use of org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestFacetMethods method testTextMultiValuedNoDV.
public void testTextMultiValuedNoDV() {
SchemaField field = new SchemaField("field", new StrField(), MULTIVALUED, null);
// default is FC, can't use FCS for multivalued fields, UIF rewrites to FC for mincount = 0
assertEquals(SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.FC, SimpleFacets.selectFacetMethod(field, null, 0));
assertEquals(SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.ENUM, SimpleFacets.selectFacetMethod(field, SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.ENUM, 0));
assertEquals(SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.FC, SimpleFacets.selectFacetMethod(field, SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.FCS, 0));
assertEquals(SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.FC, SimpleFacets.selectFacetMethod(field, SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.UIF, 0));
assertEquals(SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.FC, SimpleFacets.selectFacetMethod(field, SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.FC, 0));
assertEquals(SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.FC, SimpleFacets.selectFacetMethod(field, null, 1));
assertEquals(SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.ENUM, SimpleFacets.selectFacetMethod(field, SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.ENUM, 1));
assertEquals(SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.FC, SimpleFacets.selectFacetMethod(field, SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.FCS, 1));
assertEquals(SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.UIF, SimpleFacets.selectFacetMethod(field, SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.UIF, 1));
assertEquals(SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.FC, SimpleFacets.selectFacetMethod(field, SimpleFacets.FacetMethod.FC, 1));
use of org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class SimpleFacetsTest method doEmptyFacetCounts.
static void doEmptyFacetCounts(String field, String[] prefixes) throws Exception {
SchemaField sf = h.getCore().getLatestSchema().getField(field);
String response = JQ(req("q", "*:*"));
Map rsp = (Map) ObjectBuilder.fromJSON(response);
Long numFound = (Long) (((Map) rsp.get("response")).get("numFound"));
ModifiableSolrParams params = params("q", "*:*", "rows", "0", "facet", "true", "facet.field", "{!key=myalias}" + field);
String[] methods = { null, "fc", "enum", "fcs", "uif" };
if (sf.multiValued() || sf.getType().multiValuedFieldCache()) {
methods = new String[] { null, "fc", "enum", "uif" };
prefixes = prefixes == null ? new String[] { null } : prefixes;
for (String method : methods) {
if (method == null) {
} else {
params.set("facet.method", method);
for (String prefix : prefixes) {
if (prefix == null) {
} else {
params.set("facet.prefix", prefix);
for (String missing : new String[] { null, "true" }) {
if (missing == null) {
} else {
params.set("facet.missing", missing);
String expected = missing == null ? "[]" : "[null," + numFound + "]";
assertJQ(req(params), "/facet_counts/facet_fields/myalias==" + expected);
use of org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class StatsComponentTest method testFieldStatisticsDocValuesAndMultiValuedIntegerFacetStats.
public void testFieldStatisticsDocValuesAndMultiValuedIntegerFacetStats() throws Exception {
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
String fieldName = "cat_intDocValues";
// precondition for the test
SchemaField catDocValues = core.getLatestSchema().getField(fieldName);
assertTrue("schema no longer satisfies test requirements: cat_docValues no longer multivalued", catDocValues.multiValued());
assertTrue("schema no longer satisfies test requirements: cat_docValues fieldtype no longer single valued", !catDocValues.getType().isMultiValued());
assertTrue("schema no longer satisfies test requirements: cat_docValues no longer has docValues", catDocValues.hasDocValues());
List<FldType> types = new ArrayList<>();
types.add(new FldType("id", ONE_ONE, new SVal('A', 'Z', 4, 4)));
types.add(new FldType(fieldName, ONE_ONE, new IRange(0, 0)));
Doc d1 = createDocValuesDocument(types, fieldName, "1", -1, 3, 5);
updateJ(toJSON(d1), null);
Doc d2 = createDocValuesDocument(types, fieldName, "2", 3, -2, 6);
updateJ(toJSON(d2), null);
Doc d3 = createDocValuesDocument(types, fieldName, "3", 16, -3, 11);
updateJ(toJSON(d3), null);
Map<String, String> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put(CommonParams.Q, "*:*");
args.put(StatsParams.STATS, "true");
args.put(StatsParams.STATS_FIELD, fieldName);
args.put(StatsParams.STATS_FACET, fieldName);
args.put(StatsParams.STATS_CALC_DISTINCT, "true");
args.put("indent", "true");
SolrQueryRequest req = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(core, new MapSolrParams(args));
assertQEx("can not use FieldCache on multivalued field: cat_intDocValues", req, 400);
use of org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class StatsComponentTest method testFieldStatisticsDocValuesAndMultiValuedInteger.
