceBackedUseObject(renderContext, className);
assertTrue("Expected to obtain a " + MockPojo.class.getName() + " object.", obj instanceof MockPojo);
use of in project sling by apache.
the class SightlyJavaCompilerService method compileSource.
* Compiles a class using the passed fully qualified class name and its source code.
* @param sourceIdentifier the source identifier
* @param sourceCode the source code from which to generate the class
* @return object instance of the class to compile
public Object compileSource(SourceIdentifier sourceIdentifier, String sourceCode) {
try {
String fqcn = sourceIdentifier.getFullyQualifiedClassName();
if (sightlyEngineConfiguration.keepGenerated()) {
String path = "/" + fqcn.replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".java";
OutputStream os = classLoaderWriter.getOutputStream(path);
IOUtils.write(sourceCode, os, "UTF-8");
String[] sourceCodeLines = sourceCode.split("\\r\\n|[\\n\\x0B\\x0C\\r\\u0085\\u2028\\u2029]");
boolean foundPackageDeclaration = false;
for (String line : sourceCodeLines) {
Matcher matcher = PACKAGE_DECL_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (matcher.matches()) {
* This matching might return false positives like:
* // package a.b.c;
* where from a syntactic point of view the source code doesn't have a package declaration and the expectancy is that our
* SightlyJavaCompilerService will add one.
foundPackageDeclaration = true;
if (!foundPackageDeclaration) {
sourceCode = "package " + sourceIdentifier.getPackageName() + ";\n" + sourceCode;
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = new SightlyCompilationUnit(sourceCode, fqcn);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
CompilationResult compilationResult = javaCompiler.compile(new CompilationUnit[] { compilationUnit }, options);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<CompilerMessage> errors = compilationResult.getErrors();
if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0) {
throw new SightlyException(createErrorMsg(errors));
if (compilationResult.didCompile()) {
LOG.debug("Class {} was compiled in {}ms.", fqcn, end - start);
* the class loader might have become dirty, so let the {@link ClassLoaderWriter} decide which class loader to return
return classLoaderWriter.getClassLoader().loadClass(fqcn).newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SightlyException(e);
use of in project sling by apache.
the class SightlyJavaCompilerService method createErrorMsg.
//---------------------------------- private -----------------------------------
private String createErrorMsg(List<CompilerMessage> errors) {
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("Compilation errors in ");
StringBuilder errorsBuffer = new StringBuilder();
boolean duplicateVariable = false;
for (final CompilerMessage e : errors) {
if (!duplicateVariable) {
if (e.getMessage().contains("Duplicate local variable")) {
duplicateVariable = true;
buffer.append(" Maybe you defined more than one identical block elements without defining a different variable for " + "each one?");
errorsBuffer.append("\nLine ");
errorsBuffer.append(", column ");
errorsBuffer.append(" : ");
return buffer.toString();
use of in project sling by apache.
the class ServletWrapper method compile.
* Compile the servlet java class. If the compiled class has
* injected fields, don't create an instance of it.
private void compile() throws Exception {
logger.debug("Compiling {}", this.sourcePath);
// clear exception
this.compileException = null;
try {
final CompilerOptions opts = this.ioProvider.getForceCompileOptions();
final CompilationUnit unit = new CompilationUnit(this.sourcePath, className, ioProvider);
final CompilationResult result = this.ioProvider.getCompiler().compile(new[] { unit }, opts);
final List<CompilerMessage> errors = result.getErrors();
if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0) {
throw CompilerException.create(errors, this.sourcePath);
final Servlet servlet = (Servlet) result.loadCompiledClass(this.className).newInstance();
this.theServlet = servlet;
} catch (final Exception ex) {
// store exception for futher access attempts
this.compileException = ex;
throw ex;