use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestRandomFlRTGCloud method assertRTG.
* Does one or more RTG request for the specified docIds with a randomized fl & fq params, asserting
* that the returned document (if any) makes sense given the expected SolrInputDocuments
private void assertRTG(final SolrInputDocument[] knownDocs, final int[] docIds) throws IOException, SolrServerException {
final SolrClient client = getRandClient(random());
// NOTE: not using SolrClient.getById or getByIds because we want to force choice of "id" vs "ids" params
final ModifiableSolrParams params = params("qt", "/get");
// random fq -- nothing fancy, secondary concern for our test
final Integer FQ_MAX = usually() ? null : random().nextInt();
if (null != FQ_MAX) {
params.add("fq", "aaa_i:[* TO " + FQ_MAX + "]");
final Set<FlValidator> validators = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// always include id so we can be confident which doc we're looking at
addRandomFlValidators(random(), validators);
FlValidator.addParams(validators, params);
final List<String> idsToRequest = new ArrayList<>(docIds.length);
final List<SolrInputDocument> docsToExpect = new ArrayList<>(docIds.length);
for (int docId : docIds) {
// every docId will be included in the request
idsToRequest.add("" + docId);
// only docs that should actually exist and match our (optional) filter will be expected in response
if (null != knownDocs[docId]) {
Integer filterVal = (Integer) knownDocs[docId].getFieldValue("aaa_i");
if (null == FQ_MAX || ((null != filterVal) && filterVal.intValue() <= FQ_MAX.intValue())) {
// even w/only 1 docId requested, the response format can vary depending on how we request it
final boolean askForList = random().nextBoolean() || (1 != idsToRequest.size());
if (askForList) {
if (1 == idsToRequest.size()) {
// have to be careful not to try to use "multi" 'id' params with only 1 docId
// with a single docId, the only way to ask for a list is with the "ids" param
params.add("ids", idsToRequest.get(0));
} else {
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
// each id in it's own param
for (String id : idsToRequest) {
params.add("id", id);
} else {
// add one or more comma separated ids params
params.add(buildCommaSepParams(random(), "ids", idsToRequest));
} else {
assert 1 == idsToRequest.size();
params.add("id", idsToRequest.get(0));
final QueryResponse rsp = client.query(params);
assertNotNull(params.toString(), rsp);
final SolrDocumentList docs = getDocsFromRTGResponse(askForList, rsp);
assertNotNull(params + " => " + rsp, docs);
assertEquals("num docs mismatch: " + params + " => " + docsToExpect + " vs " + docs, docsToExpect.size(), docs.size());
// NOTE: RTG makes no garuntees about the order docs will be returned in when multi requested
for (SolrDocument actual : docs) {
try {
int actualId = assertParseInt("id", actual.getFirstValue("id"));
final SolrInputDocument expected = knownDocs[actualId];
assertNotNull("expected null doc but RTG returned: " + actual, expected);
Set<String> expectedFieldNames = new TreeSet<>();
for (FlValidator v : validators) {
expectedFieldNames.addAll(v.assertRTGResults(validators, expected, actual));
// ensure only expected field names are in the actual document
Set<String> actualFieldNames = new TreeSet<>(actual.getFieldNames());
assertEquals("Actual field names returned differs from expected", expectedFieldNames, actualFieldNames);
} catch (AssertionError ae) {
throw new AssertionError(params + " => " + actual + ": " + ae.getMessage(), ae);
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestTlogReplica method checkRTG.
private void checkRTG(int from, int to, List<JettySolrRunner> solrRunners) throws Exception {
for (JettySolrRunner solrRunner : solrRunners) {
try (SolrClient client = solrRunner.newClient()) {
for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) {
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
query.set("distrib", false);
query.set("id", i);
QueryResponse res = client.query(collectionName, query);
assertNotNull("Can not find doc " + i + " in " + solrRunner.getBaseUrl(), res.getResponse().get("doc"));
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestTlogReplica method testOutOfOrderDBQWithInPlaceUpdates.
public void testOutOfOrderDBQWithInPlaceUpdates() throws Exception {
createAndWaitForCollection(1, 0, 2, 0);
List<UpdateRequest> updates = new ArrayList<>();
// full update
updates.add(simulatedUpdateRequest(null, "id", 1, "title_s", "title0_new", "inplace_updatable_int", 5, "_version_", 1L));
updates.add(simulatedDBQ("inplace_updatable_int:5", 3L));
updates.add(simulatedUpdateRequest(1L, "id", 1, "inplace_updatable_int", 6, "_version_", 2L));
for (JettySolrRunner solrRunner : getSolrRunner(false)) {
try (SolrClient client = solrRunner.newClient()) {
for (UpdateRequest up : updates) {
up.process(client, collectionName);
JettySolrRunner oldLeaderJetty = getSolrRunner(true).get(0);
waitForState("Replica not removed", collectionName, activeReplicaCount(0, 1, 0));
waitForState("Replica not added", collectionName, activeReplicaCount(0, 2, 0));
checkRTG(1, 1, cluster.getJettySolrRunners());
SolrDocument doc = cluster.getSolrClient().getById(collectionName, "1");
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestSolrCloudSnapshots method testSnapshots.
