use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class ConvertACNVResults method runPipeline.
protected void runPipeline(final JavaSparkContext ctx) {
final String originalLogLevel = (ctx.getLocalProperty("logLevel") != null) ? ctx.getLocalProperty("logLevel") : "INFO";
final CNLOHCaller cnlohCaller = new CNLOHCaller();
final List<ACNVModeledSegment> segments = SegmentUtils.readACNVModeledSegmentFile(new File(segmentsFile));
String sampleName = determineSampleName(new File(segmentsFile));
// Create the outputdir
try {
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new UserException("Cannot create " + outputDir + ". Does a file (not directory) exist with the same name? Do you have access to create?", ioe);
final Genome genome = new Genome(targetCoveragesFile, snpCountsFile);
// Make the calls"Making the balanced-segment (and CNLoH) calls...");
final List<AllelicCalls> calls = cnlohCaller.makeCalls(segments, numIterations, ctx);
// Write updated ACNV file with calls"Writing updated ACNV file with calls ...");
final File finalACNVModeledSegmentsFile = new File(outputDir, getSegmentsBaseFilename() + "." + BALANCED_SEG_FILE_TAG + ".seg");
SegmentUtils.writeCnLoHACNVModeledSegmentFile(finalACNVModeledSegmentsFile, calls, genome);
// write file for GATK CNV formatted seg file"Writing file with same output format as GATK CNV...");
final File finalModeledSegmentsFileAsGatkCNV = new File(outputDir, getSegmentsBaseFilename() + "." + GATK_SEG_FILE_TAG + ".seg");
SegmentUtils.writeModeledSegmentFile(finalModeledSegmentsFileAsGatkCNV, ACNVModeledSegmentConversionUtils.convertACNVModeledSegmentsToModeledSegments(segments, genome), sampleName);
//write file for ACS-compatible output to help Broad CGA"Writing file with same output format as Broad CGA Allelic CapSeg ...");
final File finalACSModeledSegmentsFile = new File(outputDir, getSegmentsBaseFilename() + "." + CGA_ACS_SEG_FILE_TAG + ".seg");
ACSModeledSegmentUtils.writeACNVModeledSegmentFileAsAllelicCapSegFile(finalACSModeledSegmentsFile, calls, genome);
//write files for TITAN-compatible output to help Broad CGA"Writing het file with input format for TITAN ...");
final File finalTitanHetFile = new File(outputDir, getSegmentsBaseFilename() + "." + TITAN_HET_FILE_TAG + ".tsv");
TitanFileConverter.convertHetPulldownToTitanHetFile(snpCountsFile, finalTitanHetFile);"Writing tangent-normalized target CR estimates with input format for TITAN ...");
final File finalTitanTNFile = new File(outputDir, getSegmentsBaseFilename() + "." + TITAN_TN_FILE_TAG + ".tsv");
TitanFileConverter.convertCRToTitanCovFile(targetCoveragesFile, finalTitanTNFile);
ctx.setLogLevel(originalLogLevel);"SUCCESS: CNLoH and splits called for sample " + sampleName + ".");
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class FilterByOrientationBias method onTraversalStart.
public void onTraversalStart() {
// Gets around issue 2274 in gatk public
if (transitions.size() == 0) {
// Sort the input artifacts argument
final MetricsFile<SequencingArtifactMetrics.PreAdapterDetailMetrics, Comparable<?>> mf = new MetricsFile<>();
try { FileReader(preAdapterMetricsFile));
} catch (final FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
throw new UserException("Could not find file: " + preAdapterMetricsFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Collect all of the transitions that were specified in the parameters.
relevantTransitions.addAll( -> convertParameterToTransition(s)).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
// Get the PreAdapterQ score from the picard metrics tool, which gives an indication of how badly infested the bam file is.
transitionToPreAdapterScoreMap = PreAdapterOrientationScorer.scoreOrientationBiasMetricsOverContext(mf.getMetrics());"preAdapter scores:");
transitionToPreAdapterScoreMap.keySet().stream().forEach(k -> + ": " + transitionToPreAdapterScoreMap.get(k)));
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class FindBreakpointEvidenceSpark method readCrossContigsToIgnoreFile.
/** Read a file of contig names that will be ignored when checking for inter-contig pairs. */
private static Set<Integer> readCrossContigsToIgnoreFile(final String crossContigsToIgnoreFile, final SAMSequenceDictionary dictionary) {
final Set<Integer> ignoreSet = new HashSet<>();
try (final BufferedReader rdr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(BucketUtils.openFile(crossContigsToIgnoreFile)))) {
String line;
while ((line = rdr.readLine()) != null) {
final int tigId = dictionary.getSequenceIndex(line);
if (tigId == -1) {
throw new UserException("crossContigToIgnoreFile contains an unrecognized contig name: " + line);
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new UserException("Can't read crossContigToIgnore file " + crossContigsToIgnoreFile, ioe);
return ignoreSet;
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class CompareBaseQualities method doWork.
