use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestJsonFacets method doStatsTemplated.
public static void doStatsTemplated(Client client, ModifiableSolrParams p) throws Exception {
p.set("Z_num_i", "Z_" + p.get("num_i"));
p.set("sparse_num_d", "sparse_" + p.get("num_d"));
if (p.get("num_is") == null)
p.add("num_is", "num_is");
if (p.get("num_fs") == null)
p.add("num_fs", "num_fs");
String terms = p.get("terms");
if (terms == null)
terms = "";
int limit = 0;
switch(random().nextInt(4)) {
case 0:
limit = -1;
case 1:
limit = 1000000;
// fallthrough
case 2:
// fallthrough
case 3:
if (limit != 0) {
terms = terms + "limit:" + limit + ",";
String terms_method = p.get("terms_method");
if (terms_method != null) {
terms = terms + terms_method;
p.set("terms", terms);
// "${terms}" should be put at the beginning of generic terms facets.
// It may specify "method=..." or "limit:-1", so should not be used if the facet explicitly specifies.
MacroExpander m = new MacroExpander(p.getMap());
String cat_s = m.expand("${cat_s}");
String where_s = m.expand("${where_s}");
String num_d = m.expand("${num_d}");
String num_i = m.expand("${num_i}");
String num_is = m.expand("${num_is}");
String num_fs = m.expand("${num_fs}");
String Z_num_i = m.expand("${Z_num_i}");
String val_b = m.expand("${val_b}");
String date = m.expand("${date}");
String super_s = m.expand("${super_s}");
String sparse_s = m.expand("${sparse_s}");
String multi_ss = m.expand("${multi_ss}");
String sparse_num_d = m.expand("${sparse_num_d}");
client.deleteByQuery("*:*", null);
Client iclient = client;
/*** This code was not needed yet, but may be needed if we want to force empty shard results more often.
// create a new indexing client that doesn't use one shard to better test for empty or non-existent results
if (!client.local()) {
List<SolrClient> shards = client.getClientProvider().all();
iclient = new Client(shards.subList(0, shards.size()-1), client.getClientProvider().getSeed());
SolrInputDocument doc = sdoc("id", "1", cat_s, "A", where_s, "NY", num_d, "4", sparse_num_d, "6", num_i, "2", num_is, "2", num_is, "-5", num_fs, "2", num_fs, "-5", super_s, "zodiac", date, "2001-01-01T01:01:01Z", val_b, "true", sparse_s, "one");
iclient.add(doc, null);
iclient.add(doc, null);
// a couple of deleted docs
iclient.add(doc, null);
iclient.add(sdoc("id", "2", cat_s, "B", where_s, "NJ", num_d, "-9", num_i, "-5", num_is, "3", num_is, "-1", num_fs, "3", num_fs, "-1.5", super_s, "superman", date, "2002-02-02T02:02:02Z", val_b, "false", multi_ss, "a", multi_ss, "b", Z_num_i, "0"), null);
iclient.add(sdoc("id", "3"), null);
iclient.add(sdoc("id", "4", cat_s, "A", where_s, "NJ", num_d, "2", sparse_num_d, "-4", num_i, "3", num_is, "0", num_is, "3", num_fs, "0", num_fs, "3", super_s, "spiderman", date, "2003-03-03T03:03:03Z", multi_ss, "b", Z_num_i, "" + Integer.MIN_VALUE), null);
iclient.add(sdoc("id", "5", cat_s, "B", where_s, "NJ", num_d, "11", num_i, "7", num_is, "0", num_fs, "0", super_s, "batman", date, "2001-02-03T01:02:03Z", sparse_s, "two", multi_ss, "a"), null);
iclient.add(sdoc("id", "6", cat_s, "B", where_s, "NY", num_d, "-5", num_i, "-5", num_is, "-1", num_fs, "-1.5", super_s, "hulk", date, "2002-03-01T03:02:01Z", multi_ss, "b", multi_ss, "a", Z_num_i, "" + Integer.MAX_VALUE), null);
// test for presence of debugging info
ModifiableSolrParams debugP = params(p);
debugP.set("debugQuery", "true");
client.testJQ(params(debugP, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{catA:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:A'}}, catA2:{query:{query:'${cat_s}:A'}}, catA3:{query:'${cat_s}:A'} }"), "facets=={ 'count':6, 'catA':{ 'count':2}, 'catA2':{ 'count':2}, 'catA3':{ 'count':2}}", // just test for presence, not exact structure / values
// straight query facets
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{catA:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:A'}}, catA2:{query:{query:'${cat_s}:A'}}, catA3:{query:'${cat_s}:A'} }"), "facets=={ 'count':6, 'catA':{ 'count':2}, 'catA2':{ 'count':2}, 'catA3':{ 'count':2}}");
// nested query facets
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{ catB:{type:query, q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, 'catB':{'count':3, 'nj':{'count':2}, 'ny':{'count':1}}}");
// nested query facets on subset
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:(2 3)", "json.facet", "{ catB:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':2, 'catB':{'count':1, 'nj':{'count':1}, 'ny':{'count':0}}}");
// nested query facets with stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{ catB:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:{q:'${where_s}:NJ'}}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, 'catB':{'count':3, 'nj':{'count':2}, 'ny':{'count':1}}}");
// field/terms facet
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{c1:{field:'${cat_s}'}, c2:{field:{field:'${cat_s}'}}, c3:{${terms} type:terms, field:'${cat_s}'} }"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'c1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3}, { 'val':'A', 'count':2}]}, " + "'c2':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3}, { 'val':'A', 'count':2}]}, " + "'c3':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3}, { 'val':'A', 'count':2}]}} ");
// test mincount
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', mincount:3}}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3}]} } ");
// test default mincount of 1
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:1", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:'${cat_s}'}}"), "facets=={ 'count':1, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'A', 'count':1}]} } ");
// test mincount of 0 - need processEmpty for distrib to match up
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:1", "json.facet", "{processEmpty:true, f1:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', mincount:0}}}"), "facets=={ 'count':1, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'A', 'count':1}, { 'val':'B', 'count':0}]} } ");
// test mincount of 0 with stats, need processEmpty for distrib to match up
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:1", "json.facet", "{processEmpty:true, f1:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', mincount:0, allBuckets:true, facet:{n1:'sum(${num_d})'} }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':1, " + "'f1':{ allBuckets:{ 'count':1, n1:4.0}, 'buckets':[{ 'val':'A', 'count':1, n1:4.0}, { 'val':'B', 'count':0 /*, n1:0.0 */ }]} } ");
// test sorting by other stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 desc', facet:{n1:'sum(${num_d})'} }}" + " , f2:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 asc', facet:{n1:'sum(${num_d})'} }} }"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + " f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }, { val:'B', count:3, n1:-3.0}]}" + ", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, n1:-3.0}, { val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }]} }");
// test sorting by other stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{${terms} type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'min(${num_d})'} }" + " , f2:{${terms} type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'max(${num_d})'} } " + " , f3:{${terms} type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'unique(${where_s})'} } " + " , f4:{${terms} type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'hll(${where_s})'} } " + " , f5:{${terms} type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'variance(${num_d})'} } " + // facet on a field that will cause hashing and exercise hll.resize on numeric field
