use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class TestResourceAwareScheduler method TestSubmitUsersWithNoGuarantees.
public void TestSubmitUsersWithNoGuarantees() {
INimbus iNimbus = new TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.INimbusTest();
Map<String, Number> resourceMap = new HashMap<String, Number>();
resourceMap.put(Config.SUPERVISOR_CPU_CAPACITY, 100.0);
resourceMap.put(Config.SUPERVISOR_MEMORY_CAPACITY_MB, 1000.0);
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.genSupervisors(4, 4, resourceMap);
Config config = new Config();
config.put(Config.RESOURCE_AWARE_SCHEDULER_EVICTION_STRATEGY, org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.eviction.DefaultEvictionStrategy.class.getName());
config.put(Config.RESOURCE_AWARE_SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_STRATEGY, org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.priority.DefaultSchedulingPriorityStrategy.class.getName());
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY, org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.scheduling.DefaultResourceAwareStrategy.class.getName());
Map<String, Map<String, Number>> resourceUserPool = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Number>>();
resourceUserPool.put("jerry", new HashMap<String, Number>());
resourceUserPool.get("jerry").put("cpu", 200.0);
resourceUserPool.get("jerry").put("memory", 2000.0);
config.put(Config.RESOURCE_AWARE_SCHEDULER_USER_POOLS, resourceUserPool);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, supMap, new HashMap<String, SchedulerAssignmentImpl>(), config);
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_USER, "jerry");
TopologyDetails topo1 = TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.getTopology("topo-1", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 10);
TopologyDetails topo2 = TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.getTopology("topo-2", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 20);
TopologyDetails topo3 = TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.getTopology("topo-3", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 20);
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_USER, "bobby");
TopologyDetails topo4 = TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.getTopology("topo-4", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 10);
TopologyDetails topo5 = TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.getTopology("topo-5", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 20);
Map<String, TopologyDetails> topoMap = new HashMap<String, TopologyDetails>();
topoMap.put(topo1.getId(), topo1);
topoMap.put(topo2.getId(), topo2);
topoMap.put(topo3.getId(), topo3);
topoMap.put(topo4.getId(), topo4);
topoMap.put(topo5.getId(), topo5);
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topoMap);
ResourceAwareScheduler rs = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
rs.schedule(topologies, cluster);
for (TopologyDetails topo : rs.getUser("jerry").getTopologiesRunning()) {
Assert.assertTrue("assert topology success", TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.assertStatusSuccess(cluster.getStatusMap().get(topo.getId())));
Assert.assertEquals("# of running topologies", 3, rs.getUser("jerry").getTopologiesRunning().size());
Assert.assertEquals("# of pending topologies", 0, rs.getUser("jerry").getTopologiesPending().size());
Assert.assertEquals("# of attempted topologies", 0, rs.getUser("jerry").getTopologiesAttempted().size());
Assert.assertEquals("# of invalid topologies", 0, rs.getUser("jerry").getTopologiesInvalid().size());
for (TopologyDetails topo : rs.getUser("bobby").getTopologiesRunning()) {
Assert.assertTrue("assert topology success", TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.assertStatusSuccess(cluster.getStatusMap().get(topo.getId())));
Assert.assertEquals("# of running topologies", 1, rs.getUser("bobby").getTopologiesRunning().size());
Assert.assertEquals("# of pending topologies", 0, rs.getUser("bobby").getTopologiesPending().size());
Assert.assertEquals("# of attempted topologies", 1, rs.getUser("bobby").getTopologiesAttempted().size());
Assert.assertEquals("# of invalid topologies", 0, rs.getUser("bobby").getTopologiesInvalid().size());
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class NodeSorterHostProximity method sortObjectResourcesGeneric.
* Sort objects by the following two criteria.
* <li>the number executors of the topology that needs to be scheduled is already on the
* object (node or rack) in descending order. The reasoning to sort based on criterion 1 is so we schedule the rest
* of a topology on the same object (node or rack) as the existing executors of the topology.</li>
* <li>the subordinate/subservient resource availability percentage of a rack in descending order We calculate the
* resource availability percentage by dividing the resource availability of the object (node or rack) by the
* resource availability of the entire rack or cluster depending on if object references a node or a rack.
* How this differs from the DefaultResourceAwareStrategy is that the percentage boosts the node or rack if it is
* requested by the executor that the sorting is being done for and pulls it down if it is not.