protected Object doWork() {
if (roundDown && (staticQuantizationQuals == null || staticQuantizationQuals.isEmpty())) {
throw new CommandLineException.BadArgumentValue("round_down_quantized", "true", "This option can only be used if static_quantized_quals is also used");
staticQuantizedMapping = constructStaticQuantizedMapping(staticQuantizationQuals, roundDown);
final SamReaderFactory factory = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().validationStringency(VALIDATION_STRINGENCY);
final SamReader reader1 = factory.referenceSequence(REFERENCE_SEQUENCE).open(samFiles.get(0));
final SamReader reader2 = factory.referenceSequence(REFERENCE_SEQUENCE).open(samFiles.get(1));
final SecondaryOrSupplementarySkippingIterator it1 = new SecondaryOrSupplementarySkippingIterator(reader1.iterator());
final SecondaryOrSupplementarySkippingIterator it2 = new SecondaryOrSupplementarySkippingIterator(reader2.iterator());
final CompareMatrix finalMatrix = new CompareMatrix(staticQuantizedMapping);
final ProgressMeter progressMeter = new ProgressMeter(1.0);
while (it1.hasCurrent() && it2.hasCurrent()) {
final SAMRecord read1 = it1.getCurrent();
final SAMRecord read2 = it2.getCurrent();
if (!read1.getReadName().equals(read2.getReadName())) {
throw new UserException.BadInput("files do not have the same exact order of reads:" + read1.getReadName() + " vs " + read2.getReadName());
finalMatrix.add(read1.getBaseQualities(), read2.getBaseQualities());
if (it1.hasCurrent() || it2.hasCurrent()) {
throw new UserException.BadInput("files do not have the same exact number of reads");
if (throwOnDiff && finalMatrix.hasNonDiagonalElements()) {
throw new UserException("Quality scores from the two BAMs do not match");
return finalMatrix.hasNonDiagonalElements() ? 1 : 0;
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class RecalibrationReport method initializeArgumentCollectionTable.
* Parses the arguments table from the GATK Report and creates a RAC object with the proper initialization values
* @param table the GATKReportTable containing the arguments and its corresponding values
* @return a RAC object properly initialized with all the objects in the table
private static RecalibrationArgumentCollection initializeArgumentCollectionTable(GATKReportTable table) {
final RecalibrationArgumentCollection RAC = new RecalibrationArgumentCollection();
final List<String> standardCovariateClassNames = new StandardCovariateList(RAC, Collections.emptyList()).getStandardCovariateClassNames();
for (int i = 0; i < table.getNumRows(); i++) {
final String argument = table.get(i, "Argument").toString();
Object value = table.get(i, RecalUtils.ARGUMENT_VALUE_COLUMN_NAME);
if (value.equals("null")) {
// generic translation of null values that were printed out as strings | todo -- add this capability to the GATKReport
value = null;
if (argument.equals("covariate") && value != null) {
final List<String> covs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(value.toString().split(",")));
if (!covs.equals(standardCovariateClassNames)) {
throw new UserException("Non-standard covariates are not supported. Only the following are supported " + standardCovariateClassNames + " but was " + covs);
} else if (argument.equals("no_standard_covs")) {
final boolean no_standard_covs = decodeBoolean(value);
if (no_standard_covs) {
throw new UserException("Non-standard covariates are not supported. Only the following are supported " + standardCovariateClassNames + " but no_standard_covs was true");
} else if (argument.equals("solid_recal_mode")) {
final String solid_recal_mode = (String) value;
if (!RecalibrationArgumentCollection.SOLID_RECAL_MODE.equals(solid_recal_mode)) {
throw new UserException("Solid is not supported. Only " + RecalibrationArgumentCollection.SOLID_RECAL_MODE + " is allowed as value for solid_recal_mode");
} else if (argument.equals("solid_nocall_strategy")) {
final String solid_nocall_strategy = (String) value;
if (!RecalibrationArgumentCollection.SOLID_NOCALL_STRATEGY.equals(solid_nocall_strategy)) {
throw new UserException("Solid is not supported. Only " + RecalibrationArgumentCollection.SOLID_NOCALL_STRATEGY + " is allowed as value for solid_nocall_strategy");
} else if (argument.equals("mismatches_context_size"))
RAC.MISMATCHES_CONTEXT_SIZE = decodeInteger(value);
else if (argument.equals("indels_context_size"))
RAC.INDELS_CONTEXT_SIZE = decodeInteger(value);
else if (argument.equals("mismatches_default_quality"))
else if (argument.equals("insertions_default_quality"))
else if (argument.equals("deletions_default_quality"))
else if (argument.equals("maximum_cycle_value"))
RAC.MAXIMUM_CYCLE_VALUE = decodeInteger(value);
else if (argument.equals("low_quality_tail"))
RAC.LOW_QUAL_TAIL = decodeByte(value);
else if (argument.equals("default_platform"))
RAC.DEFAULT_PLATFORM = (String) value;
else if (argument.equals("force_platform"))
RAC.FORCE_PLATFORM = (String) value;
else if (argument.equals("quantizing_levels"))
RAC.QUANTIZING_LEVELS = decodeInteger(value);
else if (argument.equals("recalibration_report"))
RAC.existingRecalibrationReport = (value == null) ? null : new File((String) value);
else if (argument.equals("binary_tag_name"))
RAC.BINARY_TAG_NAME = (value == null) ? null : (String) value;
return RAC;