public void testFieldStatisticsDocValuesAndMultiValuedInteger() throws Exception {
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
String fieldName = "cat_intDocValues";
// precondition for the test
SchemaField catDocValues = core.getLatestSchema().getField(fieldName);
assertTrue("schema no longer satisfies test requirements: cat_docValues no longer multivalued", catDocValues.multiValued());
assertTrue("schema no longer satisfies test requirements: cat_docValues fieldtype no longer single valued", !catDocValues.getType().isMultiValued());
assertTrue("schema no longer satisfies test requirements: cat_docValues no longer has docValues", catDocValues.hasDocValues());
List<FldType> types = new ArrayList<>();
types.add(new FldType("id", ONE_ONE, new SVal('A', 'Z', 4, 4)));
types.add(new FldType(fieldName, ONE_ONE, new IRange(0, 0)));
Doc d1 = createDocValuesDocument(types, fieldName, "1", -1, 3, 5);
updateJ(toJSON(d1), null);
Doc d2 = createDocValuesDocument(types, fieldName, "2", 3, -2, 6);
updateJ(toJSON(d2), null);
Doc d3 = createDocValuesDocument(types, fieldName, "3", 16, -3, 11);
updateJ(toJSON(d3), null);
Map<String, String> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put(CommonParams.Q, "*:*");
args.put(StatsParams.STATS, "true");
args.put(StatsParams.STATS_FIELD, fieldName);
args.put(StatsParams.STATS_CALC_DISTINCT, "true");
args.put("indent", "true");
SolrQueryRequest req = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(core, new MapSolrParams(args));
assertQ("test min/max on docValues and multiValued", req, "//lst[@name='" + fieldName + "']/double[@name='min'][.='-3.0']", "//lst[@name='" + fieldName + "']/double[@name='max'][.='16.0']", "//lst[@name='" + fieldName + "']/long[@name='count'][.='12']", "//lst[@name='" + fieldName + "']/long[@name='countDistinct'][.='9']", "//lst[@name='" + fieldName + "']/double[@name='sum'][.='38.0']", "//lst[@name='" + fieldName + "']/double[@name='mean'][.='3.1666666666666665']", "//lst[@name='" + fieldName + "']/double[@name='stddev'][.='5.638074031784151']", "//lst[@name='" + fieldName + "']/double[@name='sumOfSquares'][.='470.0']", "//lst[@name='" + fieldName + "']/long[@name='missing'][.='0']");
assertQ("cardinality", req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "stats.field", "{!cardinality=true}" + fieldName), "//lst[@name='" + fieldName + "']/long[@name='cardinality'][.='9']");
use of org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class StatsComponentTest method testHllOptionsErrors.
* Test user input errors (split into it's own test to isolate ignored exceptions
* @see #testCardinality
* @see #testHllOptions
public void testHllOptionsErrors() throws Exception {
String[] baseParams = new String[] { "q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "indent", "true", "rows", "0" };
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
SchemaField foo_s = core.getLatestSchema().getField("foo_s");
SchemaField foo_i = core.getLatestSchema().getField("foo_i");
for (SchemaField field : new SchemaField[] { foo_s, foo_i }) {
// whitebox - field
try {
HllOptions.parseHllOptions(params("cardinality", "true", "hllPreHashed", "true"), field);
fail("hllPreHashed should have failed for " + field.getName());
} catch (SolrException e) {
assertTrue("MSG: " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("hllPreHashed is only supported with Long"));
// blackbox - field
assertQEx("hllPreHashed " + field.getName(), "hllPreHashed is only supported with Long", req(params("stats.field", "{!cardinality=true hllPreHashed=true}" + field.getName()), baseParams), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
// whitebox - function
try {
HllOptions.parseHllOptions(params("cardinality", "true", "hllPreHashed", "true"), null);
fail("hllPreHashed should have failed for function");
} catch (SolrException e) {
assertTrue("MSG: " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("hllPreHashed is only supported with Long"));
// blackbox - function
assertQEx("hllPreHashed function", "hllPreHashed is only supported with Long", req(params("stats.field", "{!func cardinality=true hllPreHashed=true}sum(foo_i,foo_l)"), baseParams), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
for (String invalid : new String[] { "-1", "1.1", "100" }) {
// whitebox
try {
Object trash = HllOptions.parseHllOptions(params("cardinality", invalid), foo_s);
fail("Should have failed: " + invalid);
} catch (SolrException e) {
assertTrue("MSG: " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("number between 0 and 1"));
// blackbox
assertQEx("cardinality=" + invalid, "number between 0 and 1", req(params("stats.field", "{!cardinality=" + invalid + "}foo_s"), baseParams), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
ignoreException("hllLog2m must be");
for (int invalid : new int[] { HLL.MINIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM - 1, HLL.MAXIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM + 11 }) {
// whitebox
try {
Object trash = HllOptions.parseHllOptions(params("cardinality", "true", "hllLog2m", "" + invalid), foo_s);
fail("Should have failed: " + invalid);
} catch (SolrException e) {
assertTrue("MSG: " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("hllLog2m must be"));
// blackbox
assertQEx("hllLog2m=" + invalid, "hllLog2m must be", req(params("stats.field", "{!cardinality=true hllLog2m=" + invalid + "}foo_s"), baseParams), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
ignoreException("hllRegwidth must be");
for (int invalid : new int[] { HLL.MINIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM - 1, HLL.MAXIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM + 1 }) {
// whitebox
try {
Object trash = HllOptions.parseHllOptions(params("cardinality", "true", "hllRegwidth", "" + invalid), foo_s);
fail("Should have failed: " + invalid);
} catch (SolrException e) {
assertTrue("MSG: " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("hllRegwidth must be"));
// blackbox
assertQEx("hllRegwidth=" + invalid, "hllRegwidth must be", req(params("stats.field", "{!cardinality=true hllRegwidth=" + invalid + "}foo_s"), baseParams), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);