use of org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class ExitableDirectoryReaderTest method testCacheAssumptions.
// There are lots of assumptions about how/when cache entries should be changed in this method. The
// simple case above shows the root problem without the confusion. testFilterSimpleCase should be
// removed once it is running and this test should be un-ignored and the assumptions verified.
// With all the weirdness, I'm not going to vouch for this test. Feel free to change it.
public void testCacheAssumptions() throws Exception {
String fq = "name:d*";
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
MetricsMap filterCacheStats = (MetricsMap) core.getCoreMetricManager().getRegistry().getMetrics().get("CACHE.searcher.filterCache");
long fqInserts = (long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts");
MetricsMap queryCacheStats = (MetricsMap) core.getCoreMetricManager().getRegistry().getMetrics().get("CACHE.searcher.queryResultCache");
long qrInserts = (long) queryCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts");
// This gets 0 docs back. Use 10000 instead of 1 for timeAllowed and it gets 100 back and the for loop below
// succeeds.
String response = JQ(req("q", "*:*", "fq", fq, "indent", "true", "timeAllowed", "1", "sleep", sleep));
Map res = (Map) ObjectBuilder.fromJSON(response);
Map body = (Map) (res.get("response"));
assertTrue("Should have fewer docs than " + NUM_DOCS, (long) (body.get("numFound")) < NUM_DOCS);
Map header = (Map) (res.get("responseHeader"));
assertTrue("Should have partial results", (Boolean) (header.get(SolrQueryResponse.RESPONSE_HEADER_PARTIAL_RESULTS_KEY)));
assertEquals("Should NOT have inserted partial results in the cache!", (long) queryCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts"), qrInserts);
assertEquals("Should NOT have another insert", fqInserts, (long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts"));
// At the end of all this, we should have no hits in the queryResultCache.
response = JQ(req("q", "*:*", "fq", fq, "indent", "true", "timeAllowed", longTimeout));
// Check that we did insert this one.
assertEquals("Hits should still be 0", (long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits"), 0L);
assertEquals("Inserts should be bumped", (long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts"), fqInserts + 1);
res = (Map) ObjectBuilder.fromJSON(response);
body = (Map) (res.get("response"));
assertEquals("Should have exactly " + NUM_DOCS, (long) (body.get("numFound")), NUM_DOCS);
header = (Map) (res.get("responseHeader"));
assertTrue("Should NOT have partial results", header.get(SolrQueryResponse.RESPONSE_HEADER_PARTIAL_RESULTS_KEY) == null);
use of org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class HdfsDirectoryFactoryTest method testLocalityReporter.
public void testLocalityReporter() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = HdfsTestUtil.getClientConfiguration(dfsCluster);
conf.set("dfs.permissions.enabled", "false");
Random r = random();
HdfsDirectoryFactory factory = new HdfsDirectoryFactory();
SolrMetricManager metricManager = new SolrMetricManager();
String registry = TestUtil.randomSimpleString(r, 2, 10);
String scope = TestUtil.randomSimpleString(r, 2, 10);
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
props.put(HdfsDirectoryFactory.HDFS_HOME, HdfsTestUtil.getURI(dfsCluster) + "/solr");
props.put(HdfsDirectoryFactory.BLOCKCACHE_ENABLED, "false");
props.put(HdfsDirectoryFactory.NRTCACHINGDIRECTORY_ENABLE, "false");
props.put(HdfsDirectoryFactory.LOCALITYMETRICS_ENABLED, "true");
factory.init(new NamedList<>(props));
factory.initializeMetrics(metricManager, registry, scope);
// get the metrics map for the locality bean
MetricsMap metrics = (MetricsMap) metricManager.registry(registry).getMetrics().get("OTHER." + scope + ".hdfsLocality");
// We haven't done anything, so there should be no data
Map<String, Object> statistics = metrics.getValue();
assertEquals("Saw bytes that were not written: " + statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BYTES_TOTAL), 0l, statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BYTES_TOTAL));
assertEquals("Counted bytes as local when none written: " + statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BYTES_RATIO), 0, statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BYTES_RATIO));
// create a directory and a file
String path = HdfsTestUtil.getURI(dfsCluster) + "/solr3/";
Directory dir = factory.create(path, NoLockFactory.INSTANCE, DirContext.DEFAULT);
try (IndexOutput writer = dir.createOutput("output", null)) {
final long long_bytes = Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE;
// no locality because hostname not set
statistics = metrics.getValue();
assertEquals("Wrong number of total bytes counted: " + statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BYTES_TOTAL), long_bytes, statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BYTES_TOTAL));
assertEquals("Wrong number of total blocks counted: " + statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BLOCKS_TOTAL), 1, statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BLOCKS_TOTAL));
assertEquals("Counted block as local when bad hostname set: " + statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BLOCKS_LOCAL), 0, statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BLOCKS_LOCAL));
// set hostname and check again
statistics = metrics.getValue();
assertEquals("Did not count block as local after setting hostname: " + statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BYTES_LOCAL), long_bytes, statistics.get(HdfsLocalityReporter.LOCALITY_BYTES_LOCAL));
use of org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class BJQParserTest method testCacheHit.
