use of in project sling by apache.
the class SlingWebDavServletTest method testServiceRunning.
public void testServiceRunning() throws IOException {
final String url = getHandlerUrl(HANDLER_1);
final HttpAnyMethod propfind = new HttpAnyMethod("PROPFIND", url);
int status = httpClient.executeMethod(propfind);
assertEquals("PROPFIND " + url + " must return status 207", 207, status);
final String content = propfind.getResponseBodyAsString();
assertContains(content, HANDLER);
use of in project sling by apache.
the class WebDavDoubleSlashTest method assertPropfindStatus.
/** Do a PROPFIND on /dav, adding worskpace name after that as required by the Jackrabbit WebDAV modules */
private void assertPropfindStatus(final int expecetdStatus, final String workspace, final String path) throws IOException {
final String webdavRoot = "/dav";
final String url = HttpTest.HTTP_BASE_URL + webdavRoot + "/" + workspace + path;
final HttpAnyMethod propfind = new HttpAnyMethod("PROPFIND", url);
final int status = H.getHttpClient().executeMethod(propfind);
if (expecetdStatus != status) {
// print the response body in case of a test failure to help debugging
fail("Status code " + expecetdStatus + " expected, got " + status + ".\n" + "Response body:\n" + propfind.getResponseBodyAsString());
} else {
// never fails, but there will be no assertion otherwise
assertEquals("Status code", expecetdStatus, status);
use of in project sling by apache.
the class WebdavOptionsTest method doTestOnPath.
/** OPTIONS request at given path must return a WWW-Authenticate header */
private void doTestOnPath(String path) throws Exception {
final HttpClient noCredentialsClient = new HttpClient();
final HttpAnyMethod opt = new HttpAnyMethod("OPTIONS", HTTP_BASE_URL + path);
final int status = noCredentialsClient.executeMethod(opt);
assertEquals("Expecting matching status on OPTIONS request at " + path, 401, status);
final Header h = opt.getResponseHeader(WWW_Authenticate);
assertNotNull("Expecting " + WWW_Authenticate + " header in response at " + path, h);
use of in project sling by apache.
the class SlingWebDavServletTest method checkHandler.
* @param handlerName
* @param identifier The expected handler identifier to be returned as a property.
* @throws IOException
private void checkHandler(String handlerName, String identifier) throws IOException {
final HttpAnyMethod propfind = new HttpAnyMethod("PROPFIND", handlerName);
int status = httpClient.executeMethod(propfind);
assertEquals("PROPFIND " + handlerName + " must return status 207", 207, status);
final String content = propfind.getResponseBodyAsString();
assertContains(content, identifier);