use of org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class CompareDuplicatesSpark method runTool.
protected void runTool(final JavaSparkContext ctx) {
JavaRDD<GATKRead> firstReads = filteredReads(getReads(), readArguments.getReadFilesNames().get(0));
ReadsSparkSource readsSource2 = new ReadsSparkSource(ctx, readArguments.getReadValidationStringency());
JavaRDD<GATKRead> secondReads = filteredReads(readsSource2.getParallelReads(input2, null, getIntervals(), bamPartitionSplitSize), input2);
// Start by verifying that we have same number of reads and duplicates in each BAM.
long firstBamSize = firstReads.count();
long secondBamSize = secondReads.count();
if (firstBamSize != secondBamSize) {
throw new UserException("input bams have different numbers of mapped reads: " + firstBamSize + "," + secondBamSize);
System.out.println("processing bams with " + firstBamSize + " mapped reads");
long firstDupesCount = firstReads.filter(GATKRead::isDuplicate).count();
long secondDupesCount = secondReads.filter(GATKRead::isDuplicate).count();
if (firstDupesCount != secondDupesCount) {
System.out.println("BAMs have different number of total duplicates: " + firstDupesCount + "," + secondDupesCount);
System.out.println("first and second: " + firstDupesCount + "," + secondDupesCount);
Broadcast<SAMFileHeader> bHeader = ctx.broadcast(getHeaderForReads());
// Group the reads of each BAM by MarkDuplicates key, then pair up the the reads for each BAM.
JavaPairRDD<String, GATKRead> firstKeyed = firstReads.mapToPair(read -> new Tuple2<>(ReadsKey.keyForFragment(bHeader.getValue(), read), read));
JavaPairRDD<String, GATKRead> secondKeyed = secondReads.mapToPair(read -> new Tuple2<>(ReadsKey.keyForFragment(bHeader.getValue(), read), read));
JavaPairRDD<String, Tuple2<Iterable<GATKRead>, Iterable<GATKRead>>> cogroup = firstKeyed.cogroup(secondKeyed, getRecommendedNumReducers());
// Produces an RDD of MatchTypes, e.g., EQUAL, DIFFERENT_REPRESENTATIVE_READ, etc. per MarkDuplicates key,
// which is approximately start position x strand.
JavaRDD<MatchType> tagged = -> {
SAMFileHeader header = bHeader.getValue();
Iterable<GATKRead> iFirstReads = v1._2()._1();
Iterable<GATKRead> iSecondReads = v1._2()._2();
return getDupes(iFirstReads, iSecondReads, header);
// TODO: We should also produce examples of reads that don't match to make debugging easier (#1263).
Map<MatchType, Integer> tagCountMap = tagged.mapToPair(v1 -> new Tuple2<>(v1, 1)).reduceByKey((v1, v2) -> v1 + v2).collectAsMap();
if (tagCountMap.get(MatchType.SIZE_UNEQUAL) != null) {
throw new UserException("The number of reads by the MarkDuplicates key were unequal, indicating that the BAMs are not the same");
if (tagCountMap.get(MatchType.READ_MISMATCH) != null) {
throw new UserException("The reads grouped by the MarkDuplicates key were not the same, indicating that the BAMs are not the same");
if (printSummary) {
MatchType[] values = MatchType.values();
Set<MatchType> matchTypes = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Sets.newHashSet(values));
matchTypes.forEach(s -> System.out.println(s + ": " + tagCountMap.getOrDefault(s, 0)));
if (throwOnDiff) {
for (MatchType s : MatchType.values()) {
if (s != MatchType.EQUAL) {
if (tagCountMap.get(s) != null)
throw new UserException("found difference between the two BAMs: " + s + " with count " + tagCountMap.get(s));