" , f6:{type:terms, field:${num_d}, limit:1, sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'hll(${num_i})'} } " + "}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + " f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, x:2.0 }, { val:'B', count:3, x:-9.0}]}" + ", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, x:11.0 }, { val:'A', count:2, x:4.0 }]} " + ", f3:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, x:2 }, { val:'B', count:3, x:2 }]} " + ", f4:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, x:2 }, { val:'B', count:3, x:2 }]} " + ", f5:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, x:74.6666666666666 }, { val:'A', count:2, x:1.0 }]} " + ", f6:{ buckets:[{ val:-9.0, count:1, x:1 }]} " + "}");
// test sorting by stat with function
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 desc', facet:{n1:'avg(add(${num_d},${num_d}))'} }}" + " , f2:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 asc', facet:{n1:'avg(add(${num_d},${num_d}))'} }} }"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + " f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }, { val:'B', count:3, n1:-2.0}]}" + ", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, n1:-2.0}, { val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }]} }");
// percentiles 0,10,50,90,100
// catA: 2.0 2.2 3.0 3.8 4.0
// catB: -9.0 -8.2 -5.0 7.800000000000001 11.0
// all: -9.0 -7.3999999999999995 2.0 8.200000000000001 11.0
// test sorting by single percentile
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 desc', facet:{n1:'percentile(${num_d},50)'} }}" + " , f2:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 asc', facet:{n1:'percentile(${num_d},50)'} }} " + " , f3:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 desc', facet:{n1:'percentile(${sparse_num_d},50)'} }} " + "}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + " f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, n1:3.0 }, { val:'B', count:3, n1:-5.0}]}" + ", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, n1:-5.0}, { val:'A', count:2, n1:3.0 }]}" + ", f3:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, n1:1.0}, { val:'B', count:3}]}" + "}");
// test sorting by multiple percentiles (sort is by first)
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${cat_s}, sort:'n1 desc', facet:{n1:'percentile(${num_d},50,0,100)'} }}" + " , f2:{terms:{${terms} field:${cat_s}, sort:'n1 asc', facet:{n1:'percentile(${num_d},50,0,100)'} }} }"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + " f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, n1:[3.0,2.0,4.0] }, { val:'B', count:3, n1:[-5.0,-9.0,11.0] }]}" + ", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, n1:[-5.0,-9.0,11.0]}, { val:'A', count:2, n1:[3.0,2.0,4.0] }]} }");
// test sorting by count/index order
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'count desc' } }" + " , f2:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'count asc' } }" + " , f3:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'index asc' } }" + " , f4:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'index desc' } }" + "}"), "facets=={ count:6 " + " ,f1:{buckets:[ {val:B,count:3}, {val:A,count:2} ] }" + " ,f2:{buckets:[ {val:A,count:2}, {val:B,count:3} ] }" + " ,f3:{buckets:[ {val:A,count:2}, {val:B,count:3} ] }" + " ,f4:{buckets:[ {val:B,count:3}, {val:A,count:2} ] }" + "}");
// test sorting by default count/index order
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'count' } }" + " , f2:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'count asc' } }" + " , f3:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'index' } }" + " , f4:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'index desc' } }" + "}"), "facets=={ count:6 " + " ,f1:{buckets:[ {val:B,count:3}, {val:A,count:2} ] }" + " ,f2:{buckets:[ {val:A,count:2}, {val:B,count:3} ] }" + " ,f3:{buckets:[ {val:A,count:2}, {val:B,count:3} ] }" + " ,f4:{buckets:[ {val:B,count:3}, {val:A,count:2} ] }" + "}");
// test tiebreaks when sorting by count
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:1 id:6", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'count desc' } }" + " , f2:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', sort:'count asc' } }" + "}"), "facets=={ count:2 " + " ,f1:{buckets:[ {val:A,count:1}, {val:B,count:1} ] }" + " ,f2:{buckets:[ {val:A,count:1}, {val:B,count:1} ] }" + "}");
// terms facet with nested query facet
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{cat:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } }} }"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'cat':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3, 'nj':{ 'count':2}}, { 'val':'A', 'count':2, 'nj':{ 'count':1}}]} }");
// terms facet with nested query facet on subset
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:(2 5 4)", "json.facet", "{cat:{terms:{${terms} field:'${cat_s}', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } }} }"), "facets=={ 'count':3, " + "'cat':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':2, 'nj':{ 'count':2}}, { 'val':'A', 'count':1, 'nj':{ 'count':1}}]} }");
// test prefix
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", // even with mincount=0, we should only see buckets with the prefix
"json.facet", // even with mincount=0, we should only see buckets with the prefix
"{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${super_s}, prefix:s, mincount:0 }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[{val:spiderman, count:1}, {val:superman, count:1}]} } ");
// test prefix that doesn't exist
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${super_s}, prefix:ttt, mincount:0 }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[]} } ");
// test prefix that doesn't exist at start
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${super_s}, prefix:aaaaaa, mincount:0 }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[]} } ");
// test prefix that doesn't exist at end
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${super_s}, prefix:zzzzzz, mincount:0 }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[]} } ");
// test prefix on where field
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{" + " f1:{${terms} type:terms, field:${where_s}, prefix:N }" + ",f2:{${terms} type:terms, field:${where_s}, prefix:NY }" + ",f3:{${terms} type:terms, field:${where_s}, prefix:NJ }" + "}"), "facets=={ 'count':6 " + ",f1:{ 'buckets':[ {val:NJ,count:3}, {val:NY,count:2} ]}" + ",f2:{ 'buckets':[ {val:NY,count:2} ]}" + ",f3:{ 'buckets':[ {val:NJ,count:3} ]}" + " } ");
// test prefix on real multi-valued field
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{" + " f1:{${terms} type:terms, field:${multi_ss}, prefix:A }" + ",f2:{${terms} type:terms, field:${multi_ss}, prefix:z }" + ",f3:{${terms} type:terms, field:${multi_ss}, prefix:aa }" + ",f4:{${terms} type:terms, field:${multi_ss}, prefix:bb }" + ",f5:{${terms} type:terms, field:${multi_ss}, prefix:a }" + ",f6:{${terms} type:terms, field:${multi_ss}, prefix:b }" + "}"), "facets=={ 'count':6 " + ",f1:{buckets:[]}" + ",f2:{buckets:[]}" + ",f3:{buckets:[]}" + ",f4:{buckets:[]}" + ",f5:{buckets:[ {val:a,count:3} ]}" + ",f6:{buckets:[ {val:b,count:3} ]}" + " } ");
// missing
// test missing w/ non-existent field
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${noexist}, missing:true}}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[], missing:{count:6} } } ");