public void testCacheHit() throws IOException {
MetricsMap parentFilterCache = (MetricsMap) h.getCore().getCoreMetricManager().getRegistry().getMetrics().get("CACHE.searcher.perSegFilter");
MetricsMap filterCache = (MetricsMap) h.getCore().getCoreMetricManager().getRegistry().getMetrics().get("CACHE.searcher.filterCache");
Map<String, Object> parentsBefore = parentFilterCache.getValue();
Map<String, Object> filtersBefore = filterCache.getValue();
// it should be weird enough to be uniq
String parentFilter = "parent_s:([a TO c] [d TO f])";
assertQ("search by parent filter", req("q", "{!parent which=\"" + parentFilter + "\"}"), "//*[@numFound='6']");
assertQ("filter by parent filter", req("q", "*:*", "fq", "{!parent which=\"" + parentFilter + "\"}"), "//*[@numFound='6']");
assertEquals("didn't hit fqCache yet ", 0L, delta("hits", filterCache.getValue(), filtersBefore));
assertQ("filter by join", req("q", "*:*", "fq", "{!parent which=\"" + parentFilter + "\"}child_s:l"), "//*[@numFound='6']");
assertEquals("in cache mode every request lookups", 3, delta("lookups", parentFilterCache.getValue(), parentsBefore));
assertEquals("last two lookups causes hits", 2, delta("hits", parentFilterCache.getValue(), parentsBefore));
assertEquals("the first lookup gets insert", 1, delta("inserts", parentFilterCache.getValue(), parentsBefore));
assertEquals("true join query is cached in fqCache", 1L, delta("lookups", filterCache.getValue(), filtersBefore));
use of org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestScoreJoinQPScore method testCacheHit.
public void testCacheHit() throws Exception {
Map<String, Metric> metrics = h.getCoreContainer().getMetricManager().registry(h.getCore().getCoreMetricManager().getRegistryName()).getMetrics();
MetricsMap mm = (MetricsMap) metrics.get("CACHE.searcher.queryResultCache");
Map<String, Object> statPre = mm.getValue();
h.query(req("q", "{!join from=movieId_s to=id score=Avg}title:first", "fl", "id", "omitHeader", "true"));
assertHitOrInsert(mm.getValue(), statPre);
Map<String, Object> statPre = mm.getValue();
h.query(req("q", "{!join from=movieId_s to=id score=Avg}title:first", "fl", "id", "omitHeader", "true"));
assertHit(mm.getValue(), statPre);
Map<String, Object> statPre = mm.getValue();
Random r = random();
boolean changed = false;
boolean x = false;
String from = (x = r.nextBoolean()) ? "id" : "movieId_s";
changed |= x;
String to = (x = r.nextBoolean()) ? "movieId_s" : "id";
changed |= x;
String score = (x = r.nextBoolean()) ? not(ScoreMode.Avg).name() : "Avg";
changed |= x;
/* till SOLR-7814
* String boost = (x = r.nextBoolean()) ? "23" : "1";
changed |= x; */
String q = (!changed) ? (r.nextBoolean() ? "title:first^67" : "title:night") : "title:first";
final String resp = h.query(req("q", "{!join from=" + from + " to=" + to + " score=" + score + //" b=" + boost +
"}" + q, "fl", "id", "omitHeader", "true"));
assertInsert(mm.getValue(), statPre);
statPre = mm.getValue();
final String repeat = h.query(req("q", "{!join from=" + from + " to=" + to + " score=" + score.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) + //" b=" + boost
"}" + q, "fl", "id", "omitHeader", "true"));
assertHit(mm.getValue(), statPre);
assertEquals("lowercase shouldn't change anything", resp, repeat);
final String aMod = score.substring(0, score.length() - 1);
assertQEx("exception on " + aMod, "ScoreMode", req("q", "{!join from=" + from + " to=" + to + " score=" + aMod + "}" + q, "fl", "id", "omitHeader", "true"), SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
// this queries are not overlap, with other in this test case.
// however it might be better to extract this method into the separate suite
// for a while let's nuke a cache content, in case of repetitions
SolrCache cache = (SolrCache) h.getCore().getInfoRegistry().get("queryResultCache");
use of org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestSolrFieldCacheBean method assertEntryListNotIncluded.
private void assertEntryListNotIncluded(boolean checkJmx) {
SolrFieldCacheBean mbean = new SolrFieldCacheBean();
Random r = random();
String registryName = TestUtil.randomSimpleString(r, 1, 10);
SolrMetricManager metricManager = h.getCoreContainer().getMetricManager();
mbean.initializeMetrics(metricManager, registryName, null);
MetricsMap metricsMap = (MetricsMap) metricManager.registry(registryName).getMetrics().get("CACHE.fieldCache");
Map<String, Object> metrics = checkJmx ? metricsMap.getValue(true) : metricsMap.getValue();
assertTrue(((Number) metrics.get("entries_count")).longValue() > 0);