use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class TestResourceAwareScheduler method testFaultTolerance.
* Test correct behavior when a supervisor dies. Check if the scheduler handles it correctly and evicts the correct
* topology when rescheduling the executors from the died supervisor
public void testFaultTolerance() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(6, 4, 100, 1000);
Map<String, Map<String, Number>> resourceUserPool = userResourcePool(userRes("jerry", 50, 500), userRes("bobby", 200, 2_000), userRes("derek", 100, 1_000));
Config config = createClusterConfig(100, 500, 500, resourceUserPool);
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(genTopology("topo-1", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 21, "jerry"), genTopology("topo-2", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 20, "jerry"), genTopology("topo-3", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 10, "bobby"), genTopology("topo-4", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 10, "bobby"), genTopology("topo-5", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 29, "derek"), genTopology("topo-6", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 10, "derek"));
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, "topo-1", "topo-2", "topo-3", "topo-4", "topo-5", "topo-6");
// fail supervisor
SupervisorDetails supFailed = cluster.getSupervisors().values().iterator().next();"/***** failing supervisor: {} ****/", supFailed.getHost());
Map<String, SchedulerAssignmentImpl> newAssignments = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, SchedulerAssignment> topoToAssignment : cluster.getAssignments().entrySet()) {
String topoId = topoToAssignment.getKey();
SchedulerAssignment assignment = topoToAssignment.getValue();
Map<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> executorToSlots = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> execToWorker : assignment.getExecutorToSlot().entrySet()) {
ExecutorDetails exec = execToWorker.getKey();
WorkerSlot ws = execToWorker.getValue();
if (!ws.getNodeId().equals(supFailed.getId())) {
executorToSlots.put(exec, ws);
newAssignments.put(topoId, new SchedulerAssignmentImpl(topoId, executorToSlots, null, null));
Map<String, String> statusMap = cluster.getStatusMap();
LOG.warn("Rescheduling with removed Supervisor....");
cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, newAssignments, topologies, config);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, "topo-2", "topo-3", "topo-4", "topo-5", "topo-6");
assertTopologiesNotScheduled(cluster, "topo-1");
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class TestResourceAwareScheduler method sanityTestOfScheduling.
public void sanityTestOfScheduling() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(1, 2, 400, 2000);
Config config = new Config();
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
TopologyDetails topology1 = genTopology("topology1", config, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topology1);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
scheduler.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
SchedulerAssignment assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topology1.getId());
Set<WorkerSlot> assignedSlots = assignment.getSlots();
Set<String> nodesIDs = new HashSet<>();
for (WorkerSlot slot : assignedSlots) {
Collection<ExecutorDetails> executors = assignment.getExecutors();
assertEquals(1, assignedSlots.size());
assertEquals(1, nodesIDs.size());
assertEquals(2, executors.size());
assertTrue(cluster.getStatusMap().get(topology1.getId()).startsWith("Running - Fully Scheduled by DefaultResourceAwareStrategy"));
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class TestResourceAwareScheduler method testMultipleSpoutsAndCyclicTopologies.
* Test multiple spouts and cyclic topologies
public void testMultipleSpoutsAndCyclicTopologies() {
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("spout-1", new TestSpout(), 5);
builder.setSpout("spout-2", new TestSpout(), 5);
builder.setBolt("bolt-1", new TestBolt(), 5).shuffleGrouping("spout-1").shuffleGrouping("bolt-3");
builder.setBolt("bolt-2", new TestBolt(), 5).shuffleGrouping("bolt-1");
builder.setBolt("bolt-3", new TestBolt(), 5).shuffleGrouping("bolt-2").shuffleGrouping("spout-2");
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(25, 1, 100, 1000);
Config config = createClusterConfig(100, 500, 500, null);
StormTopology stormTopology = builder.createTopology();
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_USER, "jerry");
TopologyDetails topo = new TopologyDetails("topo-1", config, stormTopology, 0, genExecsAndComps(stormTopology), 0, "jerry");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<String, SchedulerAssignmentImpl>(), topologies, config);
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
assertTrue("Topo scheduled?", cluster.getAssignmentById(topo.getId()) != null);
assertEquals("Topo all executors scheduled?", 25, cluster.getAssignmentById(topo.getId()).getExecutorToSlot().size());
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class TestDefaultEvictionStrategy method testEviction.
* The resources in the cluster are limited. In the first round of scheduling, all resources in the cluster is used.
* User jerry submits another topology. Since user jerry has his resource guarantees satisfied, and user bobby
* has exceeded his resource guarantee, topo-3 from user bobby should be evicted.
public void testEviction() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(4, 4, 100, 1000);
Map<String, Map<String, Number>> resourceUserPool = userResourcePool(userRes("jerry", 200, 2000), userRes("bobby", 100, 1000), userRes("derek", 200, 2000));
Config config = createClusterConfig(100, 500, 500, resourceUserPool);
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(genTopology("topo-1", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 10, "jerry"), genTopology("topo-2", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 10, "bobby"), genTopology("topo-3", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 20, "bobby"), genTopology("topo-4", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 29, "derek"));
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, "topo-1", "topo-2", "topo-3", "topo-4");
// user jerry submits another topology
topologies = addTopologies(topologies, genTopology("topo-6", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 20, "jerry"));
cluster = new Cluster(cluster, topologies);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
// topo-3 evicted (lowest priority)
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, "topo-1", "topo-2", "topo-4", "topo-6");
assertTopologiesNotScheduled(cluster, "topo-3");
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class TestDefaultEvictionStrategy method testOverGuaranteeEviction.
* If users are above his or her guarantee, check if topology eviction works correctly
public void testOverGuaranteeEviction() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(4, 4, 100, 1000);
Map<String, Map<String, Number>> resourceUserPool = userResourcePool(userRes("jerry", 70, 700), userRes("bobby", 100, 1000), userRes("derek", 25, 250));
Config config = createClusterConfig(100, 500, 500, resourceUserPool);
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(genTopology("topo-1", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 20, "jerry"), genTopology("topo-3", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 10, "bobby"), genTopology("topo-4", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 10, "bobby"), genTopology("topo-5", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 29, "derek"));
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());"\n\n\t\tScheduling topos 1,3,4,5");
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);"\n\n\t\tDone scheduling...");
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, "topo-1", "topo-3", "topo-4", "topo-5");
// user derek submits another topology into a full cluster
// topo6 should not be able to scheduled initially, but since topo6 has higher priority than topo5
// topo5 will be evicted so that topo6 can be scheduled
topologies = addTopologies(topologies, genTopology("topo-6", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 10, "derek"));
cluster = new Cluster(cluster, topologies);"\n\n\t\tScheduling topos 1,3,4,5,6");
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);"\n\n\t\tDone scheduling...");
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, "topo-1", "topo-3", "topo-4", "topo-6");
assertTopologiesNotScheduled(cluster, "topo-5");
// user jerry submits topo2
topologies = addTopologies(topologies, genTopology("topo-2", config, 1, 0, 1, 0, currentTime - 2, 20, "jerry"));
cluster = new Cluster(cluster, topologies);"\n\n\t\tScheduling topos 1-6");
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);"\n\n\t\tDone scheduling...");
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, "topo-1", "topo-3", "topo-4", "topo-6");
assertTopologiesNotScheduled(cluster, "topo-2", "topo-5");