// test missing
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${sparse_s}, missing:true }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[{val:one, count:1}, {val:two, count:1}], missing:{count:4} } } ");
// test missing with stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${sparse_s}, missing:true, facet:{x:'sum(${num_d})'} }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[{val:one, count:1, x:4.0}, {val:two, count:1, x:11.0}], missing:{count:4, x:-12.0} } } ");
// test that the missing bucket is not affected by any prefix
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${sparse_s}, missing:true, prefix:on, facet:{x:'sum(${num_d})'} }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[{val:one, count:1, x:4.0}], missing:{count:4, x:-12.0} } } ");
// test missing with prefix that doesn't exist
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${sparse_s}, missing:true, prefix:ppp, facet:{x:'sum(${num_d})'} }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[], missing:{count:4, x:-12.0} } } ");
// test numBuckets
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "rows", "0", "facet", "true", // TODO: limit:0 produced an error
"json.facet", // TODO: limit:0 produced an error
"{f1:{terms:{${terms_method} field:${cat_s}, numBuckets:true, limit:1}}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ numBuckets:2, buckets:[{val:B, count:3}]} } ");
// prefix should lower numBuckets
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "rows", "0", "facet", "true", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${cat_s}, numBuckets:true, prefix:B}}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ numBuckets:1, buckets:[{val:B, count:3}]} } ");
// mincount should not lower numBuckets (since SOLR-10552)
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "rows", "0", "facet", "true", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms} field:${cat_s}, numBuckets:true, mincount:3}}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ numBuckets:2, buckets:[{val:B, count:3}]} } ");
// basic range facet
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f:{type:range, field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5}}"), "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1}, {val:0.0,count:2}, {val:5.0,count:0} ] } }");
// basic range facet on dates
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f:{type:range, field:${date}, start:'2001-01-01T00:00:00Z', end:'2003-01-01T00:00:00Z', gap:'+1YEAR'}}"), "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:'2001-01-01T00:00:00Z',count:2}, {val:'2002-01-01T00:00:00Z',count:2}] } }");
// range facet on dates w/ stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f:{type:range, field:${date}, start:'2002-01-01T00:00:00Z', end:'2005-01-01T00:00:00Z', gap:'+1YEAR', other:all, facet:{ x:'avg(${num_d})' } } }"), "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:'2002-01-01T00:00:00Z',count:2,x:-7.0}, {val:'2003-01-01T00:00:00Z',count:1,x:2.0}, {val:'2004-01-01T00:00:00Z',count:0}], before:{count:2,x:7.5}, after:{count:0}, between:{count:3,x:-4.0} } }");
// basic range facet with "include" params
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, include:upper}}}"), "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:0}, {val:0.0,count:2}, {val:5.0,count:0} ] } }");
// range facet with sub facets and stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"), "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:5.0,count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */ } ] } }");
// range facet with sub facets and stats, with "other:all"
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"), "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:5.0,count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */} ]" + ",before: {count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:0}}" + ",after: {count:1,x:7.0, ny:{count:0}}" + ",between:{count:3,x:0.0, ny:{count:2}}" + " } }");
// range facet with mincount
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f:{type:range, field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, mincount:2, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}"), "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}} ]" + ",before: {count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:0}}" + ",after: {count:1,x:7.0, ny:{count:0}}" + ",between:{count:3,x:0.0, ny:{count:2}}" + " } }");
// range facet with sub facets and stats, with "other:all", on subset
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:(3 4 6)", "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"), "facets=={count:3, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:1,x:3.0,ny:{count:0}}, {val:5.0,count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */} ]" + ",before: {count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */ }" + ",after: {count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */}" + ",between:{count:2,x:-2.0, ny:{count:1}}" + " } }");
// stats at top level
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{ sum1:'sum(${num_d})', sumsq1:'sumsq(${num_d})', avg1:'avg(${num_d})', avg2:'avg(def(${num_d},0))', min1:'min(${num_d})', max1:'max(${num_d})'" + ", numwhere:'unique(${where_s})', unique_num_i:'unique(${num_i})', unique_num_d:'unique(${num_d})', unique_date:'unique(${date})'" + ", where_hll:'hll(${where_s})', hll_num_i:'hll(${num_i})', hll_num_d:'hll(${num_d})', hll_date:'hll(${date})'" + ", med:'percentile(${num_d},50)', perc:'percentile(${num_d},0,50.0,100)', variance:'variance(${num_d})', stddev:'stddev(${num_d})' }"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "sum1:3.0, sumsq1:247.0, avg1:0.6, avg2:0.5, min1:-9.0, max1:11.0" + ", numwhere:2, unique_num_i:4, unique_num_d:5, unique_date:5" + ", where_hll:2, hll_num_i:4, hll_num_d:5, hll_date:5" + ", med:2.0, perc:[-9.0,2.0,11.0], variance:49.04, stddev:7.002856560004639}");
// stats at top level, no matches
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:DOESNOTEXIST", "json.facet", "{ sum1:'sum(${num_d})', sumsq1:'sumsq(${num_d})', avg1:'avg(${num_d})', min1:'min(${num_d})', max1:'max(${num_d})'" + ", numwhere:'unique(${where_s})', unique_num_i:'unique(${num_i})', unique_num_d:'unique(${num_d})', unique_date:'unique(${date})'" + ", where_hll:'hll(${where_s})', hll_num_i:'hll(${num_i})', hll_num_d:'hll(${num_d})', hll_date:'hll(${date})'" + ", med:'percentile(${num_d},50)', perc:'percentile(${num_d},0,50.0,100)', variance:'variance(${num_d})', stddev:'stddev(${num_d})' }"), "facets=={count:0 " + "\n// ,sum1:0.0, sumsq1:0.0, avg1:0.0, min1:'NaN', max1:'NaN', numwhere:0 \n" + " }");
// stats at top level, matching documents, but no values in the field
// NOTE: this represents the current state of what is returned, not the ultimate desired state.
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:3", "json.facet", "{ sum1:'sum(${num_d})', sumsq1:'sumsq(${num_d})', avg1:'avg(${num_d})', min1:'min(${num_d})', max1:'max(${num_d})'" + ", numwhere:'unique(${where_s})', unique_num_i:'unique(${num_i})', unique_num_d:'unique(${num_d})', unique_date:'unique(${date})'" + ", where_hll:'hll(${where_s})', hll_num_i:'hll(${num_i})', hll_num_d:'hll(${num_d})', hll_date:'hll(${date})'" + ", med:'percentile(${num_d},50)', perc:'percentile(${num_d},0,50.0,100)', variance:'variance(${num_d})', stddev:'stddev(${num_d})' }"), "facets=={count:1 " + ",sum1:0.0," + " sumsq1:0.0," + // TODO: undesirable. omit?
