use of org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.keywordextraction.impl.EntityLinker in project stanbol by apache.
the class KeywordLinkingEngine method computeEnhancements.
public void computeEnhancements(ContentItem ci) throws EngineException {
if (isOfflineMode() && !entitySearcher.supportsOfflineMode()) {
throw new EngineException("Offline mode is not supported by the Component used to lookup Entities");
Entry<IRI, Blob> contentPart = ContentItemHelper.getBlob(ci, SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES);
if (contentPart == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No ContentPart with a supported Mime Type" + "found for ContentItem " + ci.getUri() + "(supported: '" + SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES + "') -> this indicates that canEnhance was" + "NOT called and indicates a bug in the used EnhancementJobManager!");
String text;
try {
text = ContentItemHelper.getText(contentPart.getValue());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InvalidContentException(String.format("Unable to extract " + " text from ContentPart %s of ContentItem %s!", contentPart.getKey(), ci.getUri()), e);
if (text.trim().length() == 0) {
// TODO: make the length of the data a field of the ContentItem
// interface to be able to filter out empty items in the canEnhance
// method
log.warn("ContentPart {} of ContentItem does not contain any Text to extract knowledge from", contentPart.getKey(), ci);
//Determine the language
String language;
try {
language = extractLanguage(ci);
} finally {
if (isProcessableLanguages(language)) {
log.debug("computeEnhancements for ContentItem {} language {} text={}", new Object[] { ci.getUri().getUnicodeString(), language, StringUtils.abbreviate(text, 100) });
EntityLinker entityLinker = new EntityLinker(analysedContentFactory.create(text, language), entitySearcher, linkerConfig);
//write results (requires a write lock)
try {
writeEnhancements(ci, entityLinker.getLinkedEntities().values(), language);
} finally {
} else {
log.debug("ignore ContentItem {} because language '{}' is not configured to" + "be processed by this engine.", ci.getUri().getUnicodeString(), language);
use of org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.keywordextraction.impl.EntityLinker in project stanbol by apache.
the class KeywordLinkingEngineTest method testTaxonomyLinker.
* This tests the EntityLinker functionality (if the expected Entities
* are linked)
* @throws Exception
public void testTaxonomyLinker() throws Exception {
OpenNlpAnalysedContentFactory acf = OpenNlpAnalysedContentFactory.getInstance(openNLP, new TextAnalyzerConfig());
EntityLinkerConfig config = new EntityLinkerConfig();
EntityLinker linker = new EntityLinker(acf.create(TEST_TEXT, "en"), searcher, config);
Map<String, List<String>> expectedResults = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
expectedResults.put("Patrick Marshall", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("urn:test:PatrickMarshall")));
expectedResults.put("geologist", new ArrayList<String>(//the redirected entity
expectedResults.put("New Zealand", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("urn:test:NewZealand")));
expectedResults.put("University of Otago", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("urn:test:UniversityOfOtago", "urn:test:UniversityOfOtago_Texas")));
for (LinkedEntity linkedEntity : linker.getLinkedEntities().values()) {
List<String> expectedSuggestions = expectedResults.remove(linkedEntity.getSelectedText());
assertNotNull("LinkedEntity " + linkedEntity.getSelectedText() + "is not an expected Result (or was found twice)", expectedSuggestions);
assertEquals("Number of suggestions " + linkedEntity.getSuggestions().size() + " != number of expected suggestions " + expectedSuggestions.size() + "for selection " + linkedEntity.getSelectedText(), linkedEntity.getSuggestions().size(), expectedSuggestions.size());
double score = linkedEntity.getScore();
for (int i = 0; i < expectedSuggestions.size(); i++) {
Suggestion suggestion = linkedEntity.getSuggestions().get(i);
assertEquals("Expecced Suggestion at Rank " + i + " expected: " + expectedSuggestions.get(i) + " suggestion: " + suggestion.getRepresentation().getId(), expectedSuggestions.get(i), suggestion.getRepresentation().getId());
assertTrue("Score of suggestion " + i + "(" + suggestion.getScore() + " > as of the previous one (" + score + ")", score >= suggestion.getScore());
score = suggestion.getScore();