use of in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestRestManager method testManagedResourceRegistrationAndInitialization.
* Test RestManager initialization and handling of registered ManagedResources.
public void testManagedResourceRegistrationAndInitialization() throws Exception {
// first, we need to register some ManagedResources, which is done with the registry
// provided by the SolrResourceLoader
SolrResourceLoader loader = new SolrResourceLoader(Paths.get("./"));
RestManager.Registry registry = loader.getManagedResourceRegistry();
assertNotNull("Expected a non-null RestManager.Registry from the SolrResourceLoader!", registry);
String resourceId = "/config/test/foo";
registry.registerManagedResource(resourceId, ManagedWordSetResource.class, new MockAnalysisComponent());
// verify the two different components can register the same ManagedResource in the registry
registry.registerManagedResource(resourceId, ManagedWordSetResource.class, new MockAnalysisComponent());
// verify we can register another resource under a different resourceId
registry.registerManagedResource("/config/test/foo2", ManagedWordSetResource.class, new MockAnalysisComponent());
ignoreException("REST API path .* already registered to instances of ");
String failureMessage = "Should not be able to register a different" + " ManagedResource implementation for {}";
// of ManagedResource implementation under the same resourceId
try {
registry.registerManagedResource(resourceId, BogusManagedResource.class, new MockAnalysisComponent());
fail(String.format(Locale.ROOT, failureMessage, resourceId));
} catch (SolrException solrExc) {
// expected output
ignoreException("is a reserved endpoint used by the Solr REST API!");
failureMessage = "Should not be able to register reserved endpoint {}";
// verify that already-spoken-for REST API endpoints can't be registered
Set<String> reservedEndpoints = registry.getReservedEndpoints();
assertTrue(reservedEndpoints.size() > 2);
assertTrue(reservedEndpoints.contains(RestManager.SCHEMA_BASE_PATH + RestManager.MANAGED_ENDPOINT));
for (String endpoint : reservedEndpoints) {
try {
registry.registerManagedResource(endpoint, BogusManagedResource.class, new MockAnalysisComponent());
fail(String.format(Locale.ROOT, failureMessage, endpoint));
} catch (SolrException solrExc) {
// expected output
// also try to register already-spoken-for REST API endpoints with a child segment
endpoint += "/kid";
try {
registry.registerManagedResource(endpoint, BogusManagedResource.class, new MockAnalysisComponent());
fail(String.format(Locale.ROOT, failureMessage, endpoint));
} catch (SolrException solrExc) {
// expected output
NamedList<String> initArgs = new NamedList<>();
RestManager restManager = new RestManager();
restManager.init(loader, initArgs, new ManagedResourceStorage.InMemoryStorageIO());
ManagedResource res = restManager.getManagedResource(resourceId);
assertTrue(res instanceof ManagedWordSetResource);
assertEquals(res.getResourceId(), resourceId);
// exception if it isn't registered