" avg1:0.0," + // TODO: undesirable. omit?
" min1:'NaN'," + " max1:'NaN'," + " numwhere:0," + " unique_num_i:0," + " unique_num_d:0," + " unique_date:0," + " where_hll:0," + " hll_num_i:0," + " hll_num_d:0," + " hll_date:0," + " variance:0.0," + " stddev:0.0" + " }");
// tests on a multi-valued field with actual multiple values, just to ensure that we are
// using a multi-valued method for the rest of the tests when appropriate.
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{cat:{terms:{${terms} field:'${multi_ss}', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } }} }"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'cat':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'a', 'count':3, 'nj':{ 'count':2}}, { 'val':'b', 'count':3, 'nj':{ 'count':2}}]} }");
// test unique on multi-valued field
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{" + "x:'unique(${multi_ss})'" + ",y:{query:{q:'id:2', facet:{x:'unique(${multi_ss})'} }} " + ",x2:'hll(${multi_ss})'" + ",y2:{query:{q:'id:2', facet:{x:'hll(${multi_ss})'} }} " + " }"), "facets=={count:6 " + ",x:2" + // single document should yield 2 unique values
",y:{count:1, x:2}" + ",x2:2" + // single document should yield 2 unique values
",y2:{count:1, x:2}" + " }");
// test allBucket multi-valued
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{x:{terms:{${terms} field:'${multi_ss}',allBuckets:true}}}"), "facets=={ count:6, " + "x:{ buckets:[{val:a, count:3}, {val:b, count:3}] , allBuckets:{count:6} } }");
// allBuckets for multi-valued field with stats. This can sometimes take a different path of adding complete DocSets to the Acc
// also test limit:0
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{" + " f0:{${terms_method} type:terms, field:${multi_ss}, allBuckets:true, limit:0} " + // offset with 0 limit
",f1:{${terms_method} type:terms, field:${multi_ss}, allBuckets:true, limit:0, offset:1} " + ",f2:{${terms_method} type:terms, field:${multi_ss}, allBuckets:true, limit:0, facet:{x:'sum(${num_d})'}, sort:'x desc' } " + ",f3:{${terms_method} type:terms, field:${multi_ss}, allBuckets:true, limit:0, missing:true, facet:{x:'sum(${num_d})', y:'avg(${num_d})'}, sort:'x desc' } " + "}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + " f0:{allBuckets:{count:6}, buckets:[]}" + ",f1:{allBuckets:{count:6}, buckets:[]}" + ",f2:{allBuckets:{count:6, x:-15.0}, buckets:[]} " + ",f3:{allBuckets:{count:6, x:-15.0, y:-2.5}, buckets:[], missing:{count:2, x:4.0, y:4.0} }} " + "}");
// allBuckets with numeric field with stats.
// also test limit:0
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{" + " f0:{${terms_method} type:terms, field:${num_i}, allBuckets:true, limit:0} " + // offset with 0 limit
",f1:{${terms_method} type:terms, field:${num_i}, allBuckets:true, limit:0, offset:1} " + ",f2:{${terms_method} type:terms, field:${num_i}, allBuckets:true, limit:0, facet:{x:'sum(${num_d})'}, sort:'x desc' } " + "}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + " f0:{allBuckets:{count:5}, buckets:[]}" + ",f1:{allBuckets:{count:5}, buckets:[]}" + ",f2:{allBuckets:{count:5, x:3.0}, buckets:[]} " + "}");
// test converting legacy facets
// test mincount
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", // , "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', mincount:3}}}"
"facet", "true", "facet.version", "2", "facet.field", "{!key=f1}${cat_s}", "facet.mincount", "3"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[{ 'val':'B', 'count':3}]} } ");
// test prefix
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", // , "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{field:${super_s}, prefix:s, mincount:0 }}}" // even with mincount=0, we should only see buckets with the prefix
"facet", "true", "facet.version", "2", "facet.field", "{!key=f1}${super_s}", "facet.prefix", "s", "facet.mincount", "0"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ 'buckets':[{val:spiderman, count:1}, {val:superman, count:1}]} } ");
// range facet with sub facets and stats
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", // , "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"
"facet", "true", "facet.version", "2", "facet.range", "{!key=f}${num_d}", "facet.range.start", "-5", "facet.range.end", "10", "", "5", "f.f.facet.stat", "x:sum(${num_i})", "subfacet.f.query", "{!key=ny}${where_s}:NY"), "facets=={count:6, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:5.0,count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */ } ] } }");
// test sorting by stat
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", // " , f2:{terms:{field:'${cat_s}', sort:'n1 asc', facet:{n1:'sum(${num_d})'} }} }"
"facet", "true", "facet.version", "2", "facet.field", "{!key=f1}${cat_s}", "f.f1.facet.sort", "n1 desc", "facet.stat", "n1:sum(${num_d})", "facet.field", "{!key=f2}${cat_s}", "f.f1.facet.sort", "n1 asc"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + " f1:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }, { val:'B', count:3, n1:-3.0}]}" + ", f2:{ 'buckets':[{ val:'B', count:3, n1:-3.0}, { val:'A', count:2, n1:6.0 }]} }");
// range facet with sub facets and stats, with "other:all", on subset
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "id:(3 4 6)", //, "json.facet", "{f:{range:{field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }}}"
"facet", "true", "facet.version", "2", "facet.range", "{!key=f}${num_d}", "facet.range.start", "-5", "facet.range.end", "10", "", "5", "f.f.facet.stat", "x:sum(${num_i})", "subfacet.f.query", "{!key=ny}${where_s}:NY", "facet.range.other", "all"), "facets=={count:3, f:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:1,x:3.0,ny:{count:0}}, {val:5.0,count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */} ]" + ",before: {count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */ }" + ",after: {count:0 /* ,x:0.0,ny:{count:0} */}" + ",between:{count:2,x:-2.0, ny:{count:1}}" + " } }");
// multi-select / exclude tagged filters via excludeTags
// test uncached multi-select (see SOLR-8496)
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "{!cache=false}*:*", "fq", "{!tag=doc3,allfilt}-id:3", "json.facet", "{" + "f1:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{excludeTags:doc3} } " + "}"), "facets=={ count:5, " + " f1:{ buckets:[ {val:B, count:3}, {val:A, count:2} ] }" + "}");
// test sub-facets of empty buckets with domain filter exclusions (canProduceFromEmpty) (see SOLR-9519)
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "fq", "{!tag=doc3}id:non-exist", "fq", "{!tag=CATA}${cat_s}:A", "json.facet", "{" + "f1:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{excludeTags:doc3} } " + // nested under query
",q1 :{type:query, q:'*:*', facet:{ f1:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{excludeTags:doc3} } } } " + // nested under query, make sure id:4 filter still applies
",q1a:{type:query, q:'id:4', facet:{ f1:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{excludeTags:doc3} } } } " + // nested under range, make sure range constraints still apply
",r1 :{type:range, field:${num_d}, start:0, gap:3, end:5, facet:{ f1:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{excludeTags:doc3} } } } " + // domain filter doesn't widen, so f2 should not appear.