* By doing this calculation, objects (node or rack) that have exhausted or little of one of the resources mentioned
* above will be ranked after racks that have more balanced resource availability and nodes or racks that have
* resources that are not requested will be ranked below . So we will be less likely to pick a rack that
* have a lot of one resource but a low amount of another and have a lot of resources that are not requested by the executor.</li>
* @param allResources contains all individual ObjectResources as well as cumulative stats
* @param exec executor for which the sorting is done
* @param existingScheduleFunc a function to get existing executors already scheduled on this object
* @return an {@link Iterable} of sorted {@link ObjectResourcesItem}
private Iterable<ObjectResourcesItem> sortObjectResourcesGeneric(final ObjectResourcesSummary allResources, ExecutorDetails exec, final ExistingScheduleFunc existingScheduleFunc) {
ObjectResourcesSummary affinityBasedAllResources = new ObjectResourcesSummary(allResources);
final NormalizedResourceOffer availableResourcesOverall = allResources.getAvailableResourcesOverall();
final NormalizedResourceRequest requestedResources = (exec != null) ? topologyDetails.getTotalResources(exec) : null;
affinityBasedAllResources.getObjectResources().forEach(x -> {
if (requestedResources != null) {
// negate unrequested resources
x.minResourcePercent = availableResourcesOverall.calculateMinPercentageUsedBy(x.availableResources);
x.avgResourcePercent = availableResourcesOverall.calculateAveragePercentageUsedBy(x.availableResources);
LOG.trace("for {}: minResourcePercent={}, avgResourcePercent={}, numExistingSchedule={}",, x.minResourcePercent, x.avgResourcePercent, existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
Comparator<ObjectResourcesItem> comparator = (o1, o2) -> {
int execsScheduled1 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
int execsScheduled2 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
if (execsScheduled1 > execsScheduled2) {
return -1;
} else if (execsScheduled1 < execsScheduled2) {
return 1;
double o1Avg = o1.avgResourcePercent;
double o2Avg = o2.avgResourcePercent;
if (o1Avg > o2Avg) {
return -1;
} else if (o1Avg < o2Avg) {
return 1;
TreeSet<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedObjectResources = new TreeSet<>(comparator);
LOG.debug("Sorted Object Resources: {}", sortedObjectResources);
return sortedObjectResources;
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class NodeSorterHostProximity method sortObjectResourcesDefault.
* Sort objects by the following two criteria.
* <li>the number executors of the topology that needs to be scheduled is already on the
* object (node or rack) in descending order. The reasoning to sort based on criterion 1 is so we schedule the rest
* of a topology on the same object (node or rack) as the existing executors of the topology.</li>
* <li>the subordinate/subservient resource availability percentage of a rack in descending order We calculate the
* resource availability percentage by dividing the resource availability of the object (node or rack) by the
* resource availability of the entire rack or cluster depending on if object references a node or a rack.
* By doing this calculation, objects (node or rack) that have exhausted or little of one of the resources mentioned
* above will be ranked after racks that have more balanced resource availability. So we will be less likely to pick
* a rack that have a lot of one resource but a low amount of another.</li>
* @param allResources contains all individual ObjectResources as well as cumulative stats
* @param existingScheduleFunc a function to get existing executors already scheduled on this object
* @return an {@link Iterable} of sorted {@link ObjectResourcesItem}
private Iterable<ObjectResourcesItem> sortObjectResourcesDefault(final ObjectResourcesSummary allResources, final ExistingScheduleFunc existingScheduleFunc) {
final NormalizedResourceOffer availableResourcesOverall = allResources.getAvailableResourcesOverall();
for (ObjectResourcesItem objectResources : allResources.getObjectResources()) {
objectResources.minResourcePercent = availableResourcesOverall.calculateMinPercentageUsedBy(objectResources.availableResources);
objectResources.avgResourcePercent = availableResourcesOverall.calculateAveragePercentageUsedBy(objectResources.availableResources);
LOG.trace("for {}: minResourcePercent={}, avgResourcePercent={}, numExistingSchedule={}",, objectResources.minResourcePercent, objectResources.avgResourcePercent, existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
Comparator<ObjectResourcesItem> comparator = (o1, o2) -> {
int execsScheduled1 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
int execsScheduled2 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
if (execsScheduled1 > execsScheduled2) {
return -1;
} else if (execsScheduled1 < execsScheduled2) {
return 1;
if (o1.minResourcePercent > o2.minResourcePercent) {
return -1;
} else if (o1.minResourcePercent < o2.minResourcePercent) {
return 1;
double diff = o1.avgResourcePercent - o2.avgResourcePercent;
if (diff > 0.0) {
return -1;
} else if (diff < 0.0) {
return 1;
TreeSet<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedObjectResources = new TreeSet<>(comparator);
LOG.debug("Sorted Object Resources: {}", sortedObjectResources);
return sortedObjectResources;
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class NodeSorter method sortObjectResourcesGeneric.
* Sort objects by the following two criteria.