public void testSnapshots() throws Exception {
CloudSolrClient solrClient = cluster.getSolrClient();
String collectionName = "SolrCloudSnapshots";
CollectionAdminRequest.Create create = CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName, "conf1", NUM_SHARDS, NUM_REPLICAS);
int nDocs = BackupRestoreUtils.indexDocs(cluster.getSolrClient(), collectionName, docsSeed);
BackupRestoreUtils.verifyDocs(nDocs, solrClient, collectionName);
String commitName = TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random(), 1, 5);
// Verify if snapshot creation works with replica failures.
boolean replicaFailures = usually();
Optional<String> stoppedCoreName = Optional.empty();
if (replicaFailures) {
// Here the assumption is that Solr will spread the replicas uniformly across nodes.
// If this is not true for some reason, then we will need to add some logic to find a
// node with a single replica.
// Sleep a bit for allowing ZK watch to fire.
// Figure out if at-least one replica is "down".
DocCollection collState = solrClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getCollection(collectionName);
for (Slice s : collState.getSlices()) {
for (Replica replica : s.getReplicas()) {
if (replica.getState() == State.DOWN) {
stoppedCoreName = Optional.of(replica.getCoreName());
int expectedCoresWithSnapshot = stoppedCoreName.isPresent() ? (NUM_SHARDS * NUM_REPLICAS) - 1 : (NUM_SHARDS * NUM_REPLICAS);
CollectionAdminRequest.CreateSnapshot createSnap = new CollectionAdminRequest.CreateSnapshot(collectionName, commitName);
Collection<CollectionSnapshotMetaData> collectionSnaps = listCollectionSnapshots(solrClient, collectionName);
assertEquals(1, collectionSnaps.size());
CollectionSnapshotMetaData meta = collectionSnaps.iterator().next();
assertEquals(commitName, meta.getName());
assertEquals(CollectionSnapshotMetaData.SnapshotStatus.Successful, meta.getStatus());
assertEquals(expectedCoresWithSnapshot, meta.getReplicaSnapshots().size());
Map<String, CoreSnapshotMetaData> snapshotByCoreName = meta.getReplicaSnapshots().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(CoreSnapshotMetaData::getCoreName, Function.identity()));
DocCollection collectionState = solrClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getCollection(collectionName);
assertEquals(2, collectionState.getActiveSlices().size());
for (Slice shard : collectionState.getActiveSlices()) {
assertEquals(2, shard.getReplicas().size());
for (Replica replica : shard.getReplicas()) {
if (stoppedCoreName.isPresent() && stoppedCoreName.get().equals(replica.getCoreName())) {
// We know that the snapshot is not created for this replica.
String replicaBaseUrl = replica.getStr(BASE_URL_PROP);
String coreName = replica.getStr(ZkStateReader.CORE_NAME_PROP);
CoreSnapshotMetaData coreSnapshot = snapshotByCoreName.get(coreName);
try (SolrClient adminClient = getHttpSolrClient(replicaBaseUrl)) {
Collection<SnapshotMetaData> snapshots = listCoreSnapshots(adminClient, coreName);
Optional<SnapshotMetaData> metaData = -> commitName.equals(x.getName())).findFirst();
assertTrue("Snapshot not created for core " + coreName, metaData.isPresent());
assertEquals(coreSnapshot.getIndexDirPath(), metaData.get().getIndexDirPath());
assertEquals(coreSnapshot.getGenerationNumber(), metaData.get().getGenerationNumber());
// Delete all documents.
solrClient.deleteByQuery(collectionName, "*:*");
BackupRestoreUtils.verifyDocs(0, solrClient, collectionName);
String backupLocation = createTempDir().toFile().getAbsolutePath();
String backupName = "mytestbackup";
String restoreCollectionName = collectionName + "_restored";
//Create a backup using the earlier created snapshot.
CollectionAdminRequest.Backup backup = CollectionAdminRequest.backupCollection(collectionName, backupName).setLocation(backupLocation).setCommitName(commitName);
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
assertEquals(0, backup.process(solrClient).getStatus());
} else {
assertEquals(RequestStatusState.COMPLETED, backup.processAndWait(solrClient, 30));
// Restore backup.