",f2:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{filter:'*:*'} } " + "}"), "facets=={ count:0, " + " f1:{ buckets:[ {val:A, count:2} ] }" + ",q1:{ count:0, f1:{buckets:[{val:A, count:2}]} }" + ",q1a:{ count:0, f1:{buckets:[{val:A, count:1}]} }" + ",r1:{ buckets:[ {val:0.0,count:0,f1:{buckets:[{val:A, count:1}]}}, {val:3.0,count:0,f1:{buckets:[{val:A, count:1}]}} ] }" + "}");
// nested query facets on subset (with excludeTags)
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "fq", "{!tag=abc}id:(2 3)", "json.facet", "{ processEmpty:true," + " f1:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , excludeTags:[xyz,qaz]}}" + ",f2:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , excludeTags:abc }}" + ",f3:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , excludeTags:'xyz,abc,qaz' }}" + ",f4:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , excludeTags:[xyz , abc , qaz] }}" + // this is repeated, but it did fail when a single context was shared among sub-facets
",f5:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , excludeTags:[xyz,qaz]}}" + // exclude in a sub-facet
",f6:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{processEmpty:true, nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{ type:query, q:'${where_s}:NY', excludeTags:abc}} }}" + // exclude in a sub-facet that doesn't match
",f7:{query:{q:'${cat_s}:B', facet:{processEmpty:true, nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}, ny:{ type:query, q:'${where_s}:NY', excludeTags:xyz}} }}" + "}"), "facets=={ 'count':2, " + " 'f1':{'count':1, 'nj':{'count':1}, 'ny':{'count':0}}" + ",'f2':{'count':3, 'nj':{'count':2}, 'ny':{'count':1}}" + ",'f3':{'count':3, 'nj':{'count':2}, 'ny':{'count':1}}" + ",'f4':{'count':3, 'nj':{'count':2}, 'ny':{'count':1}}" + ",'f5':{'count':1, 'nj':{'count':1}, 'ny':{'count':0}}" + ",'f6':{'count':1, 'nj':{'count':1}, 'ny':{'count':1}}" + ",'f7':{'count':1, 'nj':{'count':1}, 'ny':{'count':0}}" + "}");
// terms facet with nested query facet (with excludeTags, using new format inside domain:{})
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "{!cache=false}*:*", "fq", "{!tag=doc6,allfilt}-id:6", "fq", "{!tag=doc3,allfilt}-id:3", "json.facet", "{processEmpty:true, " + " f0:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } " + ",f1:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{excludeTags:doc3}, missing:true, facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } " + ",f2:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{excludeTags:allfilt},missing:true, facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } " + ",f3:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{excludeTags:doc6}, missing:true, facet:{nj:{query:'${where_s}:NJ'}} } " + "}"), "facets=={ count:4, " + " f0:{ buckets:[ {val:A, count:2, nj:{ count:1}}, {val:B, count:2, nj:{count:2}} ] }" + ",f1:{ buckets:[ {val:A, count:2, nj:{ count:1}}, {val:B, count:2, nj:{count:2}} ] , missing:{count:1,nj:{count:0}} }" + ",f2:{ buckets:[ {val:B, count:3, nj:{ count:2}}, {val:A, count:2, nj:{count:1}} ] , missing:{count:1,nj:{count:0}} }" + ",f3:{ buckets:[ {val:B, count:3, nj:{ count:2}}, {val:A, count:2, nj:{count:1}} ] , missing:{count:0} }" + "}");
// range facet with sub facets and stats, with "other:all" (with excludeTags)
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "fq", "{!tag=doc6,allfilt}-id:6", "fq", "{!tag=doc3,allfilt}-id:3", "json.facet", "{processEmpty:true " + ", f1:{type:range, field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} , domain:{excludeTags:allfilt} }" + ", f2:{type:range, field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, other:all, facet:{ x:'sum(${num_i})', ny:{query:'${where_s}:NY'}} }" + "}"), "facets=={count:4" + ",f1:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:5.0,count:0} ]" + ",before: {count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:0}}" + ",after: {count:1,x:7.0, ny:{count:0}}" + ",between:{count:3,x:0.0, ny:{count:2}} }" + ",f2:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:0}, {val:0.0,count:2,x:5.0,ny:{count:1}}, {val:5.0,count:0} ]" + ",before: {count:1,x:-5.0,ny:{count:0}}" + ",after: {count:1,x:7.0, ny:{count:0}}" + ",between:{count:2,x:5.0, ny:{count:1}} }" + "}");
// facet on numbers
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{" + " f1:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_i} }" + ",f2:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'count asc' }" + ",f3:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index asc' }" + ",f4:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index desc' }" + ",f5:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index desc', limit:1, missing:true, allBuckets:true, numBuckets:true }" + // mincount should not lower numbuckets (since SOLR-10552)
",f6:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index desc', mincount:2, numBuckets:true }" + // test offset
",f7:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index desc', offset:2, numBuckets:true }" + // test high offset
",f8:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'index desc', offset:100, numBuckets:true }" + // test stats
",f9:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_i}, sort:'x desc', facet:{x:'avg(${num_d})'}, missing:true, allBuckets:true, numBuckets:true }" + // test subfacets
",f10:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_i}, facet:{a:{query:'${cat_s}:A'}}, missing:true, allBuckets:true, numBuckets:true }" + // test subfacet using unique on numeric field (this previously triggered a resizing bug)
",f11:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_i}, facet:{a:'unique(${num_d})'} ,missing:true, allBuckets:true, sort:'a desc' }" + "}"), "facets=={count:6 " + ",f1:{ buckets:[{val:-5,count:2},{val:2,count:1},{val:3,count:1},{val:7,count:1} ] } " + ",f2:{ buckets:[{val:2,count:1},{val:3,count:1},{val:7,count:1},{val:-5,count:2} ] } " + ",f3:{ buckets:[{val:-5,count:2},{val:2,count:1},{val:3,count:1},{val:7,count:1} ] } " + ",f4:{ buckets:[{val:7,count:1},{val:3,count:1},{val:2,count:1},{val:-5,count:2} ] } " + ",f5:{ buckets:[{val:7,count:1}] , numBuckets:4, allBuckets:{count:5}, missing:{count:1} } " + ",f6:{ buckets:[{val:-5,count:2}] , numBuckets:4 } " + ",f7:{ buckets:[{val:2,count:1},{val:-5,count:2}] , numBuckets:4 } " + ",f8:{ buckets:[] , numBuckets:4 } " + // TODO: should missing exclude "x" because no values were collected?
