use of org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class ExitableDirectoryReaderTest method testQueryResults.
// When looking at a problem raised on the user's list I ran across this anomaly with timeAllowed
// This tests for the second query NOT returning partial results, along with some other
public void testQueryResults() throws Exception {
String q = "name:e*";
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
MetricsMap queryCacheStats = (MetricsMap) core.getCoreMetricManager().getRegistry().getMetrics().get("CACHE.searcher.queryResultCache");
Map<String, Object> nl = queryCacheStats.getValue();
long inserts = (long) nl.get("inserts");
String response = JQ(req("q", q, "indent", "true", "timeAllowed", "1", "sleep", sleep));
// The queryResultCache should NOT get an entry here.
nl = queryCacheStats.getValue();
assertEquals("Should NOT have inserted partial results!", inserts, (long) nl.get("inserts"));
Map res = (Map) ObjectBuilder.fromJSON(response);
Map body = (Map) (res.get("response"));
Map header = (Map) (res.get("responseHeader"));
assertTrue("Should have fewer docs than " + NUM_DOCS, (long) (body.get("numFound")) < NUM_DOCS);
assertTrue("Should have partial results", (Boolean) (header.get(SolrQueryResponse.RESPONSE_HEADER_PARTIAL_RESULTS_KEY)));
response = JQ(req("q", q, "indent", "true", "timeAllowed", longTimeout));
// Check that we did insert this one.
Map<String, Object> nl2 = queryCacheStats.getValue();
assertEquals("Hits should still be 0", (long) nl.get("hits"), (long) nl2.get("hits"));
assertTrue("Inserts should be bumped", inserts < (long) nl2.get("inserts"));
res = (Map) ObjectBuilder.fromJSON(response);
body = (Map) (res.get("response"));
header = (Map) (res.get("responseHeader"));
assertEquals("Should have exactly " + NUM_DOCS, NUM_DOCS, (long) (body.get("numFound")));
Boolean test = (Boolean) (header.get(SolrQueryResponse.RESPONSE_HEADER_PARTIAL_RESULTS_KEY));
if (test != null) {
assertFalse("Should NOT have partial results", test);
use of org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class MockInfoBean method initializeMetrics.
public void initializeMetrics(SolrMetricManager manager, String registryName, String scope) {
registry = manager.registry(registryName);
MetricsMap metricsMap = new MetricsMap((detailed, map) -> {
map.put("Integer", 123);
map.put("Double", 567.534);
map.put("Long", 32352463l);
map.put("Short", (short) 32768);
map.put("Byte", (byte) 254);
map.put("Float", 3.456f);
map.put("String", "testing");
map.put("Object", new Object());
manager.registerGauge(this, registryName, metricsMap, true, getClass().getSimpleName(), getCategory().toString(), scope);
use of org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestSolrFieldCacheBean method assertEntryListIncluded.
private void assertEntryListIncluded(boolean checkJmx) {
SolrFieldCacheBean mbean = new SolrFieldCacheBean();
Random r = random();
String registryName = TestUtil.randomSimpleString(r, 1, 10);
SolrMetricManager metricManager = h.getCoreContainer().getMetricManager();
mbean.initializeMetrics(metricManager, registryName, null);
MetricsMap metricsMap = (MetricsMap) metricManager.registry(registryName).getMetrics().get("CACHE.fieldCache");
Map<String, Object> metrics = checkJmx ? metricsMap.getValue(true) : metricsMap.getValue();
assertTrue(((Number) metrics.get("entries_count")).longValue() > 0);
use of org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestSolrQueryParser method testFilter.
public void testFilter() throws Exception {
// normal test "solrconfig.xml" has autowarm set to 2...