* <li>the number executors of the topology that needs to be scheduled is already on the
* object (node or rack) in descending order. The reasoning to sort based on criterion 1 is so we schedule the rest
* of a topology on the same object (node or rack) as the existing executors of the topology.</li>
* <li>the subordinate/subservient resource availability percentage of a rack in descending order We calculate the
* resource availability percentage by dividing the resource availability of the object (node or rack) by the
* resource availability of the entire rack or cluster depending on if object references a node or a rack.
* How this differs from the DefaultResourceAwareStrategy is that the percentage boosts the node or rack if it is
* requested by the executor that the sorting is being done for and pulls it down if it is not.
* By doing this calculation, objects (node or rack) that have exhausted or little of one of the resources mentioned
* above will be ranked after racks that have more balanced resource availability and nodes or racks that have
* resources that are not requested will be ranked below . So we will be less likely to pick a rack that
* have a lot of one resource but a low amount of another and have a lot of resources that are not requested by the executor.</li>
* @param allResources contains all individual ObjectResources as well as cumulative stats
* @param exec executor for which the sorting is done
* @param existingScheduleFunc a function to get existing executors already scheduled on this object
* @return a sorted list of ObjectResources
private List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortObjectResourcesGeneric(final ObjectResourcesSummary allResources, ExecutorDetails exec, final ExistingScheduleFunc existingScheduleFunc) {
ObjectResourcesSummary affinityBasedAllResources = new ObjectResourcesSummary(allResources);
NormalizedResourceRequest requestedResources = topologyDetails.getTotalResources(exec);
affinityBasedAllResources.getObjectResources().forEach(x -> x.availableResources.updateForRareResourceAffinity(requestedResources));
final NormalizedResourceOffer availableResourcesOverall = allResources.getAvailableResourcesOverall();
List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedObjectResources = new ArrayList<>();
Comparator<ObjectResourcesItem> comparator = (o1, o2) -> {
int execsScheduled1 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
int execsScheduled2 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
if (execsScheduled1 > execsScheduled2) {
return -1;
} else if (execsScheduled1 < execsScheduled2) {
return 1;
double o1Avg = availableResourcesOverall.calculateAveragePercentageUsedBy(o1.availableResources);
double o2Avg = availableResourcesOverall.calculateAveragePercentageUsedBy(o2.availableResources);
if (o1Avg > o2Avg) {
return -1;
} else if (o1Avg < o2Avg) {
return 1;
LOG.debug("Sorted Object Resources: {}", sortedObjectResources);
return sortedObjectResources;
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class NodeSorter method sortObjectResourcesDefault.
* Sort objects by the following two criteria.
* <li>the number executors of the topology that needs to be scheduled is already on the
* object (node or rack) in descending order. The reasoning to sort based on criterion 1 is so we schedule the rest
* of a topology on the same object (node or rack) as the existing executors of the topology.</li>
* <li>the subordinate/subservient resource availability percentage of a rack in descending order We calculate the
* resource availability percentage by dividing the resource availability of the object (node or rack) by the
* resource availability of the entire rack or cluster depending on if object references a node or a rack.
* By doing this calculation, objects (node or rack) that have exhausted or little of one of the resources mentioned
* above will be ranked after racks that have more balanced resource availability. So we will be less likely to pick
* a rack that have a lot of one resource but a low amount of another.</li>
* @param allResources contains all individual ObjectResources as well as cumulative stats
* @param existingScheduleFunc a function to get existing executors already scheduled on this object
* @return a sorted list of ObjectResources
private List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortObjectResourcesDefault(final ObjectResourcesSummary allResources, final ExistingScheduleFunc existingScheduleFunc) {
final NormalizedResourceOffer availableResourcesOverall = allResources.getAvailableResourcesOverall();
for (ObjectResourcesItem objectResources : allResources.getObjectResources()) {
objectResources.minResourcePercent = availableResourcesOverall.calculateMinPercentageUsedBy(objectResources.availableResources);
objectResources.avgResourcePercent = availableResourcesOverall.calculateAveragePercentageUsedBy(objectResources.availableResources);
LOG.trace("for {}: minResourcePercent={}, avgResourcePercent={}, numExistingSchedule={}",, objectResources.minResourcePercent, objectResources.avgResourcePercent, existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedObjectResources = new ArrayList<>();
Comparator<ObjectResourcesItem> comparator = (o1, o2) -> {
int execsScheduled1 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
int execsScheduled2 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
if (execsScheduled1 > execsScheduled2) {
return -1;
} else if (execsScheduled1 < execsScheduled2) {
return 1;
if (o1.minResourcePercent > o2.minResourcePercent) {
return -1;
} else if (o1.minResourcePercent < o2.minResourcePercent) {
return 1;
double diff = o1.avgResourcePercent - o2.avgResourcePercent;
if (diff > 0.0) {
return -1;
} else if (diff < 0.0) {
return 1;
LOG.debug("Sorted Object Resources: {}", sortedObjectResources);
return sortedObjectResources;