",f9:{ buckets:[{val:7,count:1,x:11.0},{val:2,count:1,x:4.0},{val:3,count:1,x:2.0},{val:-5,count:2,x:-7.0} ], numBuckets:4, allBuckets:{count:5,x:0.6},missing:{count:1,x:0.0} } " + ",f10:{ buckets:[{val:-5,count:2,a:{count:0}},{val:2,count:1,a:{count:1}},{val:3,count:1,a:{count:1}},{val:7,count:1,a:{count:0}} ], numBuckets:4, allBuckets:{count:5},missing:{count:1,a:{count:0}} } " + ",f11:{ buckets:[{val:-5,count:2,a:2},{val:2,count:1,a:1},{val:3,count:1,a:1},{val:7,count:1,a:1} ] , missing:{count:1,a:0} , allBuckets:{count:5,a:5} } " + "}");
// facet on a float field - shares same code with integers/longs currently, so we only need to test labels/sorting
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{" + " f1:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_d} }" + ",f2:{${terms} type:field, field:${num_d}, sort:'index desc' }" + "}"), "facets=={count:6 " + ",f1:{ buckets:[{val:-9.0,count:1},{val:-5.0,count:1},{val:2.0,count:1},{val:4.0,count:1},{val:11.0,count:1} ] } " + ",f2:{ buckets:[{val:11.0,count:1},{val:4.0,count:1},{val:2.0,count:1},{val:-5.0,count:1},{val:-9.0,count:1} ] } " + "}");
// test 0, min/max int
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{" + " u : 'unique(${Z_num_i})'" + ", f1:{${terms} type:field, field:${Z_num_i} }" + "}"), "facets=={count:6 " + ",u:3" + ",f1:{ buckets:[{val:" + Integer.MIN_VALUE + ",count:1},{val:0,count:1},{val:" + Integer.MAX_VALUE + ",count:1}]} " + "}");
// multi-valued integer
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{ " + " c1:'unique(${num_is})', c2:'hll(${num_is})'" + ",f1:{${terms} type:terms, field:${num_is} } " + "}"), "facets=={ count:6 " + ", c1:5, c2:5" + ", f1:{ buckets:[ {val:-1,count:2},{val:0,count:2},{val:3,count:2},{val:-5,count:1},{val:2,count:1} ] } " + "} ");
// multi-valued float
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{ " + " c1:'unique(${num_fs})', c2:'hll(${num_fs})'" + ",f1:{${terms} type:terms, field:${num_fs} } " + "}"), "facets=={ count:6 " + ", c1:5, c2:5" + ", f1:{ buckets:[ {val:-1.5,count:2},{val:0.0,count:2},{val:3.0,count:2},{val:-5.0,count:1},{val:2.0,count:1} ] } " + "} ");
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{" + // "cat0:{type:terms, field:${cat_s}, sort:'count desc', limit:1, overrequest:0}" + // overrequest=0 test needs predictable layout
"cat1:{type:terms, field:${cat_s}, sort:'count desc', limit:1, overrequest:1}" + // -1 is default overrequest
",catDef:{type:terms, field:${cat_s}, sort:'count desc', limit:1, overrequest:-1}" + // make sure overflows don't mess us up
",catBig:{type:terms, field:${cat_s}, sort:'count desc', offset:1, limit:2147483647, overrequest:2147483647}" + "}"), "facets=={ count:6" + // ", cat0:{ buckets:[ {val:B,count:3} ] }"
", cat1:{ buckets:[ {val:B,count:3} ] }" + ", catDef:{ buckets:[ {val:B,count:3} ] }" + ", catBig:{ buckets:[ {val:A,count:2} ] }" + "}");
// test filter
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "myfilt", "${cat_s}:A", "ff", "-id:1", "ff", "-id:2", "json.facet", "{" + // empty filter list
"t:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{filter:[]} }" + ",t_filt:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{filter:'${cat_s}:B'} }" + // test access to qparser and other query parameters
",t_filt2 :{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{filter:'{!query v=$myfilt}'} }" + // test filter via "param" type
",t_filt2a:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{filter:{param:myfilt} } }" + ",t_filt3: {${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{filter:['-id:1','-id:2']} }" + // test multi-valued query parameter
",t_filt3a:{${terms} type:terms, field:${cat_s}, domain:{filter:{param:ff}} }" + // also tests a top-level negative filter
",q:{type:query, q:'${cat_s}:B', domain:{filter:['-id:5']} }" + ",r:{type:range, field:${num_d}, start:-5, end:10, gap:5, domain:{filter:'-id:4'} }" + "}"), "facets=={ count:6, " + "t :{ buckets:[ {val:B, count:3}, {val:A, count:2} ] }" + ",t_filt :{ buckets:[ {val:B, count:3}] } " + ",t_filt2 :{ buckets:[ {val:A, count:2}] } " + ",t_filt2a:{ buckets:[ {val:A, count:2}] } " + ",t_filt3 :{ buckets:[ {val:B, count:2}, {val:A, count:1}] } " + ",t_filt3a:{ buckets:[ {val:B, count:2}, {val:A, count:1}] } " + ",q:{count:2}" + ",r:{buckets:[ {val:-5.0,count:1}, {val:0.0,count:1}, {val:5.0,count:0} ] }" + "}");
// test acc reuse (i.e. reset() method). This is normally used for stats that are not calculated in the first phase,
// currently non-sorting stats.
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', facet:{h:'hll(${where_s})' , u:'unique(${where_s})', mind:'min(${num_d})', maxd:'max(${num_d})', sumd:'sum(${num_d})', avgd:'avg(${num_d})', variance:'variance(${num_d})', stddev:'stddev(${num_d})' } }}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "'f1':{ buckets:[{val:B, count:3, h:2, u:2, mind:-9.0, maxd:11.0, sumd:-3.0, avgd:-1.0, variance:74.66666666666667, stddev:8.640987597877148}," + " {val:A, count:2, h:2, u:2, mind:2.0, maxd:4.0, sumd:6.0, avgd:3.0, variance:1.0, stddev:1.0}] } } ");
// test min/max of string field
if (where_s.equals("where_s") || where_s.equals("where_sd")) {
// supports only single valued currently...
