use of org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class StatsComponentTest method testIndividualStatLocalParams.
public void testIndividualStatLocalParams() throws Exception {
final String kpre = ExpectedStat.KPRE;
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "a_f", "2.3", "b_f", "9.7", "a_i", "9", "foo_t", "how now brown cow"));
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
SchemaField field = core.getLatestSchema().getField("a_i");
HllOptions hllOpts = HllOptions.parseHllOptions(params("cardinality", "true"), field);
HLL hll = hllOpts.newHLL();
HashFunction hasher = hllOpts.getHasher();
AVLTreeDigest tdigest = new AVLTreeDigest(100);
// some quick sanity check assertions...
// trivial check that we only get the exact 2 we ask for
assertQ("ask for and get only 2 stats", req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "stats.field", "{!key=k mean=true min=true}a_i"), kpre + "double[@name='mean'][.='9.0']", kpre + "double[@name='min'][.='9.0']", "count(" + kpre + "*)=2");
// for stats that are true/false, sanity check false does it's job
assertQ("min=true & max=false: only min should come back", req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "stats.field", "{!key=k max=false min=true}a_i"), kpre + "double[@name='min'][.='9.0']", "count(" + kpre + "*)=1");
assertQ("min=false: localparam stat means ignore default set, " + "but since only local param is false no stats should be returned", req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "stats.field", "{!key=k min=false}a_i"), // section of stats for this field should exist ...
XPRE + "lst[@name='stats_fields']/lst[@name='k']", // ...but be empty
"count(" + kpre + "*)=0");
double sum = 0;
double sumOfSquares = 0;
final int count = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int a_i = i % 10;
assertU(adoc("id", String.valueOf(i), "a_f", "2.3", "b_f", "9.7", "a_i", String.valueOf(a_i), "foo_t", "how now brown cow"));
sum += a_i;
sumOfSquares += (a_i) * (a_i);
double stddev = Math.sqrt(((count * sumOfSquares) - (sum * sum)) / (20 * (count - 1.0D)));
ByteBuffer tdigestBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(tdigest.smallByteSize());
byte[] hllBytes = hll.toBytes();
EnumSet<Stat> allStats = EnumSet.allOf(Stat.class);
final List<ExpectedStat> expected = new ArrayList<ExpectedStat>(allStats.size());
ExpectedStat.createSimple(Stat.min, "true", "double", "0.0");
ExpectedStat.createSimple(Stat.max, "true", "double", "9.0");
ExpectedStat.createSimple(Stat.missing, "true", "long", "0");
ExpectedStat.createSimple(Stat.sum, "true", "double", String.valueOf(sum));
ExpectedStat.createSimple(Stat.count, "true", "long", String.valueOf(count));
ExpectedStat.createSimple(Stat.mean, "true", "double", String.valueOf(sum / count));
ExpectedStat.createSimple(Stat.sumOfSquares, "true", "double", String.valueOf(sumOfSquares));
ExpectedStat.createSimple(Stat.stddev, "true", "double", String.valueOf(stddev));
final String distinctValsXpath = "count(" + kpre + "arr[@name='distinctValues']/*)=10";
ExpectedStat.create(Stat.distinctValues, "true", Collections.singletonList(distinctValsXpath), Collections.singletonList(distinctValsXpath));
ExpectedStat.createSimple(Stat.countDistinct, "true", "long", "10");
final String percentileShardXpath = kpre + "str[@name='percentiles'][.='" + Base64.byteArrayToBase64(tdigestBuf.array(), 0, tdigestBuf.array().length) + "']";
final String p90 = "" + tdigest.quantile(0.90D);
final String p99 = "" + tdigest.quantile(0.99D);
ExpectedStat.create(Stat.percentiles, "'90, 99'", Collections.singletonList(percentileShardXpath), Arrays.asList("count(" + kpre + "lst[@name='percentiles']/*)=2", kpre + "lst[@name='percentiles']/double[@name='90.0'][.=" + p90 + "]", kpre + "lst[@name='percentiles']/double[@name='99.0'][.=" + p99 + "]"));
final String cardinalityShardXpath = kpre + "str[@name='cardinality'][.='" + Base64.byteArrayToBase64(hllBytes, 0, hllBytes.length) + "']";
