use of org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableChange in project iceberg by apache.
the class SparkCatalog method alterTable.
public SparkTable alterTable(Identifier ident, TableChange... changes) throws NoSuchTableException {
SetProperty setLocation = null;
SetProperty setSnapshotId = null;
SetProperty pickSnapshotId = null;
List<TableChange> propertyChanges = Lists.newArrayList();
List<TableChange> schemaChanges = Lists.newArrayList();
for (TableChange change : changes) {
if (change instanceof SetProperty) {
SetProperty set = (SetProperty) change;
if (TableCatalog.PROP_LOCATION.equalsIgnoreCase( {
setLocation = set;
} else if ("current-snapshot-id".equalsIgnoreCase( {
setSnapshotId = set;
} else if ("cherry-pick-snapshot-id".equalsIgnoreCase( {
pickSnapshotId = set;
} else if ("sort-order".equalsIgnoreCase( {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot specify the 'sort-order' because it's a reserved table " + "property. Please use the command 'ALTER TABLE ... WRITE ORDERED BY' to specify write sort-orders.");
} else {
} else if (change instanceof RemoveProperty) {
} else if (change instanceof ColumnChange) {
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot apply unknown table change: " + change);
try {
Table table = load(ident).first();
commitChanges(table, setLocation, setSnapshotId, pickSnapshotId, propertyChanges, schemaChanges);
return new SparkTable(table, true);
} catch (org.apache.iceberg.exceptions.NoSuchTableException e) {
throw new NoSuchTableException(ident);
use of org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableChange in project iceberg by apache.
the class Spark3Util method applyPropertyChanges.
* Applies a list of Spark table changes to an {@link UpdateProperties} operation.
* @param pendingUpdate an uncommitted UpdateProperties operation to configure
* @param changes a list of Spark table changes
* @return the UpdateProperties operation configured with the changes
public static UpdateProperties applyPropertyChanges(UpdateProperties pendingUpdate, List<TableChange> changes) {
for (TableChange change : changes) {
if (change instanceof TableChange.SetProperty) {
TableChange.SetProperty set = (TableChange.SetProperty) change;
pendingUpdate.set(, set.value());
} else if (change instanceof TableChange.RemoveProperty) {
TableChange.RemoveProperty remove = (TableChange.RemoveProperty) change;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot apply unknown table change: " + change);
return pendingUpdate;
use of org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableChange in project iceberg by apache.
the class Spark3Util method applySchemaChanges.
* Applies a list of Spark table changes to an {@link UpdateSchema} operation.
* @param pendingUpdate an uncommitted UpdateSchema operation to configure
* @param changes a list of Spark table changes
* @return the UpdateSchema operation configured with the changes
public static UpdateSchema applySchemaChanges(UpdateSchema pendingUpdate, List<TableChange> changes) {
for (TableChange change : changes) {
if (change instanceof TableChange.AddColumn) {
apply(pendingUpdate, (TableChange.AddColumn) change);
} else if (change instanceof TableChange.UpdateColumnType) {
TableChange.UpdateColumnType update = (TableChange.UpdateColumnType) change;
Type newType = SparkSchemaUtil.convert(update.newDataType());
Preconditions.checkArgument(newType.isPrimitiveType(), "Cannot update '%s', not a primitive type: %s", DOT.join(update.fieldNames()), update.newDataType());
pendingUpdate.updateColumn(DOT.join(update.fieldNames()), newType.asPrimitiveType());
} else if (change instanceof TableChange.UpdateColumnComment) {
TableChange.UpdateColumnComment update = (TableChange.UpdateColumnComment) change;
pendingUpdate.updateColumnDoc(DOT.join(update.fieldNames()), update.newComment());
} else if (change instanceof TableChange.RenameColumn) {
TableChange.RenameColumn rename = (TableChange.RenameColumn) change;
pendingUpdate.renameColumn(DOT.join(rename.fieldNames()), rename.newName());
} else if (change instanceof TableChange.DeleteColumn) {
TableChange.DeleteColumn delete = (TableChange.DeleteColumn) change;
} else if (change instanceof TableChange.UpdateColumnNullability) {
TableChange.UpdateColumnNullability update = (TableChange.UpdateColumnNullability) change;
if (update.nullable()) {
} else {
} else if (change instanceof TableChange.UpdateColumnPosition) {
apply(pendingUpdate, (TableChange.UpdateColumnPosition) change);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot apply unknown table change: " + change);
return pendingUpdate;