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Example 1 with MetricException

use of org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException in project storm by apache.

the class Container method processMetrics.

 * Send worker metrics to Nimbus.
void processMetrics(OnlyLatestExecutor<Integer> exec, WorkerMetricsProcessor processor) {
    try {
        Optional<Long> usedMemoryForPort = containerMemoryTracker.getUsedMemoryMb(port);
        if (usedMemoryForPort.isPresent()) {
            // Make sure we don't process too frequently.
            long nextMetricProcessTime = this.lastMetricProcessTime + 60L * 1000L;
            long currentTimeMsec = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (currentTimeMsec < nextMetricProcessTime) {
            String hostname = Utils.hostname();
            // create metric for memory
            long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
            WorkerMetricPoint workerMetric = new WorkerMetricPoint(MEMORY_USED_METRIC, timestamp, usedMemoryForPort.get(), SYSTEM_COMPONENT_ID, INVALID_EXECUTOR_ID, INVALID_STREAM_ID);
            WorkerMetricList metricList = new WorkerMetricList();
            WorkerMetrics metrics = new WorkerMetrics(topologyId, port, hostname, metricList);
            exec.execute(port, () -> {
                try {
                    processor.processWorkerMetrics(conf, metrics);
                } catch (MetricException e) {
                    LOG.error("Failed to process metrics", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to process metrics", e);
    } finally {
        this.lastMetricProcessTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Also used : WorkerMetricPoint(org.apache.storm.generated.WorkerMetricPoint) WorkerMetricList(org.apache.storm.generated.WorkerMetricList) WorkerMetrics(org.apache.storm.generated.WorkerMetrics) MetricException(org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException) IOException( MetricException(org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException)

Example 2 with MetricException

use of org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException in project storm by apache.

the class RocksDbStore method populateFromKey.

// populate metric values using the provided key
boolean populateFromKey(RocksDbKey key, Metric metric) throws MetricException {
    try {
        byte[] value = db.get(key.getRaw());
        if (value == null) {
            return false;
        RocksDbValue rdbValue = new RocksDbValue(value);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String message = "Failed to populate metric";
        LOG.error(message, e);
        if (this.failureMeter != null) {
        throw new MetricException(message, e);
    return true;
Also used : RocksDBException(org.rocksdb.RocksDBException) MetricException(org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException) MetricException(org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException)

Example 3 with MetricException

use of org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException in project storm by apache.

the class RocksDbMetricsWriter method close.

public void close() {
    this.shutdown = true;
    // get all metadata from the cache to put into the database
    // use a new map to prevent threading issues with writer thread
    TreeMap<RocksDbKey, RocksDbValue> batchMap = new TreeMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry entry : stringMetadataCache.entrySet()) {
        String metadataString = (String) entry.getKey();
        StringMetadata val = (StringMetadata) entry.getValue();
        RocksDbValue rval = new RocksDbValue(val.getLastTimestamp(), metadataString);
        for (KeyType type : val.getMetadataTypes()) {
            // save the metadata for all types of strings it matches
            RocksDbKey rkey = new RocksDbKey(type, val.getStringId());
            batchMap.put(rkey, rval);
    try {
    } catch (MetricException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to insert all metadata", e);
    // flush db to disk
    try (FlushOptions flushOps = new FlushOptions()) {
    } catch (RocksDBException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed ot flush RocksDB", e);
        if (this.failureMeter != null) {
Also used : RocksDBException(org.rocksdb.RocksDBException) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) FlushOptions(org.rocksdb.FlushOptions) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Map(java.util.Map) MetricException(org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException)

Example 4 with MetricException

use of org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException in project storm by apache.

the class RocksDbMetricsWriter method generateUniqueStringIds.

// guarantees a list of unused string Ids exists.  Once the list is empty, creates a new list
// by generating a list of random numbers and removing the ones that already are in use.
private void generateUniqueStringIds() throws MetricException {
    int attempts = 0;
    while (unusedIds.isEmpty()) {
        if (attempts > 100) {
            String message = "Failed to generate unique ids";
            throw new MetricException(message);
        for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++) {
            int n = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();
            if (n == RocksDbStore.INVALID_METADATA_STRING_ID) {
            // remove any entries in the cache
            if (stringMetadataCache.contains(n)) {
        // now scan all metadata and remove any matching string Ids from this list
        RocksDbKey firstPrefix = RocksDbKey.getPrefix(KeyType.METADATA_STRING_START);
        RocksDbKey lastPrefix = RocksDbKey.getPrefix(KeyType.METADATA_STRING_END);
        try {
            store.scanRange(firstPrefix, lastPrefix, (key, value) -> {
                // process all metadata
                return true;
        } catch (RocksDBException e) {
            throw new MetricException("Error reading metrics data", e);
Also used : RocksDBException(org.rocksdb.RocksDBException) MetricException(org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException)

Example 5 with MetricException

use of org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException in project storm by apache.

the class StringMetadataCache method put.

 * Add the string metadata to the cache.
 * <p>NOTE: this can cause data to be evicted from the cache when full.  When this occurs, the evictionCallback() method
 * is called to store the metadata back into the RocksDB database.
 * <p>This method is only exposed to the WritableStringMetadataCache interface.
 * @param s   The string to add
 * @param stringMetadata  The string's metadata
 * @param newEntry   Indicates the metadata is being used for the first time and should be written to RocksDB immediately
 * @throws MetricException   when evicted data fails to save to the database or when the database is shutdown
public void put(String s, StringMetadata stringMetadata, boolean newEntry) throws MetricException {
    if (dbWriter.isShutdown()) {
        // another thread could be writing out the metadata cache to the database.
        throw new MetricException("Shutting down");
    try {
        if (newEntry) {
            writeMetadataToDisk(s, stringMetadata);
        lruStringCache.put(s, stringMetadata);
        hashToString.put(stringMetadata.getStringId(), s);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // catch any runtime exceptions caused by eviction
        throw new MetricException("Failed to save string in metadata cache", e);
Also used : MetricException(org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException) MetricException(org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException)


MetricException (org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricException)13 RocksDBException (org.rocksdb.RocksDBException)10 ReadOptions (org.rocksdb.ReadOptions)2 WriteBatch (org.rocksdb.WriteBatch)2 WriteOptions (org.rocksdb.WriteOptions)2 File ( IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)1 WorkerMetricList (org.apache.storm.generated.WorkerMetricList)1 WorkerMetricPoint (org.apache.storm.generated.WorkerMetricPoint)1 WorkerMetrics (org.apache.storm.generated.WorkerMetrics)1 AggLevel (org.apache.storm.metricstore.AggLevel)1 FilterOptions (org.apache.storm.metricstore.FilterOptions)1 Metric (org.apache.storm.metricstore.Metric)1 BlockBasedTableConfig (org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig)1 FlushOptions (org.rocksdb.FlushOptions)1 Options (org.rocksdb.Options)1 RocksIterator (org.rocksdb.RocksIterator)1