final String cardinalityXpath = kpre + "long[@name='cardinality'][.='10']";
ExpectedStat.create(Stat.cardinality, "true", Collections.singletonList(cardinalityShardXpath), Collections.singletonList(cardinalityXpath));
// canary in the coal mine
assertEquals("num of ExpectedStat doesn't match all known stats; " + "enum was updated w/o updating test?", ExpectedStat.ALL.size(), allStats.size());
// whitebox test: explicitly ask for isShard=true with each individual stat
for (ExpectedStat expect : ExpectedStat.ALL.values()) {
Stat stat = expect.stat;
StringBuilder exclude = new StringBuilder();
List<String> testXpaths = new ArrayList<String>(5 + expect.perShardXpaths.size());
int numKeysExpected = 0;
EnumSet<Stat> distribDeps = stat.getDistribDeps();
for (Stat perShardDep : distribDeps) {
// the shard should return them since they are a dependency for the requested stat
if (!stat.equals(perShardDep)) {
// NOTE: this only works because all the cases where there are distribDeps
// beyond a self dependency are simple true/false options
exclude.append(perShardDep + "=false ");
// we don't want to find anything we aren't expecting
testXpaths.add("count(" + kpre + "*)=" + numKeysExpected);
assertQ("ask for only " + stat + ", with isShard=true, and expect only deps: " + distribDeps, req("q", "*:*", "isShard", "true", "stats", "true", "stats.field", "{!key=k " + exclude + stat + "=" + expect.input + "}a_i"), testXpaths.toArray(new String[testXpaths.size()]));
// test all the possible combinations (of all possible sizes) of stats params
for (int numParams = 1; numParams <= allStats.size(); numParams++) {
for (EnumSet<Stat> set : new StatSetCombinations(numParams, allStats)) {
// EnumSets use natural ordering, we want to randomize the order of the params
List<Stat> combo = new ArrayList<Stat>(set);
Collections.shuffle(combo, random());
StringBuilder paras = new StringBuilder("{!key=k ");
List<String> testXpaths = new ArrayList<String>(numParams + 5);
int numKeysExpected = 0;
for (Stat stat : combo) {
ExpectedStat expect = ExpectedStat.ALL.get(stat);
paras.append(stat + "=" + expect.input + " ");
// we don't want to find anything we aren't expecting
testXpaths.add("count(" + kpre + "*)=" + numKeysExpected);
assertQ("ask for and get only: " + combo, req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "stats.field", paras.toString()), testXpaths.toArray(new String[testXpaths.size()]));
use of org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class UninvertDocValuesMergePolicyTest method implUpdateSchemaField.
private static void implUpdateSchemaField(TestHarness h, String fieldName, IntUnaryOperator propertiesModifier) {
try (SolrCore core = h.getCoreInc()) {
// Add docvalues to the field type
IndexSchema schema = core.getLatestSchema();
SchemaField oldSchemaField = schema.getField(fieldName);
SchemaField newSchemaField = new SchemaField(fieldName, oldSchemaField.getType(), propertiesModifier.applyAsInt(oldSchemaField.getProperties()), oldSchemaField.getDefaultValue());
schema.getFields().put(fieldName, newSchemaField);
use of org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestIndexSearcher method getStringVal.
private String getStringVal(SolrQueryRequest sqr, String field, int doc) throws IOException {
SchemaField sf = sqr.getSchema().getField(field);
ValueSource vs = sf.getType().getValueSource(sf, null);
Map context = ValueSource.newContext(sqr.getSearcher());
vs.createWeight(context, sqr.getSearcher());
IndexReaderContext topReaderContext = sqr.getSearcher().getTopReaderContext();
List<LeafReaderContext> leaves = topReaderContext.leaves();
int idx = ReaderUtil.subIndex(doc, leaves);
LeafReaderContext leaf = leaves.get(idx);
FunctionValues vals = vs.getValues(context, leaf);
return vals.strVal(doc - leaf.docBase);
use of org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class SortSpecParsingTest method testSort.
