use of org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.EnhancementEngineHelper.getString in project stanbol by apache.
the class ContentItemResource method initOccurrences.
private void initOccurrences() {
Graph graph = contentItem.getMetadata();
LiteralFactory lf = LiteralFactory.getInstance();
Map<IRI, Collection<BlankNodeOrIRI>> suggestionMap = new HashMap<IRI, Collection<BlankNodeOrIRI>>();
// 1) get Entity Annotations
Map<BlankNodeOrIRI, Map<EAProps, Object>> entitySuggestionMap = new HashMap<BlankNodeOrIRI, Map<EAProps, Object>>();
Iterator<Triple> entityAnnotations = graph.filter(null, RDF.type, ENHANCER_ENTITYANNOTATION);
while (entityAnnotations.hasNext()) {
BlankNodeOrIRI entityAnnotation =;
// to avoid multiple lookups (e.g. if one entityAnnotation links to+
// several TextAnnotations) we cache the data in an intermediate Map
Map<EAProps, Object> eaData = new EnumMap<EAProps, Object>(EAProps.class);
eaData.put(EAProps.entity, getReference(graph, entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_REFERENCE));
eaData.put(EAProps.label, getString(graph, entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_ENTITY_LABEL));
eaData.put(EAProps.confidence, EnhancementEngineHelper.get(graph, entityAnnotation, ENHANCER_CONFIDENCE, Double.class, lf));
entitySuggestionMap.put(entityAnnotation, eaData);
Iterator<IRI> textAnnotations = getReferences(graph, entityAnnotation, DC_RELATION);
while (textAnnotations.hasNext()) {
IRI textAnnotation =;
Collection<BlankNodeOrIRI> suggestions = suggestionMap.get(textAnnotation);
if (suggestions == null) {
suggestions = new ArrayList<BlankNodeOrIRI>();
suggestionMap.put(textAnnotation, suggestions);
// 2) get the TextAnnotations
Iterator<Triple> textAnnotations = graph.filter(null, RDF.type, ENHANCER_TEXTANNOTATION);
while (textAnnotations.hasNext()) {
BlankNodeOrIRI textAnnotation =;
// we need to process those to show multiple mentions
// if (graph.filter(textAnnotation, DC_RELATION, null).hasNext()) {
// // this is not the most specific occurrence of this name: skip
// continue;
// }
String text = getString(graph, textAnnotation, Properties.ENHANCER_SELECTED_TEXT);
// TextAnnotations without fise:selected-text are no longer ignored
// if(text == null){
// //ignore text annotations without text
// continue;
// }
Integer start = EnhancementEngineHelper.get(graph, textAnnotation, ENHANCER_START, Integer.class, lf);
Integer end = EnhancementEngineHelper.get(graph, textAnnotation, ENHANCER_END, Integer.class, lf);
Double confidence = EnhancementEngineHelper.get(graph, textAnnotation, ENHANCER_CONFIDENCE, Double.class, lf);
Iterator<IRI> types = getReferences(graph, textAnnotation, DC_TYPE);
if (!types.hasNext()) {
// create an iterator over null in case no types are present
types = Collections.singleton((IRI) null).iterator();
while (types.hasNext()) {
IRI type =;
Map<EntityExtractionSummary, EntityExtractionSummary> occurrenceMap = extractionsByTypeMap.get(type);
if (occurrenceMap == null) {
occurrenceMap = new TreeMap<EntityExtractionSummary, EntityExtractionSummary>();
extractionsByTypeMap.put(type, occurrenceMap);
// in case of a language annotation use the detected language as label
if (DC_LINGUISTIC_SYSTEM.equals(type)) {
text = EnhancementEngineHelper.getString(graph, textAnnotation, DC_LANGUAGE);
EntityExtractionSummary entity = new EntityExtractionSummary(text, type, start, end, confidence, defaultThumbnails);
Collection<BlankNodeOrIRI> suggestions = suggestionMap.get(textAnnotation);
if (suggestions != null) {
for (BlankNodeOrIRI entityAnnotation : suggestions) {
Map<EAProps, Object> eaData = entitySuggestionMap.get(entityAnnotation);
entity.addSuggestion((IRI) eaData.get(EAProps.entity), (String) eaData.get(EAProps.label), (Double) eaData.get(EAProps.confidence), graph);
EntityExtractionSummary existingSummary = occurrenceMap.get(entity);
if (existingSummary == null) {
// new extraction summary
occurrenceMap.put(entity, entity);
} else {
// extraction summary with this text and suggestions already
// present ... only add a mention to the existing
existingSummary.addMention(new Mention(text, start, end, confidence));