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
assertJQ(req("q", "*:* " + i, "fq", "filter(just_to_clear_the_cache) filter(id:10000" + i + ") filter(id:10001" + i + ")"), "/response/numFound==0");
assertU(adoc("id", "777"));
// arg... commit no longer "commits" unless there has been a change.
final MetricsMap filterCacheStats = (MetricsMap) h.getCore().getCoreMetricManager().getRegistry().getMetrics().get("CACHE.searcher.filterCache");
final MetricsMap queryCacheStats = (MetricsMap) h.getCore().getCoreMetricManager().getRegistry().getMetrics().get("CACHE.searcher.queryResultCache");
long inserts = (Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts");
long hits = (Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits");
assertJQ(req("q", "doesnotexist filter(id:1) filter(qqq_s:X) filter(abcdefg)"), "/response/numFound==2");
inserts += 3;
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
assertJQ(req("q", "doesnotexist2 filter(id:1) filter(qqq_s:X) filter(abcdefg)"), "/response/numFound==2");
hits += 3;
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
// make sure normal "fq" parameters also hit the cache the same way
assertJQ(req("q", "doesnotexist3", "fq", "id:1", "fq", "qqq_s:X", "fq", "abcdefg"), "/response/numFound==0");
hits += 3;
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
// try a query deeply nested in a FQ
assertJQ(req("q", "*:* doesnotexist4", "fq", "(id:* +(filter(id:1) filter(qqq_s:X) filter(abcdefg)) )"), "/response/numFound==2");
// +1 for top level fq
inserts += 1;
hits += 3;
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
// retry the complex FQ and make sure hashCode/equals works as expected w/ filter queries
assertJQ(req("q", "*:* doesnotexist5", "fq", "(id:* +(filter(id:1) filter(qqq_s:X) filter(abcdefg)) )"), "/response/numFound==2");
// top-level fq should have been found.
hits += 1;
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
// try nested filter with multiple top-level args (i.e. a boolean query)
assertJQ(req("q", "*:* +filter(id:1 filter(qqq_s:X) abcdefg)"), "/response/numFound==2");
// the inner filter
hits += 1;
// the outer filter
inserts += 1;
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
// test the score for a filter, and that default score is 0
assertJQ(req("q", "+filter(*:*) +filter(id:1)", "fl", "id,score", "sort", "id asc"), "/response/docs/[0]/score==0.0");
assertJQ(req("q", "+filter(*:*)^=10 +filter(id:1)", "fl", "id,score", "sort", "id asc"), "/response/docs/[0]/score==10.0");
use of org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestFastLRUCache method testSimple.
public void testSimple() throws IOException {
FastLRUCache sc = new FastLRUCache();
sc.initializeMetrics(metricManager, registry, scope);
Map l = new HashMap();
l.put("size", "100");
l.put("initialSize", "10");
l.put("autowarmCount", "25");
CacheRegenerator cr = new NoOpRegenerator();
Object o = sc.init(l, null, cr);
for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) {
sc.put(i + 1, "" + (i + 1));
assertEquals("25", sc.get(25));
assertEquals(null, sc.get(110));
MetricsMap metrics = sc.getMetricsMap();
Map<String, Object> nl = metrics.getValue();
assertEquals(2L, nl.get("lookups"));
assertEquals(1L, nl.get("hits"));
assertEquals(101L, nl.get("inserts"));
// first item put in should be the first out
assertEquals(null, sc.get(1));
FastLRUCache scNew = new FastLRUCache();
scNew.initializeMetrics(metricManager, registry, scope);
scNew.init(l, o, cr);
scNew.warm(null, sc);
scNew.put(103, "103");
assertEquals("90", scNew.get(90));
assertEquals(null, scNew.get(50));
nl = scNew.getMetricsMap().getValue();
assertEquals(2L, nl.get("lookups"));
assertEquals(1L, nl.get("hits"));
assertEquals(1L, nl.get("inserts"));
assertEquals(0L, nl.get("evictions"));
assertEquals(5L, nl.get("cumulative_lookups"));
assertEquals(2L, nl.get("cumulative_hits"));
assertEquals(102L, nl.get("cumulative_inserts"));