public void testSort() throws Exception {
Sort sort;
SortSpec spec;
SolrQueryRequest req = req();
sort = doParseSortSpec("score desc", req).getSort();
//only 1 thing in the list, no Sort specified
assertNull("sort", sort);
spec = doParseSortSpec("score desc", req);
assertNotNull("spec", spec);
assertEquals(0, spec.getSchemaFields().size());
// SOLR-4458 - using different case variations of asc and desc
sort = doParseSortSpec("score aSc", req).getSort();
SortField[] flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.SCORE);
spec = doParseSortSpec("score aSc", req);
flds = spec.getSort().getSort();
assertEquals(1, flds.length);
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.SCORE);
assertEquals(1, spec.getSchemaFields().size());
sort = doParseSortSpec("weight dEsC", req).getSort();
flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.FLOAT);
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "weight");
assertEquals(flds[0].getReverse(), true);
spec = doParseSortSpec("weight dEsC", req);
flds = spec.getSort().getSort();
assertEquals(1, flds.length);
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.FLOAT);
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "weight");
assertEquals(flds[0].getReverse(), true);
assertEquals(1, spec.getSchemaFields().size());
assertEquals("weight", spec.getSchemaFields().get(0).getName());
sort = doParseSortSpec("weight desc,bday ASC", req).getSort();
flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.FLOAT);
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "weight");
assertEquals(flds[0].getReverse(), true);
assertEquals(flds[1].getType(), SortField.Type.LONG);
assertEquals(flds[1].getField(), "bday");
assertEquals(flds[1].getReverse(), false);
//order aliases
sort = doParseSortSpec("weight top,bday asc", req).getSort();
flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.FLOAT);
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "weight");
assertEquals(flds[0].getReverse(), true);
assertEquals(flds[1].getType(), SortField.Type.LONG);
assertEquals(flds[1].getField(), "bday");
assertEquals(flds[1].getReverse(), false);
sort = doParseSortSpec("weight top,bday bottom", req).getSort();
flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.FLOAT);
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "weight");
assertEquals(flds[0].getReverse(), true);
assertEquals(flds[1].getType(), SortField.Type.LONG);
assertEquals(flds[1].getField(), "bday");
assertEquals(flds[1].getReverse(), false);
//test weird spacing
sort = doParseSortSpec("weight DESC, bday asc", req).getSort();
flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.FLOAT);
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "weight");
assertEquals(flds[1].getField(), "bday");
assertEquals(flds[1].getType(), SortField.Type.LONG);
//handles trailing commas
sort = doParseSortSpec("weight desc,", req).getSort();
flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.FLOAT);
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "weight");
//test functions
sort = SortSpecParsing.parseSortSpec("pow(weight, 2) desc", req).getSort();
flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.REWRITEABLE);
//Not thrilled about the fragility of string matching here, but...
//the value sources get wrapped, so the out field is different than the input
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "pow(float(weight),const(2))");
//test functions (more deep)
sort = SortSpecParsing.parseSortSpec("sum(product(r_f1,sum(d_f1,t_f1,1.0)),a_f1) asc", req).getSort();
flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.REWRITEABLE);
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "sum(product(float(r_f1),sum(float(d_f1),float(t_f1),const(1.0))),float(a_f1))");
sort = SortSpecParsing.parseSortSpec("pow(weight, 2.0) desc", req).getSort();
flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.REWRITEABLE);
//Not thrilled about the fragility of string matching here, but...
//the value sources get wrapped, so the out field is different than the input
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "pow(float(weight),const(2.0))");
spec = SortSpecParsing.parseSortSpec("pow(weight, 2.0) desc, weight desc, bday asc", req);
flds = spec.getSort().getSort();
List<SchemaField> schemaFlds = spec.getSchemaFields();
assertEquals(3, flds.length);
assertEquals(3, schemaFlds.size());
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.REWRITEABLE);
//Not thrilled about the fragility of string matching here, but...
//the value sources get wrapped, so the out field is different than the input
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "pow(float(weight),const(2.0))");
assertEquals(flds[1].getType(), SortField.Type.FLOAT);
assertEquals(flds[1].getField(), "weight");
assertEquals("weight", schemaFlds.get(1).getName());
assertEquals(flds[2].getField(), "bday");
assertEquals(flds[2].getType(), SortField.Type.LONG);
assertEquals("bday", schemaFlds.get(2).getName());
//handles trailing commas
sort = doParseSortSpec("weight desc,", req).getSort();
flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.FLOAT);
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "weight");
//Test literals in functions
sort = SortSpecParsing.parseSortSpec("strdist(foo_s1, \"junk\", jw) desc", req).getSort();
flds = sort.getSort();
assertEquals(flds[0].getType(), SortField.Type.REWRITEABLE);
//the value sources get wrapped, so the out field is different than the input
assertEquals(flds[0].getField(), "strdist(str(foo_s1),literal(junk),");
sort = doParseSortSpec("", req).getSort();
spec = doParseSortSpec("", req);
use of org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory method getInstance.
public UpdateRequestProcessor getInstance(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp, UpdateRequestProcessor next) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fieldName)) {
SchemaField schemaField = req.getSchema().getUniqueKeyField();
fieldName = schemaField.getName();
return new AbstractDefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory.DefaultValueUpdateProcessor(fieldName, next) {
public Object getDefaultValue() {
return UUID.randomUUID().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);