client.testJQ(params(// make NY the only value in bucket A
p, // make NY the only value in bucket A
"q", // make NY the only value in bucket A
"*:* -(+${cat_s}:A +${where_s}:NJ)", "json.facet", "{" + " f1:{type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', facet:{min:'min(${where_s})', max:'max(${where_s})'} }" + ", f2:{type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', facet:{min:'min(${where_s})', max:'max(${where_s})'} , sort:'min desc'}" + ", f3:{type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', facet:{min:'min(${where_s})', max:'max(${where_s})'} , sort:'min asc'}" + ", f4:{type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', facet:{min:'min(${super_s})', max:'max(${super_s})'} , sort:'max asc'}" + ", f5:{type:terms, field:'${cat_s}', facet:{min:'min(${super_s})', max:'max(${super_s})'} , sort:'max desc'}" + "}"), "facets=={ count:5, " + " f1:{ buckets:[{val:B, count:3, min:NJ, max:NY}, {val:A, count:1, min:NY, max:NY}]}" + ",f2:{ buckets:[{val:A, count:1, min:NY, max:NY}, {val:B, count:3, min:NJ, max:NY}]}" + ",f3:{ buckets:[{val:B, count:3, min:NJ, max:NY}, {val:A, count:1, min:NY, max:NY}]}" + ",f4:{ buckets:[{val:B, count:3, min:batman, max:superman}, {val:A, count:1, min:zodiac, max:zodiac}]}" + ",f5:{ buckets:[{val:A, count:1, min:zodiac, max:zodiac}, {val:B, count:3, min:batman, max:superman}]}" + " } ");
if (client.local()) {
long creates, resets;
// NOTE: these test the current implementation and may need to be adjusted to match future optimizations (such as calculating N buckets in parallel in the second phase)
creates = DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get();
resets = DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get();
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", // x should be deferred to 2nd phase
"json.facet", // x should be deferred to 2nd phase
"{f1:{terms:{${terms_method} field:${super_s}, limit:1, facet:{x:'debug()'} }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "f1:{ buckets:[{ val:batman, count:1, x:1}]} } ");
assertEquals(1, DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get() - creates);
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get() - resets <= 1);
// probably "1", but may be special slot for something. As long as it's not cardinality of the field
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.last.numSlots <= 2);
creates = DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get();
resets = DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get();
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", // sorting by x... must be done all at once in first phase
"json.facet", // sorting by x... must be done all at once in first phase
"{f1:{terms:{${terms_method} field:${super_s}, limit:1, facet:{ x:'debug()'} , sort:'x asc' }}}"), "facets=={ 'count':6, " + "f1:{ buckets:[{ val:batman, count:1, x:1}]}" + " } ");
assertEquals(1, DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get() - creates);
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get() - resets == 0);
// all slots should be done in a single shot. there may be more than 5 due to special slots or hashing.
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.last.numSlots >= 5);
// When limit:-1, we should do most stats in first phase (SOLR-10634)
creates = DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get();
resets = DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get();
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms_method} field:${super_s}, limit:-1, facet:{x:'debug()'} }}}"), "facets==");
assertEquals(1, DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get() - creates);
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get() - resets == 0);
// all slots should be done in a single shot. there may be more than 5 due to special slots or hashing.
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.last.numSlots >= 5);
// Now for a numeric field
// When limit:-1, we should do most stats in first phase (SOLR-10634)
creates = DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get();
resets = DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get();
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms_method} field:${num_d}, limit:-1, facet:{x:'debug()'} }}}"), "facets==");
assertEquals(1, DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get() - creates);
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get() - resets == 0);
// all slots should be done in a single shot. there may be more than 5 due to special slots or hashing.
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.last.numSlots >= 5);
// But if we need to calculate domains anyway, it probably makes sense to calculate most stats in the 2nd phase (along with sub-facets)
creates = DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get();
resets = DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get();
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms_method} field:${super_s}, limit:-1, facet:{ x:'debug()' , y:{terms:${where_s}} } }}}"), "facets==");
assertEquals(1, DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get() - creates);
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get() - resets >= 4);
// probably 1, but could be higher
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.last.numSlots <= 2);
// Now with a numeric field
// But if we need to calculate domains anyway, it probably makes sense to calculate most stats in the 2nd phase (along with sub-facets)
creates = DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get();
resets = DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get();
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "*:*", "json.facet", "{f1:{terms:{${terms_method} field:${num_d}, limit:-1, facet:{ x:'debug()' , y:{terms:${where_s}} } }}}"), "facets==");
assertEquals(1, DebugAgg.Acc.creates.get() - creates);
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.resets.get() - resets >= 4);
// probably 1, but could be higher
assertTrue(DebugAgg.Acc.last.numSlots <= 2);
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// end phase testing
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestDistribIDF method testSimpleQuery.
public void testSimpleQuery() throws Exception {
//3 shards. 3rd shard won't have any data.
createCollection("onecollection", "conf1", ImplicitDocRouter.NAME);
createCollection("onecollection_local", "conf2", ImplicitDocRouter.NAME);
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.setField("id", 1);
doc.setField("cat", "football");
doc.addField(ShardParams._ROUTE_, "a");
solrCluster.getSolrClient().add("onecollection", doc);
solrCluster.getSolrClient().add("onecollection_local", doc);
doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.setField("id", 2);
doc.setField("cat", "football");
doc.addField(ShardParams._ROUTE_, "b");
solrCluster.getSolrClient().add("onecollection", doc);
solrCluster.getSolrClient().add("onecollection_local", doc);
int nDocs = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 10, 100);
for (int i = 0; i < nDocs; i++) {
doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.setField("id", 3 + i);
String cat = TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random());
if (!cat.equals("football")) {
//Making sure no other document has the query term in it.
doc.setField("cat", cat);
if (rarely()) {
//Put most documents in shard b so that 'football' becomes 'rare' in shard b
doc.addField(ShardParams._ROUTE_, "a");
} else {
doc.addField(ShardParams._ROUTE_, "b");
solrCluster.getSolrClient().add("onecollection", doc);
solrCluster.getSolrClient().add("onecollection_local", doc);
//Test against all nodes
for (JettySolrRunner jettySolrRunner : solrCluster.getJettySolrRunners()) {
try (SolrClient solrClient = getHttpSolrClient(jettySolrRunner.getBaseUrl().toString())) {
try (SolrClient solrClient_local = getHttpSolrClient(jettySolrRunner.getBaseUrl().toString())) {
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("cat:football");
QueryResponse queryResponse = solrClient.query("onecollection", query);
assertEquals(2, queryResponse.getResults().getNumFound());
float score1 = (float) queryResponse.getResults().get(0).get("score");
float score2 = (float) queryResponse.getResults().get(1).get("score");
assertEquals("Doc1 score=" + score1 + " Doc2 score=" + score2, 0,, score2));
query = new SolrQuery("cat:football");
queryResponse = solrClient_local.query("onecollection_local", query);
assertEquals(2, queryResponse.getResults().getNumFound());
assertEquals(2, queryResponse.getResults().get(0).get("id"));
assertEquals(1, queryResponse.getResults().get(1).get("id"));
float score1_local = (float) queryResponse.getResults().get(0).get("score");
float score2_local = (float) queryResponse.getResults().get(1).get("score");
assertEquals("Doc1 score=" + score1_local + " Doc2 score=" + score2_local, 1,, score2_local));
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestDistribIDF method testMultiCollectionQuery.
public void testMultiCollectionQuery() throws Exception {
// collection1 and collection2 are collections which have distributed idf enabled
// collection1_local and collection2_local don't have distributed idf available
// Only one doc has cat:football in each collection
// When doing queries across collections we want to test that the query takes into account
// distributed idf for the collection=collection1,collection2 query.