CollectionAdminRequest.Restore restore = CollectionAdminRequest.restoreCollection(restoreCollectionName, backupName).setLocation(backupLocation);
if (replicaFailures) {
// In this case one of the Solr servers would be down. Hence we need to increase
// max_shards_per_node property for restore command to succeed.
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
assertEquals(0, restore.process(solrClient).getStatus());
} else {
assertEquals(RequestStatusState.COMPLETED, restore.processAndWait(solrClient, 30));
AbstractDistribZkTestBase.waitForRecoveriesToFinish(restoreCollectionName, cluster.getSolrClient().getZkStateReader(), log.isDebugEnabled(), true, 30);
BackupRestoreUtils.verifyDocs(nDocs, solrClient, restoreCollectionName);
// Verify if the snapshot deletion works correctly when one or more replicas containing the snapshot are
// deleted
boolean replicaDeletion = rarely();
if (replicaDeletion) {
CoreSnapshotMetaData replicaToDelete = null;
for (String shardId : meta.getShards()) {
List<CoreSnapshotMetaData> replicas = meta.getReplicaSnapshotsForShard(shardId);
if (replicas.size() > 1) {
int r_index = random().nextInt(replicas.size());
replicaToDelete = replicas.get(r_index);
if (replicaToDelete != null) {
collectionState = solrClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getCollection(collectionName);
for (Slice s : collectionState.getSlices()) {
for (Replica r : s.getReplicas()) {
if (r.getCoreName().equals(replicaToDelete.getCoreName())) {"Deleting replica {}", r);
CollectionAdminRequest.DeleteReplica delReplica = CollectionAdminRequest.deleteReplica(collectionName, replicaToDelete.getShardId(), r.getName());
// The replica deletion will cleanup the snapshot meta-data.
// Delete snapshot
CollectionAdminRequest.DeleteSnapshot deleteSnap = new CollectionAdminRequest.DeleteSnapshot(collectionName, commitName);
// Wait for a while so that the clusterstate.json updates are propagated to the client side.
collectionState = solrClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getCollection(collectionName);
for (Slice shard : collectionState.getActiveSlices()) {
for (Replica replica : shard.getReplicas()) {
if (stoppedCoreName.isPresent() && stoppedCoreName.get().equals(replica.getCoreName())) {
// We know that the snapshot was not created for this replica.
String replicaBaseUrl = replica.getStr(BASE_URL_PROP);
String coreName = replica.getStr(ZkStateReader.CORE_NAME_PROP);
try (SolrClient adminClient = getHttpSolrClient(replicaBaseUrl)) {
Collection<SnapshotMetaData> snapshots = listCoreSnapshots(adminClient, coreName);
Optional<SnapshotMetaData> metaData = -> commitName.equals(x.getName())).findFirst();
assertFalse("Snapshot not deleted for core " + coreName, metaData.isPresent());
// Remove the entry for core if the snapshot is deleted successfully.
// Verify all core-level snapshots are deleted.
assertTrue("The cores remaining " + snapshotByCoreName, snapshotByCoreName.isEmpty());
assertTrue(listCollectionSnapshots(solrClient, collectionName).isEmpty());
// Verify if the collection deletion result in proper cleanup of snapshot metadata.
String commitName_2 = commitName + "_2";
CollectionAdminRequest.CreateSnapshot createSnap_2 = new CollectionAdminRequest.CreateSnapshot(collectionName, commitName_2);
assertEquals(0, createSnap_2.process(solrClient).getStatus());
Collection<CollectionSnapshotMetaData> collectionSnaps_2 = listCollectionSnapshots(solrClient, collectionName);
assertEquals(1, collectionSnaps.size());
assertEquals(commitName_2, collectionSnaps_2.iterator().next().getName());
// Delete collection
CollectionAdminRequest.Delete deleteCol = CollectionAdminRequest.deleteCollection(collectionName);
assertEquals(0, deleteCol.process(solrClient).getStatus());
assertTrue(SolrSnapshotManager.listSnapshots(solrClient.getZkStateReader().getZkClient(), collectionName).isEmpty());
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestSolrCoreSnapshots method deleteSnapshot.
private void deleteSnapshot(SolrClient adminClient, String coreName, String commitName) throws Exception {
DeleteSnapshot req = new DeleteSnapshot(commitName);
Collection<SnapshotMetaData> snapshots = listSnapshots(adminClient, coreName);
assertFalse( -> commitName.equals(x.getName())).findFirst().isPresent());