// The way we verify is that score should be the same when querying across collection1 and collection2
// But should be different when querying across collection1_local and collection2_local
// since the idf is calculated per shard
createCollection("collection1", "conf1");
createCollection("collection1_local", "conf2");
createCollection("collection2", "conf1");
createCollection("collection2_local", "conf2");
//Test against all nodes
for (JettySolrRunner jettySolrRunner : solrCluster.getJettySolrRunners()) {
try (SolrClient solrClient = getHttpSolrClient(jettySolrRunner.getBaseUrl().toString())) {
try (SolrClient solrClient_local = getHttpSolrClient(jettySolrRunner.getBaseUrl().toString())) {
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("cat:football");
query.setFields("*,score").add("collection", "collection1,collection2");
QueryResponse queryResponse = solrClient.query("collection1", query);
assertEquals(2, queryResponse.getResults().getNumFound());
float score1 = (float) queryResponse.getResults().get(0).get("score");
float score2 = (float) queryResponse.getResults().get(1).get("score");
assertEquals("Doc1 score=" + score1 + " Doc2 score=" + score2, 0,, score2));
query = new SolrQuery("cat:football");
query.setFields("*,score").add("collection", "collection1_local,collection2_local");
queryResponse = solrClient_local.query("collection1_local", query);
assertEquals(2, queryResponse.getResults().getNumFound());
assertEquals(2, queryResponse.getResults().get(0).get("id"));
assertEquals(1, queryResponse.getResults().get(1).get("id"));
float score1_local = (float) queryResponse.getResults().get(0).get("score");
float score2_local = (float) queryResponse.getResults().get(1).get("score");
assertEquals("Doc1 score=" + score1_local + " Doc2 score=" + score2_local, 1,, score2_local));
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestDefaultStatsCache method dfQuery.
protected void dfQuery(Object... q) throws Exception {
final ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
for (int i = 0; i < q.length; i += 2) {
params.add(q[i].toString(), q[i + 1].toString());
final QueryResponse controlRsp = controlClient.query(params);
// query a random server
params.set("shards", shards);
int which = r.nextInt(clients.size());
SolrClient client = clients.get(which);
QueryResponse rsp = client.query(params);
checkResponse(controlRsp, rsp);
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestInPlaceUpdatesDistrib method reorderedDBQsResurrectionTest.
/* Test for a situation when a document requiring in-place update cannot be "resurrected"
* when the original full indexed document has been deleted by an out of order DBQ.
* Expected behaviour in this case should be to throw the replica into LIR (since this will
* be rare). Here's an example of the situation:
ADD(id=x, val=5, ver=1)
UPD(id=x, val=10, ver = 2)
DBQ(q=val:10, v=4)
DV(id=x, val=5, ver=3)
private void reorderedDBQsResurrectionTest() throws Exception {
if (onlyLeaderIndexes) {"RTG with DBQs are not working in tlog replicas");
// RTG straight from the index
SolrDocument sdoc = LEADER.getById("0");
//assertEquals(value, sdoc.get("inplace_updatable_float"));
assertEquals("title0", sdoc.get("title_s"));
long version0 = (long) sdoc.get("_version_");
String field = "inplace_updatable_int";
// put replica out of sync
List<UpdateRequest> updates = new ArrayList<>();
// full update
updates.add(simulatedUpdateRequest(null, "id", 0, "title_s", "title0_new", field, 5, "_version_", version0 + 1));
// inplace_updatable_float=101
updates.add(simulatedUpdateRequest(version0 + 1, "id", 0, field, 10, "_version_", version0 + 2));
// inplace_updatable_float=101
updates.add(simulatedUpdateRequest(version0 + 2, "id", 0, field, 5, "_version_", version0 + 3));
// supposed to not delete anything
updates.add(simulatedDeleteRequest(field + ":10", version0 + 4));
// order the updates correctly for NONLEADER 1
for (UpdateRequest update : updates) {"Issuing well ordered update: " + update.getDocuments());
// Reordering needs to happen using parallel threads
ExecutorService threadpool = ExecutorUtil.newMDCAwareFixedThreadPool(updates.size() + 1, new DefaultSolrThreadFactory(getTestName()));
// re-order the last two updates for NONLEADER 0
List<UpdateRequest> reorderedUpdates = new ArrayList<>(updates);
Collections.swap(reorderedUpdates, 2, 3);
List<Future<UpdateResponse>> updateResponses = new ArrayList<>();
for (UpdateRequest update : reorderedUpdates) {
// pretend as this update is coming from the other non-leader, so that
// the resurrection can happen from there (instead of the leader)
update.setParam(DistributedUpdateProcessor.DISTRIB_FROM, ((HttpSolrClient) NONLEADERS.get(1)).getBaseURL());
AsyncUpdateWithRandomCommit task = new AsyncUpdateWithRandomCommit(update, NONLEADERS.get(0), random().nextLong());
// while we can't guarantee/trust what order the updates are executed in, since multiple threads
// are involved, but we're trying to bias the thread scheduling to run them in the order submitted
assertTrue("Thread pool didn't terminate within 15 secs", threadpool.awaitTermination(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
int successful = 0;
for (Future<UpdateResponse> resp : updateResponses) {
try {
UpdateResponse r = resp.get();
if (r.getStatus() == 0) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!ex.getMessage().contains("Tried to fetch missing update" + " from the leader, but missing wasn't present at leader.")) {
throw ex;
// All should succeed, i.e. no LIR
assertEquals(updateResponses.size(), successful);"Non leader 0: " + ((HttpSolrClient) NONLEADERS.get(0)).getBaseURL());"Non leader 1: " + ((HttpSolrClient) NONLEADERS.get(1)).getBaseURL());
SolrDocument doc0 = NONLEADERS.get(0).getById(String.valueOf(0), params("distrib", "false"));
SolrDocument doc1 = NONLEADERS.get(1).getById(String.valueOf(0), params("distrib", "false"));"Doc in both replica 0: " + doc0);"Doc in both replica 1: " + doc1);
// assert both replicas have same effect
for (int i = 0; i < NONLEADERS.size(); i++) {
// 0th is re-ordered replica, 1st is well-ordered replica
SolrClient client = NONLEADERS.get(i);
SolrDocument doc = client.getById(String.valueOf(0), params("distrib", "false"));
assertNotNull("Client: " + ((HttpSolrClient) client).getBaseURL(), doc);
assertEquals("Client: " + ((HttpSolrClient) client).getBaseURL(), 5, doc.getFieldValue(field));
}"reorderedDBQsResurrectionTest: This test passed fine...");